32 research outputs found
Preliminarno istraživanje bisfenola A u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari u Kaštelanskom zaljevu (Jadransko more, Hrvatska)
The occurrence, seasonal and vertical distribution of bisphenol A (BPA) was investigated in the sediments and suspended matter sampled in Kaštela Bay, Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Granulometric
composition of sediment and organic matter (OM) in sediments and suspended matter were also examined. BPA was detected in all samples of sediments and suspended matter. Concentration of BPA in sediment ranged from 5.32 μg kg-1
to 15.52 μg kg-1, while in suspended matter BPA ranged from4.66 μg kg-1 to 103.06 μg kg-1. Seasonality in distribution of BPA concentrations in sediment and suspended matter was not found. The most abundant grain size fractions in sediment were silt
(64.40±8.63%) and sand (26.97±9.11%) with accordingly determined sediment type as sandy silt.
Average content of OM was 12.01±1.85% and 12.51±1.30%, for sediment and suspended matter, respectively. Monthly distribution of OM content showed higher values during October-March period and lower values during April-September period, while for the suspended matter situation was
opposite. Statistical analysis of obtained data showed no existing significant correlation between concentration of BPA in sediments and suspended matter, or between BPA concentration and OM in sediments and suspended matter.Prisustvo te sezonska i vertikalna raspodjela BPA istraživani su u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari prikupljenima u Kaštelanskom zaljevu, Jadransko more, Hrvatska. U uzorcima je određena koncen
-tracija BPA, granulometrijski sastav sedimenta te sadržaj organske tvari (OM) u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari. BPA je pronađen u svim uzorcima sedimenta i suspendirane tvari, a koncentracije BPA u sedimentu su bile u rasponu od 5.32 μg kg-1do 15.52 μg kg-1, u suspendiranoj tvari od 4.66 μg kg-1 do 103.06 μg kg-1. Nije ustanovljena sezonska raspodjela BPA u uzorcima suspendirane tvari
i sedimenta. Analizom udjela pojedinih veličinskih frakcija sediment je klasificiran kao pjeskoviti silt. Prosječni udio OM u sedimentu je bio 12.01±1.85%, a u suspendiranoj tvari 12.51±1.30%. Veći
udjeli OM zabilježeni su u hladnom razdoblju godine (13.13±1.32%), za razliku od toplog razdoblja kada je prosječni udio OM bio 11.56±0.54%. Raspodjela OM u toplom i hladnom razdoblju
u suspendiranoj tvari bila je suprotna raspodjeli ustanovljenoj za sediment. Statističkom analizom dobivenih rezultata nije ustanovljena značajna korelacija između sadržaja OM u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari i koncentracije BPA
Distribution of bisphenol A in sediments and suspended matter in the Adriatic Sea
Udjeli bisfenola A (BPA) određeni su u sedimentu skupljenom na 35 postaja na Jadranu (kanali, estuarij, zaljevi, otvoreno more i luke) te u suspendiranoj tvari skupljenoj u Kaštelanskom zaljevu u periodu od 1999. do 2014. godine. U sedimentima je određen i granulometrijski sastav te maseni udjeli organske tvari i organskog ugljika. Maseni udjeli BPA su u sedimentu bili u rasponu od 1,05 g kg-1 do 69,99 g kg-1, a u suspendiranoj tvari od 1,84 g kg-1 do 103,06 g kg-1. Najviši maseni udio BPA određen je na postajama izloženim antropogenim utjecajima: u Kaštelanskom zaljevu, u luci Split te u području Bakarskog zaljeva i estuarija Krke. Analizom mjesečne raspodjele udjela BPA utvrđeno je da nema izraženih sezonskih oscilacija udjela BPA u sedimentu kao ni u suspendiranoj tvari. Usporedba rezultata analize BPA u sedimentu kroz duže razdoblje na većini je postaja pokazala porast masenih udjela BPA. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ne nepostoji direktna veza između sitnozrnate frakcije u sedimentu i udjela BPA, kako je bilo pretpostavljeno u hipotezi disertacije, a slijedom uobičajene povezanosti između udjela organske tvari, organskog ugljika, fosfora i frakcije silta ili gline. Razlog je vjerojatno potpuno drukčije porijeklo BPA i kemija BPA u sedimentu koja je bitno različita od ciklusa biogenih elemenata u morskom ekosustavu.BPA mass fractions were determined in the sediments of 35 sites in the Adriatic Sea (channels, bays, open sea and city harbours) as well as in the suspended matter at the Kaštela Bay during 1999 to 2014 period. Sediment granulometric composition and content of organic matter and organic carbon were also analyzed. Mass fractions of BPA in sediments ranged between 1,05 g kg-1 and 69,99 g kg-1, and in suspended matter between 1,84 g kg-1 and 103,06 g kg-1. The highest BPA mass fractions were found in areas under anthropogenic impacts: in Kaštela Bay, Split city harbour, Bakar Bay and Krka River estuary. Monthly analysis of BPA distribution indicated no seasonal oscilations of BPA mass fractions in sediments and suspended matter. Comparison of results of BPA analysis during a longer period indicated an increase in BPA mass fractions in sediments at the majority of sampling sites. The research revealed the lack of a direct link between the fine grain fractions in the sediment and the mass fractions of BPA, as has been assumed in the hypothesis of the dissertation following the usual relationship between the proportion of organic matter, organic carbon, phosphorus and fractions of silt or clay. The reason is probably completely different origin of BPA and its chemistry in the sediment that is significantly different from the cycle of biogenic elements in the marine ecosystem
Extreme value theory in emerging markets
This paper investigates the performance of extreme value theory (EVT) with the daily stock index returns of four different emerging markets. The research covers the sample representing the Serbian (BELEXline), Croatian (CROBEX), Slovenian (SBI20), and Hungarian (BUX) stock indexes using the data from January 2006 - September 2009. In the paper a performance test was carried out for the success of application of the extreme value theory in estimating and forecasting of the tails of daily return distribution of the analyzed stock indexes. Therefore the main goal is to determine whether EVT adequately estimates and forecasts the tails (2.5% and 5% at the tail) of daily stock index return distribution in the emerging markets of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Hungary. The applied methodology during the research includes analysis, synthesis and statistical/mathematical methods. Research results according to estimated Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) parameters indicate the necessity of applying market risk estimation methods, i.e. extreme value theory (EVT) in the framework of a broader analysis of investment processes in emerging markets
El desove de la sardina (Sardina pilchardus) a la luz del análisis del contenido de grasa
Sardine samples from commercial catches obtained by purse seiners operating in Croatian fishing grounds (eastern Adriatic Sea) were collected monthly from March 2017 to February 2018 (excluding January due to a fishing ban). A total of 1085 sardines were analysed. Their total body length and mass ranged from 11.5 to 16.9 cm (mean±SD: 13.9±0.03 cm) and from 11.30 to 54.03 g (mean±SD: 20.31±0.161 g), respectively. Analysis of the length-mass relationship showed positive allometric growth (b=3.3573, r=0.948). Female specimens were predominant (m/f=0.404). According to the monthly gonadosomatic index values, spawning occurred from November to February, which was consistent with previous investigations. The monthly analysis of fat content in the gonads, liver and muscles indicated that the fat content in each studied tissue oscillated seasonally regardless of sex. These alternations were linked to the sardine’s reproductive cycle.Las muestras de sardina de las capturas comerciales obtenidas por los cerqueros que operan en los caladeros croatas (este del mar Adriático) se recogieron mensualmente desde marzo de 2017 hasta febrero de 2018 (excluyendo enero debido a una prohibición de pesca). Se analizaron un total de 1085 sardinas. Su longitud corporal total y masa variaron de 11.5 a 16.9 cm (media±DE: 13.9±0.03 cm) y de 11.30 a 54.03 g (media±DE: 20.31±0.161 g), respectivamente. El análisis de la relación longitud-masa mostró un crecimiento alométrico positivo (b=3.3573, r=0.948). Predominaron los especímenes femeninos (m/f=0.404). De acuerdo con los valores del índice gonadosomático (GSI) mensuales, el desove se produjo de noviembre a febrero, lo cual fue consistente con las investigaciones anteriores. El análisis mensual del contenido de grasa en las gónadas, el hígado y los músculos indicó que el contenido de grasa en cada tejido estudiado oscilaba estacionalmente independientemente del sexo. Estas alternancias estaban vinculadas al ciclo reproductivo de la sardina
The Effect of Selected Herb Extracts on Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different herb extracts on the oxidative stability of hemp, flax, sesame and sunflower seed oils by means of Rancimat test. The dominant phenolic acids in herb extracts were detected by HPLC, while fatty acid profiles of oils, before and after oxidation, were determined by GC-FID. As expected, autoxidation increased the content of saturated fatty acids. The sesame oil showed the longest oxidative stability (3.43 h), while the shortest induction period was obtained for the flax oil. Lemon balm and oregano extracts accelerated the oxidation of hemp and flax oil, while in all other cases the addition of extracts had a positive effect on oil oxidative stability. The best results were obtained for lemon balm extract added to sesame and sunflower oil which resulted with OSI values of 1.33 and 1.48, respectively, while extremely prooxidative activity was obtained for lemon balm extract added to the hemp oil.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Education and entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship development is conditioned by finding a balance between long-term sustainability of the production process of a particular product or service, environmental and social dimensions of development. Improving economic performance, reduce production costs, promotion of innovation and increased market orientation through diversification of economic activities are important for improving the quality of life and better environment.
The attractiveness of certain areas requires the promotion of sustainable
growth and development and the search for new employment opportunities. Entrepreneurship development starts from the point where people are now, with vision and dreams for their future and is based on two things build resources and pooling. The concept of entrepreneurship development is in its infancy. The experience of the European Union designed mostly to policy
development and financial support are the result of a successful economy.
The aim of this research is to find the potential of young people and the
education of entrepreneurs who represent the base of development. One million unemployed, with a tendency to increase this number, clearly indicates that the workforce greatest potential for economic development of Serbia.
For the stature of the workforce, its general education and vocational
training were made huge investments that not only have the opportunity to fully express themselves in increasing production and labor productivity growth, but the unemployed emerge as consumers and producers who are not. Therefore, unemployed labor is not only the most abundant and untapped production potential of more social troubles of enormous proportions, which does not create a favorable social climate for successful economic development
Assessment of basic life support skills among medical doctors and technicians in Belgrade emergency medical services
Objective. Our aim was to assess BLS (basic
life support) skills among medical doctors
(MDs) and medical technicians (MTs) who
work at Belgrade Emergency Medical Services
Methods. A prospective study was conducted
between 28 September and 9 December,
2016. MDs (Group 1) and MTs
(Group 2) attended an accredited course
in BLS at BEMS. At the end of the course
the participants were given a written test
consisting of 20 questions (pass rate 65%).
Te results were analyzed for each group
i.e. profession (Group 1 and Group 2) according
to the number of accurate and inaccurate
answers to each question. In the
end, a number of participants from each
group, who answered all 20 questions correctly,
were identifed. Te results obtained,
by test analysis, demonstrated the participants’
acquired BLS skills.
Results. Te study involved 100 participants
(50 in each group). All participants
from Group 1 correctly answered questions
number 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 17 and 20. In Group
1 only two participants had three incorrect
answers in the test. Te largest number of
incorrect answers was related to question
number 16. Tirty-four participants in this
group answered all questions correctly. All
participants from Group 2 gave correct answers
to questions number 2, 5, 9, 10 and
13. In Group 2, one participant had six incorrect
answers and one participant had 5
incorrect answers. Te largest number of
incorrect answers was related to questions
number 3 and 20. Nineteen participants
from Group 2 answered all questions correctly.
Te rate of correct answers between
Group 1 and Group 2 was 19.66 : 18.91
(0.75 diference).
Conclusion. Te research showed a satisfactory
level of knowledge in both groups.
However, there is a statistically signifcant
diference in the knowledge of MDs afer
the BLS course. Te results obtained justify
the ambitions that all healthcare professionals,
regardless of their qualifcations,
should be trained in applying BLS, both at
work and as eyewitnesses
The application of the Kampala trauma Score for prehospital assessment of severity of injuries and prediction of outcome after severe trauma
Severe trauma is the main cause of mortality and disability in modern society. Emergency medical doctors are usually the first to establish contact with the injured person, and the extent of definitive care largely depends on their correct assessment of the severity of the injury, using an adequate pre-hospital trauma score. Injury severity scores are used to numerically categorize the type and extent of the injury. They represent an important additional instrument, which is used to enable faster triage, the categorization of injury severity, adequate care, treatment, and transport of patients with multiple injuries to the appropriate hospital. They are also important in research. This paper aims to suggest, using several case reports, the possibility of pre-hospital use of the Kampala Trauma Score (KTS) as an easily applicable and very suitable system for monitoring the condition and predicting the outcome of seriously injured patients. The patients were primarily assessed at the pre-hospital level and assigned a certain injury severity score according to the KTS, which later proved to reflect their definitive outcome. It can be concluded that the KTS is an effective scoring system that can be used during initial triage of the seriously injured for categorization of the severity of the injury, prediction of mortality and necessity of hospitalization. The possibility of its potential application during emergency care of the seriously injured, both for differentiating the severity of injuries and for predicting the definitive outcome, is indicated. However, due to the limited number of patients, original research should be conducted on a larger sample
Etiology and the Genetic Basis of Intellectual Disability in the Pediatric Population
Intellectual disability/mental retardation (ID/MR) is defined as incomplete mental and cognitive development present before the age of 18. There are number of pre-natal and post-natal risk factors that can cause ID/MR but25 %-50% of all have genetic causes. In the general population,the prevalence of ID/MR is about 2 %-3%. Use of standard cytogenetic methods analysis of chromosomes (GTG banding) and FISH (Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization) reveals only a small number of causes, but when usingnew molecular genetics techniques (like chromosomal microarray and next generation sequencing), the rate of causes of ID/MR is increasedand new candidate genes for ID/MR have been discovered. Establishing a diagnosis of ID/MR is important for the patient and it provides genetic counseling for parents
GRAMON Database: Ten Years of Beryllium-7 Specific Activity Measurements
U radu je predstavljena novoformirana baza podataka GRAMON (Ground Air Radioactivity Monitoring) koja sadrži rezultate merenja radioaktivnosti u vazduhu na sedam lokacija: Beograd (Srbija), Ljubljana i Krško (Slovenija), Sarajevo (Bosna i Hercegovina), Podgorica (Crna Gora), Skoplje i Bitola (Severna Makedonija). Iz baze su za sve lokacije preuzete mesečne vrednosti specifične aktivnosti prirodnog radionuklida berilijuma-7 i potom analizirani deskriptivni statistički parametri od januara 2010. do decembra 2019. godine. Srednje vrednosti specifične aktivnosti berilijuma-7 tokom ovog perioda kreću se od 3,32 mBq/m3 u Sarajevu do 5,93 mBq/m3 u Beogradu. Koeficijent varijacije najmanji je za Krško (37,7%) i Sarajevo (38,6%), a najveći za Beograd (54,8%) i Bitolu (72,4%). Ipak, 3σ-opsezi svih sedam vremenskih serija se preklapaju. U daljoj statističkoj analizi biće ispitano da li među ovim vremenskim serijama postoje značajne razlike.This paper presents a recently established Ground Air Radioactivity Monitoring (GRAMON) database that contains the results of radioactivity measurements in the air at seven locations: Belgrade (Serbia), Ljubljana and Krško (Slovenia), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Podgorica (Montenegro), Skopje and Bitola (North Macedonia). Monthly values of specific activity of the natural radionuclide beryllium-7 were selected from the database and descriptive statistical parameters were analyzed for each location from January 2010 to December 2019. The mean values of the specific activity of beryllium-7 over this period range from 3.32 mBq/m3 in Sarajevo to 5.93 mBq/m3 in Belgrade. The coefficient of variation is the least for Krško (37.7%) and Sarajevo (38.6%), and the largest for Belgrade (54.8%) and Bitola (72.4%). Still, the 3σ-intervals of all seven time series overlap. Further statistical analysis will investigate whether there are any significant differences among these time series.XXXII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602