8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Applying With Immunocytophyte on the Content and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Common Basil of ‘Trakia’ Cultivar

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    The aim of the study was to establish the effect of the leaf treatments with Immunocytophyte on the content, yield and chemical composition of the essential oil distilled from dry leaf and stems biomass and flower spikes of common basil, ‘Trakia’ cultivar. The experiment was carried out in the period 2014-2016 on the Training-and-Experimental fields of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv, set by the block plot design in four replications, the plot size being 20 m2. The following variants were studied: 1) Control; 2) 0.5 tablet per 50 m2, 3) 1 tablet per 50 m2, 4) 1.5 tablet per 50 m2, applied three times during the vegetation period before flowering of the second-order branches after basic fertilization with 16 kg/da of nitrogen (applied three times) and irrigation to 80-100% of water holding capacity. The results showed that the application of Immunocytophyte had a negative effect on the essential oil content. Nevertheless, higher essential oil yields were obtained in the treated variants thanks to the higher yield of dry matter. The major components of the essential oil distilled from dry leaf and stem biomass and flower spikes are linalool, limonene, methyl chavicol and methyl cinnamate

    Productivity and Quality of Bulgarian Lavender Variaties

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    Bulgarian lavender varieties / Lavandula vera / are well known to the world aromatic, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Specific climatic conditions characterized by cold winters, short springs and hot summers are very favourable for rapid growth and development of lavender plants. Genetic material created under these conditions was demonstrated with varieties: Sevtopolis, Druzhba, Yubileyna, Raya, Hemus, Hebаr and Karlovo, the potential of which in the form of the amount of harvested flowers varies from 560 to 690 kg / da in that with high content of essential oil in the range of 1.9 to 2.6 percent. Bulgarian lavender oil is high quality and is in direct competition with French oil

    Ефект на дата на изкласяване върху варирането на основни компоненти на продуктивността на зимна пшеница

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    Ear emergence time (EED) in winter wheat directly affects its ability to adapt. Its change affects the grain yield similar to its components. The aim of the study was to analyze whether the change of date of ear heading has an effect on the elements of productivity and grain yield in contrast to the growing environments. Data were collected for analysis of test 30 varieties of winter wheat in the 4-years period in five locations of the country. The performance of individual traits is estimated by different statistical approaches to study the most detailed correlationships between them. The variation of the characteristics in terms of experience in these conditions characterized by contrast. Under normal and accidental changing growing conditions, resulting in season points and testing found positive influence on later date ear heading on the yield of grain. Between the EED and components of productivity there are positive correlations that are reliable even against the contrasting conditions. Changing this trait reflects fairly heavily on the characters associated with the number of grains in spike and per unit area, too. Characters that directly determine the level of productivity in winter wheat are strongly influenced by environmental conditions and genetics of participating in the experiment varieties.Признакът дата на изкласяване (EED) на зимната пшеница пряко влияе върху нейната способност да се адаптира. Промяната му влияе на добива на зърното, подобно на неговите компоненти. Целта на изследването беше да се анализира дали промяната на датата на изкласяване влияе върху елементите на продуктивността и добива на зърно в контрастни условия за отглеждане. Данните са събрани за анализ и включват 30 сорта зимна пшеница, проучвани през четиригодишен период в пет пункта на страната. Проявата на всеки един признак е оценяван чрез различни статистически подходи за изследване на корелационните връзки между тях. Варирането на признаците по отношение на изследваните условия се характеризира с контрастни стойности. При нормални и случайни променящи се условия на отглеждане, в резултат на сезонните промени се установява положително влияние на по-късната дата на изкласяване върху добива на зърно. Между признака ЕЕD и компонентите на продуктивността има положителни корелации, които са надеждно доказани дори при контрастните условия на средата. Промяната на тази признак се отразява доста силно на признаците, свързани с броя на зърната в клас и на единица площ. Признаците, които пряко определят нивото на продуктивност при зимната пшеница, са силно повлияни от условията на околната среда и генетиката на участващите в експеримента сортове

    Environment- and Genotype-Dependent Stability in the Common Wheat Grain Quality (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the stability of common wheat varieties in four locations with proven different environmental conditions. Three indexes of grain quality were studied%253A wet gluten content, (WGC)%253B gluten index of grain (GI) and grain sedimentation value (Zeleny). The stability of varieties has been evaluated by many parameters that reflect different aspects of the complete picture for it. The indexes studied are strongly influenced by environmental conditions. The most genetically stable among them is the gluten index (GI), where the genotype has a decisive role of about 70%25 of the variation, and the most unstable is the wet gluten content (WGC), with only 17%25 of the effect. As a result of reliable GE, the ranking of the varieties according to the performance of each of the indexes is different in the individual locations. The ranking of varieties in terms of stability according to the ranks of each of the parameters is very different. Even a visual representation of the results, which clears the picture to the maximum extent, shows a different set of stable varieties in each of the quality indexes. Only a few of the varieties (G2, G6, G9, G13, G18, G20, G22) have a good balance between the size and stability of all quality parameters, with a moderate compromise with the grain yield level. The assessment of the stability of the variety in terms of quality can be made according to any of the indexes used. The stability of the variety depends to a large extent on the effect of the environment, which must be considered when selecting a specific index for assessment. The most suitable for this purpose is the gluten index (GI), where the influence of genotype is the strongest, with a significant GE interaction accounting for 25%25 of all variation. The stability of the variety does not depend on the magnitude of the quality indexes. Stable can be both quality (G2, G6) and varieties with very low grain quality (G18, G20, G22). Stability of quality, at high levels of indexes, is associated with low grain yield and vice versa. From this point of view, combining high yield stability and grain quality at the highest possible levels is a very rare exception (G2, G9)

    Genotype selection for grain yield and quality based on multiple traits of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the possibilities of integrated evaluation of the variety by taking into account its yield and grain quality in multi-environmental trails. The most important as breeding criteria parameters for grain quality are analyzed as follows: deformation energy, test weight, gluten index, grain protein content, wet gluten content in grain, alveograph curve configuration ratio, extensibility index and falling number. A new methodology signed as “GY * parameter” is used to evaluate each of the varieties studied, based on the relationship of its grain yield with important quality parameters, by measuring their variation in different environmental conditions. The values of GY * parameter are subjected to the same regularities as those of the parameters themselves. They retain differences between varieties similar to simple parameter means. The G * E interaction in this study is mainly due to the “variety” and “location” factors. Essentially, environments are the cause of a highly nonlinear interaction because the PCA has four significant components. The assessment of the variety by GY * parameters, as ordinary traits, is quite possible and when the main focus is the quality. Applying the various approaches to standardizing values, by taking into account the level and variance of all GY * parameters, ultimately turns out to be an effective tool for variety ranking. It is the result of all possible aspects of grain quality, which provides extensive information on the value of each variety to the background of others