18 research outputs found

    The role of the 4PL Model in a contemporary supply chain

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of a fourth-party logistics provider and to identify his functions and importance for an organization. Although the concept of fourth-party logistics provider is present in academic researches for a relatively long time, it still remains underestimated. The paper presents a conceptual model that is based on the research of fourth-party logistics provider within the exsisting theorethical and empirical literature. The results have shown that fourth-party logistics provider is not incorporated enough into contemporary supply chain solutions, although a growing demand for it is evident. Future research may be broadened by implementing both qualitative and quantitative approach to evaluate the impact of fourth-party logistics provider on a business performance distinguishing among industries. This paper provides a knowledge-based conceptual framework to understand the value of fourth-party logistics provider inclusion in an organisation supply chain

    The role of the 4PL Model in a contemporary supply chain

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of a fourth-party logistics provider and to identify his functions and importance for an organization. Although the concept of fourth-party logistics provider is present in academic researches for a relatively long time, it still remains underestimated. The paper presents a conceptual model that is based on the research of fourth-party logistics provider within the exsisting theorethical and empirical literature. The results have shown that fourth-party logistics provider is not incorporated enough into contemporary supply chain solutions, although a growing demand for it is evident. Future research may be broadened by implementing both qualitative and quantitative approach to evaluate the impact of fourth-party logistics provider on a business performance distinguishing among industries. This paper provides a knowledge-based conceptual framework to understand the value of fourth-party logistics provider inclusion in an organisation supply chain

    Stabla odlučivanja ne lažu: Zanimljivosti o sklonostima hrvatskih online potrošača

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    Understanding consumers’ preferences has always been important for economic theory and for business practitioners in operations management, supply chain management, marketing, etc. While preferences are often considered stable in simplified theoretical modelling, this is not the case in real-world decision-making. Therefore, it is crucial to understand consumers’ preferences when a market disruption occurs. This research aims to recognise consumers’ preferences with respect to online shopping after the COVID-19 outbreak hit markets. To this purpose, we conducted an empirical study among Croatian consumers with prior experience in online shopping using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 350 respondents who met the criteria. We selected decision-tree models using the J48 algorithm to determine the influences of the found shopping factors and demographic characteristics on a consumer’s preference indicator. The main components of our indicators that influence consumer behaviour are the stimulators and destimulators of online shopping and the importance of social incidence. Our results show significant differences between men and women, with men tending to use fewer variables to make decisions. In addition, the analysis revealed that four product groups and a range of shopping mode-specific influencing factors are required to evaluate consumers’ purchase points when constructing the consumers’ preference indicator.Razumijevanje preferencija potrošača uvijek je bilo važno kako za ekonomsku teoriju, tako i za operacijski menadžment, upravljanje lancem opskrbe, marketing i druge poslovne aktivnosti. Iako se preferencije u teorijskom modeliranju često smatraju stabilnima, to nije slučaj u donošenju odluka u stvarnom svijetu. Zbog toga je preferencije potrošača potrebno dobro razumjeti, a to posebno vrijedi u okolnostima kada dolazi do poremećaja na tržištu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bolje je razumijevanje preferencija potrošača u internet kupovini nakon što su tržišta bila pogođena pandemijom COVID-19. U tu svrhu, provedeno je anketno istraživanje među hrvatskim potrošačima s prethodnim iskustvom u internet kupovini. Upitnik je bio aktivan od svibnja do rujna 2022. godine, a ispunilo ga je 350 ispitanika. S ciljem ustanovljavanja utjecaja analiziranih čimbenika kupovine i demografskih karakteristika potrošača na ponašanje potrošača, korišteni su modeli stabla odlučivanja uz pomoć tri klasifikacijska algoritma. Od tri odabrana algoritma, algoritam J48 je na testnim podacima pokazao najveću stopu točnosti u klasifikaciji. Glavne komponente pokazatelja koji utječu na ponašanje potrošača u ovom istraživanju su stimulatori i destimulatori internet kupovine, a zatim i važnost društvene incidencije. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na značajne razlike u potrošačkim navikama između muškaraca i žena, pri čemu muškarci koriste manje varijabli pri donošenju odluka. Osim toga, analiza donošenja odluka pokazala je razlike i prema nizu drugih demografskih čimbenika te razlike kod kupnje različitih grupa proizvoda

    The role of the 4PL Model in a contemporary supply chain

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of a fourth-party logistics provider and to identify his functions and importance for an organization. Although the concept of fourth-party logistics provider is present in academic researches for a relatively long time, it still remains underestimated. The paper presents a conceptual model that is based on the research of fourth-party logistics provider within the exsisting theorethical and empirical literature. The results have shown that fourth-party logistics provider is not incorporated enough into contemporary supply chain solutions, although a growing demand for it is evident. Future research may be broadened by implementing both qualitative and quantitative approach to evaluate the impact of fourth-party logistics provider on a business performance distinguishing among industries. This paper provides a knowledge-based conceptual framework to understand the value of fourth-party logistics provider inclusion in an organisation supply chain

    Družbeni in ekonomski pomen športa

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    Important characteristics on 4LP logistics providers

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    Globalizacija, nagli razvoj informacijskih tehnologija i konstantno ulaganje u ljudske resurse već duži niz godina obilježava kretanja u globalnoj ekonomiji. Logističko tržište nije izuzetak, te se i ovdje događaju nagle promjene koje su najbolje predočene evolucijom klasičnih špeditera u suvremene logističke operatore koji svojim širokim spektrom usluga pokušavaju ne samo zadovoljiti potrebe svojih klijenata, nego svojim poslovanjem stvoriti temelj za nove konkurentske prednosti istima. Sustavna prilagodba svakom pojedinom klijentu izvor je konkurentske prednosti samih logističkih operatora, a u kombinaciji s novim uslugama koje mogu ponuditi, smjestila ih je među glavne aktere stvaranja uvjeta održivog načina poslovanja cijelog tržišta. Fourth-party logistički operatori (4PL) stasaju na tržištu i nameću se kao najprikladnija opcija u rješavanju problema upravljanja opskrbnim lancima. Usprkos utvrđenim pogodnostima koji sa sobom nose, 4PL logistički operatori nailaze na problem nepovjerenja od strane poslovnih subjekata. Mogući problem ovakve pojave je i nedovoljno upoznatost poslovnih subjekata sa samim konceptom 4PL-a. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti rezultate istraživanja koji bi dali točniju sliku 4PL logističkih operatora, njihovih zadaća i uloga na tržištu. Važno je ukazati na pogodnosti koje donosi poslovna suradnja s 4PL operatorom, koje se u konačnici manifestiraju kroz stvaranje viših standarda roba i usluga u zadovoljenju krajnjih korisnika

    Sports events: dealing with uncertainty

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    The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced many (economic) activities. Sports and sports events are one of the most affected activities - the inability to accurately assess the emergence of future events and frequent changes to the conditions, rules and regulations lead to uncertainty, significantly aggravating event organisation and execution possibilities. Operational and strategic uncertainty has urged sports- and other establishments involved in sports events to conduct prompt analyses and adjustments to sports event organisation, reducing negative influences on desired benefits. Questioning the aim and scope of sports event organisers’ adaptation to uncertain work conditions, and the impact of uncertain conditions on achieving sports events’ desired socio-economic benefits, the research aims to display the types of operationalised transformation to sports events while facing uncertain work conditions and highlight examples of achieving the best results. The analysis of relevant academic and sector reports found that the sports industry faced high losses in future values of projections before the emergence of a crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sports event organisers attempted to transform sports events and associated products and services by incorporating digital, eSports or virtual reality elements to various degrees. The annulation of negative impacts had short-term mixed results. Still, the selfless sharing of knowledge led to a faster-than-projected industry recovery. The industry benefited on multiple levels, developing possibilities through virtualisation and gamification of (pro)sports events, media content diversification, enhancing fan engagement in commercial activities, and establishing new collaboration models amongst industry stakeholders

    Important characteristics on 4LP logistics providers

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    Globalizacija, nagli razvoj informacijskih tehnologija i konstantno ulaganje u ljudske resurse već duži niz godina obilježava kretanja u globalnoj ekonomiji. Logističko tržište nije izuzetak, te se i ovdje događaju nagle promjene koje su najbolje predočene evolucijom klasičnih špeditera u suvremene logističke operatore koji svojim širokim spektrom usluga pokušavaju ne samo zadovoljiti potrebe svojih klijenata, nego svojim poslovanjem stvoriti temelj za nove konkurentske prednosti istima. Sustavna prilagodba svakom pojedinom klijentu izvor je konkurentske prednosti samih logističkih operatora, a u kombinaciji s novim uslugama koje mogu ponuditi, smjestila ih je među glavne aktere stvaranja uvjeta održivog načina poslovanja cijelog tržišta. Fourth-party logistički operatori (4PL) stasaju na tržištu i nameću se kao najprikladnija opcija u rješavanju problema upravljanja opskrbnim lancima. Usprkos utvrđenim pogodnostima koji sa sobom nose, 4PL logistički operatori nailaze na problem nepovjerenja od strane poslovnih subjekata. Mogući problem ovakve pojave je i nedovoljno upoznatost poslovnih subjekata sa samim konceptom 4PL-a. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti rezultate istraživanja koji bi dali točniju sliku 4PL logističkih operatora, njihovih zadaća i uloga na tržištu. Važno je ukazati na pogodnosti koje donosi poslovna suradnja s 4PL operatorom, koje se u konačnici manifestiraju kroz stvaranje viših standarda roba i usluga u zadovoljenju krajnjih korisnika

    Important characteristics on 4LP logistics providers

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    Globalizacija, nagli razvoj informacijskih tehnologija i konstantno ulaganje u ljudske resurse već duži niz godina obilježava kretanja u globalnoj ekonomiji. Logističko tržište nije izuzetak, te se i ovdje događaju nagle promjene koje su najbolje predočene evolucijom klasičnih špeditera u suvremene logističke operatore koji svojim širokim spektrom usluga pokušavaju ne samo zadovoljiti potrebe svojih klijenata, nego svojim poslovanjem stvoriti temelj za nove konkurentske prednosti istima. Sustavna prilagodba svakom pojedinom klijentu izvor je konkurentske prednosti samih logističkih operatora, a u kombinaciji s novim uslugama koje mogu ponuditi, smjestila ih je među glavne aktere stvaranja uvjeta održivog načina poslovanja cijelog tržišta. Fourth-party logistički operatori (4PL) stasaju na tržištu i nameću se kao najprikladnija opcija u rješavanju problema upravljanja opskrbnim lancima. Usprkos utvrđenim pogodnostima koji sa sobom nose, 4PL logistički operatori nailaze na problem nepovjerenja od strane poslovnih subjekata. Mogući problem ovakve pojave je i nedovoljno upoznatost poslovnih subjekata sa samim konceptom 4PL-a. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti rezultate istraživanja koji bi dali točniju sliku 4PL logističkih operatora, njihovih zadaća i uloga na tržištu. Važno je ukazati na pogodnosti koje donosi poslovna suradnja s 4PL operatorom, koje se u konačnici manifestiraju kroz stvaranje viših standarda roba i usluga u zadovoljenju krajnjih korisnika

    The Social and Economic Importance of Sports

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    Sports participation does not produce benefits solely on a personal level but also numerous benefits on different societal levels, as well as the level of economies. The paper represents a contribution to the exploration of factors of individuals influencing regularity in sports participation. A logistic regression model was used based on the data from the Eurobarometer special survey from 2018. According to the findings, middle-aged men are the most likely to regularly participate in sports activities and individuals with active socio-professional status are also more likely to practice regular sports activities than individuals who are passive. The same is true for individuals living in less urbanised areas and those with positive life satisfaction compared to those living in urban areas or those who are not satisfied with their life. The results of our research are important for economic policymakers both at the national and regional levels, as well as at the level of individual municipalities. They facilitate the management of sports activities of individuals but are limited to a smaller number of factors with measurement specifics. Suggestions for further research are also presented