44 research outputs found

    Confocal Raman data analysis enables identifying apoptosis of MCF-7 cells caused by anticancer drug paclitaxel

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    Confocal Raman microscopy is a noninvasive, label-free imaging technique used to study apoptosis of live MCF-7 cells. The images are based on Raman spectra of cells components, and their apoptosis is monitored through diffusion of cytochrome c in cytoplasm. K-mean clustering is used to identify mitochondria in cells, and correlation analysis provides the cytochrome c distribution inside the cells. Our results demonstrate that incubation of cells for 3 h with 10 mu M of paclitaxel does not induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. On the contrary, incubation for 30 min at a higher concentration (100 mu M) of paclitaxel induces gradual release of the cytochrome c into the cytoplasm, indicating cell apoptosis via a caspase independent pathway. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.5.056010

    Improving dental epithelial junction on dental implants with bioengineered peptides

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    Introduction: The functionalization of titanium (Ti) and titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V) implant surfaces via material-specific peptides influence host/biomaterial interaction. The impact of using peptides as molecular linkers between cells and implant material to improve keratinocyte adhesion is reported.Results: The metal binding peptides (MBP-1, MBP-2) SVSVGMKPSPRP and WDPPTLKRPVSP were selected via phage display and combined with laminin-5 or E-cadherin epithelial cell specific peptides (CSP-1, CSP-2) to engineer four metal-cell specific peptides (MCSPs). Single-cell force spectroscopy and cell adhesion experiments were performed to select the most promising candidate. In vivo tests using the dental implant for rats showed that the selected bi functional peptide not only enabled stable cell adhesion on the trans-gingival part of the dental implant but also arrested the unwanted apical migration of epithelial cells.Conclusion: The results demonstrated the outstanding performance of the bioengineered peptide in improving epithelial adhesion to Ti based implants and pointed towards promising new opportunities for applications in clinical practice

    Investigation of the in vitro photocatalytic antibacterial activity of nanocrystalline TiO2 and coupled TiO2/Ag containing copolymer on the surface of medical grade titanium

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    Antibacterial surfaces have been in the focus of research for years, driven by an unmet clinical need to manage an increasing incidence of implant-associated infections. The use of silver has become a topic of interest because of its proven broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and track record as a coating agent of soft tissue implants and catheters. However, for the time being, the translation of these technological achievements for the improvement of the antibacterial property of hard tissue titanium (Ti) implants remains unsolved. In our study, we focused on the investigation of the photocatalysis mediated antibacterial activity of silver (Ag), and Ti nanoparticles instead of their pharmacological effects. We found that the photosensitisation of commercially pure titanium discs by coating them with an acrylate-based copolymer that embeds coupled Ag/Ti nanoparticles can initiate the photocatalytic decomposition of adsorbed S. salivarius after the irradiation with an ordinary visible light source. The clinical isolate of S. salivarius was characterised with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, while the multiplication of the bacteria on the surface of the discs was followed-up by MTT assay. Concerning practical relevance, the infected implant surfaces can be made accessible and irradiated by dental curing units with LED and plasma arc light sources, our research suggests that photocatalytic copolymer coating films may offer a promising solution for the improvement of the antibacterial properties of dental implants

    Improving dental epithelial junction on dental implants with bioengineered peptides

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    Introduction: The functionalization of titanium (Ti) and titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V) implant surfaces via material-specific peptides influence host/biomaterial interaction. The impact of using peptides as molecular linkers between cells and implant material to improve keratinocyte adhesion is reported.Results: The metal binding peptides (MBP-1, MBP-2) SVSVGMKPSPRP and WDPPTLKRPVSP were selected via phage display and combined with laminin-5 or E-cadherin epithelial cell specific peptides (CSP-1, CSP-2) to engineer four metal-cell specific peptides (MCSPs). Single-cell force spectroscopy and cell adhesion experiments were performed to select the most promising candidate. In vivo tests using the dental implant for rats showed that the selected bi functional peptide not only enabled stable cell adhesion on the trans-gingival part of the dental implant but also arrested the unwanted apical migration of epithelial cells.Conclusion: The results demonstrated the outstanding performance of the bioengineered peptide in improving epithelial adhesion to Ti based implants and pointed towards promising new opportunities for applications in clinical practice

    Fonctionnalisation de biomatériaux : peptides bi-fonctionnels et films de polyélectrolytes

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    Cette thèse concerne la fonctionnalisation des biomatériaux, le titane et l'alliage de titane Ti6Al4V ainsi que le PEEK (Poly-Éther-Éther-Ketone) pour l'application de ces biomatériaux dans les domaines de l'implantologie dentaire et de la reconstruction maxillo-faciale. Au cours de la première partie de ce travail nous avons synthétisé quatre peptides bi-fonctionnels avec une grande affinité pour la surface implantaire de Ti et de Ti6Al4V et également pour les kératinocytes oraux. La spectroscopie de force de la cellule unique (Single Cell Force Spectroscopy - AFM) a été utilisée pour étudier l'adhésion d'une cellule sur les surfaces fonctionnalisées par les quatre peptides bi-fonctionnels. A l'aide du test colorimétrique de para-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) on a démontré l'adhésion des kératynocytes après 4 heures d'incubation sur les surfaces fonctionnalisées avec les peptides bi-fonctionnels. Les résultats de ces études ont démontré la présence d'un peptide bi-fonctionnel qui augmente l'adhésion cellulaire instantanée et l'adhésion 4h après incubation des kératinocytes oraux sur les métaux. Ce peptide résiste à l'influence de facteurs externes tels que l'adsorption d'albumine et représente une proposition prometteuse pour la fonctionnalisation de l'implant de Ti et de Ti6Al4V. La deuxième partie de notre mémoire de thèse décrit une méthode de dépôt par spray des films des multicouches de PLL/PGA (poly-l-lysine/acide polyglutamique), des protéines et des cellules souches pulpaires. Les outils de spray d'usage unique ont été adaptés aux exigences de la bonne pratique de fabrication (GMP - good manufacturing practice). Les premiers tests de prolifération cellulaire ont démontré qu'elle n'a pas été affectée par le spray. L'étude en AFM a démontré que la rugosité et l'épaisseur du film augmentaient exponentiellement avec l'augmentation du nombre des couches déposées. Le traitement physique par UV rayonnement ainsi que le traitement par la déshydratation et la réhydratation des films ont provoqué des changements dans l'épaisseur, l'élasticité et la dureté des films. Le dépôt des protéines sur les MPEs a aussi augmenté l'épaisseur et a influencé la dureté de la surface. Les changements chimiques de la structure des MPEs après le traitement physique et après le dépôt des protéines naturelles ont été étudiés par la spectroscopie Raman. La prolifération cellulaire au 1er, 3e et 8e jours après leur spray sur des films de MPEs et des protéines a été ensuite évaluée. Les MPEs traitées par UV combiné avec déshydratation/réhydratation ainsi que les PEMs couvertes par protéine - CaP ont entrainé une meilleure adhésion et prolifération cellulaires que les MPEs non-traitées. Finalement la méthode de dépôt par spray des MPEs, protéines et aussi des cellules souches pulpaires a été appliquée sur la surface de PEEK. La meilleure prolifération cellulaire au 8e jour après le spray était sur la surface couverte par le film de (PLL-PGA)5-protéine/CaP. Une étude in vitro sur le degré de minéralisation au 21e jour après l'incubation des cellules pulpaire dans un milieu ostéconductuer sur des différentes (MPEs couvertes-PEEK) surfaces a été effectuée. Les résultats de la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB), microscopie électronique à transmission (MET), combiné avec des études histologiques ont confirmé la formation d'une matrice extracellulaire minéralisée des autour des cellules pulpaires sur la surface de PEEK. Conclusions: Dans ce travail nous avons décrit une nouvelle approche de fonctionnalisation des surfaces de Ti and Ti6Al4V par des peptides bi-fonctionnels en proposant une séquence prometteuse qui augmente l'adhésion des kératinocytes oraux. Ensuite nous avons développé une méthode de fonctionnalisation de la surface de PEEK par des multicouches de polyeléctrolytes, des protéines naturelles et des cellules souches de la pulpe dentaire. La différentiation ostéoblastique in vitro a été finalement évaluée.The objective of this thesis was to develop new techniques of surface functionalization of titanium; titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) and PEEK (poly-ether-ether ketone) surfaces for their application on dental implantology and maxillofacial surgery. During the first part of the thesis we have synthesized four metal binding-cell specific peptides (MCSPs) with high affinity to titanium surface and to oral keratinocytes cells. Single Cell Force Spectroscopy (AFM) was used to study the instantaneous cell adhesion force of keratinicyte cell on MCSPs functionalized surfaces. The colorimetric para-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) essay demonstrates the surface cell adhesion four hours after incubation. The results demonstrate the presence of one bi-functional peptide (MCSP-2) who increases both: the instantaneous and the 4 h cell adhesions. MCSP-2 resist to the influence of external factors like BSA adsorption and could be an interesting candidate for implant surface functionalisation. In the second part of the thesis we have developed a spray deposition method of polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) films build. PLL/PGA (poly-l-lysine/poly-glutamic acid) and proteins were used for surface coating. Consequently dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) are sprayed on the PEM films. The aims were to improve a spray -method for cells and the polyelectrolytes deposition on the PEEK implant. The entire spray device was designed for single use, which correspond to good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions. Cell proliferation in 24 hours after spraying was not disturbed by the spray. Physicochemical properties of PEMs deposited by spray on glass surfaces were performed by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and by contact angle measurements. The results have demonstrated the changes in films thickness and films roughness with increasing numbers of layers corresponding to exponential growth of the films. Physical treatment by UV irradiation and drying-wetting process affects the film thickness and the film elasticity and increases the stiffness of the film. The deposition of protein-CaP and collagen coatings on PEM films increased the layer thickness and influenced the hardness of the surface. Chemical changes in the polyelectrolyte structure during the physical treatment and after proteins deposition were studied by Raman spectroscopy. Cell proliferation of the pulp cells at 1st, 3th and 8th days after pulp cells deposition on PEMs coated glass surfaces, was then evaluated. The results demonstrated that 10 UV/ dray/wetted films and the natural proteins coated films enhanced cell adhesion and cell proliferation. The protein-CaP PEMs covered surface creates the best microenvironment to ensure the cell behavior. Finally PEM films coatings are applied on PEEK implant surface. The AFM study shows the changes of homogeneity and roughness of this surface after PEM film deposition. Contact angle measurement demonstrates decreases of surface hydrophobicity. Cell proliferation of dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) on (PLL-PGA)5-protein/CaP coated PEEK surface was highest compared to other functionalized surfaces. In vitro study of DPSCs osteogenic differentiation was evaluated by the degree of mineralization of the extracellular matrix on the PEEK surface at 21st day after cell incubation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) combined with histological studies improved the formation of mineralized extracellular matrix and confirmed the osteogenic differentiation of DPSCs on the PEMs coated PEEK surface. Conclusions: In this work we validated the method of Ti and Ti6Al4V functionalization with bi-functional peptides. One peptide that could increase the epithelial cell adhesion to the surface was proposed. Spray deposition technics of PEMs, protein and pulp stem cells were applied for PEEK implant functionalization. Finally we evaluated the differentiation of dental pulp stem cells on the PEEK surface in vitro

    Diagnostic de la carie dentaire (Étude in vitro sur l'origine de la fluorescence)

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    Le diagnostic des caries dentaires est un acte que le chirurgien dentiste pratique quotidiennement. Il dispose pour cela de moyens dits "conventionnels" mais également de nouveaux moyens, fruits de nouvelles technologies. Dans un premier temps, nous avons défini la carie dentaire ainsi que son etiopathogénie et son histologie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les moyens de diagnostic conventionnels puis récents. Enfin, nous avon réalisé une étude in vitro afin de mieux comprendre l'origine de la fluorescence utilisée dans les nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic.Dental caries diagnostic is an usual procedure for each dental practicioner. All clinicians have different methods to caries diagnostics: some called "conventionnal", but also new systems due to novel technologies. In the first part of this thesis, we described the ethiology and pathology of dental caries and we made a review of the methods and systems of tooth caries diagnostics. In the second part, we presented the results of in vitro investigation in origin of dentin fluorescence and the changes of this fluorescence with the tooth caries development.MONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Odontologie (341722110) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Experimental study of a helicopter rotor model in hover

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    This paper presents the results from an experimental study of the aerodynamic performance and efficiency of a model helicopter rotor in steady hover at Reynolds numbers below 70000. Results are shown for a two-, three- and four-bladed rotor configuration for various pitch angles and speeds of rotation. The influence of the rotor solidity on the aerodynamic efficiency in terms of the Figure of Merit is highlighted. The profile drag component is evaluated as a function of the Reynolds number. The internal friction losses of the test stand are estimated and taken into account in all measurements. A brief description of the designed test stand is provided. The experimental setup allows for the measurement of thrust and torque of helicopter rotors with diameters of up to 1 meter, for pitch angles varying from -12° to +24° and for rotational speeds of up to 3000 RPM. Conclusions are drawn about the aerodynamic performance and efficiency of the studied rotor configurations. This experimental study provided a significant database, which will serve for validation purposes

    Studying the wake contraction of the flow-field of a rotor in hover

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    This article presents a comparative study of three numerical algorithms for computation of the flow-field of a rotor in hover and the net static thrust that is produced. The flow-field is induced by a series of vortex rings, modelling the near wake of the hovering rotor and a single semi-infinite vortex cylinder, accounting for the velocity deficit in the far wake. All three models are based on the vortex theory and differ in the choice of the numerical scheme for the estimation of the exact position of the vortex rings, emitted at the tips of the blades of the rotor. Thus, the numerical models perform a real-time simulation of the propagation of the vortex rings in the downwash. The first model uses an Euler-predictor scheme, while the second and third models use respectively first and second order predictor-corrector schemes. The aim of the study is to assess the rapidity and accuracy of each algorithm. For that purpose, the numerical results are compared with the experimental data, obtained from a wind tunnel test of the model rotor. The best results in terms of computational speed and accuracy are obtained with the use of Adams-Bashforth predictor-corrector scheme of second order