83 research outputs found

    Rare and Threatened plants of the island of Pag

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    Rijetka i ugrožena vaskularna flora otoka Paga analizirana je s obzirom na primjenu kategorija ugroženosti iz 1994. i 2005. godine. S obzirom na katego-rizaciju ugroženosti iz 2005. godine, za otok Pag zabilježene su 33 vrste i pod-vrste ugroženih biljaka. Od 33 svojte (vrste i podvrste), osam je kritično ugrože-no (CR), sedam je ugroženo (EN), a 18 svojti pripada kategoriji osjetljivih (VU).Rare and threatened vascular plants of the island of Pag were analysed according to 1994 and 2005 Red Books. Based on 2005 Red Book, the flora of the island of Pag includes 33 treatened taxa (species and subspecies). Eight of them are critically endangered (CR), seven are in the endangered category (EN) and 18 taxa belong to the vulnerable category (VU)

    Strojno učenje u nastavi informatike u prirodoslovnim gimnazijama

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    Svrha ovog diplomskog rada je stvaranje osnova za uvođenje elemenata strojnog učenja u srednjoÅ”kolsko obrazovanje. U danaÅ”nje doba strojno učenje se univerzalno koristi u gotovo svim sferama života. Od reklamiranja, prepoznavanja glasa, procjene vrijednosti nekretnina, analize podataka pa do određivanja dijagnoze pacijenta i arhitekture. Zbog naglog razvoja interneta i tehnologije kao i najave interneta stvari važno je učenike upoznati sa modernim primjenama računala. U danaÅ”njem obrazovanju se naglasak stavlja na cjeloživotno učenje i na vjeÅ”tinu učenja kako učiti da se ostvari cjeloživotno učenje. Strojno učenje u sebi sadrži osnovne principe učenja i zbog toga je dobro za razvijanje vjeÅ”tine učenja kako učiti. Ono također predstavlja jedan multidisciplinaran pristup koji u sebi koristi i objedinjuje spoznaje psihologije, matematike i računalnih znanosti. Strojno učenje može služiti kao dobar primjer primjene apstraktnog matematičkog znanja na stvarne probleme. Zbog svih navedenih razloga, smatram da se strojno učenje treba uvesti kao dio nastave u Å”kolama. U ovom radu sam naveo osnovnu podjelu strojnog učenja na nadzirano, nenadzirano u podržano učenje. Naveo sam neke od algoritama koji se koriste u strojnom učenju i detaljnije obradio algoritme: stablo odlučivanja, linearna regresija i naivni Bayes. Za svaki navedeni algoritam dao sam i jedno moguće rjeÅ”enje za njegovu implementaciju u programskom jeziku Python. Pred kraj rada sam naveo primjene strojnog učenja u svakodnevnici kao i neke događaje iz popularne kulture vezane na tu temu.The purpose of this masterā€™s thesis is creating a foundation for the introduction of some elements of machine learning into secondary education. In todayā€™s age, machine learning is universally used in almost all aspects of life. From advertisement, voice recognition, value estimate of real estate, data analysis to determining patient diagnosis and architecture. Because of the rapid development of internet and technology and the announcement of internet of things it is important to familiarize students with the modern use of computers. In todayā€™s education thereā€™s an emphasis on lifelong learning and the skill of learning how to learn to achieve lifelong learning. Machine learning encompasses basic principles of learning within itself and therefor is a good way to develop the skill of learning how to learn. It also represents a multidisciplinary approach which uses and encompasses the knowledge of psychology, mathematics and computer science. Machine learning can be used as a good example of applied abstract mathematical knowledge on real life problems. Because of everything mentioned, it is my opinion that machine learning should be introduced into classes at schools. In this thesis I have made a basic separation of machine learning into supervised, unsupervised and reinforced learning. I have named some algorithms commonly used in machine learning and talked about: decision tree, linear regression and naive Bayes in more detail. For each above mentioned algorithm I gave one possible implementation in the programming language Python. At the end of the thesis I have given examples of the use of machine learning in everyday life as well as a few events from popular culture tied to the subject

    The 2nd Educational Student Journey Student Council of Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb

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    Drugo edukativno putovanje studenata Geodetskog fakulteta SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu trajalo je od 10. do 17. listopada 2016. U sklopu putovanja 49 studenata geodezije posjetilo je tri grada u Njemačkoj i jedan grad u Danskoj.The second educational journey, attended by students of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, lasted from October 10 to October 17, 2016. Forty-nine students visited three cities in Germany and one in Denmark during the journey

    Drugo poučno studentsko putovanje Studentski zbor Geodetskog fakulteta SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu

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    The second educational journey, attended by students of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, lasted from October 10 to October 17, 2016. Forty-nine students visited three cities in Germany and one in Denmark during the journey.Drugo edukativno putovanje studenata Geodetskog fakulteta SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu trajalo je od 10. do 17. listopada 2016. U sklopu putovanja 49 studenata geodezije posjetilo je tri grada u Njemačkoj i jedan grad u Danskoj

    Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial fine needle aspiration (EBUSTBNA): Solitary fibrous tumor of the mediastinum

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    A solitary fibrous tumor is a rare type of mesenchymal neoplasm with a described incidence of 1 new case in a million people a year. It is slowgrowing tumor that can arise almost anywhere in the body, usually with benign characteristics with little or no symptoms, until it grows big enough to cause symptoms of compression. In this case report we presented a patient with a rare case of a mediastinal solitary fibrous tumor

    The Flora of Zečevo (Hvar Archipelago, Croatia)

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    The islet of Zečevo belongs to Hvar Archipelago and it is situated two kilometres north-east of Vrboska on the island of Hvar (Croatia). The area of islet is protected as a Significant landscape. During vegetation periods from 2006 to 2010 a total of 216 vascular plant taxa were recorded. From those, 12 taxa were recorded for Hvar Archipelago for the first time. The taxa were classified within 65 families and 161 genera. The most abundant families are legumes (Fabaceae 13%), daisies (Asteraceae s.l. 9.2%), grasses (Poaceae 8.3%) and mints (Lamiaceae 5.1%). According to the analysis of life forms the largest portion of therophytes (45.4%) and hemicryptophytes (21.3%) were found. Phytogeographical analysis reveals predominance of the Mediterranean fl oral element (63.4%), followed by widespread plants (12.5%) and Euro-Asian floral element (9.7%). Five endemics and five endangered species were recorded, among them three are vulnerable (VU): Ophrys bertolonii Moretti, O. sphegodes Mill., Salsola kali L. and two are endangered (EN): Glaucium flavum Crantz and Carex extensa Gooden. Three rare plant species of Croatian flora: Ophrys liburnica Devillers et Devillers-Tersch, Scaligeria cretica (Mill.) Boiss. and Narcissus serotinus L. were found

    "Blind" interlaminar epidural steroid injections in lumbar spinal stenosis; effective and safe technique in elderly patients

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    Background and purpose: Blind interlaminar epidural steroid injection (BESI) is one of the treatment modalities for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). There are a growing number of elderly patients with LSS. The optimal timing and outcome of BESIs in this population are not well defined, which is the aim of this study. Patients and methods: Thirty patients aged 67Ā±1.5 yrs, with diagnosis of LSS and refractory painwere recruited during year 2010 and followed up for 12months. ā€œBlindā€ epidural in corresponding interspace was performed with 18G Tuohy needle, using loss of resistance. The epidural mixture (10ml) consisted of 80 mg of triamcinolone acetonide and 40mg of lidocaine. Each patient received in total 3 BESIs every 3 weeks (BESI1, BESI2, BESI3). The pain was evaluated with visual analogue scale (VAS) before first BESI (VAS0) and after each treatment (VAS1, VAS2, VAS3). Subjective quality of performing the same physical activity (PA) was evaluated with simple 3-points scale (0 = no change, 1 = slight improvement, 2 = significant improvement). Results: BESI resulted in significant reduction of VAS (VAS0 8.1Ā±0.3, VAS1 5.8Ā±0.2, VAS2 4.9Ā±0.2, VAS3 4.4Ā±0.3; F=87.57, P< 0.001) ā€“ all pair-wise comparisons were significantly different in post-hoc analysis (P<0.001), except VAS2 vs VAS3 having borderline significance (P=0.06). Subjective quality of physical activity significantly improved regarding baseline conditions (BESI1 PA score: 0=1/30,1=7/30, 2=22/30 patients; BESI2 PA score:0=1/30,1=5/30,2=24/30 patients; BESI 3 PA score: 0=4/30, 1=6/30, 2=20/30 patients; c2=3.7, p=0.45). The average duration of successful BESI treatmentwas 6.3Ā±0.8months (range 1ā€“12). There were no reported complications. Conclusions: Blind interlaminar epidural steroid injections (in total 3 injections every 3 weeks) resulted in significant reduction of pain and improvement of physical activity in elderly patients with LSS. It could be regarded as effective and safe procedure in this population
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