47 research outputs found


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    Three mite species of the genus Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) were recorded on wild birds represented by new hosts in Paraguay: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus ex Chlorostilbon lucidus (=aureoventris) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae), Neharpyrhynchus tangara ex Paroaria capitata and P. coronata (Passeriformes: Thraupidae), and Neharpyrhynchus aff. spinus ex Setophaga (=Parula) pitiayumi (Passeriformes: Parulidae). Records from C. aureoventris, P. capitata, P. coronata and P. pitiayumi represent new host-parasite associations. Mites of this genus were recorded in Paraguay for the first time.Dos especies de ácaros del género Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) fueron registrados en aves silvestres del Paraguay: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus ex Chlorostilbon lucidus (=aureoventris) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae), Neharpyrhynchus tangara ex Paroaria capitatay P. coronata (Passeriformers: Thraupidae) y Neharpyrhynchus aff. spinus ex Setophaga =Parula) pitiayumi (Passeriformes: Parulidae). Los registros en C. aureoventris, P. capitata, P. coronata y P. pitiayumi representan nuevas asociaciones huesped - parásito. Los ácaros de este género fueron reportados por primera vez para el Paraguay

    Chewing lice from wild passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) from Vietnam, with description of a new species of genus the Brueelia (Phthiraptera

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    Abstract Seven species of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) were found on six species of passerine birds (Passeriformes) in northern Vietnam. A description and illustrations of Brueelia alophoixi sp. nov. ex Alophoixus pallidus (Pycnonotidae) are given. New host records are: Abroscopus superciliaris (Sylviidae) for Myrsidea sp.; and Orthotomus sutorius (Sylviidae) and Lonchura striata (Estrildidae) for Brueelia spp

    Insight in a behaviour of Central European Red Kites wintering in Italy

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    Migration and over-wintering strategy of raptors can be influenced by many factors such as sex, age and experience of birds, habitat variability and food availability. Based on the telemetry data of nine Red Kites (Milvus milvus), we observed in situ their wintering grounds in southern Italy during winter 2019/2020. Red Kites originated from Austria and the Czech Republic arrived to their wintering grounds from 10th September to 5th December 2019 and departed between 9th February and 7th May 2020. Tagged Kites stayed in their wintering grounds from 73 to 207 days (mean 135±46 SD). These birds occupied home range and the core area from 39 to 9,351 km2 (KDE 95%; mean 3,591±3,460 SD) and 6 to 1,998 km2 (KDE 50%; mean 566±483 SD), respectively. We observed a total of 242 Red Kites at nine communal roost sites (min. = 14, max. = 45 individuals) used by tagged Red Kites. Roosts were situated at an average altitude of 630 m above sea level. Agricultural countryside with small or large fields, small or large forest patches, meadows, pastures, sheep or cattle farms surrounded areas around communal roosts of Red Kites


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    Two mite species of the genus Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) were recorded on wild birds in Peru: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus from Amazilia lacteal, and A. chionogaster (both Apodiformes: Trochilidae) and Neharpyrhynchus tangara from Thraupis episcopus (Passeriformers: Thraupidae). Records from A. chionogaster and T. episcopus represent new hostparasite associations. Mites of this genus were found in Peru for the first time.Dos especies de ácaros del género Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) fueron registrados en aves silvestres del Perú: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus ex Amazilia lactea y A. chionogaster (ambos Apodiformes: Trochilidae) y Neharpyrhynchus tangara ex Thraupis episcopus (Passeriformes: Thraupidae). Los registros en A. chionogaster y T. episcopus representan nuevas asociaciones huesped - parásito. Los ácaros de este género fueron reportados por primera vez para el Perú

    Status crvene lunje Milvus milvus u Hrvatskoj na temelju satelitskog praćenja: prostorno i vremensko pojavljivanje te ponovno gniježđenje

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    Until 2018 the Red Kite was considered a regionally extinct breeding species in Croatia and a rare winter visitor in Eastern Slavonia. This paper provides an overview of the results of a satellite telemetry study of Red Kites tagged in Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. This is the first comprehensive study on the phenology of the species in Croatia. Between September 2014 and October 2018, a total of 39 tagged individuals have been recorded in Croatia and spent a collective total of 1484 days here. Red Kites mainly occurred in Croatia from September to March, while few birds remained here during the summer. Birds nesting in central Europe migrate through Croatia in broad front, appearing in all parts of the country, moving SW to wintering grounds in Italy, while fewer individuals follow the SE direction to Greece. Furthermore, the wintering behaviour of four tagged Red Kites were recorded using communal roosts in the continental part of Croatia. During the early spring of 2018, a female Red Kite tagged in the Czech Republic was suspected of breeding in Eastern Slavonia and later in the season the nesting was confirmed south of the town of Đakovo, even though it was unsuccessful.Crvena lunja nastanjuje otvorena mozaična staništa zapadnog palearktika s najvažnijim gnijezdećim populacijama u Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj, Francuskoj i Španjolskoj. Prema istoku Europe brojnost parova postaje sve manja. U Hrvatskoj se sve do 2018. godine smatrala regionalno izumrlom gnjezdaricom te rijetkom zimovalicom istočne Slavonije i Baranje. Ranije se gnijezdila na istoku Hrvatske, a posljednje gniježđenje je zabilježeno 1968. godine kod Migalovaca. Nakon što je 2014. godine u Austriji, Slovačkoj i Češkoj pokrenut projekt praćenja crvenih lunja pomoću GPS/GSM i GPS/GSM/UHF uređaja, pokazalo se da mnoge od njih zalaze i u Hrvatsku. Ovaj rad daje kratak pregled rezultata dobivenih analizom podataka sa satelitske telemetrije. U razdoblju od rujna 2014. do listopada 2018.g. u Hrvatskoj je zabilježeno 39 različitih crvenih lunja označenih uređajima za praćenje te su ovdje provele sveukupno 1484 dana. Glavni period pojavljivanja crvenih lunja u Hrvatskoj je od rujna do ožujka (s vrhuncem selidbe u listopadu odnosno ožujku), dok se malobrojne ptice ovdje zadržavaju i tijekom ljetnog lutanja. Ptice koje gnijezde u srednjoj Europi kroz Hrvatsku sele u širokom pojasu, pojavljujući se u svim dijelovima zemlje pa čak i na nekim pučinskim otocima, prateći osnovni smjer JJZ do zimovališta u Italiji, dok manji broj jedinki seli u smjeru JI i zimuje u Grčkoj. Između 2014. i 2018. zabilježeno je zimovanje četiri označene crvene lunje u Hrvatskoj (po jedna ptica u Baranji, istočnoj Slavoniji, srednjoj Posavini i Pokupskom bazenu), s dolaskom na zimovališta većinom ulistopadu i odlaskom oko sredine ožujka. Terenski obilasci su pokazali da se tijekom zime crvene lunje u manjim skupinama (3-13 jed.) okupljaju na redovito korištenim noćilištima (šumarci, drvoredi i sl.) te je na dva mjesta utvrđeno zajedničko noćenje s crnim lunjama Milvus migrans. Tijekom ranog proljeća 2018. godine jedna od crvenih lunja zadržavala se u istočnoj Slavoniji južno od Đakova te se sumnjalo na mogući pokušaj gniježđenja. Radilo se o mladoj ženki s uređajem AUKI49 označenoj kao ptić prstenom C144030 tijekom 2016. godine u okolici Břeclava u Češkoj, nakon čega je u dva navrata zimovala u Italiji i redovito selila preko Hrvatske. Obilaskom terena u travnju opaženo je svadbeno ponašanje ženke i mužjaka crvene lunje bez oznake, dok je u svibnju na istom mjestu na rubu šume hrasta i graba pronađeno gnijezdo na hrastu lužnjaku i ženka koja je sjedila u njemu. Početkom lipnja tijekom provjere gnijezda nisu pronađeni mladi, već samo nekoliko pera i jedno napuklo jaje crvene lunje. Mužjak je uočen iznad šume dok je ženka netom prije napustila područje i uputila se prema Češkoj. Na temelju analize uzorka kretanja ženke tijekom proljeća odnosno činjenica utvrđenih terenskim obilascima, pretpostavlja se da se u gnijezdu najmanje jedan ptić uspješno izlegao te da je vjerojatno postao žrtvom predacije. Iako tijekom 2018.godine par crvenih lunja nije othranio nijednog ptića, nedvojbeno je dokazano ponovno gniježđenje vrste nakon 50 godina izostanka. Tijekom zimovanja i gniježđenja u Hrvatskoj crvene lunje su koristile mozaična nizinska poljoprivredna područja s manjim njivama, livadama, drvoredima i šumarcima. Noviji podaci prikupljeni tijekom zimskog prebrojavanja ptica odnosno satelitskim praćenjem ptica iz sjevernijih populacija, pokazali su da je crvena lunja redovita preletnica u čitavoj Hrvatskoj te redovita zimovalica, prvenstveno u istočnoj Slavoniji i Baranji. Gnijezdeća populacija crvene lunje u srednjoj Europi pokazuje blago rastući trend te se u narednim godinama može očekivati eventualni pronalazak novih gnijezdećih parova i u Hrvatskoj

    Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in European brown hares in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria

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    Vzorky sér zajíce hnědého (Lepus europaeus), pocházející z České republiky, Slovenska a Rakouska byly testovány na sérové protilátky proti Neospora caninum enzymovou imunoanalýzou ELISA a na protilátky proti Toxoplasma gondii nepřímou fluorescenční metodou. Celkem 925 vzorků, 280 (30%) a 132 (14%) reagovalo pozitivně na N. caninum resp. T. gondii. Z 333 zajíců z ČR, 129 (39%) a 71 (21%) reagovalo pozitivně na N. caninum N. resp. T. gondii. Z 209 zajíců ze SR, 8 (4%) a 13 (6%) reagovalo pozitivně na N. caninum N. resp. T. gondii. Z 383 zajíců z Rakouska, 143 (37%) a 48 (13%) reagovalo pozitivně na N. caninum resp. T. gondii. Smíšené infekce (souběžný výskyt obou protilátek N. caninum a T. gondii), byl zjištěn u 25 (8%) zajíců z České republiky, u 14 (4%) zajíců z Rakouska a u žádného zajíce ze Slovenska. Je to první zpráva o výskytu protilátek proti N. caninum u zajíců v České republice a v Rakousku.Europeanbrownhares (Lepus europaeus) coming from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria were tested for serum antibodies against Neospora caninum by a competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and for serum antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii by an indirect fluorescent antibody test. In a total of 925 samples, 280 (30%) and 132 (14%) reacted positively for N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. Out of 333 hares in the Czech Republic, 129 (39%) and 71 (21%) reacted positively for N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. Out of 209 hares in Slovakia, 8 (4%) and 13 (6%) reacted positively for N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. Out of 383 hares in Austria, 143 (37%) and 48 (13%) reacted positively for N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. Mixed infection (concurrent presence of both N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies) was found in 25 (8%) hares in the Czech Republic, in 14 (4%) hares in Austria and in none hare in Slovakia. It is the first report of antibodies against Neospora caninum in hares in the Czech Republic and Austri

    Massive infection of a song thrush by Mesocestoides sp. (Cestoda) tetrathyridia that genetically match acephalic metacestodes causing lethal peritoneal larval cestodiasis in domesticated mammals

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    Abstract Background Peritoneal larval cestodiasis induced by Mesocestoides Vaillant, 1863 (Cyclophyllidea: Mesocestoididae) is a common cause of severe infections in domestic dogs and cats, reported also from other mammals and less frequently from birds. However, there is a limited knowledge on the taxonomy of causative agents of this disease. Results In the present study, we investigated a massive, likely lethal, infection of a song thrush Turdus philomelos (Passeriformes: Turdidae) by Mesocestoides sp. tetrathyridia. We performed combined morphological and phylogenetic analysis of the tetrathyridia and compared them with the materials obtained previously from other birds and mammals. The metrical data fitted within the wide range reported by previous authors but confirmed the limited value of morphological data for species identification of tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides spp. The molecular analyses suggested that the isolates represented an unidentified Mesocestoides sp. that was previously repeatedly isolated and sequenced in larval and adult forms from domestic dogs and cats in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. In contrast to the present study, which found encysted tetrathyridia, four of the five previous studies that identified the same species described infections by acephalic metacestodes only. Conclusions The tetrathyridia of the examined Mesocestoides sp. are described in the present study for the first time. However, the possible match with the species that were previously reported to infect birds remains uncertain. The phylogenetic analyses also suggested the rejection of two cases that were previously identified as Mesocestoides corti as they were likely caused by the same species as in the presently reported infection case. The newly provided DNA sequences should allow the assignment to species in the future, when adults of the genus Mesocestoides are more thoroughly sequenced