39 research outputs found

    On the water transport of animals with special reference to Denmark

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    Transport of animals by water is a very old way of transport because it is relatively cheap and safe, with a minimum loss of animals. Waterways have been used for the transport of living animals and various goods from ancient times, for example in Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Later, Vikings were so successful in their conquests because they always had trained horses aboard. It is believed that the colonization of America was possible because Spaniards were also bringing many horses with them. Danish possessions in the Caribbean owe much of their economic success in the period between 1820 and 1920 to permanent supply of cheap mules and other equides from South America. Mules were used for agricultural purposes and for work in sugar-cane mills. In the 20th century, a significant number of animals was transported to German and British colonies in South Africa. During the First and the Second World War, animals were also transported by water; measures were taken to meet the fundamental physiological requireĀ¬ments, and a veterinarian accompanied animals on long voyages. These precautions resulted in minimum transport losses

    Mengerov teorem

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    Production of cylindrical gear with helical teeth

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    U danaÅ”nje vrijeme očituje se veliki napredak i razvoj novih strojeva, bilo za proizvodni pogon ili za neku drugu svrhu. Takvi strojevi sastoje se od manjih dijelova, a jedan od važnijih pokretača su zupčanici. Upravo zbog toga Å”to je izrazito važno da strojevi rade ispravno i pravilno, odnosno da uopće mogu funkcionirati, potrebna je kvalitetna izrada njihovih dijelova, pa tako i zupčanika. Primjena zupčanika je Å”iroka, koriste se u gotovo svim industrijama koje se bave proizvodnjom različitih pokretnih mehanizama. Mogu se naći u automobilima, igračkama, satovima i drugo. Sama veličina zupčanika može biti različita, a samim time postoje i različite metode njihove izrade. Postoji nekoliko vrsta zupčanika koje će biti navedene u ovome radu, dok će naglasak biti na samoj temi, odnosno zupčanicima s kosim zubima. Za zupčanike s kosim, odnosno tzv. helikoidnim zubima karakteristično je to Å”to u jednom stupnju prijenosa mogu ostvariti prijenosni omjer oko 20. Prednost im je relativno jednostavna izrada i neosjetljivost prijenosnog omjera na manje promjene osnog razmaka, jer se profil boka zuba najčeŔće izrađuje u obliku evolvente. ZavrÅ”ni rad sadrži teoretski dio na čijem je početku opis cilindričnih zupčanika s kosim zubima, njihova definicija, prednosti u odnosu na zupčanike s ravnim zubima te primjena u praksi. Nakon toga nalazi se dio s proračunom zupčanika s kosim zubima, koji sadržava izbor materijala, broja zubi zupčanika, načine obrade te dimenzioniranje. Rad zavrÅ”ava poglavljem u kojem su opisane metode i postupci izrade zupčanika. Također su navedeni koraci izrade, od dizajna zupčanika i pripreme materijala, do konačne izrade i zavrÅ”nih radova na već ozubljenim zupčanicima. U suÅ”tini, za svako je poduzeće koje se bavi izradom zupčanika, važno da oni budu vrhunske kvalitete te izrazito dobre čvrstoće, sa Å”to manjom potrebom za zamjenom, odnosno Å”to dužim vremenom trajanja. Također u radu se nalazi nekoliko slika koje pojaÅ”njavaju opisani tekst. Izvori podataka koji su koriÅ”teni su online knjige i izdvojeni članci pisani na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku

    Anatomicus Regius, Geologiae fundator, Servus Dei ā€“ Niels Stensen (1638. ā€“ 1686.)

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    Danska je u 17. stoljeću dala viÅ”e vrijednih priloga prirodnim znanostima kao Å”to su astronomija, fizika, zoologija i anatomija. Jedna od bljeÅ”tavih zvijezda toga doba bio je Niels Stensen (1638. 1686.), anatom, geolog, i na kraju sluga Božji. Njegova anatomska otkrića o žlijezdama, miÅ”ićima i mozgu joÅ” su i danas aktualna, a isto tako i geoloÅ”ka otkrića koja ga svrstavaju među preteče darvinizma. Iz religioznih razloga prelazi na katolicizam pa nije mogao služiti danskome kraljevstvu koje je u to vrijeme bilo pod utjecajem protestantizma pa je morao djelovati u onim sferama koje su bile rimokatoličke. Umro je kao katolički biskup u Schwerinu, Sjeverna Njemačka, 1686. godine, a sahranjen je u Firenzi. Beatificiran je u 20. stoljeću (mogući svetac u 21.).In 17th century Denmark had given many valuable contributions to natural sciences such as astronomy, zoology and anatomy. One of the shining stars of that time period was Niels Stensen (1638-1686), anatomist, geologist, and in the end, Godā€™s servant. His anatomical discovery on glands, muscles and brain are relevant even nowadays, along with his geological discoveries which classify him as forerunner of Darwinism. Out of religious reasons he converted to Roman Catholicism, therefore he could not have served to Danish Kingdom which had around that time turned to Protestantism, so he had to be active exclusively in Catholic circles. He died as Bishop in Schwerin, Northern Germany, in the year 1686, and was buried in Florence (Firenze). He was beatified in the 20th century (possibly saint in the 21st century?)

    Mengerov teorem

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    Morphological markers of secretory activity in prostatic adenocarcinoma

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    Background/Aim. The vast majority of prostatic tumors developing in adult males are adenocarcinomas (ACP). Histological diagnosis of prostate cancer relies on the infiltrative growth pattern, presence of macronucleoli, and absence of basal cell layer. In the last few years a special attention has been focused on investigation of cancerous glands lumen content. The aim of the study was to determine the presence of intraluminal (crystaloids, blue-tanged mucinous secretions and distension of glands) and extracellular markers of pathological secretions in ACP, as well as the type of intraluminal and extracellular mucinous secretions. Methods. Micromorphological and hystochemical (PAS, HIDAB pH 2.5) analysis was done in 96 patients to detemine differentiation by Gleason and markers of secretory activity. Results. In ACP neoplastic gland`s distension (53.12%), crystalloids (30.2%), basophilic secretions (26.04%) and presence of extracellular mucins (8.3%) were found. All morphological signs were detected in carcinoma of Gleason grade 1-4A. There was significant presence of crystalloids ((G1+G2)/G4 p < 0.05; G3/G4A p < 0.05), basophilic secretions (G3/G2 p < 0.05; G3/G4A p < 0.05) and extracellular mucins (G3/G4A p < 0.001). The association of these morphological features with neutral and acidic mucins secretion was statisticaly significant (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. This study showed that intraluminal and extracellular markers of secretory activity in ACP were significantly more often associated by mixed type of mucin secretion with predominace of sialomucins.


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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of gastrointestinal system and they are characterised by extreme variability in clinical, hystopathological and genetic features. It is considered that all GISToms have a malignant potential. Ethiological factors which cause GISToms have not been clarified yet, and genetic basis is not easy to be determined since GISToms are mostly sporadic. However, certain genetic and cytogenetic aberations which have been determined can be considered to have an impact on the onset of GISToms. Macroscopic picture is polymorphic, but they can most frequently be seen as large, mushroom-like, intraluminal, clearly limited pseudo-incapsulated submucosal masses. Hystomorphology of these tumors shows a high spectar of structural and cellular variations. They are most frequently built out of spindle cells (60-70% of cases), rarely of epitheloid (about 30% of cases) and very rarely of mixed and transitional type (intermedial). Stroma is predominantly loose or poorly colagenized with neoangiogenesis, which is markedly in GISToms with a higher malignant potential. Most of GISToms (95%) express transmembrane receptors KIT (CD 117), CD 34, vimentine, specific neurogenic and smooth muscle cells markers. The most successful therapies are: surgical ressection, imatinib and sunitinib (in case of imatinib resistence) therapy (tyrosine kinase receptor blockers). Research are being conducted all over the world with the aim of finding new and more efficient drug therapies that would not manifest resistency

    Geometrijska i algebarska interpretacija presjeka stoŔca i valjka ravninom

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    Na Preddiplomskom stručnom studiju graditeljstva i Politehničkom diplomskom specijalističkom stručnom studiju graditeljstva Tehničkog veleučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu izvodi se nastava iz nekoliko matematičkih predmeta (Matematika 1 i 2, Matematika, Nacrtna geometrija u graditeljstvu 1 i 2), kao i iz predmeta usko povezanih s njima (Računarstvo u graditeljstvu, Parametarsko modeliranje 1 i 2). Mnoge teme iz nastavnog plana i programa tih predmeta su iste, međutim pristup i način njihove obrade je drukčiji (algebarski, geometrijski, primjenom računalnih programa, itd.). U članku su prikazani različiti pristupi obradi teme presjeka stoÅ”ca i valjka ravninom, a koji se primjenjuju u sklopu nastave navedenih predmeta. Dani su prijedlozi za moguću bolju realizaciju ishoda učenja navedenih predmeta njihovim adekvatnijim međusobnim povezivanjem

    Continental-Mediterranean and rural-urban differences in cardiovascular risk factors in Croatian population

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    AIM: To compare the distribution of cardiovascular disease (CVD) factors between continental and Mediterranean areas and urban and rural areas of Croatia, as well as to investigate the differences in achieving treatment goals by the general practitioners (GP) in different settings. ----- METHODS: A multicenter prospective study was performed on 2467 participants of both sexes ā‰„40 years old, who visited for any reason 59 general practices covering the whole area of Croatia (May-July 2008). The study was a part of the Cardiovascular Risk and Intervention Study in Croatia-family medicine (CRISIC-fm) study. Patients were interviewed using a 140-item questionnaire on socio-demographics and CVD risk factors. We measured body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference and determined biochemical variables including blood pressure, total, high-density lipoprotein-, and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, triglycerides, glycemia, and uric acid. ----- RESULTS: Participants from continental rural areas had significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (P<0.001), obesity (P=0.001), increased waist circumference (P<0.001), and more intense physical activity (P=0.020). Participants from coastal rural areas had higher HDL-cholesterol, participants from continental rural and coastal urban areas had higher LDL-cholesterol, and participants from rural continental had significantly higher BMI and waist circumference. ----- CONCLUSION: Prevalence of CVD risk factors in Croatian population is high. Greater burden of risk factors in continental region and rural areas may be partly explained by lifestyle differences