605 research outputs found
Prediction of double-regulated hydraulic turbine on-cam energy characteristics by artificial neural networks approach
Određivanje energetskih kombinatorskih karakteristika dvojno regulisane hidraulične turbine se zasniva na rezultatima opsežnih i skupih eksperimentalnih ispitivanja na modelu u laboratoriji i terenskih merenja na prototipu u hidroelektranama. Eksploatacioni dijagram se dobija na osnovu prostornih interpolacija reprezentativnih mernih tačaka koje pripadaju kombinatorskim krivama formiranih za različite brzinske faktore. U radu je dat akcenat na primeni savremene metode veštačkih neuronskih mreža u određivanju kombintorskih karakteristika turbine posebno u radnim režimima koji nisu mereni. Deo postojećih podataka o energetskim parametrima Kaplan turbine koji su dobijeni eksperimentalnim putem iskorišćeni su za obučavanje tri razvijena modela veštačkih neuronskih mreža. Analizom, testiranjem i validacijom dobijenih energetskih parametara turbine međusobnim upoređivanjem sa ostalim eksperimentalnim podacima razmatrana je pouzdanost primenjene metode.The determination of the energy characteristics of a double-regulated hydro turbine is based on numerous measuring points during extensive and expensive experimental model tests in the laboratory and on site prototype tests at the hydropower plant. By the spatial interpolation of representative measured points that belong to the so-called on-cam curves for different speed factors, the hill performance diagram is obtained. The focus of the paper is the contemporary method of artificial neural network models use for the prediction of turbine characteristics, especially in not measured operation modes. A part of the existing set of experimental data for the Kaplan turbine energy parameters is used to train three developed neural network models. The reliability of applied method is considered by analysing, testing and validating the predicted turbine energy parameters in comparison with the remaining data
L’objet de cet article est de déterminer la fréquence et les spécificités des valeurs sémantiques et pragmatiques des temps verbaux dans un corpus des proverbes français et serbes. Le corpus est tiré des dictionnaires de référence parémiologique français et serbes (Montreynaud et al. 2006 ; Maloux 2006 ; Vigerie 2004 ; Karadžić 1985 ; Jovanović 2006) et vise les proverbes zooniques. Vu le fait que dans un corpus des proverbes le présent de l’indicatif et la valeur gnomique sont les plus fréquents, on s’attache à explorer les valeurs des temps passés. L’analyse sera menée dans le cadre des grammaires sémantiques (Charaudeau 1992 ; Piper 2005).
Prediction of double-regulated hydraulic turbine on-cam energy characteristics by artificial neural networks approach
Određivanje energetskih kombinatorskih karakteristika dvojno regulisane hidraulične turbine se zasniva na rezultatima opsežnih i skupih eksperimentalnih ispitivanja na modelu u laboratoriji i terenskih merenja na prototipu u hidroelektranama. Eksploatacioni dijagram se dobija na osnovu prostornih interpolacija reprezentativnih mernih tačaka koje pripadaju kombinatorskim krivama formiranih za različite brzinske faktore. U radu je dat akcenat na primeni savremene metode veštačkih neuronskih mreža u određivanju kombintorskih karakteristika turbine posebno u radnim režimima koji nisu mereni. Deo postojećih podataka o energetskim parametrima Kaplan turbine koji su dobijeni eksperimentalnim putem iskorišćeni su za obučavanje tri razvijena modela veštačkih neuronskih mreža. Analizom, testiranjem i validacijom dobijenih energetskih parametara turbine međusobnim upoređivanjem sa ostalim eksperimentalnim podacima razmatrana je pouzdanost primenjene metode.The determination of the energy characteristics of a double-regulated hydro turbine is based on numerous measuring points during extensive and expensive experimental model tests in the laboratory and on site prototype tests at the hydropower plant. By the spatial interpolation of representative measured points that belong to the so-called on-cam curves for different speed factors, the hill performance diagram is obtained. The focus of the paper is the contemporary method of artificial neural network models use for the prediction of turbine characteristics, especially in not measured operation modes. A part of the existing set of experimental data for the Kaplan turbine energy parameters is used to train three developed neural network models. The reliability of applied method is considered by analysing, testing and validating the predicted turbine energy parameters in comparison with the remaining data
Sustainable mountain tourism in word and deed: A comparative analysis in the macro regions of the Alps and the Dinarides
This article examines similarities and differences in the attitudes and social representations of destination managers towards implementing sustainable tourism between the mountain regions of the Alps and the Dinarides. Bearing in mind the transnational impacts (i.e., environmental, economic and social) of the tourism industry the research methodology adopted an international perspective by sending a questionnaire to tourism organizations in fourteen different countries in the Alps and the Dinarides. The research is interdisciplinary in nature, because it integrates knowledge from sustainability and management science with tourism geography and social psychology. The findings confirm that social representations of sustainable tourism differ significantly in the two mountain regions
Images of the amphitheatre: Use of photogrammetry in excavations of the Viminacium amphitheatre
Fotogrametrijski metod predstavlja novinu u izradi arheološke dokumentacije. Iako je nastao sredinom XIX veka, do njegove značajnije upotrebe u arheologiji dolazi tek sa razvojem digitalne fotogrametrije tokom poslednjih decenija. U istraživanjima Viminacijuma, fotogrametrija je eksperimentalno primenjena 2012. godine prilikom iskopavanja amfiteatra. Uočene prednosti učinile su da navedeni metod postane standard u izradi dokumentacije na ovom lokalitetu. U radu je prikazano naše iskustvo sa upotrebom fotogrametrije u istraživanjima amfiteatra, odnosno, prednosti i mane ovog metoda, kao i moguća upotreba u prezentaciji kulturnog nasleđa. Čitav proces dokumentovanja arheoloških celina činili su prikupljanje podataka i njihova dalja obrada. Fotogrametrija se pokazala kao veoma pogodna za izradu tradicionalne 2D dokumentacije. Ovaj metod je znatno brži i objektivniji od tradicionalnih metoda, a omogućio je izradu detaljne i precizne dokumentacije čak i kod izrazito komplikovanih arheoloških celina, nezavisno od njihove veličine i veštine crtača. Rezultati snimanja predstavljeni su u okviru 3D modela. Oni nude niz prednosti u arhiviranju podataka i pri njihovoj analizi, a budući da su zasnovani na fotografijama, modeli sa teksturom su odlična opcija za vizualnu predstavu otkrivenih celina. Predstavljanje modela u obliku slika ili u video formatu, može se koristiti u prezentovanju istraženih celina i rezultata arheoloških iskopavanja, u naučne ili komercijalne svrhe. Na ovaj način fotogrametrija se čini veoma korisnom, jer omogućava vizuelizaciju kulturnog nasleđa, čineći ga vizuelno dopadljivim, ali i lakšim za razumevanje.Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining information about physical objects and the environment using 2D photographs. Recent technological advancements allowed the method to become accessible and quite valuable in the studies of cultural heritage. The method was introduced into the field procedures of archaeological research of Viminacium in 2012. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the usage of photogrammetry during investigations of the amphitheatre and to exemplify its applicability and benefits for future archaeological excavations. Based on our experience, the method proved to be easy to use and incorporate into existing procedures, especially as it was significantly faster and economical compared to the traditional documenting techniques. Obtained 3D models can fulfill various needs, from the creation of regular archaeological documentation to the visualization and presentation of the results of research
Kanoničeskie sootnoščenija meždu dvigatel\u27nymi i morfologičeskimi izmerenijami studentok v SFR Jugoslavii
Utvrđena su dva značajna para kanoničkih faktora. Za prvu kanoničku dimenziju zajednički faktor bila je negativna korelacija između generalnog faktora teelesne snage i mase tela, a za drugu kanoničku dimenziju zajednički činilac bio je topološka determiniranost (donji ekstremiteti).Canonical relation between linear functions of the group of measures for six motor abilities and the group of three anthropometric measures was analyzed on a representative of 670 university students, aged 19-21.
Only the first two pairs of canonical relations were established as significant, while the low value of the canonical correlation coefficient of the third pair indicated that it was not to be paid attention to.
The study was organized so that the relations were studied mostly at the level of primary dimensions. An incongruity between the statistical and the informatic criterion was established with the number of retained factors and priority was given to the informatic criterion.
Relatively low values obtained for the canonical correlation between the two blocks were realistic taking into account the selection of variables and the measuring procedure
Exploring the impact of rare Copy Number Variants on miRNA genes in CAKUT: Insights from integrated bioinformatic analysis and experimental validation
Rare copy number variants (CNVs) play a significant role in CAKUT development. However,
the specific genetic drivers in certain CNVs associated with CAKUT remain unknown. To
explore the genetic elements within CAKUT-associated CNVs, beyond the protein-coding
genes, we leveraged the recently described comprehensive CNV landscape of CAKUT.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are intriguing regulators of genomic networks and have the potential
to be involved in CAKUT. Hereby, a pipeline for comprehensive analysis of miRNA genes
affected by known, rare CNVs associated with CAKUT will be presented. The procedure
is consisted of collection and synchronization of CNV regions specified in different hg
assemblies with the hg19 assembly, mapping of the miRNA precursors, identification of
the most frequently affected miRNAs and miRNA families by rare CNVs, bioinformatic
interpretation of the top-rated miRNAs and prioritisation of key miRNAs for functional
validation. Additionally, a method for estimation of the overall burden of rare CNVs on
miRNA genes in CAKUT will be discussed. Remarkably, it was found that 80% of CAKUT
patients with underlying rare CNV had at least one miRNA gene overlapping the identified
CNV. Network analysis of the most frequently affected miRNAs has revealed the dominant
regulation of the two miRNAs, hsa-miR-484 and hsa-miR-185-5p. Additionally, miR-
548 family members have shown substantial enrichment in rare CNVs in CAKUT. The in
vitro model which depicts the heterozygous deletion of the MIR484 has confirmed the
study concept implying that rare CNVs affect the corresponding miRNA expression and
subsequently dysregulatres miRNA target genes. The translational capacity of miRNA to
be employed in therapeutic approaches is nowadays increasingly investigated. Therefore,
the untangling of the mechanisms affected by dysregulated miRNAs could serve for future
extension of genetic testing and the development of novel miRNA targeting strategies in
CAKUT.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202
Influence of Surgery onto the Appearance of the Hip Joint Periarticular Calcification in Patients with the Acetabular Fracture
The intention of this study was to investigate the influence of surgery onto the appearance of the hip joint periarticular
calcification in different groups of patients who suffered the acetabular fracture. A series of 103 patients with the
acetabular fracture was analysed in a retrospective case-control study during a seven-year period. The patients were divided
into two groups. The case group was comprised of 21 patients who were operated on due to the posterior acetabular
wall fracture, while the control group was formed from 82 patients who underwent conservative treatment and who suffered
complex acetabular fracture. To obtain the results, the rate and grade of the hip joint post-injury periarticular calcification
formation were observed and analysed. They were considerably lower in patients from the case group who were
operated on, compared to patients from the control group where the hip joint arthrosis was more common. In conclusion,
considering the results of this paper, the rate and grade of the hip joint osteodegenerative changes may be highly decreased
by surgery in patients who sustained the acetabular fracture
Influence of Surgery onto the Appearance of the Hip Joint Periarticular Calcification in Patients with the Acetabular Fracture
The intention of this study was to investigate the influence of surgery onto the appearance of the hip joint periarticular
calcification in different groups of patients who suffered the acetabular fracture. A series of 103 patients with the
acetabular fracture was analysed in a retrospective case-control study during a seven-year period. The patients were divided
into two groups. The case group was comprised of 21 patients who were operated on due to the posterior acetabular
wall fracture, while the control group was formed from 82 patients who underwent conservative treatment and who suffered
complex acetabular fracture. To obtain the results, the rate and grade of the hip joint post-injury periarticular calcification
formation were observed and analysed. They were considerably lower in patients from the case group who were
operated on, compared to patients from the control group where the hip joint arthrosis was more common. In conclusion,
considering the results of this paper, the rate and grade of the hip joint osteodegenerative changes may be highly decreased
by surgery in patients who sustained the acetabular fracture
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