9 research outputs found

    Will Governmental Incentives in Developing Countries Support Companies to Innovate More? Evidences from Skin Care Patent Applications in Brazil

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    Recent Brazilian Governments have provided incentives to support domestic innovation; however, some claim that the country has set conflicting policies towards innovation, industrial property and biodiversity exploitation. After an analysis of patent applications filled in the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property, we observed that current governmental measures have not performed as expected, at least in the skin care industry. Throughout the paper we discuss plausible reasons why this sector has not managed to innovate more, reasons that may affect other businesses as well. This case is exemplary to developing economies that have implemented or are in the process of renewing their innovation policies

    Foresight in the skin care cosmetic industry: innovation and vision in entrepreneurial, small and medium-sized enterprises

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    O setor cosmético brasileiro gerou mais de 5,6 milhões de oportunidades de trabalho por todo o Brasil e faturou US 43 bilhões em vendas ao consumidor no ano 2013. Além disso, os cuidados cosméticos, especialmente aqueles destinados à pele, promovem o bem-estar e uma melhor qualidade de vida entre os usuários, oferecendo benefícios psicossociais e também para a saúde, como a proteção solar. No Brasil, a maioria das empresas no setor cosmético é de micro, pequeno ou médio porte, com capacidade inovadora baixa e investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento incipientes, de modo que seu posicionamento futuro é bastante incerto diante da alta competitividade. Neste trabalho, buscou-se produzir material científico destinado a orientar os empreendedores e gestores das micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPMEs) brasileiras do segmento de cuidados com a pele a traçar suas estratégias de diferenciação tecnológica, frente aos concorrentes de grande porte, até o ano 2025. A pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa e preditiva, foi fundamentada na metodologia dos estudos prospectivos e foi estruturada nas seis fases seguintes: A) análise do macroambiente do setor cosmético de cuidados com a pele; B) identificação das oportunidades de inovação tecnológica em cuidados com a pele; C) análise de pedidos de patente relacionados aos cuidados com a pele no Brasil; D) identificação das tecnologias-chave para os cuidados com a pele até o ano 2025; E) desenvolvimento de cenários tecnológicos para as MPMEs do segmento de cuidados com a pele com projeções até o ano 2025 e F) proposição de um método de desenvolvimento de cenários orientados pela identidade organizacional para empresas com gestão centralizada no empreendedor. A fase A elucidou a dinâmica do setor cosmético brasileiro de cuidados com a pele, identificando convergências entre diferentes indústrias de bens de consumo. As fases B e C resultaram na elaboração de um novo sistema de classificação composto por dez categorias de oportunidades de inovação tecnológica em produtos para os cuidados com a pele, o qual foi útil para identificar as oportunidades tecnológicas mais exploradas pelo setor. Na fase D, evidenciaram-se sete grupos tecnológicos de maior potencial de mercado e de maior viabilidade tecnológica para o segmento de cuidados com a pele no Brasil, até o ano 2025. A fase E resultou em quatro cenários prospectivos para o desenvolvimento e diferenciação tecnológica das MPMEs cosméticas brasileiras, a citar: \'Cosméticos am-pm\'; \'Selo verde e amarelo\'; \'Beleza para os durões\' e \'Cabeça nas nuvens\'. Enfim, na fase F, propôs-se um método inédito de construção de cenários prospectivos orientados pela identidade organizacional, adaptado às empresas com poucos colaboradores. Este estudo fornece projeções e inspirações que podem orientar as MPMEs cosméticas no Brasil a definir visões de futuro e estratégias tecnológicas que possibilitem sua diferenciação frente aos grandes concorrentes, bem como a afirmação da identidade que desejam disseminar.The Brazilian cosmetic industry generated over 5.6 million job opportunities throughout the country and raised US 43 billion in sales to consumer in 2013. Moreover, cosmetic cares, especially skin care, promote well-being and a better quality of life among users, offering both psychosocial and health benefits (like sun protection). In Brazil, most of the companies in the cosmetic business are entrepreneurial, small or medium-sized enterprises with low innovative capacity and deficient investments in research and development. Therefore, the future of those companies is highly uncertain due to fierce competition. In this work, we intended to produce scientific material for guiding entrepreneurs and managers in entrepreneurial, small and medium-sized companies (ESMEs) of the Brazilian skin care industry when drawing their technological distinction strategies towards largesized competitors up to the year 2025. Predominantly qualitative and predictive, this research was based in the future studies methodology and organized in the following six phases: A) environmental scanning of the skin care cosmetic industry; B) identification of the technological opportunities for innovation in skin care; C) analysis of skin care-related patent documents filled in Brazil; D) identification of key technologies for skin care up to the year 2025; E) development of technological scenarios for the skin care ESMEs up to the year 2025 and F) proposal of a method to develop identity-oriented scenarios for organizations with entrepreneur-centered management. Phase A pointed the dynamics of the Brazilian skin care cosmetic industry, showing some convergence among different consumer goods industries. Phases B and C resulted in a novel ten-category classification system for technological opportunities to innovate in skin care products, useful to detect the most explored technological opportunities in this industry. Phase D presented seven technological groups of high potential market volume and high technological feasibility in the Brazilian skin care industry, up to the year 2025. Phase E allowed us to produce four prospective scenarios related to technological development and distinction in the Brazilian cosmetic ESMEs, that is, \'Am-Pm Cosmetics\'; Green and Yellow Seal\'; \'Beauty for Tough Guys\' and \'Head in the Clouds\'. Finally, in Phase F, we proposed a novel method to develop identity-oriented prospective scenarios adapted to companies with few members in the staff. This study provides foresight and inspiration that may guide Brazilian cosmetic ESMEs to establish their future vision and technological strategies in order to become distinct towards large-sized competitors, as well as to affirm and circulate their desired identity


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    Future events are unknown, unexpected and even if forecasts may offer some estimation, there is no way to predict the behavior of unprecedented events. Therefore, looking into the future and drafting a strategy is not a simple activity. All this process is even more fastidious in a period of uncertainties, changes and world crises. However, a method named Scenario Planning may contribute to the formulation of strategies in turbulent environments. In this paper it is reviewed and consolidated the theories and reports in the literature, in order to elucidate the use of prospective scenarios as a tool to anticipate disruptive innovation. In this sense, it is presented and discussed some considerations about the origin of scenarios, the relation between scenarios and strategy, the typologies of scenarios, the tools for scenarios construction, the traditional methods in scenarios development and the advantages and disadvantages of this method. Indeed, scenario planning is a flexible and stimulative method which allows one to identify opportunities for innovation, so as to favor resilient strategic planning and future visioning in threatening environments

    A visão de futuro por meio de cenários prospectivos: uma ferramenta para a antecipação da inovação disruptiva

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    Future events are unknown, unexpected and even if forecasts may offer some estimation, there is no way to predict the behavior of unprecedented events. Therefore, looking into the future and drafting a strategy is not a simple activity. All this process is even more fastidious in a period of uncertainties, changes and world crises. However, a method named Scenario Planning may contribute to the formulation of strategies in turbulent environments. In this paper it is reviewed and consolidated the theories and reports in the literature, in order to elucidate the use of prospective scenarios as a tool to anticipate disruptive innovation. In this sense, it is presented and discussed some considerations about the origin of scenarios, the relation between scenarios and strategy, the typologies of scenarios, the tools for scenarios construction, the traditional methods in scenarios development and the advantages and disadvantages of this method. Indeed, scenario planning is a flexible and stimulative method which allows one to identify opportunities for innovation, so as to favor resilient strategic planning and future visioning in threatening environments.Os eventos futuros são desconhecidos, inesperados e, mesmo que cálculos de previsão possam oferecer algumas estimativas; não há como prever o comportamento de eventos sem precedentes. Logo, olhar para o futuro e traçar uma estratégia não é uma atividade simples. Todo esse processo é ainda mais moroso em um período de incertezas, mudanças e crises mundiais. Contudo o método conhecido como Planejamento de Cenários pode contribuir para a formulação de estratégias em ambientes turbulentos. Neste trabalho, revisam-se e consolidam-se as teorias e os relatos descritos na literatura, a fim de elucidar o uso do método de cenários prospectivos como uma ferramenta para a antecipação da inovação disruptiva. Para tanto, apresentam-se e discutem-se algumas considerações sobre a origem dos cenários, a relação entre cenários e estratégia, as tipologias de cenários, as ferramentas utilizadas na construção de cenários, os métodos tradicionais para a elaboração de cenários e as vantagens e desvantagens deste método. De fato, o planejamento de cenários é um método flexível, instigante e que permite identificar oportunidades para a inovação, de modo a propiciar um planejamento estratégico e uma visão de futuro resilientes a ambientes ameaçadores


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    Future events are unknown, unexpected and even if forecasts may offer some estimation, there is no way to predict the behavior of unprecedented events. Therefore, looking into the future and drafting a strategy is not a simple activity. All this process is even more fastidious in a period of uncertainties, changes and world crises. However, a method named Scenario Planning may contribute to the formulation of strategies in turbulent environments. In this paper it is reviewed and consolidated the theories and reports in the literature, in order to elucidate the use of prospective scenarios as a tool to anticipate disruptive innovation. In this sense, it is presented and discussed some considerations about the origin of scenarios, the relation between scenarios and strategy, the typologies of scenarios, the tools for scenarios construction, the traditional methods in scenarios development and the advantages and disadvantages of this method. Indeed, scenario planning is a flexible and stimulative method which allows one to identify opportunities for innovation, so as to favor resilient strategic planning and future visioning in threatening environments.Os eventos futuros são desconhecidos, inesperados e, mesmo que cálculos de previsão possam oferecer algumas estimativas; não há como prever o comportamento de eventos sem precedentes. Logo, olhar para o futuro e traçar uma estratégia não é uma atividade simples. Todo esse processo é ainda mais moroso em um período de incertezas, mudanças e crises mundiais. Contudo o método conhecido como Planejamento de Cenários pode contribuir para a formulação de estratégias em ambientes turbulentos. Neste trabalho, revisam-se e consolidam-se as teorias e os relatos descritos na literatura, a fim de elucidar o uso do método de cenários prospectivos como uma ferramenta para a antecipação da inovação disruptiva. Para tanto, apresentam-se e discutem-se algumas considerações sobre a origem dos cenários, a relação entre cenários e estratégia, as tipologias de cenários, as ferramentas utilizadas na construção de cenários, os métodos tradicionais para a elaboração de cenários e as vantagens e desvantagens deste método. De fato, o planejamento de cenários é um método flexível, instigante e que permite identificar oportunidades para a inovação, de modo a propiciar um planejamento estratégico e uma visão de futuro resilientes a ambientes ameaçadores

    Analysis of myosin-V immunoreactive myenteric neurons from arthritic rats

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    CONTEXT: The inflammatory response itself and the consequent oxidative stress are able to promote neurodegeneration. So, it is possible that enteric nervous system is affected by inflammatory diseases threatening quality of life of patients. However, gastrointestinal symptoms of arthritis are usually attributed to anti-inflammatory drugs rather than neural damage. OBJECTIVE: To confirm if the general population of myenteric neurons from the ileum and jejunum of rats is affected by arthritis. METHODS: Twenty Holtzmann rats, 58-day-old male, were used and divided in four groups: control group (C30), arthritic group (Art30), older control group (C60) and older arthritic group (Art60). At 58 days old, the animals in groups Art30 and Art60 received an injection of the complete Freund's adjuvant in order to induce arthritis. The whole-mount preparations of ileum and jejunum were processed for myosin-V immunohistochemistry. Quantitative and morphometric analyses were performed. RESULTS: Groups Art30 and Art60 presented, respectively, a reduction of 2% and 6% in intestinal area when compared to their control groups. No significant differences were observed in general neuronal density among the four groups (P>0.05). Group C60 presented a reduction of 14.4% and 10.9% in mean neuronal cell body area when compared to group C30 (P0.05). CONCLUSION: Arthritis does not promote quantitative or morphological damages in general myenteric population. However, studies in progress have revealed some significant alterations in myenteric neurons subpopulations (nitrergic and VIP-ergic neurons)

    Effects of L-glutamine supplementation on the myenteric neurons from the duodenum and cecum of diabetic rats

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    CONTEXT: Peripheral neuropathy is one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus and is directly related to gastrointestinal consequences of the disease. Myenteric neurons are affected in some pathological conditions such as diabetic neuropathy. The imbalance between cellular antioxidants and free radicals, leading to an increase in oxidative stress, is considered one of the main factors responsible for neuronal damages in diabetes. Drugs that reduce the oxidative stress may play a significant role in the treatment of neurological complications of diabetes mellitus. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on the myenteric neurons from the cecum and duodenum of Wistar rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. METHODS: The animals were divided in four groups (n = 5): non-treated normoglycemics, normoglycemics treated with L-glutamine, non-treated diabetics and diabetics treated with L-glutamine from the 4th day of diabetes induction on. The amino acid L-glutamine was added to their diet at 1%. Giemsa's technique was employed to stain the myenteric neurons. We determined the cell body area of 500 neurons in each group studied. The quantitative analysis was performed by sampling in an area of 16.6 mm² in the cecum and 3.6 mm² in the duodenum of each animal. RESULTS: After the supplementation with L-glutamine in the duodenum, we observed a preservation of neuronal density in groups normoglycemic and diabetic (P<0.05). We also observed a preservation of the cell bodies area in diabetic animals (group treated with L-glutamine) (P<0.05). In the cecum, that preservation was not evident. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with L-glutamine (1%) promoted a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons from the duodenum of rats, both in terms of natural aging and of diabetes mellitus