191 research outputs found

    Chemical Features and Biological Effects of Astaxanthin Extracted from Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow: Focus on Gastrointestinal System

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    The main purpose of this review is to analyze published data concerning the antioxidant properties of astaxanthin, a xanthophyll, produced by the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis in response to specific conditions of “environmental stress” and characterized by its typical deep red color. Natural astaxanthin establishes effective protections against oxidative stress, neutralizing free radicals in both the inner and outer layer of cell membranes, especially in mitochondria. The most recent preclinical and clinical studies that have investigated the beneficial properties of this molecule toward the gastrointestinal tract were included


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    Atraumatic ACL injury has become more and more frequent especially in sport population. The causes which determine the ACL rupture, have not been identified and the possible relationship between proprioception and subjective function has not been adequately studied. Several authors (Schutte et al. 1987, Schultz et al. 1984) have found the mechanoreceptors in the cruciate ligament, and such receptors formed by muscle spindles, receptors in tendons and in skin determine a complex system for knee joint proprioception. Our starting hypothesis is that a possible cause of ACL lesion could be due to temporary inhibition of the muscular control following an alteration of the propioceptive joint control. The purpose of this study was to verify by a kinesiologic procedure if some stimulation of the subtalus joint could induce an inadequate recruitment of muscle fibers activation

    P-wave Variability and Atrial Fibrillation

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    The analysis of P-wave template has been widely used to extract indices of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) risk stratification. The aim of this paper was to assess the potential of the analysis of the P-wave variability over time in patients suffering from atrial fibrillation. P-wave features extracted from P-wave template together with novel indices of P-wave variability have been estimated in a population of patients suffering from persistent AF and compared to those extracted from control subjects. We quantify the P-wave variability over time using three algorithms and we extracted three novel indices: one based on the cross-correlation coefficients among the P-waves (Cross-Correlation Index, CCI), one associated to variation in amplitude of the P-waves (Amplitude Dispersion Index, ADI), one sensible to the phase shift among P-waves (Warping Index, WI). The control group resulted to be characterized by shorter P-wave duration and by a less amount of fragmentation and variability, respect to AF patients. The parameter CCI shows the highest sensitivity (97.3%) and a good specificity (95%)

    Yield and quality of primocane-fruiting raspberry grown under plastic cover in southern Brazil

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    Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an economically important crop and its cultivation has been expanded across temperate and subtropical regions of Brazil. Growing raspberries under plastic cover has becoming more common worldwide. This study investigated the effect of plastic cover on productive and morphological performance of primocane-fruiting raspberry cultivars, in southern Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design, with three raspberry cultivars, ‘Heritage’; ‘Fallgold’ and ‘Alemãzinha’; two cultivation systems, presence and absence of plastic cover; and two production cycles, fall and spring. We measured days from transplanting to flowering and harvesting. Plants were evaluated for dry mass of pruning, plant height, stem diameter, plant leaf area, fruit production, number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit longitudinal and transversal diameter, and harvesting period. Plastic cover reduced incident radiation on the canopy by 17 %. Cultivar ‘Heritage’ is early ripening in the fall cycle. The management under plastic cover prolonged the harvesting period of raspberries in the fall productive cycle for the cultivar ‘Heritage’ and, in spring, for cultivars ‘Alemãzinha’ and ‘Fallgold’. In the spring cycle, plants increased their leaf area, fruit production and number of fruits. The cultivar ‘Alemãzinha’ performed better in the spring cycle when managed under plastic cover and was more productive, with a longer productive cycle and larger fruits

    Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography for radiological assessment beyond dento-maxillofacial imaging: a review of the clinical applications in other anatomical districts

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    Background: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) represents the optimal imaging solution for the evaluation of the maxillofacial and dental area when quantitative geometric and volumetric accuracy is necessary (e.g., in implantology and orthodontics). Moreover, in recent years, this technique has given excellent results for the imaging of lower and upper extremities. Therefore, significant interest has been increased in using CBCT to investigate larger and non-traditional anatomical districts. Objective: The purpose of this work is to review the scientific literature in Pubmed and Scopus on CBCT application beyond head districts by paying attention to image quality and radiological doses. Method: The search for keywords was conducted in Pubmed and Scopus databases with no back-date restriction. Papers on applications of CBCT to head were excluded from the present work. From each considered paper, parameters related to image quality and radiological dose were extracted. An overall qualitative evaluation of the results extracted from each issue was done by comparing the conclusive remarks of each author regarding doses and image quality. PRISMA statements were followed during this process. Results: The review retrieved 97 issues from 83 extracted papers; 46 issues presented a comparison between CBCT and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT), and 51 reviewed only CBCT. The radiological doses given to the patient with CBCT were considered acceptable in 91% of cases, and the final image quality was found in 99%. Conclusion: CBCT represents a promising technology not only for imaging of the head and upper and lower extremities but for all the orthopedic districts. Moreover, the application of CBCT derived from C-arms (without the possibility of a 360 ° rotation range) during invasive investigations demonstrates the feasibility of this technique for non-standard anatomical areas, from soft tissues to vascular beds, despite the limits due to the incomplete rotation of the tube

    Effects of turmeric powder on intestinal and biliary functions: The influence of curcuminoids concentration on spontaneous contractility

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    Two turmeric food powders (C1 and C2) were studied for curcuminoid content and their effects on the guinea pig intestinal tract in vitro. C1 contained a higher curcuminoid content than C2 (5.22% vs 2.31%). C1 and C2 increased gallbladder (similar to 10%) and biliary smooth muscle tone (similar to 15%), without affecting the sphincter of Oddi smooth muscle contractility. C2 was more effective than C1 in lowering ileum tone (-22% vs -37%), whereas the reverse occurred in the colon (-50% vs 20%). Standard Fast Fourier transforms and absolute powers analysis of the frequency bands highlighted that, in the bile duct, C2 induced contractions of higher variability and ampler oscillations of low-frequency waves. At the Oddi sphincter, C1 had a biphasic effect, increasing and then drastically decreasing the oscillations. The same occurred with C2 in the ileum, while both samples reduced the fluctuations in the colon

    Magnolia officinalis L. bark extract and respiratory diseases: From traditional Chinese medicine to western medicine via network target

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    The understanding of the use of Magnolia officinalis L. (Magnoliaceae) as a possible dietary supplement for supporting the treatment of airway pathologies might be of clinical interest. Two commercially available bark extracts (M. officinalis extract [MOE]) were characterized by quantitation in honokiol and magnolol content by means of high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. MOE effects, as well as those of the reference compounds per se, on some targets connected to airway pathologies (antibacterial- and lung and trachea relaxing- activities) were investigated. Results showed that MOE possessed interesting antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. This was accompanied by a spasmolytic and antispasmodic activity, possibly owing to its ability to concurrently modulate different targets such as H-1-, beta(2)- and muscarinic receptors and l-type calcium channels involved in bronchodilation. All these effects were directly related to the MOE content in honokiol and magnolol. In conclusion, the properties of MOE highlighted here strongly encourage its application as dietary supplement in the treatment of airway diseases

    Multivariate best linear unbiased predictor as a tool to improve multi-trait selection in sugarcane

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do método multivariado de melhor preditor linear não viesado (BLUP), para estimar os parâmetros genéticos em genótipos de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum). O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 21 genótipos de cana-de-açúcar, em sete anos agrícolas, em arranjo fatorial com três repetições. As características medidas foram: rendimento total de caules por hectare, volume total de suco por hectare, produção de açúcares solúveis totais e comprimento do caule. A variação da fonte nos anos agrícolas contribuiu fortemente para a obtenção dos valores esperados da soma dos quadrados, sem causar distorções das estimativas dos componentes de variância e parâmetros genéticos. As características medidas apresentaram variabilidade genética e permitiram seleções univariada e multivariada eficientes. A maior eficiência de seleção foi obtida com o uso de mais de oito medições, pois elas favoreceram as estimativas de herdabilidade, precisão e repetibilidade. Os genótipos 'IAC873396', 'Nova Iraí', 'IACSP 93-6006' e 'RB 835089' foram superiores para as características testadas, independentemente do ano agrícola. A técnica multivariada BLUP para a seleção multicaracterísticas é robusta e permite aumentar os ganhos de seleção, a acurácia e a confiabilidade das predições para o melhoramento da cana‑de‑açúcar.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of the multivariate best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) method for multi-trait selection, to estimate the genetic parameters in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) genotypes. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with 21 sugarcane genotypes, in seven crop years, in a factorial arrangement with three replicates. The measured traits were: total yield of stems per hectare, total volume of juice per hectare, production of total soluble sugars, and stem length. The source variation in the crop years strongly contributed for the obtention of the expected values of the sum of squares, without causing distortions in the variance components and genetic variables. The measured traits showed genetic variability and allowed of efficient univariate and multivariate selections. The highest selection efficiency was obtained by using more than eight measurements, since they favored the estimates of heritability, accuracy, and repeatability. The 'IAC873396', 'Nova Iraí', 'IACSP 93-6006', and 'RB 835089' genotypes were superior as to the traits tested, regardless of the crop year. The BLUP multivariate technique for multi-trait selection is robust and allows of the increasing of the selection gains, accuracy, and reliability of predictions for sugarcane breeding

    Liver and intestinal protective effects of Castanea sativa Mill. bark extract in high-fat diet rats

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    The effects of Castanea sativa Mill. have been studied in high fat diet (HFD) overweight rats. Natural Extract of Chestnut bark (Castanea sativa Mill.) (ENC®), rich in ellagitannins, has been studied in 120 male Sprague-Dawley rats, divided in four groups. Two groups were controls: regular (RD) and HDF diet. Two groups received ENC®(20 mg/kg/day): RD + ENC®and HFD + ENC®. At baseline and at 7, 14 and 21 days, weight gain, serum lipids, plasma cytokines, liver histology, microsomial enzymes and oxidation, intestinal oxidative stress and contractility were studied. HFD increased body weight, increased pro-inflammatory cytokines, induced hepatocytes microvescicular steatosis, altered microsomial, increased liver and intestinal oxidative stress, deranged intestinal contractility. In HFD-fed rats, ENC®exerted antiadipose and antioxidative activities and normalized intestinal contractility, suggesting a potential approach to overweight management associated diseases