98 research outputs found

    Effects of Brown Seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) Supplementation on Enteric Methane Emissions, Metabolic Status and Milk Composition in Peak-Lactating Holstein Cows

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    The dairy industry contributes significantly to anthropogenic methane emissions, which have an impact on global warming. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a dietary inclusion of brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum on enteric methane emissions (EMEs), hematological and blood biochemical profiles, and milk composition in dairy cows. Eighteen Holstein cows were divided into three groups: CON (non-supplemented cows), BS50 (50 mL of 10% A. nodosum), and BS100 (100 mL of 10% A. nodosum). In each cow, measurements of EME, dry matter intake (DMI), and milk yield (MY), as well as blood and milk sampling with respective analyzes, were performed before supplementation (P1), after 15 (P2) days, and after 30 (P3) days of supplementation. A. nodosum reduced (p < 0.05) methane production, methane yield, and methane intensity in both BS50 and BS100, and raised DMI (p < 0.05) only in BS50. Total bilirubin (p < 0.05) was higher in BS50 compared to CON cows in P2, and triacylglycerols were lower (p < 0.05) in BS50 than in CON cows in P3. Higher milk fat content was found in BS50 than in CON cows in P3. C16:0 proportions were higher (p < 0.05) in BS50 and BS100 than in CON cows, while C18:3n-3 was higher (p < 0.05) in BS100 than in BS50 and CON cows in P3. Dietary treatment with A. nodosum reduced EMEs and showed the potential to increase DMI and to improve energy status as well as milk composition in peak-lactating dairy cows

    Supplemental Selenium Reduces the Levels of Biomarkers of Oxidative and General Stress in Peripartum Dairy Cows

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of oxidative stress upon general stress in dairy cows on parturition and whether the indicators of stress can be reduced by selenium (Se) supplementation. A total of 36 animals were divided into 3 groups 21 days prepartum and treated with a single-term intra muscular supplement of sodium selenite: Control group - 0 mg; group Se10 - 10 mg; group Se20 - 20 mg. Se supplementation significantly raised blood Se content and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in groups Se10 and Se20, compared to Control, although there was no marked difference between supplemented groups. Plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and cortisol concentrations were significantly reduced in supplemented groups Se10 and Se20, compared to Control. A negative correlation was detected between blood GPx activity and plasma MDA, while a positive correlation was determined between plasma MDA and cortisol concentrations. These results indicate that prepartum Se supplementation can be utilized for a partial relief of stress in cows during labor by augmenting the antioxidative action of GPx

    Citric Acid Cross-Linked Gelatin-Based Composites with Improved Microhardness

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of cross-linking and reinforcements in gelatin on the physico-mechanical properties of obtained composites. The gelatin-based composites cross-linked with citric acid (CA) were prepared: gelatin type B (GB) and Ī²-tricalcium phosphate (Ī²-TCP) and novel hybrid composite GB with Ī²-TCP and hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles, and their structure, thermal, and mechanical properties were compared with pure gelatin B samples. FTIR analysis revealed that no chemical interaction between the reinforcements and gelatin matrix was established during the processing of hybrid composites by the solution casting method, proving the particles had no influence on GB cross-linking. The morphological investigation of hybrid composites revealed that cross-linking with CA improved the dispersion of particles, which further led to an increase in mechanical performance. The microindentation test showed that the hardness value was increased by up to 449%, which shows the high potential of Ī²-TCP and HAp particle reinforcement combined with CA as a cross-linking agent. Furthermore, the reduced modulus of elasticity was increased by up to 288%. Results of the MTT assay on L929 cells have revealed that the hybrid composite GB-TCP-HA-CA was not cytotoxic. These results showed that GB cross-linked with CA and reinforced with different calcium phosphates presents a valuable novel material with potential applications in dentistry

    Citric Acid Cross-Linked Gelatin-Based Composites with Improved Microhardness

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of cross-linking and reinforcements in gelatin on the physico-mechanical properties of obtained composites. The gelatin-based composites cross-linked with citric acid (CA) were prepared: gelatin type B (GB) and Ī²-tricalcium phosphate (Ī²-TCP) and novel hybrid composite GB with Ī²-TCP and hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles, and their structure, thermal, and mechanical properties were compared with pure gelatin B samples. FTIR analysis revealed that no chemical interaction between the reinforcements and gelatin matrix was established during the processing of hybrid composites by the solution casting method, proving the particles had no influence on GB cross-linking. The morphological investigation of hybrid composites revealed that cross-linking with CA improved the dispersion of particles, which further led to an increase in mechanical performance. The microindentation test showed that the hardness value was increased by up to 449%, which shows the high potential of Ī²-TCP and HAp particle reinforcement combined with CA as a cross-linking agent. Furthermore, the reduced modulus of elasticity was increased by up to 288%. Results of the MTT assay on L929 cells have revealed that the hybrid composite GB-TCP-HA-CA was not cytotoxic. These results showed that GB cross-linked with CA and reinforced with different calcium phosphates presents a valuable novel material with potential applications in dentistry

    The influence of selenium and deiodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight

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    In this work there was investigated the influence of selenium and deodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight during three months. The experiment was carried out on 64 rats divided into eight groups with eight individual animals per group. Following groups were formed: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (control group), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+PTU- IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- and 8. Se-PTU-IA+. The groups labeled (Se+) were selenium adequate and they were fed with food that contained 0.334 mg Se/kg. The groups labeled (Se-) were selenium deficient and obtained food with 0.031 mg Se/kg. As deiodinases blockers there were used propylthiouracil (PTU+) in a dose of 150 mg/L of drinking water and iopanoic acid (IA+) in a dose of 6 mg/100 g TM intraperitoneally. Body weight of experimental rats was measured every seven days. After three weeks of treatment there were taken blood samples of animals from all experimental groups and following parameters were determined: selenium concentration in blood, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) in blood plasma. Analysis of the samples showed that the animals from the groups treated with PTU had lower body weight in regard to the control group, as well as lower concentration of T3 and T4 in plasma. Selenium deficient rats had lower average body weight compared to the selenium adequate ones after three weeks, but there were no differences in thyroid hormones concentration. The lowest average body weight was noticed in selenium deficient rats groups treated with PTU. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31050 i br. TR31003

    Data Evaluation of a Low-Cost Sensor Network for Atmospheric Particulate Matter Monitoring in 15 Municipalities in Serbia

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    Conventional air quality monitoring networks typically tend to be sparse over areas of interest. Because of the high cost of establishing such monitoring systems, some areas are often completely left out of regulatory monitoring networks. Recently, a new paradigm in monitoring has emerged that utilizes low-cost air pollution sensors, thus making it possible to reduce the knowledge gap in air pollution levels for areas not covered by regulatory monitoring networks and increase the spatial resolution of monitoring in others. The benefits of such networks for the community are almost self-evident since information about the level of air pollution can be transmitted in real time and the data can be analysed immediately over the wider area. However, the accuracy and reliability of newly produced data must also be taken into account in order to be able to correctly interpret the results. In this study, we analyse particulate matter pollution data from a large network of low-cost particulate matter monitors that was deployed and placed in outdoor spaces in schools in central and western Serbia under the Schools for Better Air Quality UNICEF pilot initiative in the period from April 2022 to June 2023. The network consisted of 129 devices in 15 municipalities, with 11 of the municipalities having such extensive real-time measurements of particulate matter concentration for the first time. The analysis showed that the maximum concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were in the winter months (heating season), while during the summer months (non-heating season), the concentrations were several times lower. Also, in some municipalities, the maximum values and number of daily exceedances of PM10 (50 Ī¼g/m3) were much higher than in the others because of diversity and differences in the low-cost sensor sampling sites. The particulate matter mass daily concentrations obtained by low-cost sensors were analysed and also classified according to the European AQI (air quality index) applied to low-cost sensor data. This study confirmed that the large network of low-cost air pollution sensors can be useful in providing real-time information and warnings about higher pollution days and episodes, particularly in situations where there is a lack of local or national regulatory monitoring stations in the area

    Effects of selenium supplementation (PromtselenĀ®) on MDA concentration and frequency of retaind placenta in cows with induced calving

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    Vreme oko partusa kod mlečnih krava smatra se najosetljivijim periodom sa viÅ”e aspekata, među kojima se posebno ističu prestrojavanje metabolizma u pravcu laktacije i posledično povećanje oksidativnog stresa organizma. Osim toga, indukcija porođaja uz pomoć PGF2Ī± dodatno povećava učestalost retencije posteljice. U sistem odbrane od oksidativnog stresa ukljuceni su neenzimski molekuli (vitamini C i E i glutation) i enzimi: superoksid dismutaza, katalaza i glutation peroksidaza. Selenoenzim glutation peroksidaza redukuje nastale hidroperokside masnih kiselina, čime prekida lančanu reakciju oÅ”tećenja lipida ćelijske membrane. malondialdehid (MDA), nastao neenzimskim cepanjem lipidnih hidroperoksida, može ukankrsno da se veže za druge bioloÅ”ke molekule, čime dovodi do citotoksičnosti i mutagenosti. Koncentracija MDA u krvnoj plazmi predstavlja dobar indikator stepena oksidativnog oÅ”tećenja lipida u organizmu. Cilj naÅ”eg rada je bio da ustanovimo promene koncentracije MDA u krvnoj plazmi tokom teljenja i u peripartalnom periodu, 12 sati pre i nakon partusa, kao i uspeÅ”nost izbacivanja posteljice kod krava čiji je porođaj indukovan prostaglandinom. Ogled je izvrÅ”en na kravama HolÅ”tajn-frizijske rase podeljenim u tri grupe: 1) nesumplementirana kontrolna grupa (n=9), 2) grupa tretirana sa 20 ml (n=11) i 3) sa 40 ml (n=13) PromtselenaĀ® 30 dana pre partusa. Koncentracija MDA u krvi je određivana spektrofotometrijski. Koncentracije MDA u plazmi krava suplementiranih sa 20 ml Promtselena 12 časova pre porođaja (4,59 Ā± 1,20), tokom porođaja (4,44 Ā± 0,68) i 12 časova nakon porođaja (4,67 Ā± 0,80), bile su značajno niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Grupa tretirana sa 40 ml Promtselena je od svih posmatranih životinja imala najizrazitije smanjene vrednosti MDA u plazmi 12 sati pre partusa. Tretmani sa 20 ml i 40 ml PromtselenaĀ® rezultirali su značajnim smanjenjem učestalosti retencije posteljice (38,2% i 30,8%) u odnosu na netretiranu grupu (66,67%). Možemo zaključiti da aplikacija 20 ml i 40 ml Promtselena 30 dana pre indukcije porođaja rezultira statistički značajnim smanjenjem MDA u plazmi tokom peripartalnog perioda, kao i značajnim smanjenjem učestalosti zaostajanja posteljice.The time close to calving in dairy cows is considered as the most sensitive period from more aspects, among which most relevant are the metabolic shift due to lactation and subsequently increased oxidative stress. Besides, PGF2 induction of delivery additionally increases the incidence of retained placenta. The oxidative stress defense mechanisms consist of nonenzymatic molecules (vitamins C and E, glutathione) and enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. The selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase reduces the formed fatty acids hydroperoxides, thus interruptting the chain reaction of damage to the cell membrane lipids. Malondialdehyde (MDA), formed by nonenzymatic fission can cross link to other biological molecules which results in cytotoxicity and mutations. The concentration of MDA in blood plasma is a good indicator of the degree of oxidative damage in the organism. The aim of this study was to determine changes in MDA concentration in the blood plasma during calving and in the peripartal period, 12h before and after calving, as well as the success rate in the expulsion of the placenta in cows with prostaglandin induced delivery. The experiment was done on dairy Holstein Friesian cows allotted into 3 groups: 1) not supplemented control group (n=9), 2) group treated with 20 mL (n=11) and 3) with 40 mL (n=13) PromtselenĀ® 30 days before calving. MDA plasma concentration was measured spectrophotometrically. Plasma MDA concentrations in cows supplemented with 20 mL PromtselenĀ® 12h before calving were (4.59 Ā± 1.20), at calving (4.44 Ā± 0.68) and 12h after delivery (4.67 Ā± 0.80), were significantly lower compared to the control group. The group treated with 40 mL PromtselenĀ® had the lowest MDA results of all groups at 12h after calving. Treatments with 20 mL and 40 mL PromtselenĀ® resulted in a significant decrease in placenta retention (38.2% and 30.8%) compared with the control group (66.67%). It can be concluded that application of 20 and 40 mL PromtselenĀ® 30 days before induction of calving resulted in a statistically significant reduction of plasma MDA concentrations during the peripartal period, as well as with a significant reduction in retained placenta

    The effect of antioxidant status on overall survival in renal cell carcinoma

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    Introduction The oxidative stress contributes to all three phases of carcinogenesis and represents a concomitant condition in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). RCC is the most common type of neoplasm of the kidney, and despite numerous studies the set of predictive and prognostic markers of survival are still unknown. The aim of our study was to examine the relation between antioxidant (AO) status and overall survival (OS) in RCC patients. Material and methods Our study included 95 patients with RCC, who underwent radical nephrectomy. We analysed the prognostic role of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione reductase, glutathione, and malondialde-hyde) and other clinicopathological factors (size, grade, stage, and histological subtype) on the OS of RCC patients. Results The 5-year OS was 54.6%. The survival analysis related to AO parameters showed no significant difference in survival of RCC patients. The concentration of malondialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidation, also had no significant effect on the survival rate of RCC pa-tients. Univariate and multivariate analysis confirmed the significance of clinicopathological parameters (size, p < 0.001; Fuhrman grade, p = 0.001, and stage, p < 0.001) for patientsā€™ survival. Conclusions In our cohort of patients, different antioxidant parameters were not found to be predictors for OS of patients with RCC, who underwent radical nephrectomy

    HSA carbonylation with methylglyoxal and the binding/release of copper(II) ions

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    The potential of carbonylation with methylglyoxal to alter HSA's binding affinity for copper(II) ions and its influence on the release of copper(II) ions from copper-HSA complexes were studied. The affinity of HSA to coordinate copper(II) decreased upon carbonylation of the Cys34-SH group. Carbonylation of copper-HSA complexes caused a decrease in Cys34-SH content, conformational changes and the release of copper(II) ions. The ratio between the percentage of reduction in the Cys34-SH group content and the percentage of release of copper(II) from complexes is 2.12 +/- 0.28. Because the same ratio (1.96 +/- 0.36) was obtained upon oxidation of the Cys34-SH group (with no changes in HSA conformation), the binding/release of copper (II) by HSA depended mainly on the redox state of the Cys34-SH group. The contents of Cys34-SH and HSA-bound copper(II) ions in the diabetic group (0.457 +/- 0.081 mol SH per mol HSA, 10.7 +/- 0.01 mmol per mol HSA, resp.) were significantly lower (p lt 0.01) compared to the control group (0.609 +/- 0.027 mol SH per mol HSA; 13.4 +/- 0.01 mmol per mol HSA, resp.). Very strong correlations between the values for HSA-SH and glycated haemoglobin, HbA1c, (R = -0.803, p lt 0.01), and between the values for the HSA-bound copper(II) content and HSA-SH content (R = 0.841, p lt 0.002) were found in the diabetic group. Thus, HSA carbonylation leads to decrease in HSA-SH content and to the impairment of its copper(II) binding capacity that could contribute to further enhancement of oxidative and carbonyl stress in diabetes (as well as in other diseases with carbonyl stress)

    Progesterone concentration, pregnancy and calving rate in Simmental dairy cows after oestrus synchronisation and hCG treatment during the early luteal phase

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    Early embryonic development may be negatively affected by insufficient progesterone (P4) production. Therefore, the aim of our study was to increase P4 by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and/or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) treatments after inducing oestrus by prostaglandin (PG) treatment. Lactating Simmental dairy cows (n = 110), between 1 to 5 lactations, with an average milk production of 6,500 1/305 days, at 40ā€“80 days postpartum were used and grouped as follows: (1) PG + GnRH treatment at AI (GnRH group), (2) PG + hCG treatment at day 7 after AI (hCG group), (3) PG + GnRH at AI + hCG treatment at day 7 after AI (GnRH/hCG group), and (4) spontaneous oestrus (C: control group). All animals were double inseminated (at the time of oestrus detection and 12 Ā± 2 h thereafter). Blood serum and milk samples were collected at the day of observed oestrus (day 0), and 14, 21 and 28 days after AI. Serum P4 was determined using a commercial radioimmunoassay (RIA) test (INEP, Zemun), and milk P4 was determined using enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) test (NIV Novi Sad). Pregnancy status was confirmed by ultrasonography between days 28 and 35 after AI. Differences of serum or milk P4 medians, pregnancy (and calving) rate were determined using Dunnā€™s Multiple Comparison Tests and Z test, respectively. Serum P4 medians were significantly higher at days 14, 21 and 28 after AI in the hCG-treated animals, indicating increased luteal activity, with a similar tendency in whole milk P4 values. Treatment with hCG during the early luteal phase significantly contributed to the maintenance of gestation at days 28ā€“35 after AI, and also increased the calving rate in Simmental dairy cows
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