6 research outputs found

    Ranking of Economic Effectiveness of Investment Project as for Mining and Processing of Sand

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    Bakalárska práca je zameraná na hodnotenie ekonomickej efektívnosti projektu na ťažbu a spracovanie piesku, a jej cieľom je podať informácie o celkovej výnosnosti tohto projektu, ktorý plní dôležitú úlohu pri fungovaní spoločnosti. Prvá časť práce sa venuje popisu problematiky spojenej s investovaním, hodnotením ekonomickej efektívnosti projektov, a metodických postupov použitých v práci. Druhá časť práce predstavuje hodnotený projekt, a obsahuje informácie o jeho činnosti, majetkovom vybavení a technologických procesoch využitých pri prevádzke projektu. V poslednej časti je hodnotená efektívnosť zmieňovaného projektu, s použitím metód založených na výpočte budúcich ekonomických efektov. Výsledkom hodnotenia investičného projektu sú kladné hodnoty ukazovateľov ekonomickej efektívnosti a celkový záver, ktorý vypovedá o pomerne vysokej rentabilite hodnoteného projektu.The bachelor thesis is focused on evaluating the economic efficiency of a project for sand extraction and processing, and its aim is to provide information on the overall profitability of this project, which plays an important role in the functioning of the company. The first part of the thesis deals with the description of issues related to investment, evaluation of the economic efficiency of the projects, and methodological procedures used in the work. The second part of presents the evaluated project, and contains information about its activities, property, equipment and technological processes used in the operation of the project. The final part evaluates the effectiveness of the project, using methods based on the calculation of future economic effects. The result of the evaluation of the investment project are positive values of economic efficiency indicators and the overall conclusion, which testifies to the relatively high profitability of the evaluated project.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Analysis and Evaluation of Investment Opportunities

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    Cieľom práce je zhodnotenie investičných príležitosti súvisiacich so zlatom, odhad ich budúceho vývoja, vzájomné porovnanie ich hlavných aspektov, a komparácia s ostatnými rozšírenými formami investovania. V prvej kapitole práce sú vysvetlené základné pojmy z oblasti investícií a finančnej matematiky. Obsahom druhej kapitoly je popis finančných trhov, komoditného trhu, komodít, a ostatných prvkov viažucich sa na tieto pojmy. Tretia kapitola práce je zameraná na charakteristiku investičných príležitostí spojených so zlatom, ako je nákup fyzického zlata, akcií spoločností ťažiacich zlato, zlatých ETF, a obchodovanie za použitia komoditných derivátov. Posudzovanie uvedených príležitosti je predmetom štvrtej kapitoly. Výstup práce predstavuje hodnotenie výkonu jednotlivých foriem investovania spojených so zlatom, počas obdobia od 1.3.2013 do 1.3.2023, a konfrontácia s inými investičnými alternatívami.The goal of the work is to evaluate investment opportunities related to gold, estimate their future development, compare their main aspects, and compare them with other widespread forms of investment. In the first chapter of the thesis, the basic concepts from the field of investments and financial mathematics are explained. The content of the second chapter is a description of financial markets, the commodity market, commodities, and other elements related to these. The third chapter of the thesis is focused on the characteristics of investment opportunities associated with gold, such as the purchase of physical gold, shares of gold mining companies, gold ETFs, and trading using commodity derivatives. The assessment of the mentioned opportunities is the subject of the fourth chapter. The output of the work is an evaluation of the performance of individual forms of investment associated with gold, during the period from 1.3.2013 to 1.3.2023, and a confrontation with other investment alternatives.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    Significance of Sport in International Relations

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    The article focuses on the role of sport and sports diplomacy play in international communication and in international relations. They are helpful in developing international cooperation and promoting foreign policy. Authors aim at explaining why sport represents a significant means of international understanding and the tool for promoting economic cooperation

    Pollution Analysis of New Synthetic Biodegradable Fluid During Durab Ility Test of Hydrostatic Pump

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    This paper deals with the pollution evaluation of a biodegradable fluid, which was used as a working medium during the laboratory durability test of a hydrostatic pump. There was used a new synthetic biodegradable fluid MOL Farm UTTO Synt., developed and produced by MOL Group, Hungary. The fluid should have been practically used as a universal, common gear-hydraulic filling in agricultural machines. During the test, the pollution of used fluid was evaluated on the basis of cleanliness code, filtration of solid particles and ferrography. Based on results of cleanliness code, we could monitor the course of hydrostatic pump wear. After test completion, the fluid was subjected to filtration of solid particles and ferrography, where clusters of small particles and larger particles were detected. On the basis of their surface and shape, they were included in particles of adhesive wear. By the comparison method it was found that they are bronze particles located in the bearings of the hydrostatic pump used

    Sports Diplomacy Research in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia. Emerging Field of Study?

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    Sport is a complex phenomenon that academics across many social sciences are focusing on. The interest in sports has been observable for a long time by historians, anthropologists and sociologists. Scientists in the field of international relations are no exception. A typical way sport is studied in international relations is by paying attention to sports diplomacy. The study of sports diplomacy has become a pretty popular part of the research since the second decade of the 21st century and it is possible to observe the dominance of the authors from the American and British universities in sports diplomacy research. Based on the Web of Science dataset, at first sight, the study of sports diplomacy is not seen as a popular field of research in the Central European countries. On the other hand, this statistical measure does not describe a complex situation of what the sports diplomacy research looks like, how it is formed or how it reflects the thinking of the politicians on national public/sports diplomacy. Thus, the article aims to map sports diplomacy research in the Central European states, specifically in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia

    Design and verification of additional filtration for the application of ecological transmission and hydraulic fluids in tractorc

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    This contribution presents the design and function verification of additional filtration. It is intended for the common transmission and hydraulic oil filling of tractors. The main role of this filtration concept is to ensure a high level of oil cleanness as a condition for the application of ecologic fluids in tractors. The next one is to decrease the wear of lubricated tractor components, the degradation of oil and eventually to extend the interval of oil change. The designed additional filtering is characterized by ease installation through the use of quick couplings and hoses to the external hydraulic circuit. Therefore, the filtration is suitable for various tractor types. Filter element has been designed with the filter ability 1micron and the ability to separate to 0.5 dm3 of water from oil. Function of additional filtration was verified during the 150 engine hours of tractor operation. During this time period the oil contamination was evaluated on the basis of chemical elements content such as Fe, Cu, Si, Al, Ni, Mo and Cr. The additive concentration was evaluated on the basis of chemical elements content such as Ca, P and Zn. During the test operation of tractor the concentration decrease of chemical elements reached the values 25.53 % (Fe), 23.53 % (Si), 25 % (Al) and 5.5 % (Cu). The decrease of additive concentration reached only medium level (6.6 %). Therefore, the designed additional filtration doesn’t remove additives from oil. Based on the evaluation of the content of chemical elements (that representing contamination and additives), we can say that the designed filtering method is suitable for use in agricultural tractors