11 research outputs found


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    CILJ: Utvrditi ukupni broj oboljelih od keratoakantoma u KBC Split u periodu od 2010. - 2014. te ispitati razlikuje li se dobivena incidencija od svjetske. Ispitati pod kojim se sve MKB dijagnozama krije keratoakantom. MATERIJALI I METODE: Presječno retrospektivno istraživanje skupine od 6851 pacijenata s različitim tumorima po MKB klasifikacijama C44, L85 i L57. Prikupljao se ukupni broj keratoakantoma, udio u svakoj od ove tri MKB klasifikacije, godina i mjesec kad je zabilježeno najviše keratoakantoma te njegova raspodjela po spolu i dobi. REZULTATI: Dobiven je broj od 99 pacijenata s keratoakantomom, što odgovara incidenciji od 144 pacijenta na 100000 što je rezultat u skladu s brojem keratoakantoma u američkoj bjelačkoj populaciji (104 na 100000). Udio muškaraca je 56%. Najviše keratoakantoma se zabilježilo u 2011. Gledajući mjesece u godini, najviše patohistoloških nalaza je bilo izdano u veljači, što znači da je odstranjenje ovog tumora zapravo elektivni zahvat budući da promjena nije sklona agresivnom rastu i pacijenti je uglavnom imaju godinama. ZAKLJUČCI: Studija potvrđuje podjednaku incidenciju ovog kožnog tumora u KBC Split i u svjetskoj euroameričkoj populaciji. Daljnja istraživanja keratoakantoma su potrebna u smislu pronalaska eventualne povezanosti komorbiditeta naših pacijenata i pojave ovog tumora. Također bi bilo potrebno ispitati krije li se eventualno još pod nekom dijagnozom unutar Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti budući da smo mi ispitali tri najčešće pod kojima se on javlja.OBJECTIVES: To determine the number of patients with keratoacanthoma in the Clinical Centre of Split in a period of 5 years, the difference between number of men and women with this tumor, in which year of these five we can find the most cases of our keratoacanthomas and under which clasiffication of diseases we can find them. RESULTS: We have found out the number of 99 patients with keratoacanthoma in a period of 5 years, which is an incidence of 144/100000, so we have showed that our results are very similar to the incidence of keratoacanthoma in American white population (106/100000). We have found out that keratoacanthoma appears more in men than in women, most of them appeared in the year of 2011. The most patohistological results of our patients were made in the month of February, which probably means that patients with keratoacanthoma have this skin tumor for many years and they often decide to get rid of it during the winter, when it is usually the best time for the elective surgical intervention. CONCLUSION: This retrospective study shows the similar incidence of this skin tumor in our population and in the world white population. The problem is that the diagnose of keratoacanthoma is usually very similar to the diagnose of the spinocellular carcinome because they have many similar macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. So, it is important to make more scientific studies about this skin tumor, especially to find out whether Keratoacanthoma is asocciated to some other chronic diseases of our patients. It would also be necessary to find out if keratoacanthoma is hidden under some more diagnosis of the diseases in the Clinical Centre of Split


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    CILJ: Utvrditi ukupni broj oboljelih od keratoakantoma u KBC Split u periodu od 2010. - 2014. te ispitati razlikuje li se dobivena incidencija od svjetske. Ispitati pod kojim se sve MKB dijagnozama krije keratoakantom. MATERIJALI I METODE: Presječno retrospektivno istraživanje skupine od 6851 pacijenata s različitim tumorima po MKB klasifikacijama C44, L85 i L57. Prikupljao se ukupni broj keratoakantoma, udio u svakoj od ove tri MKB klasifikacije, godina i mjesec kad je zabilježeno najviše keratoakantoma te njegova raspodjela po spolu i dobi. REZULTATI: Dobiven je broj od 99 pacijenata s keratoakantomom, što odgovara incidenciji od 144 pacijenta na 100000 što je rezultat u skladu s brojem keratoakantoma u američkoj bjelačkoj populaciji (104 na 100000). Udio muškaraca je 56%. Najviše keratoakantoma se zabilježilo u 2011. Gledajući mjesece u godini, najviše patohistoloških nalaza je bilo izdano u veljači, što znači da je odstranjenje ovog tumora zapravo elektivni zahvat budući da promjena nije sklona agresivnom rastu i pacijenti je uglavnom imaju godinama. ZAKLJUČCI: Studija potvrđuje podjednaku incidenciju ovog kožnog tumora u KBC Split i u svjetskoj euroameričkoj populaciji. Daljnja istraživanja keratoakantoma su potrebna u smislu pronalaska eventualne povezanosti komorbiditeta naših pacijenata i pojave ovog tumora. Također bi bilo potrebno ispitati krije li se eventualno još pod nekom dijagnozom unutar Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti budući da smo mi ispitali tri najčešće pod kojima se on javlja.OBJECTIVES: To determine the number of patients with keratoacanthoma in the Clinical Centre of Split in a period of 5 years, the difference between number of men and women with this tumor, in which year of these five we can find the most cases of our keratoacanthomas and under which clasiffication of diseases we can find them. RESULTS: We have found out the number of 99 patients with keratoacanthoma in a period of 5 years, which is an incidence of 144/100000, so we have showed that our results are very similar to the incidence of keratoacanthoma in American white population (106/100000). We have found out that keratoacanthoma appears more in men than in women, most of them appeared in the year of 2011. The most patohistological results of our patients were made in the month of February, which probably means that patients with keratoacanthoma have this skin tumor for many years and they often decide to get rid of it during the winter, when it is usually the best time for the elective surgical intervention. CONCLUSION: This retrospective study shows the similar incidence of this skin tumor in our population and in the world white population. The problem is that the diagnose of keratoacanthoma is usually very similar to the diagnose of the spinocellular carcinome because they have many similar macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. So, it is important to make more scientific studies about this skin tumor, especially to find out whether Keratoacanthoma is asocciated to some other chronic diseases of our patients. It would also be necessary to find out if keratoacanthoma is hidden under some more diagnosis of the diseases in the Clinical Centre of Split

    Effect of compatibilization of polyethylene with waste polyamide powder on morphology and mechanical properties of blends

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    U ovom radu ispitana su mehanička svojstva čistih uzoraka polietilena (PE) i poliamida (PA), nekompatibiliniziranih mješavina PE/PA te kompatibilniziranih mješavina PE/PA/PEGMA. Kako bi se istražio utjecaj kompatiblizatora PEGMA na mehanička svojsva nekompatibliziranih mješavina ispitivana su rastezna svojstva testom jednoosnog naprezanja, relaksacijska svojstva testom relaksacije naprezanja te morfologija mješavina odabranih na temelju dobivenih mehaničkih svojstava. Uzorci su pripremljeni na hidrauličkoj preši, a testovi su provedeni na univerzalnoj mehaničkoj kidalici. Morfologija odabranih polimernih mješavina analizirana je na skenirajućem elektronskom mikroskopu. Mehanička svojstva povezana su s nekoliko strukturnih čimbenika kao što je temperatura staklišta, stupanj kristalnosti te dodatak neke druge faze. Dodatkom reaktivnog kompatibilizatora PEGMA u mješavinu PE/PA poboljšana su o mehanička svojstva ispitivanih uzoraka, odnosno smanjuje se Youngov modul elastičnosti, a povećavaju se prekidno istezanje i čvrstoća. Naime, nekompatibilizirane PE/PA mješavine imaju grubu morfologiju, jasno izražene granice faza i slabu adheziju na međupovršini što rezultira slabim mehaničkim svojstvima. Dodatak kompatibilizatora PEGMA poboljšava mehanička svojstva nekomaptibiliziranih mješavina, te su najbolja svojstva pokazali uzorci s 20% i 80% udjela PE.In this work, the mechanical properties of pure samples of polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA), non-compatibilized PE/PA blends and compatibilized PE/PA/PEGMA blends were investigated. To investigate the influence of the compatibilizer PEGMA on the mechanical properties of the non-compatibilized blends, the tensile properties were examined by the uniaxial stress test and the relaxation properties by the stress relaxation test. The morphology of some blends selected on the basis of mechanical properties was investigated. The samples were prepared on a hydraulic press, and the tests were carried out on a universal mechanical instrument. The morphology of the selected polymer blends was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The mechanical properties are related to several structural factors such as the glass transition temperature, the degree of crystallinity and the addition of some other phase. By adding the reactive compatibilizer PEGMA to the PE/PA blend, the mechanical properties of the tested samples were improved, Young's modulus of elasticity was reduced and the elongation and strength at break were increased. Namely, non-compatibilized PE/PA blends have a rough morphology, clearly defined phase boundaries and weak adhesion at the interface, which results in weak mechanical properties. The addition of compatibilizer PEGMA improves the mechanical properties of non-compatibilized blends, and the best properties were obtained for samples with 20% and 80% PE content

    Application of magnetic field on biological systems

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    U ovom radu upoznati ćemo se s primjenom i utjecajem magnetskog polja na ljude,životinje i biljke. Obrađeni su osnovni podaci vezani uz nastanak i ponašanje magnetskog polja i konkretni učinci u područjima biomedicine i medicinske fizike. Magneti imaju široku primjenu u medicinskom području zbog svojih fizičkih i kemijskih svojstava, koriste se za nuklearnu magnetsku rezonancu, koja služi za dijagnosticiranje bolesti. Magnetizam u medicini ne služi samo za dijagnosticiranje bolesti, već se može koristitit u izliječenju različitih bolesti. Kod životinja susrećemo se s pojmom magnetorecepcije, koja se odnosi na sposobnost organizma da opaža magnetna polja, neke životinje ga koriste da pronađu svoj put na velikim udaljenostima, usklađujući se s magnetsknim poljem Zemlje. Kao reakciju biljaka na magnetsko polje uočavamo magnetotropizam.The aim of this work is to learn about application and influence of the magnetic field on humans, animals and plants. Basic data related to the formation and behavior of the magnetic field and specific effects in the fields of biomedicine and medical physics are processed. Magnets have wide application in the medical field due to their physical and chemical properties, they are used for nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used to diagnose diseases. Magnetism in medicine is not only used to diagnose diseases, but can be used to cure various diseases. In animals, we encounter the concept of magnetoreception, which refers to the body's ability to perceive magnetic fields, some animals use it to find their way over long distances, aligning with the Earth's magnetic field. As a reaction of plants to the magnetic field, we observe magnetotropism


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    CILJ: Utvrditi ukupni broj oboljelih od keratoakantoma u KBC Split u periodu od 2010. - 2014. te ispitati razlikuje li se dobivena incidencija od svjetske. Ispitati pod kojim se sve MKB dijagnozama krije keratoakantom. MATERIJALI I METODE: Presječno retrospektivno istraživanje skupine od 6851 pacijenata s različitim tumorima po MKB klasifikacijama C44, L85 i L57. Prikupljao se ukupni broj keratoakantoma, udio u svakoj od ove tri MKB klasifikacije, godina i mjesec kad je zabilježeno najviše keratoakantoma te njegova raspodjela po spolu i dobi. REZULTATI: Dobiven je broj od 99 pacijenata s keratoakantomom, što odgovara incidenciji od 144 pacijenta na 100000 što je rezultat u skladu s brojem keratoakantoma u američkoj bjelačkoj populaciji (104 na 100000). Udio muškaraca je 56%. Najviše keratoakantoma se zabilježilo u 2011. Gledajući mjesece u godini, najviše patohistoloških nalaza je bilo izdano u veljači, što znači da je odstranjenje ovog tumora zapravo elektivni zahvat budući da promjena nije sklona agresivnom rastu i pacijenti je uglavnom imaju godinama. ZAKLJUČCI: Studija potvrđuje podjednaku incidenciju ovog kožnog tumora u KBC Split i u svjetskoj euroameričkoj populaciji. Daljnja istraživanja keratoakantoma su potrebna u smislu pronalaska eventualne povezanosti komorbiditeta naših pacijenata i pojave ovog tumora. Također bi bilo potrebno ispitati krije li se eventualno još pod nekom dijagnozom unutar Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti budući da smo mi ispitali tri najčešće pod kojima se on javlja.OBJECTIVES: To determine the number of patients with keratoacanthoma in the Clinical Centre of Split in a period of 5 years, the difference between number of men and women with this tumor, in which year of these five we can find the most cases of our keratoacanthomas and under which clasiffication of diseases we can find them. RESULTS: We have found out the number of 99 patients with keratoacanthoma in a period of 5 years, which is an incidence of 144/100000, so we have showed that our results are very similar to the incidence of keratoacanthoma in American white population (106/100000). We have found out that keratoacanthoma appears more in men than in women, most of them appeared in the year of 2011. The most patohistological results of our patients were made in the month of February, which probably means that patients with keratoacanthoma have this skin tumor for many years and they often decide to get rid of it during the winter, when it is usually the best time for the elective surgical intervention. CONCLUSION: This retrospective study shows the similar incidence of this skin tumor in our population and in the world white population. The problem is that the diagnose of keratoacanthoma is usually very similar to the diagnose of the spinocellular carcinome because they have many similar macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. So, it is important to make more scientific studies about this skin tumor, especially to find out whether Keratoacanthoma is asocciated to some other chronic diseases of our patients. It would also be necessary to find out if keratoacanthoma is hidden under some more diagnosis of the diseases in the Clinical Centre of Split

    Application of magnetic field on biological systems

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    U ovom radu upoznati ćemo se s primjenom i utjecajem magnetskog polja na ljude,životinje i biljke. Obrađeni su osnovni podaci vezani uz nastanak i ponašanje magnetskog polja i konkretni učinci u područjima biomedicine i medicinske fizike. Magneti imaju široku primjenu u medicinskom području zbog svojih fizičkih i kemijskih svojstava, koriste se za nuklearnu magnetsku rezonancu, koja služi za dijagnosticiranje bolesti. Magnetizam u medicini ne služi samo za dijagnosticiranje bolesti, već se može koristitit u izliječenju različitih bolesti. Kod životinja susrećemo se s pojmom magnetorecepcije, koja se odnosi na sposobnost organizma da opaža magnetna polja, neke životinje ga koriste da pronađu svoj put na velikim udaljenostima, usklađujući se s magnetsknim poljem Zemlje. Kao reakciju biljaka na magnetsko polje uočavamo magnetotropizam.The aim of this work is to learn about application and influence of the magnetic field on humans, animals and plants. Basic data related to the formation and behavior of the magnetic field and specific effects in the fields of biomedicine and medical physics are processed. Magnets have wide application in the medical field due to their physical and chemical properties, they are used for nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used to diagnose diseases. Magnetism in medicine is not only used to diagnose diseases, but can be used to cure various diseases. In animals, we encounter the concept of magnetoreception, which refers to the body's ability to perceive magnetic fields, some animals use it to find their way over long distances, aligning with the Earth's magnetic field. As a reaction of plants to the magnetic field, we observe magnetotropism

    Effect of compatibilization of polyethylene with waste polyamide powder on morphology and mechanical properties of blends

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    U ovom radu ispitana su mehanička svojstva čistih uzoraka polietilena (PE) i poliamida (PA), nekompatibiliniziranih mješavina PE/PA te kompatibilniziranih mješavina PE/PA/PEGMA. Kako bi se istražio utjecaj kompatiblizatora PEGMA na mehanička svojsva nekompatibliziranih mješavina ispitivana su rastezna svojstva testom jednoosnog naprezanja, relaksacijska svojstva testom relaksacije naprezanja te morfologija mješavina odabranih na temelju dobivenih mehaničkih svojstava. Uzorci su pripremljeni na hidrauličkoj preši, a testovi su provedeni na univerzalnoj mehaničkoj kidalici. Morfologija odabranih polimernih mješavina analizirana je na skenirajućem elektronskom mikroskopu. Mehanička svojstva povezana su s nekoliko strukturnih čimbenika kao što je temperatura staklišta, stupanj kristalnosti te dodatak neke druge faze. Dodatkom reaktivnog kompatibilizatora PEGMA u mješavinu PE/PA poboljšana su o mehanička svojstva ispitivanih uzoraka, odnosno smanjuje se Youngov modul elastičnosti, a povećavaju se prekidno istezanje i čvrstoća. Naime, nekompatibilizirane PE/PA mješavine imaju grubu morfologiju, jasno izražene granice faza i slabu adheziju na međupovršini što rezultira slabim mehaničkim svojstvima. Dodatak kompatibilizatora PEGMA poboljšava mehanička svojstva nekomaptibiliziranih mješavina, te su najbolja svojstva pokazali uzorci s 20% i 80% udjela PE.In this work, the mechanical properties of pure samples of polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA), non-compatibilized PE/PA blends and compatibilized PE/PA/PEGMA blends were investigated. To investigate the influence of the compatibilizer PEGMA on the mechanical properties of the non-compatibilized blends, the tensile properties were examined by the uniaxial stress test and the relaxation properties by the stress relaxation test. The morphology of some blends selected on the basis of mechanical properties was investigated. The samples were prepared on a hydraulic press, and the tests were carried out on a universal mechanical instrument. The morphology of the selected polymer blends was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The mechanical properties are related to several structural factors such as the glass transition temperature, the degree of crystallinity and the addition of some other phase. By adding the reactive compatibilizer PEGMA to the PE/PA blend, the mechanical properties of the tested samples were improved, Young's modulus of elasticity was reduced and the elongation and strength at break were increased. Namely, non-compatibilized PE/PA blends have a rough morphology, clearly defined phase boundaries and weak adhesion at the interface, which results in weak mechanical properties. The addition of compatibilizer PEGMA improves the mechanical properties of non-compatibilized blends, and the best properties were obtained for samples with 20% and 80% PE content

    Effect of compatibilization of polyethylene with waste polyamide powder on morphology and mechanical properties of blends

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    U ovom radu ispitana su mehanička svojstva čistih uzoraka polietilena (PE) i poliamida (PA), nekompatibiliniziranih mješavina PE/PA te kompatibilniziranih mješavina PE/PA/PEGMA. Kako bi se istražio utjecaj kompatiblizatora PEGMA na mehanička svojsva nekompatibliziranih mješavina ispitivana su rastezna svojstva testom jednoosnog naprezanja, relaksacijska svojstva testom relaksacije naprezanja te morfologija mješavina odabranih na temelju dobivenih mehaničkih svojstava. Uzorci su pripremljeni na hidrauličkoj preši, a testovi su provedeni na univerzalnoj mehaničkoj kidalici. Morfologija odabranih polimernih mješavina analizirana je na skenirajućem elektronskom mikroskopu. Mehanička svojstva povezana su s nekoliko strukturnih čimbenika kao što je temperatura staklišta, stupanj kristalnosti te dodatak neke druge faze. Dodatkom reaktivnog kompatibilizatora PEGMA u mješavinu PE/PA poboljšana su o mehanička svojstva ispitivanih uzoraka, odnosno smanjuje se Youngov modul elastičnosti, a povećavaju se prekidno istezanje i čvrstoća. Naime, nekompatibilizirane PE/PA mješavine imaju grubu morfologiju, jasno izražene granice faza i slabu adheziju na međupovršini što rezultira slabim mehaničkim svojstvima. Dodatak kompatibilizatora PEGMA poboljšava mehanička svojstva nekomaptibiliziranih mješavina, te su najbolja svojstva pokazali uzorci s 20% i 80% udjela PE.In this work, the mechanical properties of pure samples of polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA), non-compatibilized PE/PA blends and compatibilized PE/PA/PEGMA blends were investigated. To investigate the influence of the compatibilizer PEGMA on the mechanical properties of the non-compatibilized blends, the tensile properties were examined by the uniaxial stress test and the relaxation properties by the stress relaxation test. The morphology of some blends selected on the basis of mechanical properties was investigated. The samples were prepared on a hydraulic press, and the tests were carried out on a universal mechanical instrument. The morphology of the selected polymer blends was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The mechanical properties are related to several structural factors such as the glass transition temperature, the degree of crystallinity and the addition of some other phase. By adding the reactive compatibilizer PEGMA to the PE/PA blend, the mechanical properties of the tested samples were improved, Young's modulus of elasticity was reduced and the elongation and strength at break were increased. Namely, non-compatibilized PE/PA blends have a rough morphology, clearly defined phase boundaries and weak adhesion at the interface, which results in weak mechanical properties. The addition of compatibilizer PEGMA improves the mechanical properties of non-compatibilized blends, and the best properties were obtained for samples with 20% and 80% PE content

    Application of magnetic field on biological systems

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    U ovom radu upoznati ćemo se s primjenom i utjecajem magnetskog polja na ljude,životinje i biljke. Obrađeni su osnovni podaci vezani uz nastanak i ponašanje magnetskog polja i konkretni učinci u područjima biomedicine i medicinske fizike. Magneti imaju široku primjenu u medicinskom području zbog svojih fizičkih i kemijskih svojstava, koriste se za nuklearnu magnetsku rezonancu, koja služi za dijagnosticiranje bolesti. Magnetizam u medicini ne služi samo za dijagnosticiranje bolesti, već se može koristitit u izliječenju različitih bolesti. Kod životinja susrećemo se s pojmom magnetorecepcije, koja se odnosi na sposobnost organizma da opaža magnetna polja, neke životinje ga koriste da pronađu svoj put na velikim udaljenostima, usklađujući se s magnetsknim poljem Zemlje. Kao reakciju biljaka na magnetsko polje uočavamo magnetotropizam.The aim of this work is to learn about application and influence of the magnetic field on humans, animals and plants. Basic data related to the formation and behavior of the magnetic field and specific effects in the fields of biomedicine and medical physics are processed. Magnets have wide application in the medical field due to their physical and chemical properties, they are used for nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used to diagnose diseases. Magnetism in medicine is not only used to diagnose diseases, but can be used to cure various diseases. In animals, we encounter the concept of magnetoreception, which refers to the body's ability to perceive magnetic fields, some animals use it to find their way over long distances, aligning with the Earth's magnetic field. As a reaction of plants to the magnetic field, we observe magnetotropism