9 research outputs found

    Sobrevivência de pacientes adultos com Aids em hospital de referência no Nordeste brasileiro

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of sociodemographic, clinical, and epidemiological factors in AIDS patients survival in a reference hospital. METHODS: A sample of 502 adult AIDS patients out of 1,494 AIDS cases registered in a hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil, was investigated between 1986 and 1998. Sixteen cases were excluded due to death at the moment of the AIDS diagnosis and 486 were analyzed in the study. Socioeconomic and clinical epidemiological were the variables studied. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: Three hundred and sixty two out of the 486 patients studied took at least one antiretroviral drug and their survival was ten times longer than those who did not take any drug (746 and 79 days, respectively, pOBJETIVO: Avaliar, em um hospital de referência, a influência de fatores sociodemográficos e clínico-epidemiológicos na sobrevivência de pacientes com Aids. MÉTODOS:Foi estudada uma amostra de 486 adultos com Aids atendidos em hospital de referência no Ceará, entre 1986 e 1998. Foram avaliadas as variáveis socioeconômicas e clínico-epidemiológicas. A análise foi realizada pelo método Kaplan-Meier e por regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: Dos 486 pacientes estudados, 362 utilizaram pelo menos uma droga anti-retroviral e tiveram sobrevida dez vezes maior que os que não a utilizaram (746 e 79 dias, respectivamente;

    Prevention of HIV infection among migrant population groups in Northeast Brazil

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    HIV infection is spreading among the poor, women, and migrant communities in the interior of Northeast Brazil. The research focused on different configurations, beliefs, representations, and forms of social organization of behavior thought to be associated with the population's capacity to efficiently follow AIDS prevention measures. Participants located in neighborhoods known for having large migrant populations were identified by Family Health Program Workers in Fortaleza and Teresina. The study adopted a qualitative methodology. Several belief-system concepts and values, as well as the social organization of sexuality revealed in the study, represent obstacles both to AIDS prevention and condom use. Hunger, lack of prospects, and fear are associated with a social situation of poverty, exclusion, prejudice, and total absence of basic human rights When examined together, these elements define different configurations in the migrants' increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The groups' increased vulnerability relates to the socioeconomic complexity that must be considered in HIV/AIDS control and prevention programs

    Prevention of HIV infection among migrant population groups in Northeast Brazil

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    HIV infection is spreading among the poor, women, and migrant communities in the interior of Northeast Brazil. The research focused on different configurations, beliefs, representations, and forms of social organization of behavior thought to be associated with the population's capacity to efficiently follow AIDS prevention measures. Participants located in neighborhoods known for having large migrant populations were identified by Family Health Program Workers in Fortaleza and Teresina. The study adopted a qualitative methodology. Several belief-system concepts and values, as well as the social organization of sexuality revealed in the study, represent obstacles both to AIDS prevention and condom use. Hunger, lack of prospects, and fear are associated with a social situation of poverty, exclusion, prejudice, and total absence of basic human rights When examined together, these elements define different configurations in the migrants' increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The groups' increased vulnerability relates to the socioeconomic complexity that must be considered in HIV/AIDS control and prevention programs

    Survival of adult AIDS patients in a reference hospital of a metropolitan area in Brazil Sobrevivência de pacientes adultos com Aids em hospital de referência no Nordeste brasileiro

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of sociodemographic, clinical, and epidemiological factors in AIDS patients survival in a reference hospital. METHODS: A sample of 502 adult AIDS patients out of 1,494 AIDS cases registered in a hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil, was investigated between 1986 and 1998. Sixteen cases were excluded due to death at the moment of the AIDS diagnosis and 486 were analyzed in the study. Socioeconomic and clinical epidemiological were the variables studied. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: Three hundred and sixty two out of the 486 patients studied took at least one antiretroviral drug and their survival was ten times longer than those who did not take any drug (746 and 79 days, respectively, p <0.001). Patients who took two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus protease inhibitor were found to have higher survival rates (p <0.001). The risk of dying in the first year was significantly lower for patients who took NRTI and a protease inhibitor compared to those who took only NRTI. In addition, this risk was much lower from the second year on (0.10; 95%CI: 0.42-0.23). The risk of dying in the first year was significantly higher for less educated patients (15.58; 95%CI: 6.64-36.58) and those who had two or more systemic diseases (3.03; 95%CI: 1.74-5.25). After the first year post-diagnosis, there was no risk difference for these factors. CONCLUSIONS: Higher education revealed to exert a significant influence in the first-year survival. Antiretroviral drugs had a greater impact in the survival from the second year on. A more aggressive antiretroviral therapy started earlier could benefit those patients.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em um hospital de referência, a influência de fatores sociodemográficos e clínico-epidemiológicos na sobrevivência de pacientes com Aids. MÉTODOS:Foi estudada uma amostra de 486 adultos com Aids atendidos em hospital de referência no Ceará, entre 1986 e 1998. Foram avaliadas as variáveis socioeconômicas e clínico-epidemiológicas. A análise foi realizada pelo método Kaplan-Meier e por regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: Dos 486 pacientes estudados, 362 utilizaram pelo menos uma droga anti-retroviral e tiveram sobrevida dez vezes maior que os que não a utilizaram (746 e 79 dias, respectivamente; p<0,001). O risco de morrer, no primeiro ano, foi significativamente menor (0,25; IC95%: 0,12-0,50) para os que fizeram uso de dois inibidores de transcriptase reversa ou HAART e menor a partir do segundo ano (0,10; IC95%:0,42-0,23) em relação aos que não os usaram. Indivíduos sem nível universitário (15,58; IC95%:6,64-36,58) e que apresentaram duas ou mais doenças sistêmicas (3,03; IC95%:1,74-5,25) tiveram risco significativamente maior de morrer no primeiro ano. Após o primeiro ano, não se observou diferença. CONCLUSÃO: O melhor nível socioeconômico, medido indiretamente pela escolaridade, demonstrou grande influência na sobrevivência no primeiro ano. As drogas anti-retrovirais tiveram mais impacto na sobrevivência a partir do segundo ano, assim como igualaram o risco de morrer de pacientes com duas ou mais doenças sistêmicas àqueles que não tiveram nenhuma no mesmo período. Concluiu-se que uma introdução mais precoce e mais agressiva dos anti-retrovirais poderia beneficiar os pacientes

    Somatic KRAS mutations associated with a human nonmalignant syndrome of autoimmunity and abnormal leukocyte homeostasis

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    Somatic gain-of-function mutations in members of the RAS subfamily of small guanosine triphosphatases are found in > 30% of all human cancers. We recently described a syndrome of chronic nonmalignant lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and autoimmunity associated with a mutation in NRAS affecting hematopoietic cells, and initially we classified the disease as a variant of the autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. Here, we demonstrate that somatic mutations in the related KRAS gene can also be associated with a nonmalignant syndrome of autoimmunity and breakdown of leukocyte homeostasis. The activating KRAS mutation impaired cytokine withdrawal–induced T-cell apoptosis through the suppression of the proapoptotic protein BCL-2 interacting mediator of cell death and facilitated proliferation through p27kip1 down-regulation. These defects could be corrected in vitro by mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase 1 or phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase inhibition. We suggest the use of the term RAS-associated autoimmune leukoproliferative disease to differentiate this disorder from autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome

    Prevention of HIV infection among migrant population groups in Northeast Brazil O papel da migração na prevenção da infecção pelo HIV no Nordeste Brasileiro

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    HIV infection is spreading among the poor, women, and migrant communities in the interior of Northeast Brazil. The research focused on different configurations, beliefs, representations, and forms of social organization of behavior thought to be associated with the population's capacity to efficiently follow AIDS prevention measures. Participants located in neighborhoods known for having large migrant populations were identified by Family Health Program Workers in Fortaleza and Teresina. The study adopted a qualitative methodology. Several belief-system concepts and values, as well as the social organization of sexuality revealed in the study, represent obstacles both to AIDS prevention and condom use. Hunger, lack of prospects, and fear are associated with a social situation of poverty, exclusion, prejudice, and total absence of basic human rights When examined together, these elements define different configurations in the migrants' increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The groups' increased vulnerability relates to the socioeconomic complexity that must be considered in HIV/AIDS control and prevention programs.<br>A infecção pelo HIV entre pobres, mulheres e populações migrantes do interior do Nordeste Brasileiro vem crescendo. As diferentes configurações, crenças e representações e formas de organização do comportamento, associadas à capacidade de seguir adequadamente medidas de prevenção, foram o foco desta investigação. Os participantes foram localizados em bairros com altas taxas de migração através do Programa Saúde da Família em Fortaleza e Teresina. Empregou-se a metodologia qualitativa nesta investigação. Vários sistemas de crenças, valores e organização social da sexualidade desta população representam obstáculos à prevenção da AIDS e inibem o uso do preservativo. Pobreza, falta de perspectiva e medo estão associados à situação de pobreza, exclusão social e preconceito e à total ausência de direitos humanos. Quando examinados conjuntamente, estes fatores definem diferentes configurações dos migrantes com uma elevada vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS. A alta vulnerabilidade destes grupos, relacionada à complexidade sócio-econômica, deve ser considerada nos programas de prevenção e controle da AIDS