180 research outputs found

    Cambios en el régimen de tenencia de la vivienda en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires: el caso del partido de Tres de Febrero (1991-2010)

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    A partir de las transformaciones en la formación social nacional, como resultado de las políticas de corte neoliberal establecidas por el golpe cívico militar de 1976, se produjo una transformación de la estructura social argentina, con su correspondiente correlato en las estructuras urbanas de las grandes áreas metropolitanas argentinas, y en particular, la del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA). Por su parte, el Partido de Tres de Febrero ha sufrido mutaciones de relevancia que todavía no han sido analizadas en profundidad, como, por ejemplo, en su estructura etaria, la composición de los hogares, así como en el tipo y en el régimen de tenencia de la vivienda. En el presente trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de investigación sobre los cambios acontecidos en el régimen de tenencia de la vivienda (RTV) en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires en el periodo intercensal 1947-2010, enmarcando allí las transformaciones ocurridas en el partido en cuestión. Para lograr dicho objetivo, se analiza el incremento poblacional, la cantidad de viviendas y la proporción de hogares propietarios e inquilinos de la vivienda para el conjunto de unidades administrativas del AMBA a partir de los censos nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas de 1947,1960,1980,1991,2001 y 2010. A su vez, se presentan los resultados para el partido en cuestión y se analizan una serie de indicadores cuantitativos que permiten identificar los cambios acontecidos el periodo 1991-2010, así como su impronta a escala de radio censal.Evento realizado junto con el VII Congreso Nacional de Geografía de Universidades PúblicasFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Profesorul universitar Constantin Andriuţă

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    Atelier de lucru al Asociaţiei Latine pentru Analiza Sistemelor de Sănătate (ALASS) cu tema: „Malpraxis medical: actualităţi şi perspective”, organizat de Asociaţia Economie, Management şi Psihologie în Medicină din Republica Moldova, membru instituţional, 29 iunie 2012, Chișinău, Republica Moldov


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    Estimating the entity value is topical and of particular interest to managers and business owners, who in turn hope that through the evaluation they will obtain parallel and new possibilities for the business remediation. In this context, managers seek the support of qualified assessors, who will conduct a thorough analysis of the entity’s state at a given date, will apply the most effective evaluation methods. In this paper we proposed to investigate and analyze the theoretical aspects of the entity value estimation (EVE), rendered in the opinion of the well-informed researchers and in the light of the evaluation standards. As a result, we note that the criteria of evaluations have been supplemented with the following criterion: by type of activity of the economic entity. We estimate the evaluation methods in order to identify the most accepted and effective method for this important process to the entity. For the practical aspect of the investigation, we focused on the method of comparison in the market valuation of the enterprise, in order to establish the statistical indicators consisting of the calculation of the median and the arithmetic mean. Based on the calculations made in the practical part, we have found that an economic entity can change its own value, in particular, by the way its values are profitable. In estimating the value of the entity, a decision-making function is attributed to the rests with the assessor, in particular with regard to the methods selected and applied professionally by the entity, in compliance with professional valuation standards and current regulations, as the fair estimation of the entity’s value leads to a secure future and a guaranteed success

    Preplaque ('preclinical') Aβ-induced inflammation and nerve growth factor deregulation in transgenic models of Alzheimer's disease-like amyloid pathology

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    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology likely begins decades before clinical symptoms are manifested. Investigations on the early stages of the amyloid pathology are crucial for the discovery of diagnostic biomarkers or new therapeutic targets. Our transgenic (tg) animal models are most suitable to study early AD pathological events, as the pathology evolves in a well-staged manner, starting with intracellular Aβ accumulation and ending with plaque deposition. OBJECTIVE: To determine the occurrence of key inflammatory markers and to look for signs of nerve growth factor (NGF) dysmetabolism at preplaque and postplaque stages in tg models of AD-like amyloid pathology and in human AD brains. METHODS: We used our own tg lines (mice and rat), high-quality human brain material and applied neurochemical and immunohistochemical experimental approaches. RESULTS: In both tg models, we observed an intracellular accumulation of oligomeric Aβ in cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. This coincided with an upregulation of key inflammatory markers (iNOS, MHCII, COX-2) and a recruitment of microglia towards Aβ-burdened neurons. Using human AD brains, we showed alterations in the NGF metabolic pathway, which were mirrored in our tg rat model at early and late stages of amyloid plaque generation. CONCLUSION: A proinflammatory process and, consequently, the deregulation of the NGF metabolic pathway could be amongst the earliest pathological events in the progression of AD

    Assessment of brain-derived extracellular vesicle enrichment for blood biomarker analysis in age-related neurodegenerative diseases: An international overview

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    INTRODUCTION Brain-derived extracellular vesicles (BEVs) in blood allows for minimally-invasive investigations of central nervous system (CNS) -specific markers of age-related neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs). Polymer-based EV- and immunoprecipitation (IP)-based BEV-enrichment protocols from blood have gained popularity. We systematically investigated protocol consistency across studies, and determined CNS-specificity of proteins associated with these protocols. METHODS NDD articles investigating BEVs in blood using polymer-based and/or IP-based BEV enrichment protocols were systematically identified, and protocols compared. Proteins used for BEV-enrichment and/or post-enrichment were assessed for CNS- and brain-cell-type-specificity, extracellular domains (ECD+), and presence in EV-databases. RESULTS A total of 82.1% of studies used polymer-based (ExoQuick) EV-enrichment, and 92.3% used L1CAM for IP-based BEV-enrichment. Centrifugation times differed across studies. A total of 26.8% of 82 proteins systematically identified were CNS-specific: 50% ECD+, 77.3% were listed in EV-databases. CONCLUSIONS We identified protocol steps requiring standardization, and recommend additional CNS-specific proteins that can be used for BEV-enrichment or as BEV-biomarkers

    Cognitive and brain cytokine profile of non-demented individuals with cerebral amyloid-beta deposition

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    Brain inflammation has been increasingly associated with early amyloid accumulation in Alzheimer's disease models; however, evidence of its occurrence in humans remains scarce. To elucidate whether amyloid deposition is associated with neuroinflammation and cognitive deficits, we studied brain inflammatory cytokine expression and cognitive decline in non-demented elderly individuals with and without cerebral amyloid-beta deposition. Global cognition, episodic, working, and semantic memory, perceptual speed, visuospatial ability, and longitudinal decline (5.7 ± 3.6 years) in each cognitive domain were compared between elderly individuals (66-79 years) with and without cerebral amyloid-beta deposition. The expression of 20 inflammatory cytokines was analyzed in frozen temporal, parietal, and frontal cortices and compared between older individuals with and without amyloid-beta deposition in each brain region. Correlation analyses were performed to analyze associations between amyloid-beta load, cytokine expression, and cognitive decline. Individuals with cortical amyloid-beta deposition displayed deficits and a faster rate of cognitive decline in perceptual speed as compared with those individuals without amyloid-beta. This decline was positively associated with cortical amyloid-beta levels. Elderly individuals with amyloid-beta deposition had higher levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and eotaxin-3 in the temporal cortex accompanied by an increase in MCP-1 and IL-1β in the parietal cortex and a trend towards higher levels of IL-1β and MCP-1 in the frontal cortex as compared with age-matched amyloid-free individuals. Brain IL-1β levels displayed a positive association with cortical amyloid burden in each brain region. Finally, differential cytokine expression in each cortical region was associated with cognitive decline. Elderly individuals with amyloid-beta neuropathology but no symptomatic manifestation of dementia, exhibit cognitive decline and increased brain cytokine expression. Such observations suggest that increased cytokine expression might be an early event in the Alzheimer's continuum. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12974-021-02169-0

    Some clinical, epidemiological and laboratory aspects of botulism B in adults in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase, tropicale şi parazitologie medicală USMF “ Nicolae Testemiţanu”, SCBI “T. Ciorbă”This article highlights some clinical, epidemiological and laboratory aspects of botulism B in 74 adults hospitalized in different diseases departments of Republic of Moldova. The illness evolved mostly after the consumption of different products hermetically packed in domestic conditions. Only the cases of botulism B were selected, botulotoxina was achieved by biologic tests on mice. În articol sunt prezente aspectele clinice, epidemiologice şi de laborator la 74 bolnavi adulţi cu botulism de tip B, spitalizaţi în secţiile de boli infecţioase din Republica Moldova. Maladia s-a dezvoltat după consumul în hrană a diferitor produse alimentare împachetate ermetic în condiţii de casă. Noi am selectat numai bolnavii cu botulism de tip B prin decelarea acestui agent în rezultatul testării pe şoareci

    Nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway biomarkers in Down syndrome prior to and after the onset of clinical Alzheimer's disease : A paired CSF and plasma study

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    Altres ajuts: This work was also supported by the National Institutes of Health (R21AG056974 and R01AG061566 to JF); Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (SLT002/16/00408 to AL); Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20141210 to JF, 044412 to RB). Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down and Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas partially supported this work. This work was also supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT006/17/00119 to JF) and a grant from the Fundació Bancaria La Caixa to RB.The discovery that nerve growth factor (NGF) metabolism is altered in Down syndrome (DS) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains offered a framework for the identification of novel biomarkers signalling NGF deregulation in AD pathology. We examined levels of NGF pathway proteins (proNGF, neuroserpin, tissue plasminogen activator [tPA], and metalloproteases [MMP]) in matched cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)/plasma samples from AD-symptomatic (DSAD) and AD-asymptomatic (aDS) individuals with DS, as well as controls (HC). ProNGF and MMP-3 were elevated while tPA was decreased in plasma from individuals with DS. CSF from individuals with DS showed elevated proNGF, neuroserpin, MMP-3, and MMP-9. ProNGF and MMP-9 in CSF differentiated DSAD from aDS (area under the curve = 0.86, 0.87). NGF pathway markers associated with CSF amyloid beta and tau and differed by sex. Brain NGF metabolism changes can be monitored in plasma and CSF, supporting relevance in AD pathology. These markers could assist staging, subtyping, or precision medicine for AD in DS

    Some clinical,epidemiologica land laboratory aspects of botulism in adults in Republic of Moldova

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    The article deals with some clinical, epidemiological and laboratory aspects of botulism in 200 adults, hospitalized in different infectious diseases departments from Republic of Moldova. The disease was revealed with the same frequency in both men and women which developed sporadically in groups of patients. The illness developed mostly after the consumption of different food products (fish, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, etc) hermetically canned in domestic conditions. The botulism diagnosis at referral and admission was suspected in 71-81%. Later it was confirmed in 55% of patients. The serotype B of botulinic bacillus was detected in 72,7% of outcomes. The botulism developed in slight and medium forms. 3 patients out of 24 died of severe form of botulism because they didn’t receive antibotulinic serum due to lacking of it. În acest articol sunt elucidate aspectele clinice, epidemiologice şi de laborator ale botulismului la 200 bolnavi adulţi spitalizaţi în diferite secţii de boli infecţioase ale Republicii Moldova . Maladia s-a depistat cu aceaiaşi frecvenţă la perosanele de gen masculin şi feminin, evoluînd în grupuri sau sporadic. Mai frecvent erau afectaţi bolnavi între 21-50 ani. Durata perioadei de incubaţie până la 48 ore a fost constatată la 55% pacienţi. Maladia a evoluat după consumul în hrană a diferitor produse alimentare ( carne, ciuperci, legume şi fructe) împachetate ermetic în condiţii casnice. La îndrumare şi spitalizare diagnosticul de botulism a fost suspectat respectiv în 71-81,5% cazuri. Confirmarea diagnosticului a avut loc prin metoda de laborator la 55% persoane. În 72,7% din rezultate pozitive s-a determinat serotipul B a bacilului botulinic. La majoritatea bolnavilor botulismul a evoluat în forme uşoare şi medii. Din 24 bolnavi cu forme grave au decedat 3, care nu au primit ser antibotulinic din cauza lipsei lui