289 research outputs found

    Retrieve-and-Read: Multi-task Learning of Information Retrieval and Reading Comprehension

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    This study considers the task of machine reading at scale (MRS) wherein, given a question, a system first performs the information retrieval (IR) task of finding relevant passages in a knowledge source and then carries out the reading comprehension (RC) task of extracting an answer span from the passages. Previous MRS studies, in which the IR component was trained without considering answer spans, struggled to accurately find a small number of relevant passages from a large set of passages. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective approach that incorporates the IR and RC tasks by using supervised multi-task learning in order that the IR component can be trained by considering answer spans. Experimental results on the standard benchmark, answering SQuAD questions using the full Wikipedia as the knowledge source, showed that our model achieved state-of-the-art performance. Moreover, we thoroughly evaluated the individual contributions of our model components with our new Japanese dataset and SQuAD. The results showed significant improvements in the IR task and provided a new perspective on IR for RC: it is effective to teach which part of the passage answers the question rather than to give only a relevance score to the whole passage.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure. Accepted as a full paper at CIKM 201

    Immunotherapy for Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Immunotherapy plays a significant role in the management of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients with metastatic disease because RCC is highly resistant to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Many reports illustrate various approaches to the treatment of RCC, such as cytokine-, antigen- or dendritic cell- (DC-) based immunotherapy, and the safety and effectiveness of immunotherapy have been highlighted by multiple clinical trials. Although antitumor immune responses and clinically significant outcomes have been achieved in these trials, the response rate is still low, and very few patients show long-term clinical improvement. Recently, the importance of immune regulation by antigen-presenting cells (APC) and regulatory T cells (Treg cells) has also been discussed. The authors outline the principles of cell-mediated tumor immunotherapy and discuss clinical trials of immunotherapy for RCC

    Euripidean lyric metres : a classification

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    In this thesis two branches of Euripidean lyric metres are discussed: aeolic and prosodiac-enoplian. A. M. Dale established aeolo-choriambic and prosodiac-enoplian as genera subsuming as species a number of various forms previously treated separately. She also treated both of these under the same name, aeolic. But whether each form should be grouped within these two genera, and whether both genera should be taken as aeolic, still lacked thorough examination. The first task of classification is to collect every parallel of each form. The scope is restricted to Euripidean odes, but Aeshylean and Sophoclean passages are taken into account as much as possible, especially in Part II. Part I treats glyconics and related metres. The decision as to which metre is associated with glyconics relies on basically two criteria: metrical context and similarity of forms. After a survey of the metrical construction of each ode, the general characteristics of aeolic metres, such as aeolic base, are examined with statistics. Then the manner of Euripidean usage is described metre by metre with a list of all examples. Part II is devoted to prosodiac-enoplian. Prosodiac-enoplian is associative with dochmiacs, especially in duets and a certain kind of choral odes, while aeolic (in the narrower sense) is quite alien in these odes. After the classification of predecessors is surveyed, each form which is classified in the genus 'prosodiac-enoplian' by Dale is subdivided from the point of similarity of form. Every occurrence of each form is examined in the Notes. Metrical context is given special attention. The classification adopted here is considerably different from that of Dale, in that it is argued that cola can and should be taken as meaningful units for analysis of tragic metres. The central figures of prosodiac-enoplian are … [illegible]. The second of these has been overlooked; but parallelism with the first may be observed not only in structure of these and their compounds but also in usage. They are followed by another colon to make a dicolon as well as prolonged by suffix. Unlike the work of Wilamowitz and Schroeder, this thesis refrains from historical speculation. An appendix on the 'choriambic dimeter' and an index of discussed passages is attached


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    No Paraná existem diferentes conflitos no campo. Os principais conflitos envolvem de um lado os sem-terra, quilombolas e indígenas, e, de outro, proprietários rurais do agronegócio latifundiário. A existência desses conflitos indica que existe um problema agrário, uma questão agrária que não foi resolvida. No extremo oeste do Paraná, a partir de 2012, emerge a luta pela terra dos indígenas de etnia Avá-Guarani, especificamente nos municípios de Guaíra e Terra Roxa, fronteira com Paraguai e Mato Grosso do Sul. Com isso, passam a vivenciar um vigoroso movimento de difamação e falsas informações, orquestrado por setores ruralistas, criando, assim, uma atmosfera hostil à presença indígena, que tem levado a violação de seus direitos mais fundamentais. O texto tem como proposta apresentar as condições precárias de sobrevivência que se encontram os indígenas Guarani nos municípios de Guaíra e Terra Roxa, como também apresentar um breve histórico do processo de expulsão dos Guarani de seus territórios, trazendo para o debate algumas reflexões e questionamentos sobre a questão indígena em geral