47 research outputs found

    Probable association of T Tauri stars with the L1014 dense core

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    Using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2), we have carried out slit-less spectroscopy, g'r'i' photometry, and slit spectroscopy on the L1014 dense core. We detected three Halpha emission line stars. We interpret one as weak-line T Tauri star (WTTS) and the others as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Since their g'-i' colors and/or classified spectral types are consistent with those of T Tauri stars and two of them show less extinction than the cloud, these three stars are likely to be T Tauri stars associated with L1014. Adopting an age range for T Tauri stars, 1-10 Myr, the color-magnitude diagram suggests a distance of ~400-900 pc, rather than the previously assumed distance, 200 pc. This could strongly affect on the mass estimate of L1014-IRS, which is thought to be either a very young protostar or proto-brown dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Vol.58, No.5, October 25, 200

    On the Warped Disk in NGC 4258

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    We investigate evolution of the warped disk induced by torque due to radiation pressure from the central object. The warp is treated as a small perturbation on to a standard disk model around a supermassive black hole. We derive simultaneous differential equations which govern the development of the warp. Applying our procedure to NGC 4258, we specify the mass of the black hole M=3.9x10^7 M_sun, the accretion rate M=8.6x10^-4 M_sun yr^-1 and the luminosity L=1.0x10^44 erg s^-1. The initial small tilt angle of the disk grows by a factor of 54 during 10 Gyr. It is found that the resulting warped disk can be well superposed on the observed map of water maser emitting clouds

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