424 research outputs found

    Macrodistrofia lipomatosa en el pie: A propósito de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    La macrofistrofia lipomatosa es una forma de gigantismo localizado poco frecuente y de causa desconocida, se caracteriza por un gran aumento del crecimiento de todos los elementos mesenquimales, en particular el tejido fibroadiposo de uno o varios dedos del pie o de la mano. Nosotros presentamos un paciente con una deformidad estática en el primer dedo del pie derecho, con una discusión de los hallazgos clínicos, patológicos y radiológicos, así como una revisión de la bibliografía.Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa, a rare form of localized gigantism of unknown cause, is characterized by a dramatic overgrowth of all the mesenchymal elements, paricularly the fibroadipose tissue, of one or more digits of the foot or hand. We report the case of an patient, who had a static deformity of the first toe of the right food. The clinical, pathologic, and roentgenographic findings are discussed and review of the literature is provided

    Síndrome de edema transitorio de médula ósea en tibia. A propósito de un caso

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    El término "Síndrome de edema transitoro de médula ósea" (SETMO) se utiliza para definir un modelo de edema óseo difuso en imágenes por RNM, en ausencia de osteopenia demostrada radiológicamente y en el cual se descarte otro diagnóstico. La localización más frecuente es a nivel femoral proximal, aunque puede observare en rodillas, tobillos, y con menor frecuencia a nivel de diáfisis tibial, donde han sido descritos cuatro casos. En nuestro trabajo presentamos un caso de SETMO localizado en diáfisis de tibia, resuelto espontáneamente a los 4 meses, y que tras un periodo de seguimiento de tres años permanece asintomático.The term "Transient bone marrow edema" (TBME like Síndrome) is utilized to define a model of bone marrow edema diffuse in images by MR, in absence of osteopenia shown by means of radiologic diagnosis and in which another diagnosis be discarded. The most frequent locating is in the proximal femur, although can be observed in knee, ankle, and with smaller frequency to level of tibial diaphysis, where they have been described four cases. In our study we present a case of TBME located in tibial diaphysis, resolved spontaneously to the 4 months, and that after a period of follow-up of three years remains without symptoms

    التأثيرات السلبية الناتجة عن استخدام الأجهزة اللوحية الذكية على الصحة الجسمية والنفسية لأطفال من عمر(13-16) سنة من وجهة نظرهم

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    The study aimed to explore the negative effects of using smart devices on the physical and psychological health of children aged (13-16) years from their perspective. The study was applied to a random sample of children aged (13-16), consisting of (102) male and female students. The descriptive method was used to answer the study questions, and a questionnaire was developed to collect data, which contains (3) sections, first section asked about the most used and preferred devices by children aged (13-16) years, and the number of hours the child used the smart device, the second one asked about the negative effects of using the smart devices on the physical and psychological health of children aged (13-16) years from their perspective, and the third section is an open question to know other negative effects of using the smart devices on the physical and psychological health of children aged (13-16) years. The study achieved a set of results, such as the smartphones are the most used and preferred devices by children aged (13-16) years, where (57%) of the study sample preferred to use, and there is (86.3%) of children aged (13-16) use these devices at average from 4 up to 6 hours daily. The responders highly agreed upon the negative effects of the use of smart devices on the physical health with average (4.2); which is a high degree, also the responders highly agreed upon the negative effects of the use of smart devices on the physiological health with average is (3.73) which is also high, added there are other effects caused by the use of smart devices for long hours on children aged (13-16); the low rate of family discussions, and causes the low writing skills for child. Depending on the results of the study, the researcher recommends that: researchers should conduct a correlative study to know the relationship between the effects and the number of hours of daily use of devices; families should rationalize the use of smart devices

    Töötajapoolne töölepingu erakorraline ülesütlemine tööandja kohustuste rikkumise korral

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    GPTEval: NLG Evaluation using GPT-4 with Better Human Alignment

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    The quality of texts generated by natural language generation (NLG) systems is hard to measure automatically. Conventional reference-based metrics, such as BLEU and ROUGE, have been shown to have relatively low correlation with human judgments, especially for tasks that require creativity and diversity. Recent studies suggest using large language models (LLMs) as reference-free metrics for NLG evaluation, which have the benefit of being applicable to new tasks that lack human references. However, these LLM-based evaluators still have lower human correspondence than medium-size neural evaluators. In this work, we present GPTEval, a framework of using large language models with chain-of-thoughts (CoT) and a form-filling paradigm, to assess the quality of NLG outputs. We experiment with two generation tasks, text summarization and dialogue generation. We show that GPTEval with GPT-4 as the backbone model achieves a Spearman correlation of 0.514 with human on summarization task, outperforming all previous methods by a large margin. We also propose preliminary analysis on the behavior of LLM-based evaluators, and highlight the potential issue of LLM-based evaluators having a bias towards the LLM-generated texts

    Biomaterials: ciments ossis, ceràmiques, i el seu ús en cirurgia protètica

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    Cirurgia protètica; Ceràmiques; Ciments ossisProsthetic surgery; Ceramics; Bone cementsCirugía protésica; Cerámicas; Cementos óseosEn aquesta monografia es presenten el ciment ossi acrílic com a sistema de fixació, i les ceràmiques com aparell de fricció entre els components i com a recobriment dels implants. L'objectiu d'aquesta publicació és promoure l'interès pels biomaterials, especialment entre els professionals sanitaris i, més en concret, entre els traumatòlegs, atès el paper tan important què hi juguen en els resultats de les intervencions d'artroplàsties que realitzen. D'altra banda, la investigació en nous biomaterials i les nano tecnologies associades a la biologia molecular i cel·lular, en constant evolució, han de ser decisius en el disseny dels implants del futur.En esta monografía se presentan el cemento óseo acrílico como sistema de fijación y las cerámicas como aparato de fricción entre los componentes y como recubrimiento de los implantes. El objetivo de esta publicación es promover el interés por los biomateriales, especialmente entre los profesionales sanitarios y, mas en concreto, entre los traumatólogos, dado el papel tan importante que juegan en los resultados de las intervenciones de artoplastias que realizan. Por otra parte, la investigación en nuevos biomateriales y las nano tecnologías asociadas a la biología molecular y celular, en constante evolución, tienen que ser decisivos en el diseño de los implantes del futuro


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    Abstract:Problems in this research is there an increase in learning outcomes passing down the volley ball with the modification of the ball of paper on students of class IV SDN 35 Sekibul. The purpose of this study is to determine the increase of passing under the volley ball with the modification of the ball on the students of grade IV SDN 35 Sekibul. This research is a class action research with the subject of fourth grade students of SDN 35 Sekibul totaling 20 students. The results of the first cycle of students who completed 12 or 60% while the students and who have not passed or not yet completed is still the same amounted to 8 or 40% then proceed to cycle II students in order to have the opportunity for improvement so can be categorized graduate or complete all with students graduated amounted to 20 students and has not completed 0 or none. Keywords: Passing, Modification of the bal