4 research outputs found

    Corruption In Nigerian Society & The Insouciancing Of The Church In The Light Of Micah 3:9-12

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    This paper is a critical discourse on the seeming silence of the Church about the issue of Corruption in Nigerian Society, using Micah 3: 9-12 as a case study. It aimed at finding out the relevance of Prophet Micah’s massage to the contemporary Nigerian church and society in the light of the claim that Religion is necessary for morality, vis-à-vis the seeming damaging conclusion that many religious activities these days no longer impede corruption. The analyses employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework. Data gathered both from the primary and secondary sources were analyzed through the hermeneutical, descriptive and analytical methods. The findings of the paper are that there is a high level of corruption in Nigerian Society and the Church is silent or saying little and that Corruption, in whatever name it is called, including its encouragement by insouciance, can affect the society in many ways. The paper is of the view that the church, like Micah in his time, cannot remain silent or seen to be promoting what it ought to condemn. The paper concludes that The Nigerian Political elites should be constantly reminded of such passages as Micah 6:8 where we are told that what the Lord truly requires of those who know him is “to love tenderly, to do justice, and to walk humbly before your God.” And that Religious leaders and organizations should be reminded that they can help turn many Nigerians away from what appears to be an incredibly high sense of devotion to the cult of material prosperity and material success towards the spiritual values of truth, justice, holiness and purity

    An Exegetical Analysis Of Numbers 31: 27 As A Panacea For Resource Control Agitation In Niger Delta

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    This paper is a critical discourse on the Biblical panacea for the unending agitations for resource control in Nigeria Niger Delta. It aimed at finding out if the Biblical concept of Justice (Hebrew, צִדקָהָ ) and equity (Hebrew, מיֵשָׁר ), which are the hall marks of every society that operates under the rule of Law, have been duly applied in the Niger Delta crisis. The analyses employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework. Data gathered both from the primary and secondary sources were analyzed through the hermeneutical, descriptive and analytical methods. The findings of the paper are that Niger Delta peoples have a right to far better living condition than is on offer presently, and available data justify this claim. The paper is of the view that the Biblical concept of Justice (Hebrew, צִדקָהָ ) and equity (Hebrew, מיֵשָׁר ), as prescribed in Numbers 31: 27, can be applied in the Niger Delta agitation issue. In the light of the above findings, the paper concludes that to achieve the desired peace, anchored on the Old Testament idea there is the need to engage every oil bearing community as a stake holder in the entire process of oil exploitation in their community

    Forced And Early Marriages: Moral Failures Vs Religious Nuances

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    The rights of the child all over the world are considered to be very important. But forces and early marriages have become some of the ways the rights of children are being abused. This paper aimed at shedding more light on why children are victims of forced and early marriages and the effects and consequences of such marriages on the child and the society. The analyses employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework. Data gathered both from the primary and secondary sources were analyzed through the hermeneutical, descriptive and analytical methods. The findings of this paper are that early and forced marriages have harmful developmental, psychological and physical consequences on the child; have negative effects on the society and the Nation at large; that scriptural assertions, in defense, are mere manipulative ideas to cover up moral failures; and that whatever reason is given for child marriage, the disastrous effects on the victims outweigh them and undoubtedly make child marriage a social evil. The paper concludes that early and forced marriages do exist in Nigeria and needs to be curbed and thereafter suggests strategies that will make for a better implementation of such laws to effectively curb forced and early marriages in Nigeria

    Economic Injustice in Nigeria (Acts 2:44-45): The Niger Delta Experience

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    Crude oil exploration and production is a blessing to the region where it is being carried out in developed nations but in the case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria it is like a curse.  Using the economic liberation theology model as a method, this paper aimed at examining the situation of economic injustice in the Niger Delta of Nigeria in the light of Acts 2:44-45; 6:1. It also aimed at proffering some kind of solution to the problem by arousing the interest of and challenging the Nigerian church and state leaders to re-examine the issue of the Niger Delta region. The paper showed that the economic injustice being perpetrated against the region is the neglect of the region by the Federal Government and the Multinationals operating in the region. The work also showed that commissions and ministry such as the Niger Delta Development Commission and Federal Ministry of Niger Delta were set as a way to remedy the problem but monies being appropriated and released by the Federal Government not withstanding the fact that some monies go into private pockets does not commensurate with developmental needs of the region. The work was concluded on the presupposition that infrastructural and environmental development can tantamount to economic liberation for the region