80 research outputs found

    CO and CO2 methanation over Ni catalysts supported on CeO2, Al2O3 and Y2O3 oxides

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    Methanation of carbon oxides (CO and CO2) was studied over Ni-based catalysts supported on CeO2, Al2O3, and Y2O3 oxides. Catalysts were synthesized by solution combustion synthesis and characterized by N2-physisorption, XRD, H2-TPR, TEM, CO-chemisorption, UV–vis DRS, XPS, and CO2-TPD. The effect of reaction temperature (250−500 °C) was investigated under atmospheric pressure, space velocity (GHSV) of 10,000 h−1, and stoichiometric reactants ratio of (H2-CO2)/(CO+CO2)=3. It can be concluded that the nature of Ni-support interactions played a crucial role in enhancing CO and CO2 hydrogenation at low reaction temperature. Ni/CeO2 catalyst deactivated rapidly due to coke deposition, while the formation of NiAl2O4 spinel explained the lower activity of the Al2O3-supported system. Activity data for Ni/Y2O3 catalysts were closely related to the degree of Ni dispersion as well as to the medium-strength basicity. Good anti-coking and anti-sintering ability were observed after 200 h of lifetime test

    Guidelines for patternmaking teaching and for didactic materials

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    The present study approaches historical analyses of the methodologies used for patternmaking\ud teaching and proposes the development of guidelines for this teaching. Therefore, it conducts a\ud historical survey on the several techniques and methods used since the 1960s, allowing a\ud comparison between method and sociocultural period aiming to the pursuit of techniques that can\ud make the learning process easier. The analysis of the main patternmaking techniques used over time\ud and of the research with educators from the area will provide a broad vision of what can be used to\ud optimize the learning process and what can be dropped for not favouring a quicker and with a better\ud quality educationCape

    A cenografia para a comemoração do casamento de Dom João VI e Dona Carlota Joaquina em 1786 no Rio de Janeiro

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    Este artigo apresenta a cenografia empregada na festa de celebração do casamento de D. João VI e Da. Carlota Joaquina, em 1786, no Rio de Janeiro. A celebração, descrita no livreto Relação dos Magníficos carros, que se fizeram de arquitetura, perspectiva e fogos, tem destacada importância, por ser um dos mais importantes, e talvez o mais antigo, conjunto de desenhos produzidos no Brasil até 1786, como documento de festa popular, repleta de teatralidade

    Fashion and garment in the Brazilian female periodicals from the 19th century

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    Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar uma primeira relação entre moda e imprensa no Brasil oitocentista, além da importância dada ao vestuário feminino nos periódicos brasileiros do século XIX. No acervo da Biblioteca Nacional, escolheram-se os periódicos O Espelho Diamantino, O Jornal das Senhoras e A Estação, levando em consideração uma evolução cronológica e de conteúdo. A partir disso foram selecionadas as edições mais relevantes para discutir os temas recorrentes. Como resultado, foi possível depreender que:  a diferença climática entre Brasil e Europa foi o principal empecilho na importação de moda; os periódicos oitocentistas, que são importante fonte de documentação da história da moda, porém não da moda brasileira, atuaram também como impulso para mudanças no vestuário, criando tanto um mercado de moda como de imprensa.This article aims to present a first approach between the fashion and the Brazilian press in the nineteenth-century, and also the importance given to the female garment in the Brazilian periodicals. From the National Library’s collection the chosen periodicals are “O Espelho Diamantino”, “O Jornal das Senhoras” and “A Estação”, taking into account a chronological and content evolution. From these, the most relevant editions were selected to discuss the iterant subject. As a result, it was possible to understand that the climate difference between Brazil and Europe has been identified as the main obstacle for fashion; nineteenthcentury periodicals are an important source of documentation of the history of fashion, but not of a Brazilian fashion; they also acted as the impetus for changes in fashion and, thus, creating either a fashion as a press market

    Fashion design teaching: using draping as a pedagogical tool

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    O presente artigo discute questões referentes ao papel da educação formal no desenvolvimento do potencial criativo de jovens profissionais. Com enfoque na formação universitária em design de moda, aponta as possíveis causas para a desmotivação dos alunos quando deparados com as disciplinas que envolvem práticas de criatividade. É percebido que, além das dificuldades técnicas para expressar as ideias do projeto, há também entraves em relação à não exigência de resultados predefinidos. Tomando como base os estudos de pesquisadores que atribuem às causas do bloqueio criativo dos alunos a uma formação educacional formal estagnada e que pouco privilegia o desenvolvimento humano, o texto levanta a hipótese do uso de uma ferramenta que, embora comum ao cotidiano dos profissionais da área de moda, ainda é pouco explorada em seu pleno potencial. Trata-se do manequim de moulage, mais comumente usado para a concepção de moldes de vestuário em três dimensões. Este artigo defende que o processo criativo, fazendo uso das técnicas de moulage, possui potencialidades pouco exploradas que podem contribuir para o aprimoramento do ensino do design de moda, desenvolver o potencial criativo, motivar o aprendizado, bem como servir de alternativa para a expressão de ideias em vestuário. Apresentam-se neste trabalho o conteúdo e os resultados de uma atividade de criação em moulage desenvolvida com o intuito de experimentar e comprovar as hipóteses aqui levantadas.This article discusses questions pertaining to the role of formal education in building the creative potential of young professionals. In approaching higher education in fashion, the paper indicates the possible causes of demotivation in students when faced with disciplines involving creative practice. In addition to students’ technical difficulties to express their design ideas, another obstacle we found is that students are not required to provide predefined results. Building on studies of researchers that attribute students’ creative block to a stagnant formal education that fails to privilege human development, this paper raises the hypothesis that a tool common in fashion professionals’ daily practice is still unexplored to its full potential. This tool is draping, which is most commonly used in the creation of fashion molds in three dimensions. We advocate that the use of draping techniques in the creative process has underexplored potentialities which can contribute to enhance fashion design teaching, develop students’ creative potential, motivate learning, and serve as an option in expressing ideas for clothing. In this work, we present the content and results of a creation activity using draping, which was conducted with the purpose of testing and verifying the hypotheses raised here

    A modelagem integrada ao projeto de moda no âmbito do ensino

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    Trata-se do Editorial do Dossiê 6. 

    Rh/CeO2 thin catalytic layer deposition on alumina foams: Catalytic performance and controlling regimes in biogas reforming processes

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    : The application of ceramic foams as structured catalyst supports is clearly expanding due to faster mass/heat transfer and higher contact efficiency than honeycomb monoliths and, mainly, packed beds. In this paper, alumina open-cell foams (OCFs) with different pore density (20, 30 and 40 ppi) were coated with Rh/CeO2 catalyst via a two steps synthesis method involving: (i) the solution combustion synthesis (SCS) to in-situ deposit the CeO2 carrier and (ii) the wet impregnation (WI) of the Rh active phase. The catalytic coatings were characterized in terms of morphology and adhesion properties by SEM/EDX analysis and ultrasounds test. Permeability and form coefficient were derived from pressure drop data. Catalytic performance was evaluated towards biogas Steam Reforming (SR) and Oxy-Steam Reforming (OSR) processes at atmospheric pressure by varying temperature (800–900 °C) and space velocity (35,000–140,000 NmL·g−1·h−1). Characteristics time analysis and dimensionless numbers were calculated to identify the controlling regime. Stability tests were performed for both SR and OSR over 200 h of time-on-stream (TOS) through consecutive start-up and shut-down cycles. As a result, homogenous, thin and high-resistance catalytic layers were in situ deposited on foam struts. All structured catalysts showed high activity, following the order 20 ppi < 30 ppi ≈ 40 ppi. External interphase (gas-solid) and external diffusion can be improved by reducing the pore diameter of the OCF structures. Anderson criterion revealed the absence of internal heat transfer resistances, as well as Damköhler and Weisz-Prater numbers excluded any internal mass transfer controlling regime, mainly due to thin coating thickness provided by the SCS method. Good stability was observed over 200 h of TOS for both SR and OSR processes

    Zero Waste na indústria do vestuário: limitações e alternativas

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    Zero Waste approach applied to garment manufacturing promises the elimination of textile waste in the production process, with actions towards sustainability. In this perspective, this article identifies critical aspects and limitations of the design and the pattern making process using Zero Waste approach, aiming its application in the garment industry, with large-scale production. The study initiates with zero waste bibliography research and theoretical and experimental analysis of the proposals of the fashion designers who use Zero Waste approach to garment design and pattern making. As results, the article presents critical aspects and limitations of the approach, and discuss viable alternatives for its implementation in the large-scale garment manufacturing process.Zero Waste approach applied to garment manufacturing promises the elimination of textile waste in the production process, with actions towards sustainability. In this perspective, this article identifies critical aspects and limitations of the design and the pattern making process using Zero Waste approach, aiming its application in the garment industry, with large-scale production. The study initiates with zero waste bibliography research and theoretical and experimental analysis of the proposals of the fashion designers who use Zero Waste approach to garment design and pattern making. As results, the article presents critical aspects and limitations of the approach, and discuss viable alternatives for its implementation in the large-scale garment manufacturing process.Zero Waste approach applied to garment manufacturing promises the elimination of textile waste in the production process, with actions towards sustainability. In this perspective, this article identifies critical aspects and limitations of the design and the pattern making process using Zero Waste approach, aiming its application in the garment industry, with large-scale production. The study initiates with zero waste bibliography research and theoretical and experimental analysis of the proposals of the fashion designers who use Zero Waste approach to garment design and pattern making. As results, the article presents critical aspects and limitations of the approach, and discuss viable alternatives for its implementation in the large-scale garment manufacturing process.A abordagem Zero Waste (ou zero resíduo), aplicada à produção do vestuário, promete a eliminação dos descartes têxteis durante o processo produtivo, promovendo ações em direção à sustentabilidade. Dentro dessa perspectiva, o presente artigo busca identificar aspectos críticos e limitações do processo de criação e modelagem usando a abordagem Zero Waste, para sua aplicação na indústria do vestuário, na produção em larga escala. Para tanto, a pesquisa partiu de bibliografia relacionada ao tema e do estudo teórico e experimental das propostas dos principais designers do vestuário que utilizam as técnicas de criação e modelagem com a abordagem Zero Waste e, como resultado, o artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre os aspectos limitantes e alternativas viáveis para sua implementação no processo produtivo de confecção de vestuário em larga escala

    Fisiopatología, perfil epidemiológico y manejo terapéutico en el síndrome coronario agudo

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo ampliamente la primera causa de muerte en el mundo actual. La cardiopatía isquémica conlleva a una importante carga de gastos de Salud Pública, por lo cual es importante conocer la prevalencia, epidemiología, fisiopatología y el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico adecuado del síndrome coronario agudo (SCA). Los hallazgos recientes indican que los primeros pasos en la aterosclerosis son esencialmente inflamatorios. Una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica a menudo acompaña al SCA, y la documentación de su presencia ha sido ampliamente reconocida como un indicador de eventos coronarios a repetición. La medicina basada en la evidencia sugiere fuertemente la importancia de la etiología inflamatoria en el SCA. Los factores tradicionales de riesgo coronario terminan en un pasaje final común que desarrolla un proceso inflamatorio en la pared arterial. El entendimiento mejorado y la comprensión adecuada de la influencia de los procesos inflamatorios en el SCA pueden llevar no solo a una mejor utilización de la terapéutica actualmente disponible sino también al desarrollo de nuevas herramientas terapéuticas. Sin duda alguna los refinamientos constantes en las diferentes estrategias terapéuticas del SCA, sumados a la combinación del entendimiento científico en el uso adecuado de los marcadores inflamatorios, los nuevos agentes farmacológicos y las nuevas técnicas de intervención coronaria percutánea con los nuevos stents y otros dispositivos intracoronarios van a aclarar nuestras dudas y mejorar nuestro manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico del síndrome coronario agudo basado en la evidencia científica