19 research outputs found

    Respiratory effects of biomass fuel combustion on rural fish smokers in a Nigerian fishing settlement: a case control study.

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    Backgroud: The aim was to study the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and assess the lung function of fish smokers in Nigeria. Methods: A case control study was done among fish smokers in Nigeria. Women aged 15 years or older (n=210) involved in fish smoking and equal number of matched controls were interviewed on respiratory symptoms and their peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measured. Data was analysed using chi square test, student\'s t-test and odd ratios. Results: Both groups were similar in their personal characteristics. The test group had significantly increased occurrence of sneezing (153; 72.86%), catarrh (159; 75.71%), cough (138; 65.71%) and chest pain (59; 28.10%) compared with the control group, odds ratio (OR) 2.49, 95% confidence interval CI (1.62-3.82), P < 0.001), OR 3.77,95% CI (2.44- 5.85), P < 0.001, OR 3.38, 95% CI (2.22-5.15), P < 0.001, and OR 6.45,95% CI (3.22-13.15), P < 0.001, respectively. The mean PEFR of 321\ub158.93 L/min among the fish smokers was significantly lower than 400\ub142.92 L/min among the controls (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: Fish smokers have increased risk of respiratory symptoms and reduced pulmonary function. There is a need for protective equipment and periodic evaluation

    Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Among Secondary School Adolescents in Calabar -Nigeria

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    Background:Awareness about HIV/AIDS has been created through the media, workshops, and peer education and printed materials. The aim of this study was to establish the impact of these awareness programmes on student. Method:An observational study using structured questionnaire among secondary school students. Results:About 181 (31.2%) of the adolescents did not know the aetiological agents of HIV/AIDS. Majority, 522 (90%) knew HIV/AIDS was transmitted through sexual intercourse. This level of knowledge was related to sex and class of study. Only 78 (13.4%) of them knew that HIV carriers might look normal. Majority, 519 (89.5%) did not know the features of AIDS. Only a few, 281 (48.4%) of the adolescents knew that avoidance of sex, keeping one sexual partner, 15 (2.6%), use of condom 101 (17.4%) and screening blood before transfusion, 31 (5.3%) could prevent HIV/AIDS transmission. Mass media was the main source of information on HIV/AIDS to these adolescents. About 191, (32.9%) of them believed HIV/AIDS cannot be prevented; 228 (39.3%) felt HIV/AIDS is common among the uneducated; 127 (21.9%) thought it is not common in Nigeria and 143 (24.7%) believed it is not common among the youths. Conclusion:Although awareness on HIV/AIDS is high among Secondary School adolescents in Calabar, the knowledge of the disease is still poor. Mass media as a source of information does not allow in-depth knowledge of the disease. Parents, teachers, as well as Health workers should be more involved in educating the youth on this dreaded disease.Fond: la Conscience de VIH/SIDA a \ue9t\ue9 cr\ue9e par la presse, les ateliers, l'\ue9ducation de pair et les mat\ue9riels imprim\ue9s. Le but de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d'\ue9tablir l'impact de ces programmes de conscience sur l'\ue9tudiant. M\ue9thode: une \ue9tude d'observation en utilisant le questionnaire structur\ue9 parmi les \ue9tudiants d'\ue9cole secondaire. R\ue9sultats: \ue1 peu pr\ue8s 181 (31,2 %) des adolescents n'ont pas connu les agents a\ue9tiologiques de VIH/SIDA. La majorit\ue9, 522 (90%) a connu que VIH/SIDA a \ue9t\ue9 transmis par les relations sexuelles. Ce niveau de connaissance a \ue9t\ue9 attribu\ue9 au sexe et \ue1 la classe d'\ue9tude. Seulement 78 (13,4 %) d'eux ont connu que les porteurs de VIH peuvent para\ueetre normaux. La majorit\ue9, 519 (89,5 %) n'ont pas connu les caract\ue9ristiques de SIDA. Seulement quelques-uns, 281 (48,4 %) des adolescents ont connu que l'abstinence, gardant un partenaire sexuel, 15 (2,6%), l'usage de pr\ue9servatif 101 (17,4 %) le criblage de sang avant la transfusion, 31 (5,3 %) pourrait emp\ueacher la transmission de VIH/SIDA. Les m\ue9dias \ue9taient la source principale d'information sur VIH/SIDA \ue1 ces adolescents. Environ 191, (32,9 %) d'eux ont cru que VIH/SIDA ne peut pas \ueatre prevenu; 228 (39,3 %) ont pens\ue9 que VIH/SIDA est commun parmi les incultes; 127 (21,9 %) ont pens\ue9 qu'il n'est pas commun au Nig\ue9ria et 143 (24,7 %) ont cru qu'il n'est pas commun parmi les jeunes. Conclusion: bien Que la conscience sur VIH/SIDA est haute parmi les adolescents d'\ue9cole secondaires \ue1 Calabar, la connaissance de la maladie est toujours inad\ue9quate. Les m\ue9dias comme une source d'information ne permet pas la connaissance approfondie de la maladie. Les parents, les enseignants, de m\ueame que les ouvriers de sant\ue9 devrait \ueatre plus impliqu\ue9s dans l'\ue9ducation des jeunes sur cette maladie redout\ue9e

    Barriers to and determinants of the use of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Cross River State, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria in pregnancy (MIP) has serious consequences for the woman, unborn child and newborn. The use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (SP-IPTp) is low in malaria endemic areas, including some regions of Nigeria. However, little is known about pregnant women’s compliance with the SP-IPTp national guidelines in primary health care (PHC) facilities in the south-south region of Nigeria. The aim of this study was to identify the barriers to and determinants of the use of SP-IPTp among pregnant women attending ANC in PHC facilities in Cross River State, south-south region of Nigeria. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2011 among 400 ANC attendees aged 15–49 years recruited through multistage sampling. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the factors associated with the use of SP-IPTp in the study population. RESULTS: Use of SP-IPTp was self-reported by 41 % of the total respondents. Lack of autonomy in the households to receive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) during ANC was the main barrier to use of IPTp (83 %). Other barriers were stock-outs of free SP (33 %) and poor supervision of SP ingestion by directly observed treatment among those who obtained SP from ANC clinics (36/110 = 33 %). In the multivariate logistic regression, the odds of using SP-IPTp was increased by the knowledge of the use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) (OR = 2.13, 95 % CI: 1.70–3.73) and SP (OR = 22.13, 95 % CI: 8.10–43.20) for the prevention of MIP. Use of ITNs also increased the odds of using SP-IPTp (OR = 2.38, 95 % CI: 1.24–12.31). CONCLUSIONS: Use of SP-IPTp was low and was associated with knowledge of the use of ITNs and SP as well as the use of ITNs for the prevention of MIP. There is a need to strengthen PHC systems and address barriers to the usage of SP-IPTp in order to reduce the burden of MIP. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12884-016-0883-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-nociceptive Effects of Ethanolic Extract of Setaria megaphylla Leaves in Rodents

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    The ethanolic leaf extract of Setaria megaphylla (100-300 mg/kg) was investigated for pharmacological properties against egg white albumin - induced inflammation, Chemical as well as thermal- induced pain. The extract demonstrated a dose – dependent anti- inflammatory and antinociceptive activities. These activities were comparable to that of ASA (100mg/kg). The leaf extract possess anti inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can be exploited in health car

    Participatory approach to quality development in infection prevention and control (IPC) in Nigerian health facilities

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    The development of an educational concept of a training programme for infection prevention and control (IPC) was seen as a key issue to successfully address the complexity of change processes of professional IPC routines in clinical procedures. Therefore, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Nigeria, and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany established an interdisciplinary project framework, involving knowledge and competences from different disciplines and professions like health professionals, epidemiologists and educators (MAURICE project). A multi-module training programme for health care workers to improve IPC standards was developed and implemented based on the participatory approach and a systemic view for organizational change.Peer Reviewe