8 research outputs found

    Distribution of Carbon Stock by Land in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra

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    Land use and land cover changes impact on carbon losses in terrestrial areas. The loss of carbon increase carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere which is the major cause of global warming. Intensive land use and land cover changes took place in Banyuasin Regency from 2004-2014 led to changes in carbon stock distribution in the area. This study aimed to know how the distribution of carbon pools by land that occur in Banyuasin Regency. Research includes land use change, the amount of carbon stock changes, carbon balance and CO2 emissions/sequestration. The study was conducted from June 2015 to February 2016. The method used was the method that calculates land use change and land cover in 2004-2009 and 2009-2014, calculation of carbon stocks using allometric equations and destructive sampling methods, and Carbon/CO2 emissions/sequestration calculations using stock difference method. The results showed that during the period 2004-2014 the carbon balance moved toward the negative direction. Average carbon stock per hectare was 338.28 tons while average carbon loss was 0.45% per year. CO2 sequestration amounted to 29.298.966 tons while the emission was 118,044,141 tons, of which net emission was 88,745,175 tons. The average CO2 emitted from above ground carbon pools, necromass carbon pools, litter carbon pools and belowrground carbon pools was 7 tons ha-1 yr-1, while CO2 emissions from soil organic C pools was 0.61 ton ha-1 yr-1 .Emission sources were dominated by changes in land use and land cover of peat swamp forests, secondary mangrove forests, primary mangrove forests and secondary swamp forests. While the source of sequestration came from changes in Rubber monoculture on peat, palm oil plantations, rubber monoculture, and shrubs. Key Words: Land use and land cover, carbon pool distribution, CO2 emissions/sequestratio

    Pembinaan Produksi Kompos Limbah Pertanian dan Pemanfaatannya di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Most of agricultural lands in Pasir Eurih Village are paddy field simple irrigation system, while most of them in Sukajadi Village are upland. Farmers in both villages are used to composting organic residues, but the composts was not used maximally. The aim of the IbM activities was: (1) To guide our partners to produce better quality of composts sustainable; and(2) To motivate the community of peasant  using composts for their farm. The best compost resulted by IbM-3 guidance was made from rice straw, leaf litter, and chicken manure mixed with rice husk as their bedding by ratio of 3:2:1:1. This compost contained macronutrients (N, 0.56%, P2O5  1.09%, K2O 1.44%, Ca 5.72%, Mg 0.43%, and Na 0.08% respectively), micronutrients Fe 5.309 ppm, Mn 342 ppm, Cu 42 ppm, Zn 69 ppm, and B 33 ppm respectively), and heavy metals of Pb was 4.8 ppm and Cd 0.04 ppm. The addition of 3-4 ton/ha of this compost into paddy soil could reduce chemical fertilizers up to 50%. The addition of 3 ton/ha of this compost to upland soil planted by sweet corn produce same with application of chicken manure bedding or goat manure. Socialization of the benefit of using compost in increasing the soil fertility and crop yield have raised the peasant’s knowledge. It was showed by the mean value of this post test raised 19.67 points for fertilizer and soil fertility matter and 16.63 points for organic materials or natural fertilizers matter.


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    Pemetaan kadastral atau pemetaan berbasis kepemilikkan lahan telah diamanatkan oleh Pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional di Bidang Pertanahan yaitu pada Pasal 1 ayat 3. Namun kebijakan ini belum terrealisasi secara nasional. Kantor Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat telah melakukan pemetaan lahan berbasis kepemilikan lahan, yaitu peta persil lahan tambak di Delta Cipunagara yang dilakukan secara terestris. Di sisi lain, telah banyak tersedia data penginderaan jauh resolusi tinggi seperti Citra Quick Bird yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari manfaat Citra Quick Bird untuk verifikasi peta persil lahan tambak. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan bentuk Delta Cipunagara yang bersumber dari PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; (2) persil tambak yang dibatasi dengan ”galengan” saja mudah diidentifikasi dari Citra Quick Bird; (3) terdapat perbedaan posisi blok dan persil tambak antara Peta Persil dari Kantor PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; dan (4) terdapat pergeseran posisi persil tambak antara peta yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB dengan Citra Quick Bird, berkisar (1.5-57.2) m, dengan rata-rata 19.9 m. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa luas persil yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil hasil pengukuran lapang (R2=93.0%). Demikian juga untuk luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil dari Kantor PBB (R2=94.3%). Namun tingkat kesesuaian antara luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird dan pengukuran lapang relatif lebih rendah (R2 = 63.2%)


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    Pemekaran wilayah sudah banyak dilakukan dan tampaknya akan terus terjadi, seperti wacana pemekaran Kabupaten Bogor bagian Barat. Pembentukan wilayah otonomi baru memerlukan persiapan yang penting. Antara lain dalam level pemanfaatan sumberdaya fisik wilayah. Analisis keselarasan antara penggunaan lahan saat ini dengan alokasi ruang dan status lahan sangat relevan dengan rencana pemekaran suatu wilayah. Informasi yang diperoleh merupakan dasar dalam penataan ruang wilayah baru. Analisis tumpangtindih antara penggunaan lahan saat ini, alokasi ruang yang ada dan status lahan di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor bagian Barat telah dilakukan. Hasilnya menjelaskan bahwa terdapat ketidakserasian antara Kawasan Hutan Konservasi karena adanya penggunaan lahan lain selain hutan yaitu: kebun campuran, permukiman, perkebunan, pertambangan, sawah dan tegalan dengan status lahan Hak Guna Usaha dan Hak Milik. Dalam Kawasan Perkebunan status Hak Guna Usaha terdapat aktivitas masyarakat bercocok tanam. Kebun campuran hasil dari aktivitas masyarakat yang dijumpai pada seluruh alokasi ruang dan status lahan yang berbeda dengan luas yang beragam

    Motivasi Pengunjung Terhadap Pengembangan Wisata Budaya Di Kota Tangerang Selatan Provinsi Banten: Motivations for the Development of Cultural Tourism in South Tangerang City, Banten Province

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    South Tangerang City is a buffer city for Jakarta which is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has the potential to become a tourist destination for Jakarta residents. One of the tourism potentials owned by South Tangerang City is cultural tourism, but now it is rarely in demand by tourists. This tourist destination needs to be revived and one of the basics that can be used as a reference is tourists' motivation toward cultural tourism. This study aims to determine the artistic tourism potential of South Tangerang City, tourist motivation, and its relationship with the motivation and ages of tourists, which can be used as a reference in the development of cultural tourism. The data analysis used in this study is a descriptive and inductive analysis using a Likert scale, standard deviation, Pearson Chi-Square, and regression analysis. The results of the study show that there are currently 10 destinations that can be developed for cultural tourism resources in the study area. The results also show that the motivation that most influence tourists to visit is physical. The factors of motivation are significantly correlated with age, are: trekking, shopping for local products, and gaining recognition from others. ABSTRAK Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah merupakan kota penyangga Jakarta yang merupakan ibukota negara Republik Indonesia. Sebagai kota penyangga Kota Tangerang Selatan sangat potensil untuk menjadi destinasi wisata bagi warga Jakarta. Salah satu potensi wisata yang dimiliki Kota Tangerang selatan adalah wisata budaya, namun sekarang sudah jarang diminati oleh wisatawan. Destinasi wisata ini perlu dibangkitkan kembali dan salah satu dasar yang dapat dijadikan acuan adalah motivasi wisatawan terhadap wisata budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui potensi wisata budaya, motivasi pengunjung dan hubungannya dengan minat serta umur wisatawan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu acuan dalam pengembangan wisata budaya. Analisis Data Analisis data yang digunakan dpenelitian ini yaitu analisis data deskriptif dan induktif yang menggunakan skala likert, standar deviasi, Pearson Chi-Square dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi sumberdaya wisata budaya di kota Tangerang Selatan yang dapat dikembangkan saat ini sebanyak 10 destinasi. Hasil analisis penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa motivasi yang paling mempengaruhi wisatawan untuk berkunjung adalah motivasi fisik. Faktor dari motivasi yang berkorelasi nyata dengan umur yaitu: trekking, berbelanja produk lokal dan untuk memperoleh pengakuan orang lain

    Neraca Karbon, Emisi dan Serapan Historis Co2 Karena Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan di Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    Land use change is the cause of carbon loss from land. The loss of this carbon becomes a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere that can cause global warming. Intensive land use and land cover occurred in Kabupaten Banyuasin from 2004-2014. The purpose of this study. to create carbon balance, emissions and sequestration of CO2 during the period of 2004 - 2014 in Banyuasin Regency caused by land use change and land cover change. The method used to create carbon balance using land use change matrix, carbon calculation of each carbon pool by allometric method, destructive sample and organic C by Walkley and Black method. Stock diference method for analysis of changes in carbon storage, CO2 emissions and CO2 sequestration. The results of this study indicate that the 2004-2014 carbon balance in Banyuasin Regency is negative, with a carbon loss of 22,033,277 tons with an average annual carbon loss of 2,203,327 tons. CO2 sequestration of 29,298,966 tons and CO2 emissions 118,044,141 tons, while net emissions 88,745,175 tons. Average net CO2 emissions from above ground carbon pools, carbon necromassa pools, litter carbon pools and underground carbon pools are 7 tonnes ha-1 year-1, whereas CO2 emissions from organic soil C 0.61 tonnes ha- 1 year-1. The largest contributor of CO2 emissions in Banyuasin Regency are sequentially caused by changes in peat swamp forests, secondary mangrove forests, primary mangrove forests and secondary swamp forests. While the source of sequestration is the change of monoculture rubber peat, oil palm, rubber monoculture and shrubs


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    Land use change is the cause of carbon loss from land. The loss of this carbon becomes a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere that can cause global warming. Intensive land use and land cover occurred in Kabupaten Banyuasin from 2004-2014. The purpose of this study. to create carbon balance, emissions and sequestration of CO2 during the period of 2004 - 2014 in Banyuasin Regency caused by land use change and land cover change. The method used to create carbon balance using land use change matrix, carbon calculation of each carbon pool by allometric method, destructive sample and organic C by Walkley and Black method. Stock diference method for analysis of changes in carbon storage, CO2 emissions and CO2 sequestration. The results of this study indicate that the 2004-2014 carbon balance in Banyuasin Regency is negative, with a carbon loss of 22,033,277 tons with an average annual carbon loss of 2,203,327 tons. CO2 sequestration of 29,298,966 tons and CO2 emissions 118,044,141 tons, while net emissions 88,745,175 tons. Average net CO2 emissions from above ground carbon pools, carbon necromassa pools, litter carbon pools and underground carbon pools are 7 tonnes ha-1 year-1, whereas CO2 emissions from organic soil C 0.61 tonnes ha- 1 year-1. The largest contributor of CO2 emissions in Banyuasin Regency are sequentially caused by changes in peat swamp forests, secondary mangrove forests, primary mangrove forests and secondary swamp forests. While the source of sequestration is the change of monoculture rubber peat, oil palm, rubber monoculture and shrubs