142 research outputs found

    Genetic parameters for fitness traits of the Hungarian Fleckvieh

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    Genetic parameters were calculated and breeding value evaluation was introduced for heifer and cow fertility, calving ease and stillbirth. Regarding fertility traits, the number of inseminations to conception (NINS) and non-return rate until 56 days (NR56) of heifers, NINS, NR56 and days open of cows were evaluated by REML procedure. The h2 of the heifers’ two traits were 0.006 with a very strong genetic correlation (-0.95) between them. The h2 for cow fertility traits varied between 0.018 and 0.041. Due to the low correlation between heifer and cow fertility (r=0.14), it is recommend that selection be based on both age groups. For calving ease and stillbirth variance components estimation and breeding value prediction threshold model. The heritability of heifer direct calving ease was 0.070, the maternal heritability was 0.226, the cow direct and maternal heritability was 0.034 and 0.135 respectively. An antagonism were observed between direct and maternal calving ease both for heifers (-0.635) and cows (-0.453). The correlation between heifer and cow calving ease was 0.2, which necessitates a separate breeding value evaluation, and different use of bulls for heifers and cows. For stillbirth, direct h2 was 0.047, the maternal h2 was 0.053 for heifers’ stillbirth rate. The same parameters were 0.019 and 0.029 for cows. The genetic correlation between calving ease and stillbirth was 0.71 for heifers, and 0.43 for cows. Despite the decreasing tendency in stillbirth breeding value over the years, the inclusion of the trait in selection index is advisable for economic and animal welfare consideration

    The AD–AHP Planner: Incremental Path Planning for Robots Incorporating Decision Theory

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    Path planning for mobile robots in dynamic environments with many objectives to regard at once is challenging and often impossible. However recent outdoor robotic applications encounter many situations when such an approach is needed. This paper presents a path planning method for mobile robots that incorporates decision theory to guide the search. The method is able to handle an arbitrary number of objectives at the same time and also enables the incorporation of human logic into the planning process. All parts of the algorithm suit real– time implementation

    Egyes fajták értékmérő tulajdonságainak szelekciós előrehaladása. Korlátok és lehetőségek

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    Revenues from the permanent modular construction (PMC) sector jumped 62% in one year to reach $3.3 billion in 2016 and its quick growth has not gone unnoticed. The industry has attracted investment from sources such as Soft Bank’s Vision Fund and Amazon’s Alexa Fund, an indication of the perceived feasibility of modular building that is further illustrated in PMC’s growing market share that increased 37% from 2014 to 2017 (Bousquin, 2019). Rising construction costs, tight labor markets, and an unprecedented demand for housing have pushed modular construction towards being one of the disruptors of an industry that has suffered a decline in productivity since the 1990’s (Changlie, 2015). However, early adopters of modular still face hurdles, especially when searching for institutional sources of capital to finance their projects.20_The_Hurdles_to_Financing_Modular_Development.pdf: 666 downloads, before Aug. 1, 2020

    A debreceni agrárfelsőoktatás első 150 éve

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    The first 150 years of Agricultural Tertiary Education in Debrecen. The Georgikon in Keszthely was founded in 1797 as the first one in the line of subsequent agricultural tertiary institutions and was followed by one in Magyaróvár in 1818. It was fifty years later – that is one and a half centuries ago – that the National Higher Institution of Agriculture opened its gates in Debrecen. The speech that opened the first academic year at the new agricultural higher school was delivered by the then director Péter Papi Balogh and it has been preserved for later generations. On 5 September 2018, a hundred and fifty years later, Dean István Komlósi had the honour to recall the first 150 years of agricultural tertiary education in Debrecen. His speech is published in full length by Gerundium, the journal devoted to papers on the history of the University of Debrecen

    Heat stress of cattle from embryonic phase until culling

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    Heat stress becomes a serious problem in the livestock sector as it affects cows' performance negatively. The objective of this paper review is to investigate the effects of heat stress during the different phases of the life cycle of cows; embryos, calves, heifers, and cows. Heat stress during early maternal gestation affects the ability of embryos to develop increasing the risk of abortion and early embryonic death. Heat stress during late maternal gestation affects the performance of calves and heifers later in their life, as it reduces growth performance, conducts physiological changes, impaired immunity, changes the behavior, and reduces the length and intensity of the estrus in heifers with decreasing in milk production in the first lactation. On the level of cows, milk quality and production, meat quality, and the final body weight decrease under hot temperatures. Heat stress decreases the conception rate, alters follicle growth, and estrous symptoms. Hormones secretion and physiological changes because of the heat stress conduct to impair the immunity system, and in oxidative stress and death in some cases. Same as for calves and heifers a change in the behavior of cows was detected in order to decrease their temperature

    A minőség és termelési hatékonyság párhuzamos fejlesztésének vizsgálata gazdaságmatematikai modellekkel = Analyzing the simultaneous development of quality and efficiency with the management science

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    A kutatás keretében három A és egy B nemzetközi kategóriás (a Bécsi Egyetem lapklasszifációja szerint), továbbá hazai A kategóriás hazai publikációk jelentek meg. Bessenyei István megvédte PhD értekezését. A témavezető elnöke volt a Pécsett megrendezett 17th EURO Mini Conferenc-nek (2005, június 29-július 1), továbbá meghivott track chair-je volt a 16th Annual Conference of the Operations Management Society-nek, melyet Chicagoban rendeztek, 2005 április 28-majus 2 között. A kutatás tagjai tobb hazazi és nemzetkozi konferencián tartottak eloadást. | Under the umbrella of the research project we published three papers in category A and one in category B acoording to the journal classification of the Vienna University. We also published papers in Hungarian journals in top category. Our young researcher, Istvan Bessenyei received his PhD degree. The head of the program was the chair of the 17th EURO Mini Conference on Coontinuous Optimization in Industry, held in Pécs, June 29-July 1, 2005. He was also an invited track chair at the 16th Annual Conference of the Operations Management Society held in Chicago, April 28- May 2. In the track two session was organized under the title: The Operations Marketing Interface. The members of the projects had presentations on both international and domestic conferences
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