216 research outputs found

    The effect of fertilization and seed size on the germination percentage of triticale varieties

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    The objective of our study was to examine the effect of different fertilization treatments and seed size on the germination percentage of two triticale varieties. The held experiment was set on the area of Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd. in Fülöpszállás, in four replications. The soil was meadow soil, its nutrient content was good. There were ten different fertilizer treatments. We porcessed the obtained data by analysis of variance. The nutrient supply did not have significant effect on the germination percentage. The maximum germination percentage of GK Szemes was obtained in the N0PK30 treatment. GK Idus reached the highest germination percentage in the N30PK.0 and N0PK90 treatments. We studied the effect of seed size on the germination percentage, too. After the harvesting we divided the seeds into three groups. The first group contains seeds smaller than 2.2 mm, the second group is for grains between 2.2-2.8 mm, and the third one for grains bigger than 2.8 mm. Along with the growing grain size, the germination percentage was also improving. In the case of GK Idus the germination percentage difference between the highest and lowest seed size was statistically justified

    Environmentally friendly nutrient supply of maize

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    We examined the effect of foliar fertilization on the yield of maize hybrids in 2013. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks on an ecological farm. The soil of the experiment was chernozem. Soil analysis data showed that it had proper nitrogen, plenty phosphor and very good potassium content. During the experiment we applied two times foliar fertilization in 5-5 l/ha dosage. The year 2013 was unfavourable for maize production. In 2013 the amount of precipitation in the graining phase of maize was lower by 59 mm than the average. The yield of the control plots ranged between 9.9-11.8 t/ha, the yields of the foliar fertilization plots ranged between 10.3-11.47 t/ha. There were not significant differences between the average yields of control and foliar fertilization plots. By the application of foliar fertilization the yield fluctuation decreased. Factual conclusion can be drawn only after the results of several years, we wish to continue our examinations

    Impact of nutrient level and seed density on the yield of some winter wheat varieties

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    The effects of four different nutrient levels (60 kg ha-1 N, 0 kg ha-1 P2O5, 0 kg ha-1 K2O; 90 kg ha-1 N, 30 kg ha-1 P2O5, 30 kg ha-1 K2O; 120 kg ha-1 N, 60 kg ha-1 P2O5, 60 kg ha-1 K2O; 150 kg ha-1 N, 60 kg ha-1 P2O5, 60 kg ha-1 K2O), as well as three different seeding rates (300, 500 and 700 seeds m-2) on different winter wheat breeds have been investigated in this publication. The research was established in one growing season (2017/2018), with 5 winter wheat varieties (GK AratĂł, GK BagĂł, Cellule, Lithium, GK Petur), in 4 repeats, on 10 square meter random layout plots in the research farm of the Department of Field Crops Research of National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, in Szeged-Ă–thalom. We determined the yield and evaluated our results with analysis of variance according to the different nutrient levels and seeding rates. Increasing the seed density, the yield of winter wheat increased too, in a decreasing rate. Increased nutrient inputs resulted in higher yields. The reaction to the fertilizers was very different among the varieties, we could show different yield order at different nutrient levels and seed density. Our results proved that the use of different varieties and agrotechnical elements cause a big difference in yield, which also determines the economic efficiency of the farm

    A nyírlugosi műtrágyázási tartamkísérlet 50 éve

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    A rehabilitációról másképp - Kapcsolatok a munkajoggal, szociális joggal és a fogyatékosságtudománnyal

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    A tanulmány a rehabilitáció kapcsolódását mutatja be a címben felsorol területekkel. A fogyatékossággal és megváltozott munkaképességgel élő emberek foglalkoztatása az állami foglalkoztatáspolitika egy meghatározó része, amennyiben a foglalkoztatásuk nem szociális kérdés. A rehabilitáció szoros kapcsolatot mutat a versenyszféra jogával a munkaerő-piacra integrálás, kihelyezés kapcsán. Természetesen elengedhetetlen a passzív eszközök reformja, azonban a rehabilitáció alanyának munka világába való eredményes bekapcsolása csak az aktív és passzív eszközök egyensúlyban tartásával valósítható meg
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