65 research outputs found

    Application Of Learning Cycle 7e Model Based Joyful Learn On Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

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    This research was motivated by the demands of the development of advanced science and technology in the 21st century and teaching activities that are still centered on the teacher that causes the problem solving ability of mathematical students less developed maximally and less meaningful learning. So take innovative learning one of them to improve the ability of problem solving mathematically that is by using Learning Cycle 7E model combined with Joyful Learn. Learning Cycle 7E model consists of 7 stages of learning, namely Elicit, Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation, and Extend. This model is packed based on Joyful Learn. The purpose of this research to know the improvement of students\u27mathematical problem solving ability using Learning Cycle 7E Model based Joyful Learn, and difference of problem solving ability of mathematics among Leaning Cycle 7E model based on Joyful Learn with its control class. This study is quasi experiment with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research is all the fourth grade students of Elementary School in  Cileunyi Bandung area of academic year 2016/2017. The selected sample is class IV SDN Cibiru 02 as the experimental class and fourth grade students of SDN Cibiru 08 as the control class. The research instrument used is a matter of test in the form of description. Based on the result of data analysis obtained the average of pretest result of experiment class is 37,12 and control class is 36,21. After obtaining different treatment, the result of experimental class posttest was obtained 78,94 and control class 64,42. The result of the gain test shows that the improvement of student mathematical problem solving ability using Learning Cycle 7E model based on Joyful Learn is 0,67 which is in the medium category and can be seen from the acquisition value of significance one sample t-test of 0,000. Based on the average defference test with α = 0,05 obtained significance value of 0,000, mean that H0 is rejected. So, it can be concluded that there are differences between problem solving students using the Learning Cycle 7E model based on Joyful Learn with conventional learning, then the Learning Cycle 7E based on Joyful Learn is better than conventional learning as its control class. So the Learning Cycle 7E based on Joyful Learn can be an alternative in improving students\u27mathematical problem solving abilities

    Ekstraksi Titanium Dioksida (TiO2) Anatase Menggunakan Metode Leaching dari Pasir Mineral Tulungagung

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengekstraksi titanium dioksida anatase menggunakan metode leaching asam sulfat dari pasir mineral Tulungagung. Ekstraksi anatase dilakukan dengan proses separasi magnetik dan dikarakterisasi XRF, dimana  hasilnya menunjukkan senyawa utama dalam pasir mineral adalah Fe2O3 dan TiO2 yang memiliki persentase sebesar 83,35% dan 12,20%. Selanjutnya serbuk magnetik dilarutkan dengan H2SO4, dan di vacuum pump, hasilnya berupa filtrat yang dinetralkan dengan aquades hingga terbentuk endapan. Endapan tersebut dikalsinasi pada suhu 600°C selama 2 jam. Setelah itu dilakukan karakterisasi XRD untuk mengetahui fasa TiO2 anatase yang diinginkan dengan menganalisis menggunakan sofware match! dan rietveld. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa telah terbentuk fasa tunggal TiO2 anatase dengan ukuran nanokristalin sebesar 2,4 n

    Edukasi Bahaya Junk Food (Makanan dan Snack) dan Jajan Sembarangan Dikalangan Remaja

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    Makan adalah kebutuhan utama manusia. Dengan makan manusia mendapatkan energi untuk beraktifitas tiap harinya. Makanan juga mempengaruhi metabolisme dalam tubuh. Metabolisme adalah dimana suatu makhluk hidup memproses sebuah zat, yang kemudian zat disebut dirubah secara kimia maupun secara mekanik yang kemudian dirubah menjadi nutrisi ,dan dari nutrisitersebut berubah menjadi energi. Proses metabolismetersebut terjadi didalam alat pencernaan.Tentunya akan banyak berpengaruh terhadap metabolisme tubuh. Jika seharusnya dalam proses metabolisme menghasilkan nutrisi-nutrisi yang baik serta berguna untuk tubuh dengan catatan asupan makanannyajuga harus baik.akan lain cerita jika dalam makanan terlalu banyak zat-zat yang berbahaya tersebut dapat memicu datangnya berbagai macam penyakit.maka makanan tersebut tergolong makanan junk food atau makanan sampah. Tulisan ini berupaya mengupas apa itu sebenarnya junk food, kenapa madyarakat mengkonsumsi junk food , kandungan apa saja yang ada di junk food , penyakit apa saja yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh junk food, hasilnya menunjukan bahwa remaja memilih makanan junk food karena makanan ii sangat praktis dalam penyajian dan enak rasanya, walau minim gizi. Faktor lain adalah maraknya peredaran makanan junk food dimasyarakat, iklan-iklan dimedia masa juga sangat berpegaruh terhadap antusias masyarakat terhadap produk-produk junk food. Sebagai konsumen kita harus selektif dan berfikir cerdas dalam memilih makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari. memilih makanan hendaknya mengutamakan nilai gizi yang ada dalam makanan. Bukan karena sedang trend,enak rasanya, ataupun hanya karena kepraktisannya saja. Karena kesehatan mahal harganya

    Inhibitory of Encapsulated Earthworm Extract (Lumbricus rubellus) on Pathogenic Bacteria in Vitro

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    The objective of this study was to determine the inhibitory of earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) extract (ECT) and encapsulated earthworm extract (ECT-t) as poultry feed additive against some pathogenic bacteria. Earthwom extract was prepared by dekokta method with water at 90 ºC then encapsulated by spray drying with maltodextrin as filler. In vitro antibacterial activity was performed using dilution method against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella pullorum, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The optical density results showed that started from ECT level 0.26% inhibited (PP. aeruginosa and S. aureus, while ECT level 0.52% inhibited (PE. coli and S. pullorum along with the increased levels of concentration. The percentage of growth showed that ECT level 1.04% had inhibitory (PE. coli and P. aeruginosa, while ECT level 0.52% showed antibacterial activity (PS. aureus. The result showed that S. aureus was the most sensitive bacterium to earthworms extract. ECT-t level 0.78% and 1.04% measured by spectrophotometer showed inhibitory (PP. aeruginosa and S. pullorum respectively. While ECT-t level 0.26% measured by spread plate count method showed inhibitory activity against P. aeruginosa. LD50 of E. coli and P. aeruginosa were found at ECT level 1.04%, while LD50 of S. aureus was found at level 0.52%. LD50 of P. aeruginosa was found at ECT-t level 0.52%. There were no antibacterial action (P>0.05) of ECT and ECT-t against S. pullorum.

    Pembalut Wanita Ramah Lingkungan dan Beretika

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    Sanitary napkins during menstruation is a primary requirement. According to the research, disposable sanitary napkin that is now being used contain hazardous substances that could potentially cause disease harmful to the reproductive organs. In addition, there is no special handling for waste disposable sanitary napkins. Although there are safe cloth napkin products, but they are expensive. This program aims to create innovative sanitary napkins are economical, safe, does not cause interferencee for environment and aesthetics. This Innovation Sanitary Napkins made of old cloth. The method used are designing, manufacture and testing. The results are two kind of design (long and wallet), handbags, socialization, banners, and brochures

    Performance and Meat Quality of Broilers Infected with Escherichia coli and Administered with Bio Additive, Probiotic, and Antibiotic

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of bio additive administration (a mixture of Lumbricus rubellus extract, Morinda citrifolia leaves extract and lactic acid bacteria), probiotic, and antibiotic to the performance and meat quality of broiler infected with Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). In this study, 140 Jumbo 747 unsexed one-day old chicks were distributed randomly into 20 units of cages, each filled with 7 broilers. Twenty cages were assigned into 5 treatment groups, each treatment in 4 equal replicates. The treatments were as follows: A= E. coli infection (positive control), B= E. coli infection + bio additive, C= E. coli infection + probiotic, D= E. coli infection + antibiotic, E= No E. coli infection (negative control). A commercial corn-soybean-based broiler diet was formulated as the basal diets. The experimental period was 35 d and at 21st d of age the broilers were infected with E. coli except the E treatment. The result showed that bio additive administration (B) increased the final body weight (1,659.52 g) and body weight gain (1,616.81 g) and resulted in less FCR (1.87) among other treatments. The lowest mortality rate was recorded in B treatment (3.57%) and D treatment (3.57%). Probiotic (C treatment) and antibiotic (D treatment) decreased (P < 0.05) meat pH and tenderness compared to other treatments. Meanwhile bio additive administration did not affect the meat quality (pH, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, tenderness, and fat) compared to positive and negative controls. The lowest meat cholesterol content was observed in B treatment (54.02 mg/100 g). It is concluded that bio additive administration on broiler infected with E. coli increased the broiler performance and decreased the meat cholesterol compared to other treatments