12 research outputs found


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    Coastal women play an important role in supporting the creation of value-added fishery products that become the main work of her husband (Istiqomah, 2015). The role of women in the coastal district of Sidoarjo as the wife of fishermen, the wife of the fish pond owner, and the wife of the fish processor; Proven to be able to move the economy on the coast by processing and adding value to the fishery resources.The purpose of this study is to find out how big the contribution of women to create economic empowerment in coastal district of Sidoarjo from catch fishery sector, aquaculture fishery and processed. The research was conducted in the village of Banjar Kemuning Sedati sub-district, which is the center of catch fishery, in Sawohan village, Buduran sub-district as a center of aquaculture, and Penatar Sewu village, Tanggulangin sub-district as a processed fishery center; During the year 2016 -2017.The research method is terrestris survey by using questionnaire tool. Data were obtained from closed interviews on selected respondents intentionally (purposive sampling) based on information from local fisheries figures. Survey results are analyzed by using shift share method compiled with Ishikawa Effect based on Balanced Score Cards.The results show that women are able to increase income and economic empowerment of their families. The contribution of women to the increase in family income is very fantastic ranging from 42% to 115% compared to if women in the family do not make productive business. The economic participation of women has proven to be able to improve the educational achievement of their children better and wider thinking. Husbands who work well together in terms of productive business with his wife can open jobs for others, and have a wide opportunity to develop other productive businesses for husbands during the season there is no fish

    Design The Intersection of Upstream Search Data Accuracy With Downstream Traceability Fisheries Business in Indonesia

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    Fisheries business actors in Indonesia have different backgrounds in knowledge, education, social and psychology. This diversity creates obstacles to the application of traceability of Indonesian fishery products, so that they lack competitiveness in the international market. The research aims to find some simple schemes that are easily understood by Indonesian fisheries businesses to implement traceability extensively. Descriptive research method. Data were obtained from terrestrial surveys and interviews with business actors spread across various fishery centers in East Java, since 2015 until now. The results of the observations are arranged in a simple matrix to find the suitability of the behavior of the design business actors at each observation point. The results of the analysis show that: the commitment and consistency of the fisheries businessman is largely determined by the factors of knowledge, education, social, and psychology respectively. Knowledge is the best aspect of power to create the drafting of search data; because this aspect turns out to be 'forced' to 'understand' by all parties doing business. The design of the accuracy of the meeting point of upstream search data with downstream traceability can be realized through the dissemination of knowledge in a simple and applicable manner continuously, extending to all lines and implanted to consumers from an early age. The weak implementation of traceability in Indonesia is caused by the lack of consumer understanding of the importance of search data; which has a strong impact on suppliers to "ignore" the implementation of traceability for local products

    Consumer acceptability test on the organoleptic factors of dedawang pindang fish in Dedawang Hamlet, Bawean Island, Indonesia

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    This study aims to measure the level of consumer preference for organoleptic factors of pindang fish produced from the traditional scavenger business of Dedawang Hamlet, Telukjati Dawang Village, Tambak Sub-district, Bawean Island - Gresik Regency.The research was conducted from July to September 2020 involving 221 respondents from various backgrounds as panelists to assess the level of preference for pindang fish. The test material came from one of the scaling efforts carefully selected by the researcher. The organoleptic test includes 8 (eight) things, namely: taste, deviated odor (indication of deterioration), specific aroma, color, appearance, consistency, packaging aesthetics, and durability. The results showed that the durability factor (score 93.57), product aesthetics (score 90.48), smell (score 86.35), and distinctive aroma (score 81.35) were the main attractions for consumers buying pindang fish. While the appearance (score 53.07), consistency (score 63.51), color (score 65.41), and taste (score 68.17) are things that need to be improved to increase attractiveness to consumers. Keywords: organoleptic, pindang, consumer acceptabilit

    Effect of giving ethanol multistep doses to level of SGPT and SGOT in wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Background: Ethanol is one types of alcohol used in beverages. Excessive use of ethanol causes damage to organs, especially in the liver. Liver, which is an organ in the body, serves as the metabolism of various substances including ethanol. Liver damage that occurs can be known with one of these liver function examination, which check the levels of SGPT and SGOT. Objective: This research aims to look for the difference of SGPT’s and SGOT’s levels between ethanol multistep doses group and control group in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) SGPT and SGOT levels. Methods: This study used an experimental research design with post test only control group design. The sample consisted of 21 male Wistar rats, which were divided into 3 groups. Each group consisted of 7 rats. The first group (K1) was the control group, which was given aquades. The second group (K2) were given ethanol 20% as 2 g/kg pe roral. And the third group (K3) were given with 25% ethanol as 2.5g/kg peroral. The treatment was given for 4 weeks. At the 31st day blood was taken from orbitalis sinus as much as 1 ml for check the level of SGPT and SGOT. Results: The results are the average increase of SGPT and SGOT levels in K2 compared to the K1. While on K3 showed that the average levels of SGPT and SGOT were lower than K1. SGPT levels showed a significant difference (p0.05 ). Conclusion: There is significant differences in the levels of SGPT treatment group in comparison with the control group, but there is no significant differences in the level of SGOT


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    Permasalahan sektor perikanan saling terkait antar sub sektor perikanan tangkap, budidaya, serta olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis potensi keberlanjutan usaha multi sub sektor perikanan skala kecil - menengah oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian deskriptif dilaksanakan April 2015 s/d April 2018. Survey terestris dengan teknik rekam data tertutup dan terarah menggunakan alat bantu kuesioner. Data diberi bobot dan dianalisa menggunakan analisis shift share dan statistik untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antar sub sektor perikanan terhadap potensi keberlanjutannya. Hasil analisis keberlanjutan usaha tangkap (kode 01.T) bernilai terendah 2,3529 gap 6,0 dari nilai tertinggi 8,3529. Nilai regresi usaha penangkapan ikan Y = 0,005 + 0,961 X menunjukkan usaha penangkapan ikan belum mampu memberdayakan sektor lain. Tingkat signifikansi uji T tidak nyata 22,2%. Nilai R Square 0,005 dan Adjusted R Square -0,061 merepresentasikan tingkat kepercayaan usaha penangkapan ikan sangat rendah. Keberlanjutan usaha perikanan budidaya di tambak (simbol 02.Y) bernilai terendah 2,9783. Nilai regresi linier sebesar Y = 0,980 + 3,375 X menunjukkan usaha budidaya memberikan keberdayaan bagi sub sektor lain secara signifikan 97,8%*. Nilai R Square 0,225 dan Adjusted R Square 0,188 merepresentasikan keberlanjutan usaha budidaya kurang menjanjikan. Keberlanjutan olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan (kode 03.U) bernilai terendah 7,2600 dengan shift share gap positif 0,2600. Nilai regresi linier Y = 6,031 + 3,235 X signifikansi 100% menunjukkan usaha olahan dan pemasaran berpengaruh terhadap usaha lainnya, dengan nilai R Square 0,651 dan nilai Adjusted R Square 0,636. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sub sektor olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan berpeluang besar untuk ditumbuh-kembangkan.Title: Analysis of Potential Sustainability of Multi Fisheries Sub Sector Business in the Sidoarjo RegencyThe problems of fisheries sector are interrelated between the capture fisheries, cultivation, processing and marketing of fishery products. The research aims to analyze the potential sustainability of small and medium scale multi sub-sector fisheries businesses by people in Sidoarjo Regency. Descriptive research was conducted from April 2015 to April 2018. Terrestrial survey with closed data recording techniques and questionnaires were used in the study. Data were measured and analyzed using shift share matrix and statistics to find out the relation between fisheries sub-sectors to their potential sustainability. Results of the capture business sustainability analysis (code 01.T) have the lowest value of 2.3529 gap 6.0 from the highest value of 8.3529. The regression value of fishing business Y = 0.005 + 0.961 X indicates that fishing businesses have not been able to empower other sectors. The significance level of the T test is not real 22.2%. The R Square value of 0.005 and Adjusted R Square -0.061 represents the relatively low level of trust in fishing businesses. The sustainability of aquaculture business in the pond (symbol 02.Y) has the lowest value of 2.9783. The linear regression value of Y = 0.980 + 3.375 X indicates that cultivation provides empowerment for other sub-sectors significantly of 97.8%*. The value of R Square 0.225 and Adjusted R Square 0.188 representing the sustainability of aquaculture is less promising. Sustainability of processed and marketing of fishery products (code 03.U) has the lowest value of 7.2600 with a positive shift share gap of 0.2600. The linear regression value Y = 6.031 + 3.235 X 100% significance indicates that the processed business and marketing affect other businesses, with the value of R Square 0.651 and the value of Adjusted R Square 0.636. It is concluded that the processed and marketing of fishery products subsector have a great opportunity to be developed

    Karakterisasi Ekonomi Pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo Berbasis Pengkayaan Keragaman Mangrove

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    Pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo masih banyak ditumbuhi tanaman mangrove, keragamannya harus dipertahankan. Di sisi lain, upaya pemberdayaan wanita sebagai instrumen sumberdaya manusia sangat penting dalam pemanfaatan sekaligus pelestarian tanaman mangrove. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengamati dan mendeskripsikan jenis tanaman mangrove yang banyak ditemukan di pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo; sekaligus menyusun bentuk pemanfaatan mangrove melalui program pemberdayaan wanita pesisir.  Penelitian bersifat deskriptif, dimana  peneliti menggunakan metode sederhana secara bertahap; dimulai dari survey terestris, melakukan pencatatan langsung, wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan setempat, pemetaan hingga men-simulasi kepadatan beberapa jenis tanaman mangrove yang populasinya dianggap banyak sehingga layak untuk sumber ekonomi. Jangka waktu pengamatan dilakukan sejak tahun 2011 hingga 2015. Survey dilakukan secara periodik, sekali setiap 6 bulan. Wilayah yang diamati adalah kecamatan Sedati, Buduran, Sidoarjo Kota, Candi, Tanggulangin dan Porong, di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis tanaman yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah family rhizoporaceae, avicenniaceae, sonneratiaceae, excocariaceae, dan meliaceae (xylocarphus dan nypha). Semua jenis tanaman tersebut pada dasarnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber ekonomi; namun masih belum diwujudkan secara sungguh-sungguh. Terdapat kesalahan persepsi yang seringkali berakibat perilaku masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan mangrove justru menjadi destruktif dengan memanfaatkan kayunya. Padahal, industrialisasi tanaman mangrove tidak diutamakan untuk diambil kayunya melainkan daun, bunga, kulit, getah dan buah atau hipokotilnya. Selain itu, jenis mangrove lainnya yang tidak dominan harus dilakukan pengkayaan keragaman dengan tujuan sebagai sumber ekonomi baru. Terdapat pula potensi peningkatan pendapatan 3 - 5 juta rupiah per kepala keluarga per bulan yang belum tergarap melalui pengembangan pola kemitraan dengan industri makanan, minuman, kosmetika dan farmasi

    Karakterisasi Ekonomi Pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo Berbasis Pengkayaan Keragaman Mangrove

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    Pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo masih banyak ditumbuhi tanaman mangrove, keragamannya harus dipertahankan. Di sisi lain, upaya pemberdayaan wanita sebagai instrumen sumberdaya manusia sangat penting dalam pemanfaatan sekaligus pelestarian tanaman mangrove. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengamati dan mendeskripsikan jenis tanaman mangrove yang banyak ditemukan di pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo; sekaligus menyusun bentuk pemanfaatan mangrove melalui program pemberdayaan wanita pesisir.  Penelitian bersifat deskriptif, dimana  peneliti menggunakan metode sederhana secara bertahap; dimulai dari survey terestris, melakukan pencatatan langsung, wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan setempat, pemetaan hingga men-simulasi kepadatan beberapa jenis tanaman mangrove yang populasinya dianggap banyak sehingga layak untuk sumber ekonomi. Jangka waktu pengamatan dilakukan sejak tahun 2011 hingga 2015. Survey dilakukan secara periodik, sekali setiap 6 bulan. Wilayah yang diamati adalah kecamatan Sedati, Buduran, Sidoarjo Kota, Candi, Tanggulangin dan Porong, di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis tanaman yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah family rhizoporaceae, avicenniaceae, sonneratiaceae, excocariaceae, dan meliaceae (xylocarphus dan nypha). Semua jenis tanaman tersebut pada dasarnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber ekonomi; namun masih belum diwujudkan secara sungguh-sungguh. Terdapat kesalahan persepsi yang seringkali berakibat perilaku masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan mangrove justru menjadi destruktif dengan memanfaatkan kayunya. Padahal, industrialisasi tanaman mangrove tidak diutamakan untuk diambil kayunya melainkan daun, bunga, kulit, getah dan buah atau hipokotilnya. Selain itu, jenis mangrove lainnya yang tidak dominan harus dilakukan pengkayaan keragaman dengan tujuan sebagai sumber ekonomi baru. Terdapat pula potensi peningkatan pendapatan 3 - 5 juta rupiah per kepala keluarga per bulan yang belum tergarap melalui pengembangan pola kemitraan dengan industri makanan, minuman, kosmetika dan farmasi

    Titis Istiqomah Analisis Stratejik Revitalisasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Lestari (Studi Peranan Wanita di Pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo): Program Studi Akuntansi, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo *E-mail: [email protected]

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    Coastal women are still widely regarded as marginal figures within the scope of economic empowerment and the application of science and technology. The personal and psychological superiority of women as contributors who play a role in processing capture fisheries products is basically a real strength and opportunity in order to create processed products that are competitive and sustainable. The research objective was to find a strategy for implementing revitalization of sustainable resource management through increasing the role of coastal women. The research is descriptive; conducted in several capture fisheries centers in Sidoarjo Regency such as: Banjar Kemuning, Gisik Cemandi, Segoro Tambak, Bluru Kidul and Tanjung Sari during 2015. The method used is terrestrial survey combined with inventory activities, marine side interviews, home in near fishing ports interviews were assisted by a questionnaire that contained a list of indepth questions. The data is processed using fish bone diagram analysis which is given a weight based on the assumptions prepared using the Balance Score Cards method. The results of the subsequent analysis are compiled into several basic assumptions which are further analyzed using the SWOT matrix. The results of the study show that the principle of implementation of gender equality has been established in various coastal areas in East Java. The implementation of equality in various regions is only differentiated by the level of participation, where coastal women in Banjar Kemuning and Gisik Cemandi have a participation rate of up to 73.2% and 69.4%. While the participation rates in Segoro Tambak, Bluru Kidul and Tanjung Sari were 43.6%, 61.1% and 57.8% respectively. The level of women's contribution to the competitiveness of the products produced is measured by productivity, the sustainability of the processing business and the added value obtained shows that the average has reached more than 57%. The magnitude of the figure shows that the level of participation and contribution of coastal women still needs to be increased. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it was found that the strategy to implement the contribution of coastal women to create competitiveness of processed fishery products that need to be developed is to introduce continuous global market dynamics (score 170), train / familiarize the application of quality systems in fish processing early (score 130) ; and provide a more innovative discourse on product diversification (110)