13 research outputs found

    Agrometeorological Data and Rainfall Forecasting for Crop Simulation

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    Agricultural production is one of the most weather sensitive human activities that depend on daily atmospheric conditions. This review attempts to describe the meteorological data for crop requirements, some techniques of climate prediction and its use for crop simulations. Despite the rapid progress achieved in forecasting technology lately, further works are necessary for the real application. The amount and distribution of the rainfall in the coming season is necessary for planning crop cultivation particularly when climate anomaly arises. In agriculture the efforts to bridge the gap, climate forecasting results are the main input in crop simulation, especially for water and agro-climate management and cropping calendar

    Capturing the Benefit of Monsoonal and Tropical Climate to Enhance National Food Security

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    Although the consumption level is declining with improved economy and living condition, rice remains the staple food in many Asian countries. With annual consumption per capita of more than 100 kg, Indonesia is far higher than Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Malaysia with around 90 kg but less than the least developed countries in Southeast Asia, Laos and Myanmar that consume around 200 kg. Java the most populous island with about 7% of Indonesian terrestrial territory has long been and is still the national rice basket although its contribution to the national rice production is steadily declining. With population is still growing by 1.30% annually, competition for food, water, and energy will increase. Consequently food prices will rise, more people will go hungry, and migrants will flee theworst-affected regions. Therefore, to cater the national rice demand, alternatives has to be found in outer islands. The geographic position and variable climate of monsoonal and tropical rainfall patterns as well as the availabilityof large swathes of swampy land offer opportunity to evenly spread planting time and hence rice production throughout the year. However, recent rapid development of tree plantations will make it difficult to implement without political will supported with strong policy and appropriate planning. This paper describes the challenges and opportunities in utilizing climate variability to enhance national food security and improve farmers\u27 welfare

    Recommendation of Sustainable Landuse in Border Area East Kalimantan-Malaysia

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    Development problems of agriculture on border area require handling which more comprehensive and sustainable. Up to now, research results indicate that efforts has been done in handling various problems in agricultural sector, but still partial and is not be able to overcome complex problems. Therefore to overcome various development problems of agriculture on the border area need to be done in holisticaly, covers all aspect i.e. social, economics, ecology, and institution. Sebatik Island is one of state border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, located in Nunukan District, East Kalimantan Province. Up to now, cocoa is still the priority commodity, but its productivity is relatively low. Based on potency and constraint of land resources in Sebatik Island, sustainable recommendations to increase land productivity of cocoa i.e. (1) land and water conservation management, (2) using organic matter, (3) proportional fertilization, (4) using mulch, (5) integrated crop management, (6) integrated crop-livestock system, and (7) improvement of capacity of farmers institutio

    Menakar Kapasitas Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim Petani Padi Sawah (Kasus Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur)

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    ABSTRAK Perubahan iklim mensyaratkan kapasitas beradaptasi yang memadai dari petani karena pengelolaan SUT padi sawah sangat bergantung pada daya dukung iklim. Musim menjadi tidak menentu dan cuaca sulit diprediksi. Petani mulai kesulitan menentukan awal dan komoditas tanam, sementara serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT), banjir, dan kekeringan sebagai dampak negatif dari perubahan iklim semakin sering terjadi. Melalui survey terhadap 96 petani, penelitian ini menakar kapasitas beradaptasi perubahan iklim petani padi sawah di daerah pertanaman padi di dataran rendah, sedang, dan tinggi yang pernah menjadi wilayah percontohan program pengembangan kapasitas adaptasi perubahan iklim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kapasitas adaptasi petani padi sawah masih rendah dan memengaruhi tingkat penerapan adaptasi perubahan iklim mereka. Disarankan untuk dilakukan evaluasi terhadap strategi program-progran sejenis melalui penelitian mengenai faktor-faktor penentu kapasitas adaptasi perubahan iklim petani padi sawah. Kata kunci: kapasitas adaptasi, padi sawah, perubahan iklim, petani      ABSTRACT Climate change requires adequate adaptation capability of farmers as the management of rice farming systems which is highly dependent on climate carrying a previously considered stable. Through a survey of 96 farmers, this study measured the adaptive capacity to climate change of rice farmers in the lowland, medium and highland rice cultivation areas as pilot zone in which improvement program in climate change adaptation has been established. The result shows rice farmers adaptive capacity is considered low and affects their adaptation level to climate change. It is necessary to evaluate the strategy of similar program by studying the determinant factors of climate change adaptation capacity of rice farmers. Keywords: Adaptive capacity, climate change, farmer Citation: Salampessy, Y.L.A., Lubis, D.P., Amien, I., Suhardjito, D. 2018. Menakar Kapasitas Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim Petani Padi Sawah (Kasus Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur). Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 16(1), 25-34, doi:10.14710/jil.16.1.25-3

    Relation of Variable of Communication and Adaption Capacity of Rice Farmer on Clmate Change (Case of Pasuruan Regency, East Java)

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    As a seasonal crop, rice production is highly depend on the carrying capacity of the climate, that the changing climate requires the adaptive capacity of the farmers. On the other hand, climate change is still a new and complex issue for most people which is followed by differences in response to its impact. This research tries to describe the relationship between communication variables and adaptive capacity to climate change of rice farmers. The survey method is applied in lowland, midland, and upland agroecosystem zones affected by climate change which are represented by 32 rice farmers each. The result shows that there is a very strong relation between climate change communication variables of the farmers and their capacity in adapting to the climate change. Therefore, the diversity of sources of climate change information of the farmers and the frequency of its use, and the exposure to climate change information and convergence of climate change communication of the farmers need to be improved.</p

    Direct and residual effects of lime on peanut performance on an acid soil of West Sumatra

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 146-161)Microfiche.xiii, 161 leaves, bound ill. 29 cmAcid soils are the largest available lands for peanut cultivation expansion in Indonesia. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of lime on peanut growth on an acid soil of West Sumatra. In the first experiment eight peanut cultivars were grown in plots with 0, 500 and 2000 kg lime/ha. Lime reduced soil Al saturation and increased peanut yields. Pelanduk and Rusa cultivars were the least sensitive to Al saturation and Banteng was the most. In the another experiment Tapir, Tupai, Florunner and Kelinci cultivars were grown under six combinations of lime rate (0, 375 and 1000 kg/ha) and methods of application (surface broadcast, shallow and deeply incorporated). The plots received 375, 2250 and 6500 kg lime/ha 29 months earlier. The plots then were planted with Srondol and Danau Dibawah rice followed by Kelinci and Tapir peanuts. Lime increased soil pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K but reduced extractable Al, P and SO42-. In about a year, the effects of lime extended to deeper soil layers. Roots that ceased to grow when near harvest contributed about 0.5 ton organic matter/ha. Peanut yields increased with lime and with higher rainfall. In the drier season peanut pod yields ranged from 240 kg/ha for Florunner at low lime to 1660 kg/ha for Kelinci with the high lime treatment. In the higher rainfall the yields ranged from 800 kg/ha for Tapir to 1960 kg/ha for Kelinci. In a dry period shallow incorporation of lime increased the yields over broadcast. Critical Al saturation was approximately 22 % for Florunner and Tapir cultivars, 35 % for Kelinci and 46 % for Tupai. The critical values increased to about 56 % for Kelinci and Tapir in the higher rainfall season. Florunner and Tapir yield responded almost linearly to Ca saturation. Kelinci and Tupai maximum yields were obtained at Ca saturation of 74 % and 65 %, and 50 % for both cultivars in the second crop. Peanut seedlings were grown in solution with low Ca and high Al at initial pHs 4 and 5. Root growth was enhanced by low-level Al, but reduced by initial concentration of 15 lM Al at initial pH 4 and by 50 lM Al at initial pH 5. Ca was essential for root growth but the requirement seemed low. Concentration of 150 lM reduced the toxic effect of Al