9 research outputs found

    Studi Morfologi Tanaman Sansevieria Di Kota Makassar

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    Abstract. This research is a descriptive study which aims to study the morphological characteristics of Sansevieria plants in Makassar City. This research was conducted from February to March 2018. The location of the study was conducted in several areas in Makassar city which Sansevieria met. Data collection was done by observing the morphological characteristics of Sansevieria plants. The results of the study obtained as many as 25 species of Sansevieria. Sansevieria plants in the city of Makassar are dominated by species with dark green to gray green, only a few are pale green or have a combination of yellow, have a shape or build a variety of leaves such as wake oval (ovalis), elongated (oblongus), lancet (lanceolatus ), to subulate or terete (subulatus).Keywords: Sansevieria, Characteristics, Morphology, Makassar City

    Pengembangan Kegiatan Mozaik Untuk Mengembangkan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    Kegiatan mozaik adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk melatih motorik anak, karena di dalam proses pelaksanaan mozaik terdapat kegaiatan menempel potongan bahan menggunakan lem pada pola yang telah dibuat sehingga koordinasi motoriknya akan terlatih. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan Research and Development dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan mozaik. Metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Rancangan penelitian melalui 3 tahap pengembangan yang masing-masing tahapan terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi/analisis. Hasil penelitian dengan tahap pengembangan I langkah kegiatan mozaik mulai terlaksana dengan persentase 51,7% dengan perkembangan motorik halus anak mulai berkembang 51,7%, pada tahap pengembangan II langkah kegiatan mozaik terlaksana dengan baik mencapai jumlah persentase 67,8% dan perkembangan motorik halus anak meningkat menjadi 66,6%, sedangkan tahap pengembangan III langkah kegiatan mozaik mencapai 85,7% dan perkembangan motorik halus anak berkembang sangat baik dengan jumlah persentase 88,3%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kegiatan mozaik dapat meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halsu anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Tunas Bangsa Mataram

    Diplomasi Pertahanan Indonesia dalam Upaya untuk Memasukkan Segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai Outstanding Boundary Problem Indonesia-Malaysia

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    – Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bentuk penyelenggaraan diplomasi pertahanan serta analisanya dalam upaya untuk memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai Outstanding Boundary Problem Indonesia-Malaysia. Hal ini didasarkan atas status Tanjung Datu yang ambigu akibat perbedaan penafsiran Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 1978 oleh pihak internal pemerintah Indonesia. Perundingan untuk memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP terjadi pada tahun 2001. Usaha melobi pihak Malaysia untuk memasukkan Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP dilakukan secara intensif oleh para delegasi sampai akhirnya Indonesia menerima keputusan pihak Malaysia untuk tidak lagi mempermasalahkan Tanjung Datu. Studi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan enam informan yang meliputi praktisi dan pakar di bidang terkait. Data juga diperoleh dari berbagai literatur. Temuan studi ini berupa subjek diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam upaya memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP Indonesia-Malaysia yaitu Pankorwilnas, Direktorat Topografi Angkatan Darat, Kementerian Pertahanan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan JUPEM. Sedangkan objek diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam upaya memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP Indonesia-Malaysia adalah berupa tujuan Indonesia yakni sebagai implementasi kepentingan nasional dalam meraih kedaulatan teritorialnya serta hal itu termasuk dalam lingkup pertahanan

    Indonesia Defence Diplomacy To Make Tanjung Datu Segment AS Outstanding Boundary Problem Of Indonesia-Malaysia

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    – This study discusses about implementation of Indonesia's defense diplomacy and its analysis in effort to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as Outstanding Boundary Problem of Indonesia-Malaysia. This is based on the status of Tanjung Datu as Outstanding Boundary Problem was ambiguous due the different interpretations of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 1976 and 1978 by Government of Indonesia. The negotiation to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as Outstanding Boundary Problem Indonesia-Malaysia in 2001. Indonesia attempt to lobby Malaysian to attach Tanjung Datu as OBP and its intensively conducted by Indonesia's delegates until finally, Indonesia accepted the Malaysian decision that Tanjung Datu is not part of the OBP. This research method was qualitative approach where data collection technique was through interviews with six informants including practitioners and experts in related fields. This study showed that the subjects of Indonesia's defense diplomacy in efforts to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as OBP Indonesia-Malaysia are Pankorwilnas, Directorate of Army Topography, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Home Affairs and JUPEM (Malaysian Position Measurement and Mapping). While the object of Indonesia's defense diplomacy in the efforts to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as OBP Indonesia-Malaysia are the implementation of Indonesia's national interest to achieve territorial sovereignty and it was also part of defense

    Pembentukan Kepribadian Akhlakul Karimah Anak di Lingkungan Keluarga Nikah Dini di Kecamatan Lubuk Besar Kabupaten Bangka Tengah

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    This research aims to: to know, understand and expose the virtues of the formation of good behavioral personality and methods used in the formation of good behavior personality of children in early marriage family environment in Lubuk Besar Sub-District bangka tengah regency. As for finding solutions to the above problems researchers use the following methodology: in this study researchers used a qualitative approach to phenomenology is to observe social symptoms, and the role of each individual to educate children and families in each member of society. Because every education has a purpose to build a good behavior, there is a pattern of empathy and a role that contains and implements educational values or that every family has the right to educate and be responsible for educating children and their families.  The main informants in this study are the key informants in this study are Islamic Religious Education teachers and landfill teachers and the informants in this study are families and children of early marriage perpetrators, then for the supporting informants are the sub-district staff of Lubuk Besar to look for data on the general picture of Lubuk Besar Sub-District. And the data collection techniques in this study are: observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Then the analysis techniques that researchers use are: data reduction, data presentation and data verivcation. The result of this study is that the first, the formation of personality akhlakul kaimah in the early marriage family environment does not go the maximum, because the family as the person shaper of the child does not have enough provision in building a household so that parents who are married early have not been able to apply everything that is the responsibility as a parent in educating and raising the child. Second, as a large number of children have poor adab and morals and some children born to early married parents have physical and psychological disabilities such as being born in un-normal circumstances. Third, among parents who are married early already married two to three times due to various domestic conflicts that occur in early marriage families caused by the economy, as well as other problems. Fourth, most parents who marry early are more entrusted to teachers whether school teachers or teachers where their children learn to pay in providing religious education to the Fifth child, the causative factor of early marriage in Lubuk Besar Subdistrict is mainly due to economic, educational, parental factors and free associations that are stuck with the wrong courtship style. Although in Islam there is no age limit when a person will marry, but early marriage is highly discouraged because it will be fatal in either the home life or the child of an early marriage perpetrator if not provided with sufficient knowledge in educating children and households. Sixth, the average observer is an early marriage and a housewife. Seventh, the adverse effects of early marriage in Lubuk Besar sub-district include depression (crazy), not being able to take care of children, family conflict, early divorce, economic pressures, family disharmony, risky pregnancies, the head of the family difficulty finding work due to the lack of experience before marriage. Thus it is highly discouraged for today's young people to perform underage marriages. Because it will not only affect him and his family but also on the children of early marriage abusers who will become the next generation of the nation

    Pola Pendidikan Karakter Religius dalam Pembelajaran Daring SMP Plus Citra Madhinatul Ilmi (CMI)

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    This study aims to determine the pattern of religious character education for students carried out at SMP Plus Citra Madhinatul Ilmi (CMI), especially in online learning. The research uses a qualitative approach through the case study method. Sources of research data were taken from interviews with informants consisting of principals, classroom teachers, Indonesian language teachers, English teachers, and Mathematics teachers. Research data were taken through in-depth interviews with all informants. The results showed that the cultivation of character education values ​​for SMP Plus Citra Madhinatul Ilmi (CMI) students can still be done in online learning. Character values ​​that are instilled in schools are religious values, nationalism, integrity, independence, and mutual cooperation. The pattern of religious character education in online learning is carried out using various easily accessible media and collaboration between parents and teachers in terms of supervision of students

    Analisis Tanggung Jawab Pegadaian Syariah Palu Plaza terhadap Barang Jaminan yang Hilang dan Rusak

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    Tulisan ini membahas tanggung jawab pengadaian syariah terhadap barang jaminan yang hilang dan rusak. Pokok permasalahan adalah bagaimana bentuk tanggung jawab pegadaian syariah apabila barang jaminan yang dititipkan nasabah mengalami kehilangan dan kerusakan. Apakah bentuk tanggung jawab pegadaian syariah sudah sesuai dengan tinjauan ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode  kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data-data melalui, observasi,  interview (wawancara), kemudian dari dokumen-dokumen. Penulis menggunakan teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah analisis, dan pengecekan keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh pegadaian syariah Palu Plaza telah sesuai dengan ketentuan ekonomi Islam, yaitu melakukan upaya ansitipasi terhadap barang jaminan nasabah dan memberikan ganti rugi kepada nasabah yang mengalami kehilangan atau kecurian barang jaminannya dengan cara mengganti dengan uang atau mengantinya dengan barang yang sama sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama antara nasabah dan pihak pegadaian. Ansitipasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak pegadaian syariah  selain dari tempat penyimpanan yang dijaga dengan ketat. Pegadaian Syariah juga  mengansuransikan barang jaminan tersebut