37 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKFenomena pemanasan gobal yang diiringi dengan terjadinya perubahan iklim, merupakan ancaman nyata bagi masyarakat di masa kini dan yang akan datang.Indonesia merupakan salah satunegara yang rentan terkena dampak perubahan iklim. Kabupaten Tasikmalaya menduduki urutan kelima peringkat indeks rawan bencana di Indonesia. Kecamatan Salawu di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya rawan bencana. Kampung Naga adalah kampung yang masih memegang kuat budaya dan adat di Kecamatan Salawu. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis potensi bencana terkait perubahan iklim di Kampung Naga dan menganalisis kemampuan mitigasi bencana masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Potensi bencana dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan kondisi geomorfologi dan lokasi kampung. Kemampuan mitigasi bencana dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan adat istiadat. Bahaya akibat perubahan iklim yang berpotensi menjadi bencana di Kampung Naga adalah tanah longsor dan banjir. Kemampuan mitigasi bencana masyarakat Kampung Naga terhadap perubahan iklim dipengaruhi kearifan tradisional yang tercermin dari konservasi hutan, bangunan, infrastruktur dan pola ruang kampung yang dapat mengurangi ancaman bencanatanah longsor dan banjir.ABSTRACTThe phenomenon of global warming which is accompanied by climate changed, is the real threat to the community in the present and future. Indonesia is one of the most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. Tasikmalaya is the district with rank of hazard indexes is 5th in Indonesia. Sub district Salawu in Tasikmalaya district is a disaster-prone districts. One kampong in Salawu which still holds strong culture and customs is Kampung Naga. The aim of the study were analyzed potential disaster that related of climate change in Kampung Naga, and analyzed the the abilities of Kampung Naga community in mitigating disaster of climate change. The study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Potential disaster analyzed qualitatively based on condition of geomorphologi and location. Disaster mitigation capabilities were analyzed qualitatively from customs. Based on geomorphologi condition and location, hazards of climate change that could potentially be disastrous in Kampung Naga were landslide and floods. The abilities of Kampung Naga community in disaster mitigation of climate change, is affected by the traditional wisdom that was reflected from forest conservation, building, infrastructure and spatial patterns of kampong which could prevent landslide and flood

    Pengaruh Strategi Karyawisata Dan Sensitivitas Ekologis Terhadap Apresiasi Siswa Tentang Pelestarian Satwa

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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh strategi karyawisata dan sensitivitas ekologi terhadap apresiasi pelestarian satwa. Penelitian dilaksanakan terhadap siswa SMAN 22 Jakarta dengan desain penelitrian eksperimen faktorial 2 x 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) apresiasi pelestarian satwa pada perlakuan karya wisata antara habitat alami dan karya wisata di penangkaran tidak menunjukan adanya perbedaan, (2) Kelompok siswa dengan sensitivitas ekologi tinggi, apresiasi pelestraian satwa antara karya wisata di habitat alami dan di penangkaran tidak menunjukan perbedaan, (3) Kelompok siswa dengan tingkat sensitivitas ekologis rendah, apresiasi pelestarian satwa antara perlakuan karya wisata di habitat alami dan di penangkaran tidak menunjukan perbedaan, (4) Terdapat interaksi signifikan antara strategi karyawisata dengan sensitivitas ekologis terhadap apresiasi pelestarian satwa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dalam peningkatan apresiasi siswa dalam apresiasi pelestraian satwa penggunaan strategi pembelajaran melalui karya wisata dan dikontrol dengan faktor sensitivitas ekologi seharusnya dapat dipertimbangkan

    Analysis of the determinants and typology of hydrometeorological disaster in Sukajaya Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to determine the factors as a typology of hydrometeorological disasters. The research method employed is post-disaster survey activities through hypothetical descriptions from October to December 2020. The analysis technique uses factor analysis on five variables, namely runoff, infiltration, slope, land cover, and infrastructure. The data retrieval obtained nine areas of landslide disaster points along 20 kilometers from Kiarapandak Village to Cisangku Village, Sukajaya Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, one of which were the areas affected by landslides in January 2020. From the factorial analysis results, it was found that the five variables above were suitable as a factor for determining disaster based on correlation values (r), that includes Factor 1 which is the variable of land slope (0.855) and the infrastructure variable (0.872). Factor 2 is water infiltration (0.928), water runoff (0.269), and land cover (0.717). In conclusion, the typology of hydrometeorological disasters is distinguished based on two determinants, firstly the physical construction of land, slopes, as well as infrastructure of road and river. Secondly,  factors of water flow, water infiltration, runoff, and land cover.Tujuan penelitian adalah membuat determinasi faktor-faktor sebagai tipologi kebencanaan hidrometeorologi. Metode penelitian melalui kegiatan survey pasca bencana melalui deskripsi hipotetik pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2020. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis faktor pada 5 (lima) variabel yaitu limpasan, resapan, kemiringan, tutupan lahan, dan infrastruktur. Pengambilan data mendapatkan 9 (sembilan) daerah titik bencana longsor sepanjang 20 kilometer dari Desa Kiarapandak sampai Desa Cisangku, Kecamatan Sukajaya Kabupaten Bogor, yang merupakan wilayah terkena bencana longsor pada bulan Januari 2020. Dari hasil analisis faktorial diperoleh bahwa 5 (lima) variabel di atas layak dijadikan faktor determinasi kebencanaan berdasarkan nilai korelasi (r),  meliputi Faktor 1 adalah variabel kemiringan lahan (0,855) dan variabel infratruktur (0,872). Faktor 2 adalah resapan air (0,928), limpasan air (0,269), dan tutupan lahan (0,717). Kesimpulan, tipologi bencana hidrometeorologi dibedakan berdasarkan dua faktor determinasi yaitu pertama faktor konstruksi fisik lahan, kemiringan dan infratruktur jalan dan sungai, dan faktor aliran air, resapan air, limpasan, dan tutupan lahan


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    ABSTRACTThis research is classified as correlational research which consists of two independent variables,the knowledge of environmental pollution and emotional intelligence, and a dependent variable, that is the participation of housewife in health care environment. This research was carried out in Cimandala village, Bogor district in 2012 with a total sample of 233 people who were taken as a multistage proportional random sampling.  The research uses a method of survey and data analysis technique, with correlation and simple linear regression as well as correlation and multiple linear regression statistic tests.  Meanwhile, the hyphotesis test was conducted on α = 0,05 dan α = 0,01. This research has three conclusions as follow: (1) There is a very significant positive relationship between the knowledge of environmental pollution with the participation of housewife in health care  environment  by  the  regression  equation  Å¶  =  140.606  +  0.632  X1,  with  the  correlationcoefficient value of  ry1 =0.528   and the determination of the coefficient (r2) = 0.279. (2) There is avery significant positive correlation between the emotional   intelligence with the participation ofhousewife in health care environment by the regression equation Ŷ  = 54.487 + 0.654X2  and correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.542and than the coefficient determination  (r2) was equal to  0.294. (3) there is a very significant relationship between the knowledge of environmental pollution and the emotional intelligence together with the participation of  housewife  in health care environment by the regression equation Ŷ = 84.737 + 0.260 X1  +0.420 X2, with the value of the coefficients correlation of ry12 = 0.551  and the determination of the coefficient (r2) = 0.303 Based on these results, it can be concluded that the participation of the housewife in health care environment canbe improved through the knowledge environmental pollution and emotional intelligence. Keywords : Health environment,  Environmental pollution, Emotional intelligenc

    Diversity and abundance of insects at industrial plantation forest and natural forest ecosystems in Siak, Riau Province

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    ABSTRACT The objective of research is to find out the differences and similarities of insect diversity, abundance and composition between in industrial plantation forest (HTI) and natural forest (Arboretum) ecosystems. Field research was carried out in the Rasau Kuning area, Perawang  Barat Regency,  Riau Province, while specimens identification conducted at LIPI Biology Research Center Laboratory in February - March 2019. Line transect sampling technique and fluorescent light traps were used as methods for collecting insects from both two different ecosystems with three replications. The results found five order of insects i.e. Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Hymenoptera which consisting of  35 species in plantation forest ecosystem, and 26 species in natural forest ecosystem where both ecosystems dominated by Lepidoptera. Statistical analysis of research results show that two average insects species diversity index within both plantation forest (HTI) and natural forest (Arboretum) ecosystems is not different (t = 1,419; p0,05). The similarity index found very similar (23,56%) between both ecosystems. Predatory insects which was found in this study is Sycanus sp. (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from the order of Lepidoptera. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan dan kesamaan keanekaragaman  jenis, kelimpahan, dan komposisi jenis serangga antara di ekosistem hutan tanaman industry (HTI) dengan ekosistem hutan alam (Arboretum). Penelitian lapang dilakukan di areal Rasau Kuning,  Kabupaten  Perawang  Barat, Provinsi Riau, sementara identifikasi specimen dilakukan di Laboratorium Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI, pada  bulan Pebruari  -  Maret  2019. Metode sampling  line transect  dan perangkap  cahaya  berflouresen digunakan untuk menangkap serangga di kedua ekosistem tersebut melalui 3 kali ulangan. Hasil studi menemukan 5 ordo serangga yaitu  Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Hymenoptera, dengan masing-masing  25 spesies terdapat di ekosistem hutan tanaman (HTI) dan 26 spesies di ekostem alam (Arboretum), yang mana keduanya didominasi ordo Lepidoptera. Melalui analisis statistik, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kedua ekosistem tidak terlihat adanya perbedaan indeks keanekaragaman jenis (t =1,419; p0,05). Begitu juga dengan indeks kesamaan menunjukan tingkat yang sangat sama (23,56%) antara kedua ekosistem tersebut. Pada kajian ini juga ditemukan spesies serangga predator yaitu Sycanus sp. ((Hemiptera; Reduviidae) dari ordo Lepidoptera. Keywords: Insects, diversity, similarity, abundance, plantation  forest, ecosystem, predatory insect

    The role of the parties in mangrove ecosystem recovery in Juntinyuat Coast, West Java, Indonesia

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    Coastal abrasion is a problem that needs to be addressed thoroughly. If not properly managed, coastal abrasion can lead to other environmental issues, such as damage to mangroves and coastal ecosystems. The local government is actively carrying out mangrove ecosystem restoration program to conserve the coastal ecology by involving related agencies, industries, and the community surrounding the Juntinyuat coastal area. The focus of this research is to find out the planning, implementation, and monitoring carried out in relation to the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem based on the involvement of the parties in overcoming coastal abrasion on the coast of Juntinyuat, Indramayu Regency, West Java. Data were collected by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation to the community and the parties involved in restoring the mangrove ecosystem on the Juntinyuat coast. The results showed that mangrove ecosystem damage in the coastal area of Juntinyuat generates a high level of abrasion. The damage caused by abrasion threatens settlements, ponds, and agricultural land, as well as threatens the gas and oil pipelines of Pertamina Gas in the West Java operation area (Pertagas OWJA). There is a relationship between the critical condition of the mangrove ecosystem in the Juntinyuat coastal area and the initiation of efforts to restore the mangrove ecosystem. The initiation of mangrove ecosystem restoration arose from the critical condition of mangroves, which necessitates careful planning to restore damaged mangrove conditions. Related parties concerned with the preservation of the mangrove ecosystem subsequently coordinate to plan the mangrove ecosystem restoration program on the Juntinyuat coast. The mangrove ecosystem restoration was conducted after an initial survey in mid-2014. The role of the parties in planning, implementing, and monitoring the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem is running well and maximally with a clear division of duties and responsibilities. Currently, the results of the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem on the Juntinyuat coast can be felt together with the denser mangrove cover, reducing the abrasion impact, and making it a mangrove ecotourism area. In the future, it is necessary to form a coordinating team for the strategy of mangrove ecosystem management at the regency and sub-district levels to synergize policies and programs for managing mangrove ecosystems. Empowerment activities need to be carried out intensively to encourage a change in the role of mangrove management.


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    The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the relationship between disaster knowledge and environmental leadership in dealing with floods and with flood disaster preparedness behavior in \with a total of 10,688 people. The sample was taken using a multistage proportional random sampling technique, namely choosing a village that was used as the sampling area and then choosing an area that was very prone to flooding, so that the Awio Village was selected with a sample of 30 respondents. The questionnaire consists of three instruments, namely the flood preparedness behavior instrument (30 questions), the disaster knowledge instrument (26 questions) and the leadership instrument (29 questions). Rating scale with five answer choices that have the lowest value of 1 and the highest value of 5, namely for positive statements and for negative statements otherwise. The results showed the relationship between knowledge and leadership simultaneously (F=280,802,sig=0,000, p0,05). The partial relationship of disaster knowledge contributes individually and significantly to disaster preparedness behavior (êžµ=0.097, sig=0.028, p0.05) and leadership also contributes individually and significantly to disaster preparedness behavior (êžµ=0.954, sig=0.000, p0.05). The results showed that the level of community knowledge was still low, because they did not know about the causes of the flood disaster (60% of respondents), the level of leadership was still low, it was seen that disaster preparation planning had never been carried out (50% of respondents), and the behavioral dimension was still relatively low with the percentage behavior does not care about the preservation of nature (40% of respondents). The study recommends collective leadership so that each individual will complement each other according to their strengths, so that it will increase the effectiveness of each phase of disaster management that has been planned

    Relationship between disaster knowledge and environmental culture with disaster preparedness behaviour

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    ABSTRACTThis research consists of two independent variables, the disaster knowledge and environmental culture, and a dependent variable of disaster preparedness behaviour. The objective is to determine the relationship between disaster knowledge and environmental culture with disaster preparedness behaviour, as well as the relationship between both of the together with disaster preparedness behaviour. The study was conducted through 166 students of three senior high schools in the District of West Karawang, West Java, which taken by proportional random sampling. The method of survey was employed in this study and the data analyzed by statistical test of correlation and simple linier regression as well as multiple linear correlation and regression, which was conducted at significance level of α = 0.01 and α = 0.05. Based on the results, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between disaster knowledge and disaster preparedness behaviour with a correlation coefficient value of ry1 = 0.22 and a coefficient of determination value of (r2) = 0.049. There is a positive and significant relationship between environmental culture and disaster preparedness behaviour with a correlation coefficient value of ry2 = 0.25 and a coefficient of determination value of (r2) = 0.064. There is a positive and significant relationship between disaster knowledge and environmental culture together with disaster preparedness behaviour with a correlation coefficient value of ry12 = 0.32 and a coefficient of determination value of (r2) = 0.097. Thus, it can be concluded that student’s disaster preparedness behaviour can be improved through either disaster knowledge and environmental culture. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini terdiri atas dua variabel bebas, pengetahuan kebencanaan dan budaya lingkungan, serta satu variabel terikat yaitu perilaku siaga bencana. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan kebencanaan, budaya lingkungan dengan perilaku siaga bencana, serta hubungan keduanya secara bersama-sama dengan perilaku siaga bencana. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui 166 siswa di tiga sekolah menengah atas, Kecamatan Karawang Barat, yang diambil secara proporsional random sampling. Metode survey digunakan dan data dianalisis dengan uji statistik korelasi dan regresi sederhana serta korelasi dan regresi linear ganda, dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,01 dan α = 0,05. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara pengetahuan kebencanaan dengan perilaku siaga bencana dengan nilai koefisien korelasi ry1 = 0,22 dan koefisien determinasi (r2) = 0,049. Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara budaya lingkungan dengan perilaku siaga bencana dengan nilai koefisien korelasi ry2 = 0,25dan koefisien determinasi (r2) = 0,064. Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara pengetahuan kebencanaan dan budaya lingkungan secara bersama-sama dengan perilaku siaga bencana, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi ry12 = 0,32 dan koefisien determinasi (r2) = 0,097. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perilaku siaga bencana siswa dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengetahuan kebencanaan dan budaya lingkungan. Keywords: Disaster knowledge; environmental culture; disaster preparedness behaviou

    Organoleptic testing of coconut midrib ash and alcohol as preservatives of insect specimens

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    This study uses a Completely Randomized Design experimental method (CRD) consisting of three treatments with a range of 5 days, 10 days and 15 days, with each treatment uses three insect specimens. The treatments in this study were; P1 (200 mg ash + 200 ml distilled water), P2 (70% alcohol), and P0 (control). To observe the changes in texture, aroma and color in the inspect specimens, 50 panelists were engaged, who were aged between 17-30 years, that were not color blind and/or reporting any ill health at the time of sampling. Panelists observed the specimens for texture, aroma and color.  Resulting data was analyzed using t test, frequency tabulation, histogram data and normality test. The texture testing treatments yielded tcount = 0.02521 (p 0.05) showing no significance between the coconut midrib ash and alcohol preserved samples, with the Ho accepted, so there is no difference in the texture of insect specimens preserved in either coconut midrib ash or alcohol. The aroma test resulted in tcount = 0.00908 (p 0.05) showing again there was no significant difference between insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash and alcohol. Thus, the Ho can be accepted, with no difference in the aroma of insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash or with alcohol. The color test resulted in a tcount = 0.05635 (p 0.05), giving a insignificant result between insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash or alcohol. Thus, the Ho can be accepted, and there is no difference in color of insect specimens preserved with coconut midrib ash or those preserved with alcohol. From the overall results and analysis, we can conclude there is no difference in the quality insect specimens preserved either by coconut midrib ash and alcohol for a maximum 15 days. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan dengan kisaran lama waktu 5 hari, 10 hari, dan 15 hari. Setiap satuan percobaan menggunakan tiga spesimen serangga, perlakuan dalam penelitian ini meliputi P1(200 mg abu + 200 ml aquades), P2 (alkohol 70%), dan P0(kontrol). Parameter yang diamati mengenai tekstur, aroma dan warna. Untuk mengamati perubahan tekstur, aroma dan warna yang terjadi, dilakukan oleh 50 orang panelis yang berusia antara 17-30 tahun dengan kriteria tidak buta warna dan tidak sedang dalam keadaan sakit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t, tabulasi frekuensi, data histogram dan uji normalitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengujian tekstur  menghasilkan nilai thitung  = 0,02521 (p 0,05), diperoleh hasil yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara perlakuan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dan alkohol terhadap tekstur spesimen serangga. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan tekstur spesimen serangga yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawetkan dengan alkohol.  Pengujian aroma menghasilkan nilai thitung= 0,00908 (p 0,05), diperoleh hasil tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara perlakuan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dan perlakuan dengan alkohol. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan warna spesimen serangga antara yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawetkan dengan alkohol. Dari hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kualitas antara specimen serangga yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawertkan dengan alcohol dalam waktu maksimum 15 hari