285 research outputs found

    Ball throwing on spheres

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    Ball throwing on Euclidean spaces has been considered for a while. A suitable renormalization leads to a fractional Brownian motion as limit object. In this paper we investigate ball throwing on spheres. A different behavior is exhibited: we still get a Gaussian limit but which is no longer a fractional Brownian motion. However the limit is locally self-similar when the self-similarity index HH is less than 1/2

    Estimation of the Hurst and the stability indices of a HH-self-similar stable process

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    In this paper we estimate both the Hurst and the stable indices of a H-self-similar stable process. More precisely, let XX be a HH-sssi (self-similar stationary increments) symmetric α\alpha-stable process. The process XX is observed at points kn\frac{k}{n}, k=0,…,nk=0,\ldots,n. Our estimate is based on β\beta-variations with −12<β<0-\frac{1}{2}<\beta<0. We obtain consistent estimators, with rate of convergence, for several classical HH-sssi α\alpha-stable processes (fractional Brownian motion, well-balanced linear fractional stable motion, Takenaka's processes, L\'evy motion). Moreover, we obtain asymptotic normality of our estimators for fractional Brownian motion and L\'evy motion. Keywords: H-sssi processes; stable processes; self-similarity parameter estimator; stability parameter estimator

    Photoacoustic Signal of Nanobubbles Induced in PEGylated Gold-Nanorod Colloid

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    We have developed a photoacoustic (PA) measurement system using a broadband ultrasonic transducer to detect the PA signals induced in a gold nanorod (GNRs) colloid irradiated by the nanosecond-pulsed laser beam. This study will investigate the PA signals of PEG-GNRs at longitudinal surface plasmon resonance. Several factors including aspect ratio of GNR, pulse energy, concentration, and wavelength are varied to investigate these effects on the PA signal. We show that at the certain condition the generated PA signal of PEG-GNRs stronger than uncoated GNRs. Moreover, the PA signals of PEGGNRs are more stable than uncoated GNRs in the same condition. Keyword


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    This study is a narrative identity analysis using life history methodology. Thirty-eight Adult Basic mathematics and numeracy teachers shared their mathematical journey and their classroom perceptions, beliefs, knowledge, and practices. Their stories were summarized and analyzed using narrative identity analysis. There were four themes that emerged from their stories that revealed their mathematical self-identity and four themes that described their mathematics instruction. The stories of ABE math instructors’ math journey were linked to theories, studies, and research in the fields of psychology, anthropology, sociology, and education

    On Simulation of Manifold Indexed Fractional Gaussian Fields

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    To simulate fractional Brownian motion indexed by a manifold poses serious numerical problems: storage, computing time and choice of an appropriate grid. We propose an effective and fast method, valid not only for fractional Brownian fields indexed by a manifold, but for any Gaussian fields indexed by a manifold. The performance of our method is illustrated with different manifolds (sphere, hyperboloid).

    Desain Sistem Untuk Mengukur Performa Streaming Object Virtual Pada Augmented Reality Cloud Berdasarkan Tipe Processor X86 dan ARM

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    Augmented Reality adalah sebuah teknologi yang memungkinkan untuk memeunculkan objek 3D pada dunia nyata dengan bantuan kamera yang ada pada gadget. Pada perkembangannya teknologi Augmented Reality ini mulai dikembangkan dan dipadu dengan teknologi cloud computing. Dengan adanya teknologi Cloud computing ini Augmented reality dapat bekerja lebih efeisien dikarenakan semua objek 3D dapat disimpan di Cloud. Dengan mulai berkembangnya teknologi ini maka penulis merasa perlu untuk melakukan sebuah analisa untuk menentukan processor yang tepat dalam pembuatan aplikasi Augmented Reality Cloud ini, dikarenakan belum adanya sebuah penelitian yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan hardware maupun software yang digunakan untuk Augmented Reality Cloud.

    Pushing the limit of quantum transport simulations

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    Simulations of quantum transport in coherent conductors have evolved into mature techniques that are used in fields of physics ranging from electrical engineering to quantum nanoelectronics and material science. The most efficient general-purpose algorithms have a computational cost that scales as L6…7L^{6 \dots 7} in 3D, which on the one hand is a substantial improvement over older algorithms, but on the other hand still severely restricts the size of the simulation domain, limiting the usefulness of simulations through strong finite-size effects. Here, we present a novel class of algorithms that, for certain systems, allows to directly access the thermodynamic limit. Our approach, based on the Green's function formalism for discrete models, targets systems which are mostly invariant by translation, i.e. invariant by translation up to a finite number of orbitals and/or quasi-1D electrodes and/or the presence of edges or surfaces. Our approach is based on an automatic calculation of the poles and residues of series expansions of the Green's function in momentum space. This expansion allows to integrate analytically in one momentum variable. We illustrate our algorithms with several applications: devices with graphene electrodes that consist of half an infinite sheet; Friedel oscillation calculations of infinite 2D systems in presence of an impurity; quantum spin Hall physics in presence of an edge; the surface of a Weyl semi-metal in presence of impurities and electrodes connected to the surface. In this last example, we study the conduction through the Fermi arcs of the topological material and its resilience to the presence of disorder. Our approach provides a practical route for simulating 3D bulk systems or surfaces as well as other setups that have so far remained elusive.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure
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