13 research outputs found

    Multiregional Economic Models in Different Planning and Management Systems (With Specific Reference to the USSR and France)

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    This paper considers objective factors influencing the methodology and implementation of multiregional models in the USSR that stem from the centralized planning of national and regional socio-economic development. Some conceptual comparisons are made with the experience of France

    Multiregional Economic Modeling: Practice and Prospect

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    This volume is the result of a particularly effective research collaboration between IIASA and the Department of Regional Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam. The objective was to provide a survey of current practice in the field of multiregional economic modelling and to review its major development trends. As part of the study 50 different models were reviewed and classified, based on a questionnaire circulated to almost 100 researchers or research institutions active in the field. Thus, the project has brought together existing expertise in the area, using IIASA as a "clearing-house" for theories, models and application experience, stemming from many different countries, planning systems and modelling traditions. This book will prove useful both as a source of reference and guide to current applied multiregional economic models, and as a work of structured analysis of the field