20 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Biopreparations on the Qualitative Properties of Feedstuff

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    It has been shown that in the process of enrichment of different green grass (silage), using a consortium endemic probiotic LAB strains (which sintesized bacteriocins) and yeast strain of Kluveromyces marxsianus 83(which synthesizing mycocin) led to increasing amounts of essential amino acids (in particular lysine and methionine) and protein. It has been shown that in the content of spore microflora, mold, bacteria contaminating silage was decreased with respect to the control. The technological parameters of silage have been determined

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Priabonian (upper Eocene) Urtsadzor section, Armenia

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    The transition from the Bartonian to the Priabonian, as traditionally understood, has long been associated with a series of extinctions and originations in several microfossil groups. The planktonic foraminifer genus Morozovelloides and large species of Acarinina suffered a rapid global extinction, as did many radiolarians. Calcareous nannofossils show several assemblage changes including the acme beginning of Cribrocentrum erbae and the lowest and highest occurrences of Chiasmolithus oamaruensis and C. grandis respectively. In shallow water environments, larger foraminifera also show an extinction among large species of Nummulites, as well as the first occurrences of the stratigraphically important genus Spiroclypeus. However, the correlation between shallow and deep water records remains uncertain, as do the mechanisms driving these biotic events. Here we present the results of a new integrated stratigraphical study (calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, larger benthic foraminifera, and low-resolution magnetostratigraphy) of the Urtsadzor section in south-western Armenia which appears to be continuous through this interval. The Urtsadzor section consists of calcareous siltstones rich in micro- and nannofossils, with interbedded limestones containing abundant larger benthic foraminifera. Our new data enable us to correlate larger foraminiferal events with global plankton biostratigraphy, in a section outside of southwest Europe where most previous correlations have been based. At Urtsadzor, the large Nummulites species of N. millecaput-group are present throughout the whole section but decrease in abundance toward the top. The first occurrence of Spiroclypeus, also occurs in the upper part of the section, marking the SBZ 18/19 boundary. These events are associated with the phylogenetic development of the Nummulites fabianii and Heterostegina reticulata lineages. However, the calcareous plankton biostratigraphy indicates the section is well within the Priabonian; within planktonic foraminiferal Zones E14 and E15 and calcareous nannoplankton Zones CNE 18 and CNE 19. These results indicate larger foraminiferal events occur well above the planktonic foraminiferal extinction level and nannofossil assemblage changes indicating the events are not synchronous across groups, with implications for biostratigraphy and recognition of the basal Priabonian in different depositional settings and regions

    The Effectiveness of Biopreparations on the Qualitative Properties of Feedstuff

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    It has been shown that in the process of enrichment of different green grass (silage), using a consortium endemic probiotic LAB strains (which sintesized bacteriocins) and yeast strain of Kluveromyces marxsianus 83(which synthesizing mycocin) led to increasing amounts of essential amino acids (in particular lysine and methionine) and protein. It has been shown that in the content of spore microflora, mold, bacteria contaminating silage was decreased with respect to the control. The technological parameters of silage have been determined

    Gene therapy: the end of the rainbow?

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    The increased understanding of the molecular basis of oral cancer has led to expectations that correction of the genetic defects will lead to improved treatments. Nevertheless, the first clinical trials for gene therapy of oral cancer occurred 20 years ago, and routine treatment is still not available. The major difficulty is that genes are usually delivered by virus vectors whose effects are weak and temporary. Viruses that replicate would be better, and the field includes many approaches in that direction. If any of these are effective in patients, then gene therapy will become available in the next few years. Without significant advances, however, the treatment of oral cancer by gene therapy will remain as remote as the legendary pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

    Projecting energy-efficient residential buildings in the climatic conditions of the mountainous regions of Armenia

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    The article presents the results of studies aimed at clarifying the heat engineering calculations of energy-efficient residential buildings in the mountainous regions of Armenia. The regular changes in climatic factors of mountainous conditions at the altitudes of 800-1000 m above sea level were determined from the statistical and regulatory data of the Republic of Armenia using the method of statistical and correlation analysis and mathematical modelling. A quantitative evaluation of changes in climatic factors of the mountainous conditions was carried out which improved the accuracy of heatengineering calculations, to identify the costs of optimal energy consumption and to reduce the cost price of building energyefficient houses. The coefficients of the dynamics of changing climatic conditions of the Republic of Armenia, given in the article, are recommended to be used in the heat engineering calculations of the buildings when reducing theenergy capacity of houses, construction costs and increasing the energy potential of the Republic of Armenia


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    Under the present-day conditions, it is necessary to allow for rapid postoperative awakening in each neurosurgical patient, which is impossible under residual neuromuscular block. The paper gives the preliminary data of a prospective observational study of the frequency of residual neuromuscular block after single intraoperative administration of a moderate- or long-acting myorelaxant. When the myorelaxants are used once according to the standard procedure (in the absence of TOF monitoring and pharmacological elimination of the action of myorelaxants), the rate of residual myorelaxation in neurosurgical patients has been found to be unacceptably high and to hinder their rapid awakening and neurological assessment. The administration of pipecuronium gives rise to residual block in all cases. That of rocuronium makes it possible to reduce the rate of residual myorelaxation, but not to eliminate it completely. Residual block can be preserved 2–4.5 hours after single administration of rocuronium or pipecuronium

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Bartonian-Priabonian Urtsadzor section, Armenia

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    The uppermost Bartonian to lowermost Priabonian transition is associated with several rapid extinctions across microfossil groups. However, the marker for the Bartonian-Priabonian boundary is not formally defined and currently under discussion. The planktonic foraminifera Acarinina and Morozovelloides suffer a rapid global extinction and calcareous nannofossils show several assemblage changes including the last occurrences of Sphenolithus obtusus and Chiasmolithus grandis, the acme of Cribrocentrum erbae and first occurrences of Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, Isthmolithus recurvus and Cribrocentrum isabellae around this interval. Within the shallow water, larger foraminifera also show an extinction of the large species of the genus Nummulites, as well as the first occurrences of important genera, such as Spiroclypeus and Pellatispira the upper middle Eocene. However, the exact correlation between shallow and deep water records remains uncertain, as do the mechanisms driving these extinction events. Here we present the first results of a new integrated stratigraphical study (calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, larger benthic foraminifera, and magnetostratigraphy) of the Urtsadzor section in south-western Armenia which appears to be continuous through this interval. The Urtsadzor section consists of marlstones rich in micro- and nannofossils, with interbedded limestones containing abundant larger foraminifera. Our new data enable us to correlate larger foraminiferal events with global planktonic biostratigraphy, in a section outside of southwest Europe where most previous correlations have been based. At Urtsadzor, the large Nummulites species N. millecaput, appear to decrease in abundance toward the top of the section. The first occurrence of Spiroclypeus occurs in the uppermost limestone bed. These larger foraminiferal events occur well above the planktonic foraminiferal extinction level and nannofossil assemblage changes indicating the event is not synchronous across all groups, and has important implications for biostratigraphy


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    Tumor cells can differentiate into more mature forms in undifferentiated or poorly differentiated tumors, such as medulloblastomas with increased nodularity, as well as neuroblastomas. The authors describe 2 cases of neuroblastoma maturation into ganglioneuroblastoma 5 months after chemotherapy in a 2-year-old girl and 3 years after radiotherapy in a 16-year-old girl

    Firmamento: a multimessenger astronomy tool for citizen and professional scientists

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    Firmamento (https://firmamento.hosting.nyu.edu) is a new-concept, web-based, and mobile-friendly data analysis tool dedicated to multifrequency/multimessenger emitters, as exemplified by blazars. Although initially intended to support a citizen researcher project at New York University–Abu Dhabi, Firmamento has evolved to be a valuable tool for professional researchers due to its broad accessibility to classical and contemporary multifrequency open data sets. From this perspective Firmamento facilitates the identification of new blazars and other multifrequency emitters in the localization uncertainty regions of sources detected by current and planned observatories such as Fermi-LAT, Swift, eROSITA, CTA, ASTRI Mini-Array, LHAASO, IceCube, KM3Net, SWGO, etc. The multiepoch and multiwavelength data that Firmamento retrieves from over 90 remote and local catalogs and databases can be used to characterize the spectral energy distribution and the variability properties of cosmic sources as well as to constrain physical models. Firmamento distinguishes itself from other online platforms due to its high specialization, the use of machine learning and other methodologies to characterize the data, and for its commitment to inclusivity. From this particular perspective, its objective is to assist both researchers and citizens interested in science, strengthening a trend that is bound to gain momentum in the coming years as data retrieval facilities improve in power and machine-learning/artificial-intelligence tools become more widely available