34 research outputs found

    Lembaga Keuangan dan Bank sebagai Pendukung Kegiatan Usaha / Bisnis untuk Pencapaian Tujuan Perusahaan

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    Financial institution (financial institution) can be defined as a business entity that the main asset in the form of financial assets (financial assets) and the bills - bills (claims) that can be either shares (stocks), bligasi (bonds) and loans (loans), rather than the form of assets real example of buildings, equipment (equipment) and raw materials. Financial institutions are part of the financial system. Financial system is a network of financial markets where there are households, businesses, and government sectors as well as the participants are authorized to regulate the financial system. The main functions of the financial system is menstransfer funds from those who have surplus funds to the parties - parties that have a shortage of funds (deficit units). The purpose of a banks financial statements in general are as follows: 1. Provide financial information about the number of assets, liabilities and capital of the bank at any given time.2. Provides information about the results of operations as reflected in the revenue earned and costs - costs incurred in a particular period.3. Provide information about changes - changes that occur in the assets, liabilities and capital of a bank.4. Provides information about the performance of bank management in a period. Key words: Financial Institutions, Financial Statement, Information, Transaction, Asset, Assets, Liabilities, and Capital

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Open-ended Dan Konstruktivis Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    The aim of this study is to determine: (1). Which one gives better mathematics learning achievement, learning with Open-ended or Constructivist, (2). Which one gives better mathematics learning achievement, high, medium or low learning motivation, (3). Which one gives better mathematics learning achievement, learning with Open-ended or Constructivist on each learning motivation of high, medium, or low category. This research is a quasi experimental study with 23 research design. The population of this research is all students on eleven grade of Senior High School. The sampling technique was conducted by stratified cluster random sampling. The samples are the students of SMA N 1 Boyolali, SMA N 3 Boyolali, and SMA N 1 Teras. The instruments which used for data collection are learning achievement tests and student learning motivation questionnaire. The data analysis technique use two-way variance of analysis with unequal cells. The conclusion of the research were drawn as follows: (1) The students with Open-ended learning have mathematics learning achievement better than Constructivist learning, (2). The students with high or medium learning motivation have mathematics learning achievement better than low learning motivation. On the other hand, high learning motivation have mathematics learning achievement better than medium learning motivation, (3). Open-ended learning provides same mathematics learning achievement with constructivist learning on high, medium and low learning motivation

    Pemindaian dan Pengolahan Label Keamanan pada Dokumen Rahasia dengan Titik Kuantum

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    Security label is made to anticipate the increasing of documents falsification trend. In this study, the security label is created using CdSe quantum dots. The quantum dots can be used for casting light according to its wavelength so that the particle size can be specific. That\u27s why its worth to be security key from quantum dots. The quantum dots that be used is colloidal CdSe quantum dots with a wavelength of 595 nm and 526 nm. In the previous studies have been done the two-dimensional scanning process of quantum dots for one color as a security label. However, the results obtained are not perfect because it has not done the repair process for the image resulted. Therefore, in this study conducted by the two-dimensional scanning of quantum dots in two colors to add a level of security on the label then followed by image processing in order to obtain a better image. Image processing which have been done by observing the histogram of the image in order to obtain a threshold value between the object and the background image. Scanning generate data in the form of a sequence intensity value corresponding to the color intensity of quantum dots to obtain image data processing results. Image processing through the observation of the histogram data successfully get the intensity threshold value so that the image can be processed to become more visible in accordance with the sampl

    Penerapan Konsep Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif, Dan Menyenangkan (Pakem) Dalam Menyimak Puisi Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Apresiasi Sastra

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    This research aimed to improve the students\u27 ability of literature through PAKEM concept in teaching learning process using picture cards to the students of PGSD S1 academic year 2010-2011. The research was the class action research with the research subject of all students of The Elementary School Teacher Education S1 academic year 2010-2011 class D, which consisted of 51 students, 16 male students, and 35 female students. The research process was done in two cycles; each cycle consisted of 2 meetings. Each meeting consisted of 2 lecture-hours (2x50 minutes). To know the first condition, it was conducted the pre-test, and the data of pre-test was used as the basic action of the fist cycle. After delivering the material of poem by applying the concept of PAKEM using the media of picture cards, it was continued by the post-test of the first cycle. The data of post- test I was used as the action of the second cycle, and it was ended by the analysis and the reflection of all cycles. The data collection was done by using test and non-test. Using test was by pre-test and post-test, and non-test was by observation, interview and documentation. The source used to process the data was score or from the quantitative data (the poem- writing score) and qualitative data. The result of the processing data was used to describe the achievement of the action towards the improvement of the students\u27 literature appreciation through PAKEM concept using the media of picture cards. It could be proven from the result of the research, observation and evaluation. After the action, it was proven that students\u27 literature appreciation improved in writing poem. In the cycle 1, it was found that 52% of the students were successful and 48% of them were not yet successful with the average point of 72. In the cycle 2, it, it was found that 75% of the students were successful and 20% of them were not yet successful with the average point of 77. Based on this description, it was concluded that the application of PAKEM concept using picture cards could improve the literature appreciation of S1 PGSD students in academic year 2010-2011. Key Words: active, creative, effective, and fun learning concept,listening to poem

    Evaluasi Keandalan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Di PT. PJB Unit Pembangkitan Paiton

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    Dalam mensuplai energi listrik, unit pembangkit cenderung mengalami gangguan yang menyebabkan unit pembangkit tersebut keluar dari jaringan (outage) ataupun tidak dapat beroperasi secara maksimal. Kemampuan tiap unit pembangkit dapat mengalami penurunan (derated) karena adanya sebagian komponen unit pembangkit mengalaini kerusakan. Oleh karena itu, analisis ketersediaan pembangkit diperlukan agar kebutuhan listrik tersebut dapat terpenuhi. Pada skripsi ini dilakukan analisis terhadap ketersediaan PLTU Paiton unit 1 dan 2 milik PT. PJB Unit Pembangkitan Paiton dengan metode Loss of Load Probability (LOLP). Perhitungan nilai LOLP ini dengan cara manual menggunakan program Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Analisis dengan metode LOLP dihitung dengan menggunakan dua model, yaitu model dua keadaan yang hanya menggambarkan pembangkit dalam keadaan Up (beroperasi) dan Down (mati), dan model tiga keadaan yang menggczmbarkankemampuan pembangkit menurun (derated). Perhitungan indeks LOLP harus memperhatikan keadaan derated agar ketelitian hasilnya lebih tinggi. Pada metode ini, digunakan suatu kurva lama beban (load duration curve)yang diwakili oleh variasi bebanpzmcak harian (daily peak load variation)selama tahun 2009. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai LOLP yang cukup besar, yaitu untuk model dua keadaan sebesar 22.06 hari/tahun dan untuk model derated sebesar 41.10 hari/tahun. Besarnya nilai LOLP PLTU Paiton unit I dan 2 ini diakibatkan oleh kemampuan unit pembangkit yang tidak dapat beroperasi secara penuh (full load) karena gangguan peralatan dan pemeliharaan

    Kontribusi Kerajinan Anyaman Bambu terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani di Kecamatan Petanahan Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi pendapatan kerajinan anyaman bambu terhadap total pendapatan keluarga petani. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Grujugan Kecamatan Petanahan Kabupaten Kebumen. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan denganpertimbangan bahwa desa ini merupakan pusat kerajinan anyaman bambu. Data penelitian diperoleh dari responden yang diambil sebanyak 10% dari populasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi kerajinan anyaman bambu terhadap totalpendapatan keluarga petani sebesar 61,52%

    Analisis Proses Dan Tingkat Berpikir Kreatif Siswa SMP Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Bentuk Soal Cerita Materi Lingkaran Ditinjau Dari Kecemasan Matematika

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the process and level of creative thinking of junior high school students based on mathematics anxiety\u27s students. The subjects of this research were taken by using purposive sampling. The Subjects of this research were six 9th grade students of SMP N 3 Colomadu Karanganyar regency. The data were collected by questionnaire and task-based interview technique and validated by using time triangulation. The data were analyzed by collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research were: (1) students with high mathematics anxiety had level 1 (almost not creative) and the processes were at preparation stage, students feel difficult to understand and identify the problem; at the incubation stage, students found the idea from picture\u27s observation; at illumination stage, students could not make mathematics statement based on the problem enough; at verification stage, students read or counted again for investigating the answer and they could resume the result appropriate the reality of the problem, (2) students with medium mathematics anxiety had level 1 (almost not creative) and level 2 (quite creative), and the processes were at preparation stage, students could understand and identify the problem well; at the incubation stage, students found the idea from picture\u27s observation; at illumination stage, students could make mathematics statement based on the problem well; at verification stage, students counted again for investigating the answer and they could resume the result appropriate the reality of the problem, (3) students with low mathematics anxiety had level 2 (quite creative), and the processes were at preparation stage, students could understand and identify the problem so well; at the incubation stage, students found the idea from picture\u27s observation and from the knowledge before; at illumination stage, students could make mathematics statement based on the problem so well; at verification stage, students counted again for investigating the answer and they could resume the result appropriate the reality of the problem