18 research outputs found

    Ways to control asynchronous motor with phase rotor of mining machines

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    The article describes various methods of controlling asynchronous motors with a phase rotor. To solve the problems of controlling speeds and moments in a modern electric drive, two main methods of frequency control are used: scalar and vector. Advantages and disadvantages of scalar and vector control, voltage dependence are given

    Analysis of organic solvents released during painting and drying of automobiles and household products

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    The article presents the results of a study of the drying process of paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. and environmental problems. An analysis of the current scale of their use is carried out and an assessment is made of environmental problems associated with their evaporation. The issues of organizing the collection of the resulting solvent vapors and their further use, taking into account their use in specially equipped rooms, are considered


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    Potentiodynamic method at a rate of 2 mV/s−1 potential sweep the corrosion−electrochemical behavior of the alloy AK1M2 doped yttrium electrolyte NaCl in the medium with different concentrations. It is shown that the addition of yttrium reduce corrosion rate of the anode alloy AK1M2 source nearly doubled. Increasing the concentration of chloride ions promotes the corrosion rate of the anode, regardless of the yttrium content in the alloy AK1M2. At the same time, and pitting corrosion potentials are shifted in the negative region. Потенциодинамическим методом со скоростью развертки потенциала 2 мВ ⋅ с−1 исследовано коррозионно− электрохимическое поведение сплава AК1М2, легированного иттрием в среде электролита NaCl различной концентрации. Показано, что добавки иттрия снижают скорость анодной коррозии исходного сплава AК1М2 почти в два раза. Установлено, что увеличение концентрации хлорид−ионов способствует росту скорости анодной коррозии независимо от содержания иттрия в сплаве АК1М2. При этом потенциалы коррозии и питтингообразования смещаются в отрицательную область.

    Ways to control asynchronous motor with phase rotor of mining machines

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    The article describes various methods of controlling asynchronous motors with a phase rotor. To solve the problems of controlling speeds and moments in a modern electric drive, two main methods of frequency control are used: scalar and vector. Advantages and disadvantages of scalar and vector control, voltage dependence are given