32 research outputs found

    Performance and morfhometric characteristics of Santa Inês sheep and Texel x Santa Inês lambs on pasture

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance characteristics of the morphometric sheep of the Santa Inês breed, recently-Paris, with their respective Lamb Texel x Santa Inês, a paste, in creep feeding system. For this purpose, 30 Sheeps and theirs and the respective lamb were used for natural breastfeeding for 60 days until weaning. The randomized blocks used, with two Treatments (absence of the presence of the private feeder), with 10 repetitions, being shadow sheep by repetition municipality or relative lamb. In Studies on the termination of two Cordeiro, the bone of heavy animals was measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments (25 days), using the 30-Cordeiro weaned. The randomized blocks, used with three Treatments (0.400 of 800 g of concentrate / lamb / DIA). There was no difference in weight between the sheep outside of Cordeiro (supplemented or not). There were no two treatments effect on the morphometric characteristics among the sheep outside between the Lamb bone. The use of creep feeding did not provide greater weight gain in recovery to give weight to give infant sheep, nor did it provide greater weight gain, we Lamb supplemented in relation to this not supplemented during breastfeeding, but the supplementary feed 400g / animal / day in the finishing phase it shows better results for I gained two lambs of weight.Brazilian sheep farming has been gaining prominence with the increase in meat production, seeking more efficiency and profitability. Thus, the creation of the Santa Inês breed has stood out, as it is highly adaptable to different types of environments and has potential for meat production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance characteristics of the morphometric sheep of the Santa Inês breed, recently-Paris, with their respective lamb Texel x Santa Inês, a paste, in creep feeding system. For this purpose, 30 Sheeps and theirs and the respective lamb were used for natural breastfeeding for 60 days until weaning. The randomized blocks used, with two treatments (absence of the presence of the private feeder), with 10 repetitions, being shadow sheep by repetition municipality or relative lamb. In studies on the termination of two lambs, the bone of heavy animals was measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments (25 days), using the 30-lambs weaned. The randomized blocks, used with three treatments (0, 400 and 800 g of concentrate/lamb/day). There was no difference in weight between the sheep outside of lamb (supplemented or not). There were no two treatments effect on the morphometric characteristics among the sheep outside between the lamb bone. The use of creep feeding to supplement lambs kept on natural lactation does not provide weight gain in sheep, nor does it provide weight gain in supplemented lambs. Lamb supplementation does not influence the morphometric characteristics of ewes and lambs during lactation. Private supplementation during breastfeeding does not increase lambs’ weight gain until weaning, but food supplementation, via creep feeding with 400 g/animal/day, in the finishing phase presents the best results for weight gain

    Mineralização dos resíduos provenientes da secagem da pimenta-do-reino quando aplicados ao solo

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    The use of residues from the black pepper bean drying process as fertilizer for agricultural crops implies the need to know the dynamics of their decomposition and release of the nutrients to guide it’s management, especially regarding the best time of its application in the soil. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of organic carbon and nitrogen during the mineralization process of this residue. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with ten treatments related to different post-disposal periods to the soil (0, 7, 13, 20, 27, 34, 48, 69, 98, 147 days). Samples were collected to quantify easily oxidized organic carbon (OCeo), organic nitrogen (ON) and the determinations of their respective mineralized fractions. The evaluation of OCeo mineralization, being more stable and less susceptible to climatic variations, was the most appropriate for estimating the mineralized fraction of the residue. The application of the residue in dystrophic Yellow Red Latosol soil during the month of August provides, after 140 days, OCeo and ON mineralized fractions around 99 and 60%, respectively, in the climatic conditions of Espirito Santo state, Brazil.A utilização de resíduos do processo de secagem de pimenta-do-reino como fertilizante de lavouras deve considerar a dinâmica de sua decomposição e liberação dos nutrientes, para orientar o seu manejo, principalmente quanto à melhor época de sua aplicação no solo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica do carbono orgânico e do nitrogênio durante o processo de mineralização desse resíduo. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dez tratamentos, correspondentes ao tempo de pós-disposição ao solo (0, 7, 13, 20, 27, 34, 48, 69, 98, 147 dias), quando amostras foram coletadas para a determinação de carbono orgânico facilmente oxidado (OCeo), nitrogênio orgânico (ON) e suas respectivas frações mineralizadas. A avaliação da mineralização do OCeo, por ser mais estável e menos suscetível às variações climáticas, foi a mais apropriada para a estimativa da fração mineralizada do resíduo. A aplicação do resíduo em solo de Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico durante o mês de agosto proporciona, após 140 dias, frações mineralizadas OCeo e ON em torno de 99 e 60%, respectivamente, nas condições climáticas do estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil

    Avaliação do desempenho agronômico da araruta (Maranta arundinacea) ‘Seta’ consorciada com crotalária

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    Because it is an unconventional vegetable, arrowroot is appropriate for family farming; there is a need to find alternative ways to make its growing more sustainable, however. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance of rhizomes and starch of arrowroot ‘Seta’ intercropped with crotalaria. The experiment consisted of four treatments, corresponding to three harvest for crotalaria intercropped with arrowroot (90, 120 and 150 days after sowing) plus single cultivation of arrowroot. The experiment used a complete randomized block design with four replications. Mass production of crotalaria, macro and micronutrients contents in the cut material and infestation by invasive plants were evaluated at each harvest. At the harvest of arrowroot, productivity and format of rhizomes classes, macro and micronutrient contents were evaluated, and the export of nutrients and production of starch by rhizomes were estimated. The hasvests carried out at 120 and 150 DAS, despite propagating the highest values of weight and nutrients, provided lower yields of total, large rhizomes, and starch. Crotalaria hasvested at 90 DAS provided values higher than the cuts performed on 120 and 150 DAS for most evaluated variables, not differing from control, including starch. The intercropping provided less infestation by invasive plants. The intercropping between crotalaria and arrowroot provided is suitable as long as the harvest of this legume occurs up to 90 DAS.A araruta, por ser uma hortaliça não convencional é apropriada a exploração familiar, havendo necessidade de se encontrar formas alternativas para tornar seu o cultivo mais sustentável. Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo de rizomas e de amido da araruta ‘Seta’ cultivada em consórcio com a crotalária. O experimento constou de quatro tratamentos, correspondentes a três épocas de corte da crotalária associada com a araruta (90, 120 e 150 dias após a semeadura) mais o monocultivo da araruta. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Nos cortes, avaliaram-se produção de massa de crotalária, conteúdo de macro e de micronutrientes no material cortado e a infestação por plantas invasoras. Na colheita da araruta, avaliaram-se produtividade e formato das classes de rizomas, teor de macro e micronutrientes, estimadas a exportação de nutrientes e a produção de amido pelos rizomas. Os cortes realizados aos 120 e 150 DAS, embora tenham veiculado maiores valores de massa e de nutrientes, proporcionou menores produtividades de rizomas grandes, total e de amido. O corte da crotalária aos 90 DAS proporcionou valores superiores aos cortes realizados aos 120 e 150 DAS para maioria das variáveis avaliadas, não diferindo do controle, inclusive para o amido. O consórcio proporcionou menor infestação por plantas invasoras. É agronomicamente viável a associação da crotalária com a cultura da araruta desde que o corte da leguminosa ocorra até 90 DAS

    Agricultural wastes incorporated to the substrate in the production of scarlet eggplant seedlings

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    The use of agricultural residues for seedlings production stands out as an effective sustainable alternative in the production of vegetables. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing concentrations of wastes from the coffee beans drying process (moinha) on substrates composed of coconut fiber, eggshell and commercial substrate in the emergence and quality of scarlet eggplant seedlings. We carried out the experiment with five treatments, as the following: T0 – commercial substrate BioplantÒ; T1- 15% of moinha  (MO) + 15% of coconut fiber (FC) + 5% of eggshells (CO) + 65% of commercial substrate (SC); T2 - 30% MO + 15% FC + 5% CO+ 50% SC; T3 - 45% MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 35% SC; and T4 - 60% MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 20% SC. We evaluated the emergency speed index, seed emergency, seedling height, stem diameter, shoot, root and total dry mass, Dickson’s Quality Index and the electrical conductivity of the substrates. The addition of moinha concentrations above 15% promotes an increase in electrical conductivity compared to the control and negatively affects the seedlings emergency. Among all treatments, 38% of moinha promotes an increase in the number of leaves, 15% of moinha results in higher plant height, stem diameter, and the highest dry mass accumulation. The alternative substrate containing 15% MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 65% SC promotes a better development for scarlet eggplants seedlings, being an alternative to the exclusive use of the commercial substrate

    Inclusion items and financial risk assessment in systems with grazing sheep under the concentrated supplementation

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    xxxThe aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and financial risk in two production systems of beef sheep, in grazing, with and without the use of concentrate, in Santa Teresa County - Espírito Santo State, Brazil. A cash flow spreadsheet was prepared. Through the sensitivity analysis it was shown that greater attention should be directed to the sale of finished animals and their acquisition. These, in descending order of relevance, followed by labor, in the system with no concentrate, and concentrated supplementation, in the system where it was present. Then, the Monte Carlo simulation was performed. Probabilities of 37.9 and 33.3% that the systems without and with the concentrate, respectively, were financially unfeasible were observed. Considering the alternative remuneration of 6%, there is a considerable risk for both options, perhaps because the proposed scenarios consider the need to implement all the infrastructure for the activity, in addition to the reduced size of the production module. The strategic use of concentrated supplement as a complement to pasture presents itself as an alternative that can reduce financial risk and increase income in intensive systems of production of beef sheep in grazing. The labor efficiency is an item that affects the financial efficiency of beef sheep production systems on pasture, especially in situations of weight gain of animals without the use of concentrated supplementation. The reduction of financial risk with the use of concentrated supplementation. Intensive grazing sheep production systems can be financially advantageous and the strategic use of concentrate can result in increased income and reduced financial risk associated with this type of production


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    Considering the importance of the flock of Alentejo sheep, the goal of this study was to determine the average values of eye examinations, evaluate the ophthalmoscopic features and fluorescein staining for Merino sheep from Alentejo region, in Portugal. The 48 eyes of 24 healthy, female sheep belonging to the sheep flock at the University of Évora were evaluated. The average values obtained for Schirmer tear test (STT) were 19.0 ± 5.22 mm/min, with a reduction of tear production varying according to the age of the animal, for tear pH were 7.7 ± 0.48 and for intraocular pressure (IOP) was 12.7 ± 3.03 mmHg. Fundus aspects were observed in the tapetal area with shades of blue, green and yellow. The optic disc was predominantly in the transition area between tapetal and non-tapetal regions of elliptical shape, with holoangiotic vascular pattern. None of the animals showed fluorescein staining on the ocular surface. In the context of the investigation, these data may be useful to improve the clinical approach to the species and reference standards of the exam’s value

    Resíduo da secagem dos grãos de café como substrato alternativo em mudas de café Conilon

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    Among the various wastes generated during the coffee in the mountainous region of the Espiríto Santo state, “moinha” stands out from graim during. Because of their nutritional potential and the need have properly in the environment, it is aimed, with this work, evaluate the use of the different concentrations of the moinha as alternative substrate for vegetative development Conilon coffee seedlings. Was used a randomized block design, with four replicates, with split plot in the time. Different substrates were allocated in the plot (T1: soil + cattle manure at a ratio of 3: 1; T2: 10% moinha + soil; T3: 20% moinha + soil, T4: 30% moinha + soil and T5: 40% moinha + soil) and, in the subplots, the different ages of evaluation (60, 82, 104 and 126 days after planting). Variables such as changes in height, stem diameter, crown diameter, number of leaves and fresh and dry matter of root and shoot were submitted to ANOVA, F test hair, and as media, compared hair test Dunnet (α = 0.05). The use of the conventional substrate can be replaced hair by the substrate containing 10% moinha without there be difference in plant height as well as in dry and fresh matter shoot, what demonstrates it potential use as for the alternative substrate for producing seedlings.Dentre os diversos resíduos gerados durante o processo de beneficiamento do café, destaca-se aquele proveniente da secagem dos grãos, denominado na região serrana do Espírito Santo como “moinha”. Em razão de sua potencialidade nutricional e a necessidade de dispô-lo adequadamente no meio ambiente, objetivou-se, com a realização deste trabalho, avaliar o uso de diferentes concentrações de moinha como substrato alternativo no desenvolvimento vegetativo de mudas de café Conilon. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, sendo alocados nas parcelas os diferentes substratos (T1: solo + esterco bovino na proporção de 3:1; T2: 10% de moinha + solo; T3: 20% de moinha + solo; T4: 30% de moinha + solo e T5: 40% de moinha + solo) e, nas subparcelas, as diferentes idades de avaliação (60; 80; 100 e 125 dias após o plantio). As variáveis altura de muda, diâmetro de caule, diâmetro de copa, número de folhas e a matéria fresca e seca da raiz e da parte aérea foram submetidas à análise de variância, pelo teste F, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Dunnet (α =0,05). O uso do substrato convencional pode ser substituído pelo substrato contendo 10% de moinha, sem que haja diferença na altura de plantas, bem como nas matérias seca e fresca da parte aérea, o que demonstra seu potencial de uso como substrato alternativo para a produção mudas clonais de café Conilon

    Efeito de diferentes proporções de moinha de café na composição de substratos alternativos para produção de mudas de pepino

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    One of the main factors related to the quality of edible vegetable seedlings is the type of substrate used. The growth variables of cucumber seedlings grown on alternative substrates to the commercial substrate, having increasing levels of coffee drying residues (chaff). The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications, where: T1: commercial substrate (CS); T2: 0% chaff (CH) + 40% carbonized rice husk (CRH) + 15% coconut fiber (CF) + 5% eggshell (ES) + 40% CS; T3: 10% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 30% CS; T4: 20% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 20% CS; T5: 30% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 10% CS; T6: 40% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 0% CS. The variables evaluated were electrical conductivity of substrates, dry mass of the root system and the aerial part, seedling height, stem diameter and number of leaves. Increasing proportions of chaff also increase the electrical conductivity of the substrate. Proportions around 15 to 20% of chaff in the composition of the substrate present the highest values of stem diameter, dry mass of the root system and of the aerial part. Proportions up to 30% of the substrate constituted by 40% rice husk, 15% coconut fiber, 5% egg husk and 10% commercial substrate can also be used without loss in the growth variables of cucumber seedlings.Um dos principais fatores relacionados à qualidade das mudas de olerícolas é o tipo de substrato utilizado. Avaliaram-se as variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino produzidas em substratos com níveis crescentes de resíduo da secagem dos grãos de café (moinha) em substituição ao uso exclusivo do substrato comercial. O experimento foi realizado no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e dez repetições,  sendo: T1: Substrato comercial (SC); T2: 0% de moinha (MO)+ 40% de casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) + 15% de fibra de coco (FC) + 5% de casca de ovo (CO) + 40% de SC; T3: 10% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO+ 30% de SC; T4: 20% de MO+ 40% de CAC+ 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 20% de SC ; T5: 30% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 10% de SC; T6: 40% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% CO + 0% SC. Avaliou-se condutividade elétrica dos substratos, matéria seca do sistema radicular e parte aérea, altura de plântula, diâmetro de caule e número de folhas. Proporções crescentes de moinha acarretam no aumento da condutividade elétrica do substrato. Proporções em torno de 15 a 20% de moinha na composição do substrato apresentam os maiores valores de matéria seca da parte aérea, de raiz e diâmetro do caule. Proporções de até 30% de moinha em substrato composto por 40% de CAC, 15% de FC, 5% de CO e 10% de SC, também podem ser utilizados sem que haja prejuízo nas variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino

    Agricultural residues as substrates in the production of formosa papaya, okra and zucchini seedlings

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    Using residues generated in agriculture to produce seedlingsis an economically interesting alternative, besides being a way to reduce the environmental impacts caused by their inadequate disposal. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of using coffee chaff (CC) and organic compost (OC) as substrate components for the production of Formosa papaya seedlings and the potential of grape pomace (GP), a vitiviniculture residue, in the composition of substrates for the production of okra and zucchini seedlings. We carried out two trials in a completely randomized design (CRD): the first had seven treatments and six replicates: T0: 100% commercial substrate Bioplant® (CS); from T1 to T6: increasing proportions of CC and decreasing of CC: 10/90; 20/80; 30/70; 40/60; 50/50 e 60/40%. The second had six treatments and six replicates, with increasing proportions of GP and decreasing proportions of CS: 0/100; 10/90; 20/80; 30/70; 40/60 and 50/50%.In the first trial we evaluated the number of leaves, root length, seedling height, stem diameter, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, total dry mass and Dickson Quality Index (DQI) at 59 days after sowing.The second trialwas performed at 12 and 18 DAS and we analyzed the number of leaves, plant height, root length, collar diameter, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, total dry mass and Dickson Quality Index (DQI). Variables that met the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were subjected to Dunnett’s test. The substrate composed of coffee chaff and organic compost has a high potential to be used as an alternative substrate due to promote better quality of papaya seedlings compared to the commercial substrate. Alternative substrate containing 60% coffee chaff and 40% organic compost is recommended for the production of  Formosa papaya seedlings in tubes. The grape pomace (GP) has a high potential to be used as component in substrate for the production of okra and zucchini seedlings compared to the commercial substrate (CS) only. Alternative substrate composed of 50% GP and 50% CS is recommended for the production of zucchini seedlings, while substrate composed of 10% GP and 90% CS is recommended for the production of okra seedlings

    Ácido naftalenoacético associado à adubação potássica na brotação de café conilon

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    Spending on labor may represent more than 50% of the total production cost of Conilon coffee, and pruning and thinning responsible for most of these costs, behind only the harvest expenses. Some growth phytoregulator auxin group associated with potassium (K2O) can reduce bud emission. It is aimed to work verify the effect of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) associated with potassium fertilization on budding Conilon coffee. The experiment was carried out from June 2014 to December 2015 in adult crop of non-irrigated Conilon coffee, the cultivate “G35-Verdebrás” located at the Federal Institute of the Holy Spirit - Campus Santa Teresa. The randomized blocks were used with the 5x4 factorial arrangement between levels of NAA and levels of K2O, respectively. They were applied five doses of NAA (0, 50, 100, 250 and 500 mg L-1) and four of K2O in the fertilizer (60, 120, 240 and 480 kg ha-1). It was observed that the application of NAA influences the emission of shoots for favoring apical dominance of the plants. K2O levels applied interfere with the action of NAA, and the application of high doses of nutrient can inhibit the action of this phytoregulator. The application of 344 mg L-1 NAA associated with fertilization of 120 kg ha-1 of K2O, reduced the number of shoots per plant without interfering with the productivity and development of the remaining shoots.Os gastos com mão de obra podem representar mais de 50% do custo total de produção do café Conilon, sendo a poda e a desbrota responsáveis por maior parte desses custos, ficando atrás somente dos gastos com colheita. Alguns fitorreguladores de crescimento do grupo das auxinas associados ao potássio (K2O) podem reduzir a emissão de brotos. Objetivaram-se com o trabalho verificar o efeito do ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) associado à adubação potássica na brotação de café Conilon. O experimento foi realizado de junho de 2014 a dezembro de 2015, em lavoura adulta de café Conilon não irrigada, da cultivar “G35-Verdebrás”, localizada no Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – Campus Santa Teresa. Utilizaram-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com o arranjo fatorial 5x4 entre níveis de ANA e níveis de K2O, respectivamente. Foram empregadas cinco doses de ANA (0, 50, 100, 250 e 500 mg L-1), e quatro de K2O na adubação, (60, 120, 240 e 480 kg ha-1). Observou-se que a aplicação de ANA influencia a emissão de brotos por favorecer a dominância apical das plantas. Os níveis aplicados de K2O interferem na ação do ANA, sendo que a aplicação de dosagens elevadas do nutriente pode inibir a ação deste fitorregulador. A aplicação de 344 mg L-1 de ANA associada à adubação de 120 Kg ha-1 de K2O reduziu o número de brotos por planta sem interferir na produtividade e desenvolvimento das brotações remanescentes