7,879 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang potensi pengembangan wisata halal sebagai upaya mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Bima. Pariwisata halal merupakan sektor yang memiliki potensi besar untuk mendukung pengembangan ekonomi lokal, terutama di wilayah mayoritas Muslim seperti Kabupaten Bima. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi wisata halal yang dapat dikembangkan di Kabupaten Bima, menganalisis metode atau strategi pengembangan yang tepat dan menilai dampaknya terhadap perekonomian masyarakat setempat. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan fokus pada pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan analisis dokumen, serta analisis data sekunder terkait potensi wisata halal dan strategi pengembangan wisata halal dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat di Kabupaten Bima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kabupaten Bima memiliki potensi wisata halal yang meliputi Wisata alam dan pegunungan, Wisata Budaya dan Sejarah, Wisata Bahari dan Wisata Rekreasi dan minat khusus. Selain itu, pengembangan wisata halal juga dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap pendapatan dan lapangan kerja masyarakat lokal. Adapun Strategi pengembangan wisata halal yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengembangkan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Bima meliputi; Meningkatkan Promosi, Memaksimalkan Potensi Wisata, Meningkatkan kualitas layanan, mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif dan Penguatan Kerja Sama semua pihak

    Thymoquinone rich fraction from Nigella sativa and thymoquinone are cytotoxic towards colon and leukemic carcinoma cell lines.

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    Nigella sativa has been used for centuries in Asia, Middle East and Africa to promote health and fight diseases. In this study, the anti-cancer effects of thymoquinone rich fraction (TQRF) extracted from N. sativa seeds using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) system and commercially available thymoquinone (TQ) on colon cancer (HT29), lymphoblastic leukemia (CEMSS) and promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cells lines were investigated. The concentration that gave 50% inhibition of cell viability (IC50) of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells treated with TQRF were 400, 350 and 250 µg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, the IC50 of TQ was 8, 5 and 3 µg/ml, respectively. Cell cycle analysis shows the increment of apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. However, both TQRF and TQ were not able to arrest the cell cycle phases of the cells. Apoptosis was the main mode of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells death induced by both TQRF and TQ. Our findings support the potential use of TQRF and TQ for the treatment of colon cancer and leukemia

    Exploring the Use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Construction Projects in Gaza Strip

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    Ismail Al Daoor Faculty of Applied Engineering and Urban Planning, University of Palestine, Gaza, Palestine, [email protected] Information Modeling (BIM) is a process for designing and collaborating using an intelligent 3D model across the planning, design and construction of buildings and infrastructure. It is one of the most promising recent developments in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. The objectives of this study are to investigate and explore the knowledge implementation of BIM technology in Gaza Strip (GS) among contracting companies. To achieve this aim, the research reviews the literature related to BIM includes; definition of BIM technology, its benefits and disadvantages implementation in construction industry. The study used a questionnaire that was administered by contracting companies classified at the Palestinian Contractors Union. Fifty-five questionnaires were distributed in Gaza strip and 40 questionnaires were received which makes the response rate 72.7%. The results confirm the existence of several reasons for challenges in implementing BIM in construction projects in the Gaza Strip: (1) Unawareness of BIM benefits, (2) Lack of training, (3) Lack of qualified staff to work with the software. Furthermore, results explored key factors that can promote applying BIM in the Gaza Strip construction projects, including; (1) Training of construction staff, (2) Workshops about importance of applying BIM, (3) Provide free and trial versions of the software. Finally, the study recommended several suggestions on the use of BIM technology by contractors in the Gaza Strip construction industry.University of Palestine


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    Pengabdian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penguatan sumber daya pengelola koperasi syariah di Kota Bima yang difokuskan pada akad-akad operasional Koperasi Syariah. Metode pengabdian berbentuk workshop dengan langkah-langkah pre test, pembobotan, diskusi dan pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa, pertama, aplikasi akad Syariah Koperasi Syariah di Kota Bima hanya terbatas pada beberapa akad. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa hal, seperti, keterbatasan dana, tidak amanahnya penerima manfaat akad, dan keterbatasan pemahaman pengelola terhadap akad Syariah. Kedua, pengelola Koperasi Syariah di Kota Bima sebagai peserta merasa terbantu dengan kegiatan ini karena tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan kompetensi melainkan juga menjawab keraguan operasional koperasi mereka

    Teaching Methodology and its Effects on Quality Learning.

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    Teaching method is the mechanism that is used by the teacher to organize and implement a number of educational means and activities to achieve certain goals. Teaching techniques are the means that reflect the success of the learning process and the competencies of the teacher. Being a teacher, I always need to look for new ways to deliver knowledge to my learner, and in many occasions, I found that traditional teaching methods become not effective as it used to be due to the current advancement in technology. Teaching becomes more effectives when it performed in a quicker response to the needs of the learner, so that blending various techniques to deliver knowledge and ideas become necessary. This paper presents the characteristics of many teaching methods including online teaching and a comparison between them is highlighted, in order to choose the method that satisfy the aims and provide the teacher with high competency. Keywords: Teaching Methodology, Competency, Strengths and Limitations, Quality of Teaching, Online Learning

    A comparison of fluoride uptake, enamel surface hardness and surface remineralization using three different fluoride varnishes: in vitro study

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy of fluoride varnishes for their ability to deliver fluoride and re-mineralize human enamel in vitro. METHODS: Three 5% NaF varnishes were used in this study: I. ProFluorid (VOCO), II. Vanish (3M ESPE), III. StarBright (Nanova Biomaterials) and IV. artificial saliva solution as a control. Twenty-four extracted intact adult teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=12 per group). Each group was tested under two protocols (n=6 for each protocol). In Protocol A, artificial lesions were created by immersing the sound teeth in Coca Cola for 20 mins at 37 °C for demineralization (DM). Then a fluoridation step was performed by applying 3 mg of fluoride varnish as a thin layer (RM1). For the control group, artificial saliva was applied. All specimens were submerged in 30 mL of artificial saliva for 24 hr at 37°C. Following the treatment period, extra F varnish was removed from each specimen using chloroform moistened cotton swab and all teeth were then cleaned with deionized water for 10 seconds. The fluoridation cycle was repeated once more (RM2). For subgroups under Protocol B, tooth specimens with sound enamel were treated with two cycles of fluoridation (RM1 and RM2), then exposed to Coca Cola for 20 mins demineralization (DM). Surface micro-hardness of each tooth was measured at three random locations using Knoop hardness and fluoride content of each tooth was analyzed under (SEM/EDS) at baseline, after each fluoride varnish application, and demineralization treatment. The mean Knoop hardness and fluoride content by weight were calculated and the differences within treatment groups were analyzed by JMP Pro 13 using ANOVA. RESULTS: The application of all fluoride varnishes significantly increased the fluoride content of the lesioned enamel (p<0.05). ProFluorid varnish had increased the enamel surface hardness significantly compared to the other two varnishes (StarBright and Vanish), and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study concludes that application of NaF varnish twice can significantly increase the fluoride content in enamel in both remineralization and protection cases, However, the twice application would increase surface hardness of enamel in artificial caries protocol only