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    فلسفة التجديد في فكر الإمام محمد عبده

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    The objectives of this study are centered on the implications and the dimensions of the innovation philosophy found within the Imam Mohammad Abdo's intellect and the new philosophical expositions he presented in the reform field. The study also discusses the philosophical issues that had been presented by the Islamic thinker Mohammad Abdo, which aroused a broad controversy and discussion among the researchers and thinkers. In addition to this, it can be considered an intellectual proposition that contributes to the liberation of the Islamic thought and innovating it according to a clear philosophical vision. The study adopted the inductive approach. The study concluded that thanks to the Imam Mohammad Abdo the correlation between religion and modernity has been stressed on the basis that it is considered one of the Islamic religion fundamentals seeing as it is primarily a rational religion. He also contributed to the call for self-affirming, and strengthening the Muslim's faith and confidence in his heritage while combating Westernization, although he was avid in avoiding seclusion and taking advantage of what the West achieved of progress. Imam Mohammad Abdo presented a comprehensive and a complete program for innovation in all respects. One of the political contributions of Sheikh Mohammad Abdo are his political opinions: his emphasis on the essence of the law and its exclusivity that is derived from the circumstances of each society was the foundation of the bilateral factors more than the material ones that Monceque had previously focused on. The law here is not only limited to the Civil Law, as his focus was originally on legitimacyتتمحور أهداف الدراسة حول مضامين وأبعاد فلسفة التجديد في فكر محمد عبده والطروحات الفلسفية الجديدة التي قدمها في مجال الإصلاح، وتناقش الدراسة الإشكاليات الفلسفية التي طرحها المفكر الإسلامي محمد عبده والتي أثارت جدلاً ونقاشاً واسعاً لدى الباحثين والمفكرين والتي يمكن اعتبارها طرحاً فكرياً يسهم في تحرير الفكر الإسلامي وتجديده وفق رؤية فلسفية واضحة، واعتمدت الدراسة على استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أنه يرجع الفضل للإمام محمد عبده في التأكيد على ربط الدين بالمعاصرة على أساس أن هذه تعد من مقومات الدين الإسلامي باعتباره ديناً عقلانياً بالدرجة الأولى، كما أن من مساهماته الدعوة لتأكيد الذات وتقوية إيمان وثقة المسلم في تراثه مع محاربة التغريب، وإن كان حريصاً على عدم الانغلاق والاستفادة مما وصل إليه الغرب من تقدم، والإمام محمد عبده قدم برنامجاً شاملاً متكاملاً للتجديد في كافة النواحي، ومن مساهماتهبالسياسية، ما قدمه من أفكار سياسية؛ فتأكيده على روح القانون وخصوصيته المستمدة من ظروف كل مجتمع كان قوامه العوامل الزوجية أكثر من تلك المادية التي ركز عليها (مونسكيو) من قبل، والقانون لا يعني عنده القانون المدني فقط حيث تركز اهتمامه أساساً حول الشريعة

    الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين في المدارس الحكومية العادية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مستوى الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين في المدارس الحكومية العادية في الأردن وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (50) معلماً ومعلمة يعملون في (10) مدارس حكومية عادية، أظهرت النتائج بأن مستوى الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين في المدارس الحكومية العادية في الأردن كان مرتفعاً في جميع أبعاد الإبداعية وللإبداعية ككل، وأنه لا يوجد أثر للجنس ولسنوات الخبرة في الفروق في مستويات الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين، كما لا يوجد أثر للمؤهل العلمي في الفروق في مستويات الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين باستثناء بعد الخصائص الاجتماعية والانفعالية لصالح فئة البكالوريوس، ولا يوجد أثر للتخصص الأكاديمي في الفروق في مستويات الإبداعية لدى معلمي الطلبة المتفوقين باستثناء بعد الخصائصThis study aimed at explore the level of creativity among the teachers of superior students in the regular government schools in Jordan and its relation to some variables. The study sample consisted of (50) teachers and teachers working in (10) regular government schools . Results showed that the level of creativity among the teachers of superior students in the regular government schools in Jordan was high in all dimensions of creativity and creative as a whole, there is no effect of gender and years of experience in differences in the creative levels of teachers of superior students. and It showed that there is no effect of scientific qualifications in the differences In the creative levels of the teachers of superior students, except the social and emotional characteristics dimension in favor of the bachelor's degree, and there is no impact of the academic specialization in the differences in the levels of creativity among the teachers of superior students except the cognitive characteristics dimension in favor of Humanitarian specializations. The study recommended organization of courses on educational strategies for teachers of superior students

    التمويل الإسلامي الماهية والخصائص المعيارية دراسة تحليلية

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    Islamic finance is a contemporary, multidimensional economic phenomenon, what contributed in its immaturity in modern theorization is the vagueness of the true nature of finance and the unclarity of boundaries that distinguish it from similar disciplines such as investment and lending in the capitalist theory. This study examined the types of financing based on a number of factors including: the applicant for finance, the purpose and goal of the financing, the source of funds, the profitability of the financing, the guarantee of the debt resulting from the financing, the duration of the financing, the sources of profit based financing and it compliance with the Islamic Sharia law. The study was able to determine the standard characteristics of Islamic finance represented in: Islamic finance fulfills the desires of the parties to the financing relationship; Islamic finance is based on financial assets and is supported by it. Islamic finance is a system based on the ability to own, which is developmental finance with social objectives. It seeks to achieve the objectives and principles of the Islamic economy, to comply with Islamic Sharia law, and to adhere to Islamic values and ethics, and to determine the nature of Islamic finance as an investment financial intermediary.يشكل التمويل الإسلامي ظاهرة اقتصادية معاصرة متعددة الأبعاد،أسهم في عدم نضوجها في التنظير المعاصر عدم اتضاح حقيقة التمويل وحدوده الفاصلة له عن مقارباته من مثل الاستثمار والإقراض في النظرية الرأسمالية. وعملت الدراسة على رصد أنواع التمويل استنادا إلى عدة عوامل منها : طالب التمويل، والغرض والهدف منه،ومصدر التمويل،وربحية التمويل، ضمان الدين الناتج عن التمويل، مدة التمويل،ومصادر التمويل الربحي، ومدى موافقته للتشريع الإسلامي. واستطاعت الدراسة أن تحدد الخصائص المعيارية للتمويل الإسلامي متمثلة ب: قيام التمويل الإسلامي بإشباع رغبات أطراف العلاقة التمويلية، والتمويل الإسلامي قائم على الأصول المالية ومدعوم بها، ويتسم التمويل بقابلية الضبط والتحديد،فالتمويل الإسلامي منظومة تقوم على القدرة على التملك، وهو تمويل تنمويا ذا أهداف اجتماعية، ويسعى إلى تحقيق أهداف ومبادئ الاقتصاد الإسلامي، وإمتثال التمويل الإسلامي لأحكام الشريعة، و الالتزام بالقيم والأخلاق الإسلامية، وصولا إلى تحديد طبيعةالتمويل الإسلامي بكونه وساطة مالية استثماري

    العلاقة الجدلية بين الفكر السياسي العربي والفكر السياسي الاسلامي

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    The intellectuals' views differed on the nature of the problem of the relation between the Arab intellect and the Islamic intellect from the perspective of the absence of the fundamental differences between them and that the Arabian intellect is part of the the Arabian Islamic intellect and will not be separated from it. In light of this, the study attempts to discuss the dialectic relation between the Arabian intellect and the Arabian Islamic intellect. This research stems from an important research thesis related to the Arab intellect and the Arabian Islamic intellect; with the possibility of separating them or that, they are one intellectual framework that had been developed since the beginning of the spread of Islam, all in order to be able to determine the axes of each of them. Therefore, the problem of the study is summarized within the following question: is there a problem in the intellectual relation between the Arabian intellect and the Arabian Islamic intellect?اختلفت آراء المفكرين في طبيعة إشكالية العلاقة بين الفكر العربي والفكر العربي الإسلامي من منظور عدم وجود فروق جوهرية بينهما، وأن الفكر العربي هو جزء من الفكر العربي الإسلامي ولن ينفصل عنه. وفي ضوء ذلك: تحاول الدراسة الوقوف على العلاقة الجدلية بين الفكر العربي والفكر العربي الإسلامي، وينطلق هذا البحث من إشكالية بحثية مهمة تتعلق بالفكر العربي والفكر العربي الإسلامي، بإمكانية الفصل بينهما أو أنهما أطار فكري واحد تطور منذ بداية انتشار الإسلام، من منطلق الوصول إلى تحديد محاور كل منهما. وعليه: تنحصر مشكلة الدراسة بالتساؤل التالي: هل هناك إشكالية في العلاقة الفكرية بين الفكر العربي والفكر العربي الإسلامي؟ واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في تغطية موضوع الدراسة والإجابة عن تساؤلاتها، ويعد التنوع والتعدد والتركيب أبرز ما يميز الفكر العربي الإسلامي والفكر العربي المعاصر، إذ يتميز بوجود موروث محلي ودخيل، وفيه المعاصر الوافد وغير الوافد، وبين الوافد والموروث هناك تعدد وتنوع كبير في عناصر ومكونات المنظومة الفكرية في العالم العربي والإسلام

    بناء برنامج ترويحي مقترح لتحسين بعض سلوكيات التفاعل الاجتماعي لدى الأطفال "مرضى التوحد"

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    The aim of the study is to build a suggested recreational program to improve some of the social behaviours of the kids who have autism and to recognize the basics for building the suggested recreational program to improve the social interaction behaviors of the kids. The two researchers have used the descriptive method because it`sThe aim of the study is to build a suggested recreational program to improve some of the social behaviours of the kids who have autism and to recognize the basics for building the suggested recreational program to improve the social interaction behaviors of the kids. The two researchers have used the descriptive method because it`s suitable for the environment of the study. The program was showed that including the interactional games to the (7) experts the program was adopted after performing the suggested modifications. The two researchers recommend applying the recreational program at the therapeutic centers and the centers of kids who have autism

    مدى تضمن كتاب اللغة العربية للصف الأول الأساسي لتدريبات الوعي الصوتي

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى تحليل محتوى كتاب اللغة العربية للصف الأول الأساسي في ضوء تدريبات الوعي الصوتي، واستخدم الباحثان المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من محتوى كتب اللغة العربية للصف الأول الأساسي والتي طُبقت في العام الدراسي 2016-2017 في فلسطين بواقع كتابين؛ وتم استخدام أداة تحليل المحتوى والتي تم إعدادها في ضوء تدريبات الوعي الصوتي وعرضها على مجموعة من المحكمين المختصين، وخلصت الدراسة إلى تضمين كتاب اللغة العربية للصف الأول الأساسي للعام الدراسي 2018-2019م لتدريبات الوعي الصوتي بنسب متفاوتة، حيث حصل مجال مطابقة الكلمات على المرتبة الأولى بنسبة (23.515 %)، وتقاربت باقي المجالات في نسبة توافرها، باستثناء مجالي حذف الأصوات وتبديل الأصوات اللذين لم يتوفرا في محتوى الكتاب؛ وتوصي الدراسة المختصين بالمناهج الدراسية بالاطلاع على المعايير الخاصة بتدريبات الوعي الصوتي، وإعادة النظر في مواطن الضعف والفقر في كتاب اللغة العربية للصف الأول الأساسيThe study aimed at analyzing the content of the Arabic language book for the first grade in the light of the Phonological awareness training. The researchers used the analytical descriptive method. The study sample consisted of the content of the Arabic language textbooks for the first grade, which were applied in the school year 2016-2017 in Palestine, Content analysis, which was prepared in the light of Phonological awareness training and presented to a group of specialized arbitrators. The study concluded that the Arabic language book for the first grade for the academic year 2017-2018 includes Phonological awareness training in varying degrees. The field of word matching ranked first with (23.515%). The study recommends that curriculum specialists review the standards for Phonological awareness training, and review the weaknesses and poverty in the Arabic language book for the first grade

    التفاوض مع المحتل بين القبول والرد "دراسة تحليلية مقارنة"

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    Negotiating is a hesitant word between acceptance and rejection, because of the difference in our contemporary reality, especially in Occupied Palestine. The researcher sought through his research to address this word in its all legal, political, and psychological dimensions, in order to reach answers on many of the questions raised in Islamic World in general and Palestine in particular. This research is divided into two topics. The first handles the definition of negotiation and its origins and methods, plus its grounds in Islamic Shari’a. The second topic handles our Islamic and Arabian reality and lessons to learn from it.التفاوض كلمة مترددة بين القبول والرد، بسبب ما طرأ عليها من خلاف في واقعنا المعاصر، خاصة في فلسطين المحتلة، حيث أراد الباحث من خلال بحثه أن يتناول هذه الكلمة بكل أبعادها الشرعية والسياسية والنفسية، لأجل الوصول لإجابات حول الكثير من الأسئلة المطروحة على الساحة الاسلامية عموماً والفلسطينية خصوصاً، وقد تم تناول هذا البحث من خلال مبحثين، شمل الأول منه التعريف بالتفاوض وأهم أصوله وأنواعه وطرقه، وحكمه في الشريعة الاسلامية، وتناول الثاني بعض صوره في واقعنا الاسلامي والعربي والدروس والعبر المستفادة

    ظاهرة الغلو وأثرها على الأمن الفكري (دراسة تحليلية بالمملكة العربية السعودية)

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    Abstract: The problem of the study is the spread of the phenomenon of intolerance in ideas and beliefs, which threatens the intellectual security of societies and the disputes and non- unity. The study aimed to highlight the role of intellectual security in promoting moderation in light of the revolution of information technology. And identify the most important social and economic variables help to spread the phenomenon of intolerance. The importance of the study stems from the pioneering role of intellectual security in combating intellectual invasion and the profanity of terrorist groups. The study examined (3) main hypotheses: There is a relationship between the diversity of knowledge sourcesAbstract: The problem of the study is the spread of the phenomenon of intolerance in ideas and beliefs, which threatens the intellectual security of societies and the disputes and non- unity. The study aimed to highlight the role of intellectual security in promoting moderation in light of the revolution of information technology. And identify the most important social and economic variables help to spread the phenomenon of intolerance. The importance of the study stems from the pioneering role of intellectual security in combating intellectual invasion and the profanity of terrorist groups. The study examined (3) main hypotheses: There is a relationship between the diversity of knowledge sources and the spread of the phenomenon of intolerance, which threatens the intellectual security of Saudi society. There is a relationship between the social and economic conditions and the spread of the phenomenon of intolerance, which threatens the intellectual security of individuals. There is a relationship between the spread of the phenomenon of intolerance and religious extremism and destabilized the unity and solidarity of the Islamic nation. To achieve the objectives of the study and test hypotheses, the researcher adopted descriptive, analytical and inductive methods through previous studies to identify the problem and the objectives

    درجة استخدام معلمات التربية الإسلامية في المدارس الثانوية بمديرية تعليم الوسطى لمهارات التفكير فوق المعرفي

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    The study aimed to identify how much are the skills of the metacognitive thinking used by the Islamic Education teachers. The two researchers followed the analytical descriptive - quantitative method. To achieve this goal a valid and stable test was prepared and verified. 30 classes for 11 secondary school teachers (secondary 1st and 2nd) of the Middle Governorate were observed in regarding to the degree of teachers' use of the metacognitive thinking skills in teaching the unit of biography and genealogy. The results showed that the total degree of use is (0.82) and that the skill of planning obtained the first rank with a relative weight (0.89), while the control skill was in the second rank with a relative weight (0.76) and the evaluation skill was in the last rank with a relative weight (0.70). However, it appears that there is no significant differences in using theThe study aimed to identify how much are the skills of the metacognitive thinking used by the Islamic Education teachers. The two researchers followed the analytical descriptive - quantitative method. To achieve this goal a valid and stable test was prepared and verified. 30 classes for 11 secondary school teachers (secondary 1st and 2nd) of the Middle Governorate were observed in regarding to the degree of teachers' use of the metacognitive thinking skills in teaching the unit of biography and genealogy. The results showed that the total degree of use is (0.82) and that the skill of planning obtained the first rank with a relative weight (0.89), while the control skill was in the second rank with a relative weight (0.76) and the evaluation skill was in the last rank with a relative weight (0.70). However, it appears that there is no significant differences in using the metacognitive thinking skills between the two grades (secondary 1st and 2nd). The two researchers recommended the need to activate its indicators in teaching all the units of the Islamic Education books and the other subjects

    أنماط التنشئة الأسرية السائدة لدى الأسر المفككة "دراسة على عينة من طلبة المدارس الثانوية في محافظة الفروانية بدولة الكويت"

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    This study aims to determine the predominant rising modes in disjointed families , and the possibility of differences in to owing to variables such as : Gender, parent's educational level, and family economic level. The study sample consists of 141 male and female high school students in Farwaniya governorate in state of Kuwait at the first semester of 2018-20119 scholastic year. This sample was chosen as a cluster random sample, the a scale questionnaire tools was developed of 48 paragraphs to measure both sound and wrong family raising modes. The study found that both oscillation and discrimination modes are the predominant modes in the disjoint family which was highly presented at sample, while the sound modes such as acceptance and encouragement wasThis study aims to determine the predominant rising modes in disjointed families , and the possibility of differences in to owing to variables such as : Gender, parent's educational level, and family economic level. The study sample consists of 141 male and female high school students in Farwaniya governorate in state of Kuwait at the first semester of 2018-20119 scholastic year. This sample was chosen as a cluster random sample, the a scale questionnaire tools was developed of 48 paragraphs to measure both sound and wrong family raising modes. The study found that both oscillation and discrimination modes are the predominant modes in the disjoint family which was highly presented at sample, while the sound modes such as acceptance and encouragement was moderated presented, and the democratic mode came as the lowest one. The study also found that the wrong and sound family rising modes varied according to the gender and Gender, parent's educational level, and family economic level . the study concluded a set of recommendations including: awareness programs targeting parents of broken families and educating them about the sound upraising modes, and performing studies about the wrong modes of uprising in broken families and its effects on Juvenile Delinquency


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