139 research outputs found

    Diversity as the physical correlate to open space's experience in two historical towns

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    This research studies diversity as a parameter in the built environment in two types of open spaces in colonial towns of Taiping and Georgetown. The richness of natural landscape elements, scales of spaces, distribution of activity patterns, and variety of visual stimulants in the open spaces were among the dimensions of diversity explored in this study. This paper is exploratory in nature, which applies a qualitative method. It involves descriptive and affective aspects of environmental experience of users of the two open spaces. The study suggests that diversity means socialization, which can be achieved through gradual and natural occurring assimilation

    Statistical prediction of environmental gamma radiation doses, in Perak, Malaysia

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    The concentrations of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) and their corresponding terrestrial gamma radiation have been shown to be associated with certain lithology and soil types. A possible relationships among gamma radiation levels, and the lithology and soil types make it possible to predict ionizing radiation level of an area that cannot be directly measured. A study was carried out to statistically predict and validate environmental gamma radiation dose rates based on actual field measurements using a sodium iodide detector. Results obtained showed that the predicted dose rate (Dp) may be determined using a multiple correlation regression equation, Dp = 0.35DL + 0.82 Ds โ€“ 0.02, that integrates dose rates contributed by different lithological structures (DL) and soil types (Ds). Statistical analysis on 32 different lithology and soil type combinations showed that more than 50% of the predicted data were not significantly different from the data measured in the field. A predicted isodose map was subsequently plotted base on 4 dose rate classes ranging from 0.1 โ€“ 0.3 ฮผSv h-1

    Placenta Cretas: Early Diagnosis is Needed

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    Incidence of placenta cretas increased in women who had previous caesarean or previous procedures for termination of pregnancy. The diagnosis of this emergency situation is often made at time of caesarean which could lead to increase maternal morbidity or even mortality. Placenta cretas had been reported to cause uterine rupture in early pregnancy. The availability of conventional 2D grayscale, color Doppler or the 3D power Doppler has changed the trend of time of the diagnosis made ie from at time of caesarean to as early as first trimester. These would give the advantage in anticipating and preventing complications. We demonstrate two cases of placenta increta one diagnosed at autopsy whereby presented as acute abdomen at 15 weeks of pregnancy and the other was diagnosed at 14 weeks by all the above ultrasound techniques. First case: A 35 year old G6 with previous one caesarean for her first pregnancy and two dilatation and curettage (D&C) procedures during her fourth and fifth pregnancies. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, she was brought to the emergency department for an acute abdomen following sexual intercourse. However her condition deteriorated to asystole. At autopsy there was a ruptured uterus over the uterine lateral-fundal measured 8 x 4.5 cm exposing sac of fetus. The histopathology was reported as placenta increta. Second case: A 33 year old G4 with two normal vaginal deliveries and a D&C for missed miscarriage during the third pregnancy. She first presented at 14 weeks for routine antenatal visit. 3D Power Doppler showed increased periplacental vascularity highly suggestive of morbidly adherent placenta. She was followed and had caesarean hysterectomy at 36 weeks with histopathology of placenta increta. Conclusion: Placenta cretas may lead to ruptured uterus and maternal mortality even in early pregnancy. In early pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound techniques is possible. Women with risk factors of placenta cretas need further ultrasound evaluation at the earliest stage of pregnancy

    Induction of labour using foley catheter: traction versus non traction technique, a randomized prospective study.

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    Background: Cervical ripening of an unfavourable cervix can be achieved by placement of a transcervical Foley catheter. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of 750 ml traction on Foley catheter compared to no traction for labour induction. Study design: A randomized controlled trial performed on pregnant women at 37-41 week who were admitted for induction of labour with unfavourable cervix. They were randomly assigned into two groups, Foleyโ€™s with 750 ml traction and and without traction. The primary outcomes were improvement in Bishop Score, number of favourable cervix following induction and the mode of delivery. The secondary outcomes were maternal pain score, neonatal outcome, and maternal infection. Results: A total of 160 women were randomized into traction group (n=80) and non-traction group (n=80). The mean change in Bishop Score was similar in both groups. Traction group had significantly (p=0.006) higher number of vaginal delivery (70%) compared to non-traction group. The rate of successful VBAC was also significantly (p= 0.001) higher in the traction group. Participants were comfortable using both methods with low pain score. There was no difference in neonatal outcomes and risk of maternal infections in both groups. Conclusion: application of traction did result in more vaginal delivery and successful VBAC without risk of maternal and neonatal infection

    Construct validity and internal consistency of a Malay version of the FAMCARE scale for measures of informal caregivers satisfaction

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    Evaluating the satisfaction of caregivers is a highly subjective procedure and there is a need for a culturally appropriate, validated and sufficiently tested measurement tool to identify their needs in a clinical setting in order to improve the quality of care. FAMCARE is a self-report scale assessing patient/ caregiversโ€™ satisfaction with outpatient care. This study evaluated the validity and internal consistency of a Malay-language version of the FAMCARE scale amongst Malaysian informal caregivers. A total of 45 Malaysian informal caregivers in the outpatient oncology clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia completed the questionnaire. Responses were checked for construct validity (including exploratory factor analysis to check the factor structure of the scale) and internal reliability. The 20 items of the FAMCARE scale were subjected to principal axis factoring (PAF) using SPSS, starting with assessing suitability of the data for factor analysis. Correlation matrix showed the presence of many coefficients of 0.3 and above. The Kaiserโ€“Mayer-Olkin value was 0.79 and the Barlettโ€™s Test of sphericity was highly significant (p<.001). PAF showed the presence of four components with eigenvalues exceeding 1, explaining 60.8% of the cumulative variance. The items were loaded in four domains with satisfactory inter-factor correlations. The general FAMCARE questionnaire as a whole was found to have high internal reliability (Cronbachโ€™s ฮฑ = 0.93). The Malay-language version of the FAMCARE scale appeared as a valid and reliable tool for assessing informal caregiverโ€™s satisfaction in outpatient settings, although it would be preferable to eliminate weak items which have low factor loading

    Maternal outcome of prenatally diagnosed lethal fetal anomalies: a year review

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    Objectives: To determine maternal morbidities in relation to prenatal diagnosis of lethal fetal anomalies and termination of pregnancy (TOP). Materials: Twenty five patients with prenatal diagnosis of lethal fetal anomalies in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: This was a retrospective review in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Malaysia in the year of 2011. All patients diagnosed prenatally to carry lethal fetal anomalies was reviewed. Data regarding maternal morbidities and outcome was collected from patientsโ€™ case note in the hospital record office. Analysis was done by using SPSS version 17.0. Results: Twenty five pregnant patients were diagnosed with lethal fetal anomalies via ultrasound with or without genetic study. The patientsโ€™ mean age was 29.9ยฑ6.3 years old. The mean gestational age at diagnosis of lethal fetal anomalies and at TOP or delivery were 26.5ยฑ7.4 and 28.7ยฑ7.8 weeks respectively. The lethal fetal anomalies included fetuses with multiple structural abnormalities (40%), anencephaly or severe encephalocele (32%), non-immune hydrops fetalis (16%) and syndromic fetuses (12%) i.e. Pentalogy of Cantrell and Edwardโ€™s syndrome. Seven (28%) patients had early counseling and TOP at the gestation of <22 weeks. Beyond 22 weeks gestation, 8 (32%) patients had TOP and 10 (40%) patients had spontaneous delivery. Twenty (80%) patients delivered or aborted vaginally, 3 (12%) patients with assisted breech delivery, and 2 (8%) patients with abdominal delivery. The abdominal deliveries were for transverse lie in labour and emergency hysterotomy for failed induction complicated by hysterectomy due to intraoperative finding of ruptured uterus. Overall, the associated adverse events included abnormal lie during delivery (16%), symptomatic polyhydramnios requiring amnioreduction (16%), post-partum haemorrhage (12%), retained placenta (12%), blood transfusion (8%), uterine rupture (4%) and endometritis (4%). Mean duration of hospital stay was 6.6ยฑ3.7 days. Conclusions: Prenatal diagnosis and TOP at an early gestation may reduce maternal morbidities and improve the outcom

    Cultural Value Diversity: Influence towards Multicultural Teamwork Performance among Restaurant Employees

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    Malaysia currently has a diverse workforce, relying on foreign workers in the hospitality industry. This study tested a conceptual model to investigate the role of specific cultural diversity value in influencing multicultural teamwork performance. A self-administered questionnaire was conducted in casual ethnic restaurants in Malaysia. The findings revealed that the three diversity dimensions of collectivism, determinism, and orientation each had distinctive effects on productivity and/or cooperation. This study offers new insights on cultural value diversity and multicultural teamwork performance at a dimensional level thus provides rigid answer for the argument from previous scholars. In addition, by providing the current phenomena in workforce industry, this study helps the restaurant managers to prepare with strategic management on handling diversity among multicultural team

    Maternal outcome of prenatally diagnosed lethal fetal anomalies: a year review

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    This was a retrospective review in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Malaysia In the year of 2011. All patients diagnosed prenatally to carry lethal fetal anomalies was Reviewed. The outcome of the pregnancy including type of labour, mode of induction and delivery, and associated morbidities during antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum period was analyse

    Bladder scan vs urethral cathetarization for measurement of immediate post partum bladder volume

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    Introduction: Bladder scan is a well known non invasive and cost effective tool for the measurement of post void residual urine(PVR) however with some limitation. Literature on the efficacy of bladder scan on big uterus is limited and not promising. Study Objective: To determine the validity of bladder scan BV13000 in detection of bladder volume in immediate postpartum women. Methodology: A prospective cross sectional study conducted in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Pahang from 1st September to 30 November 2010, A total of 193 women who had undergone Caesarean section were recruited on postpartum day 1. Prior to removal of Foleyโ€™s catheter, their bladder volumes were first estimated by bladder scan BV13000. Immediately the bladder was then catheterized for the true bladder volume followed by 2D ultrasound bladder scanning to ensure that it was completely emptied. The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 18(SPSS Inc. Chigaco, Illinois). P value of less than 0.05 is considered as statistically significant. Resul : There were a total of 193 women recruited with the mean age of 28.84 years (SD 5.516) with mean BMI of 29.69( SD 5.69) kg/m2 and fundal height of 16cm (SD 2.382 ). The mean for time interval between bladder scan and catheterization was 3 min(range between 1-8 min). There is a linear relationship between the bladder scan-estimated and catheter bladder volumes (r2=082). The patientโ€™s body weight also is significantly (p=0.01) correlated with the bladder scan-estimated volume with r2 of-0.25. The size of the uterus however does not correlate with the bladder-scan volume Conclusion : Bladder scan is comparable to urethral catheterization in the measurement of postpartum bladder volume
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