4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos, Biochar dan Trichoderma Sp terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Bawang Merah Lokal Palu pada Lahan Kering

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    Bawang merah lokal palu atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama bawang goreng Palu merupakan salah satu komoditas ungguln spesifik Sulawesi Tengah.  Jenis bawang merah ini dapat tumbuh dan berproduksi baik serta memiliki potensi untuk dikembangankan pada wilayah Sulawesi Tengah khususnya di lembah Palu yang cederung beriklim kering.  Salah satu upaya meningkatkan produksi bawang merah lokal Palu yang diusahakan pada lahan kering adalah perbaikan lahan pertanian dengan pemberian pupuk Organik.  Karbon hitam (C) atau biochar dapat mengatasi beberapa keterbatasan tersebut dan menyediakan opsi tambahan bagi pengelolaan tanah, suatu langkah untuk mempercepat pengomposan dengan penambahan stimulator.  Trichoderma sp merupakan salah satu jenis fungi atau jamur yang menghasilkan enzim selulase serta enzim lain yang mendegradasi kompleks polisakarida.  Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompos, biochar dan Trichoderma sp terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman bawang merah lokal palu yang dibudidayakan pada lahan kering lembah palu.  Pengkajian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 Perlakuan berupa perlakuan pemberian kompos; pemberian kompos dan biochar; pemberian kompos, biochar dan Trichoderma sp, dan masing-masing perlakuan di ulang sebanyak 3 kali ulangan.  Parameter yang diamati yaitu: tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anakan, serta untuk komponen hasil yang diamati adalah jumlah umbi, diameter umbi, berat basah, dan berat kering. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Analisis Of Varians (ANOVA), bila terdapat beda nyata dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf uji 5%. Dari hasil kajian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian kompos ditambahkan biochar 10% dengan Trichoderma sp dapat memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman dan meningkatkan produksi hasil tanaman bawang merah lokal palu dengan berat umbi segar tertinggi sebesar 18.85 gram per rumpun


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    Bayesian is a method that can be used to overcome the uncertainty of a situation or data. The information obtained must be continuously updated so that it can foster trust as a result of the uncertainty of those conditions. In this study, the application of the Bayesian method to detect early symptoms of diseases on local red onion Palu plants based on the symptoms that appear will be carried out. Information about pests and diseases that attack local red onion Palu is needed to help farmers. As a result, they can deal with attacked diseases quickly and precisely. This is crucial conducted by considering that this plant is one of the mainstay commodities for farmers in Central Sulawesi Province whose production must continue to be increased. Pests and diseases can be diagnosed through visible symptoms.The sample is local red onion Palu that affected by pests and disesases which planted in the AIAT of Central Sulawesi by experiment. As a result, through these symptoms an expert system can then be created to do a diagnosis. An expert system is a system that seeks to adopt human knowledge to a computer that is built to solve problems like an expert. The created expert system to diagnose diseases uses the Bayesian method to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the obtained results from observations and experts. An expert system for diagnosis of pests and diseases is built on a web-based basis. This expert system has features and functions including the diagnosis of pests and diseases of the observed plants, viewing the results of the diagnosis and printing the results of the diagnosis. In addition, users can view information on pests and other diseases that attack plants. From the results of system testing that conducted by experts, this shows that the expert system is feasible to use to diagnose local red onion Palu plants which affected by pests and diseases with an accuracy point that has the largest percentage value

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Nearpod pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn di MTsN 2 Mataram

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    Learning using nearpod can make learning interactive, effective, innovative and besides that it can also increase students' motivation in learning. This study aims to determine the application of nearpod application learning in Civics subjects at MTsN 2 Mataram. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the application of nearpod application learning in Civics subjects was carried out through 3 stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The supporting factors for implementing the nearpod application learning are ready-to-use materials, various features or content, student human resources, and learning motivation. While the inhibiting factors consist of the internet network and the limited number of students

    Shallot Basal Bulb Rot Management through Integration of Trichoderma asperellum, Composted Plant Residues and Natural Mulch

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    Basal bulb rot (BBR) of shallot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae is one of the highly deleterious diseases on shallot, Allium cepa L. var ascalonicum Backer. in Indonesia. This study aimed to assess the potency of organic mulch, composted plant residues, and endophytic Trichoderma asperellum to control this disease. Treatment with mulch alone, mulch plus compost, mulch plus T. asperellum, and combination of all the three provided the decrease of BBR incidence by 15%, 20%, 29%, and 39% and the increase of shallot productivity by 22%, 66%, 84%, and 125%, respectively. Observation of another treatment impact on the fungal occurrence at harvest time indicated that their population in soil increased by 671%, 771%, 257%, and 814% and the fungal colonization in root tissues mounted by 31%, 77%, 77%, and 74%, respectively. The introduced Trichoderma was found predominantly, especially in leaf tissues of inoculated shallot. These data showed that all the treatments were able to control BBR disease. However, the most effective was the mulch in combination with compost and T. asperellum. Therefore, large-scale disease control could take advantage of this integration