42 research outputs found


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    Since Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was announced in Indonesia in March 2020, information about COVID-19 has become the headlines news in various mass media, newspaper, electronic and online. Every day, the information about the COVID-19 cases are easily obtained and shared by the public, especially information that comes from online media. Meanwhile, broadcasting and disseminating news by online media makes it easy for the public to get information update about COVID-19 quickly. But on the other side, the way of online media reporting that depend on how quick the news to deliver, often ignoring the element of accuracy in the news. This is violate the provisions that have been determined in the ethics of journalistic code. From the observations that has been done by several online media, COVID-19 reporting leads to a violation of the ethics of journalistic code. Its because the data that used as news material only comes from the COVID-19 Task Force, from national and regional levels. The data are immediately used as news without going through any further verification processes or checks and rechecks. As the result, the news that is done will cause refraction. Furthermore, there are some news that provides by online media which is openly mention the identity of the patient or victim of COVID-19. The study wants to answer how the Relevance of the Ethics of Journalistic Code to COVID-19 in Online Media through a qualitative descriptive method.Keywords: The Ethics of Journalistic Code, COVID-19, Online Medi


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    Bayesian is a method that can be used to overcome the uncertainty of a situation or data. The information obtained must be continuously updated so that it can foster trust as a result of the uncertainty of those conditions. In this study, the application of the Bayesian method to detect early symptoms of diseases on local red onion Palu plants based on the symptoms that appear will be carried out. Information about pests and diseases that attack local red onion Palu is needed to help farmers. As a result, they can deal with attacked diseases quickly and precisely. This is crucial conducted by considering that this plant is one of the mainstay commodities for farmers in Central Sulawesi Province whose production must continue to be increased. Pests and diseases can be diagnosed through visible symptoms.The sample is local red onion Palu that affected by pests and disesases which planted in the AIAT of Central Sulawesi by experiment. As a result, through these symptoms an expert system can then be created to do a diagnosis. An expert system is a system that seeks to adopt human knowledge to a computer that is built to solve problems like an expert. The created expert system to diagnose diseases uses the Bayesian method to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the obtained results from observations and experts. An expert system for diagnosis of pests and diseases is built on a web-based basis. This expert system has features and functions including the diagnosis of pests and diseases of the observed plants, viewing the results of the diagnosis and printing the results of the diagnosis. In addition, users can view information on pests and other diseases that attack plants. From the results of system testing that conducted by experts, this shows that the expert system is feasible to use to diagnose local red onion Palu plants which affected by pests and diseases with an accuracy point that has the largest percentage value

    PESAN FOTO JURNALISTIK PELANGGARAN SYARIAT ISLAM DI ACEH: (Analisis Semiotika Foto Pada Website Menatapaceh.com Harian Serambi Indonesia)

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    The focus in this study is to examine how does the meaning of photo jurnalism about the violation of Islamic Shari'ah that presented on the website Menatapaceh.com. The research is used descriptive qualitative method, which is discussing some photojournalism study with Roland Barthes semiotics analysis theory which is refers to some signs (denotation, connotation and myth). The photo for research sample is taken from the Menatapaceh.com which is have 6 (six) photos. Denotation on those six photos show us a clear meaning. But in terms of connotation there is not all photos have the six semiotics procedures of Roland Barthes connotation, there are only a few procedures that shown such as trick effect, object and photogenia. That is seen in some images is have cropping frames of some photos, color settings and lighting on the camera. The way photographers take the pictures is simplified, that make easy for readers to understand the messages contained in the photos. The true meaning of a photos is only know by the photographer himself. In that photojournalism which is found on the website Menatapaceh.com all contain three elements of Roland Barthes semiotics theory it's the denotation, connotation and myth

    Penolakan sentimen etnik dalam politik semasa Malaysia: kes pilihan raya kecil 2009 Bukit Selambau, Kedah = The rejection of the politics of ethnic sentiments in contemporary Malaysia: The case of the 2009 Bukit Selambau, Kedah by-election

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    Etnik merupakan faktor penting dalam mempengaruhi proses dan pola tingkahlaku politik di Malaysia. Dengan keadaan demografi dan struktur ekonomi penduduk Malaysia yang berbilang kaum maka politik perkauman telah sekian lama diterima oleh majoriti pengundi negara ini sejak merdeka. Bagaimanapun, politik perkauman telah tercabar dan ditumbangkan di beberapa negeri, termasuk Kedah, dalam pilihanraya umum 2008. Kertas ini menganalisis pendapat umum pra-pilihanraya oleh pelbagai etnik penduduk tempatan mengenai pilihan raya kecil DUN Bukit Selambau, Kedah dan membandingkannya dengan keputusan sebenar pilihanraya kecil tersebut . Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian pendapat umum ini menunjukkan bahawa 41.2 peratus responden Melayu, 45.5 peratus responden Cina dan 41.1 peratus responden India menyatakan PKR akan mengekalkan kerusi DUN Bukit Selambau. Dapatan ini adalah selaras dengan keputusan pilihan raya kecil pada 7 April 2009 yang memihak kepada PKR. Pada zahirnya keputusan pilihan raya kecil ini menunjukkan majoriti pengundi menolak politik perkauman Barisan Nasional dan menyokong ideologi ‘Makkal Sakthi’ atau kuasa rakyat PKR. Ia juga menunjukkan impak keputusan pilihan raya umum 2008 yang lalu masih kekal dimana pengundi memilih pakatan parti yang menguasai Kerajaan Negeri Kedah supaya wakil rakyat yang mereka pilih berpeluang dilantik sebagai EXCO Kerajaan Negeri. Keputusan pilihan raya kecil ini juga jelas menunjukkan bahawa pihak yang tewas iaitu BN perlu melakukan 'post mortem' secara terperinci, telus dan tegas bagi memperbaiki kelemahannya. Ini kerana apa yang berlaku dalam pilihan raya kecil tersebut tidak harus dilihat sebagai 'kalah di satu kerusi sahaja' tetapi perlu dilihat dalam skop yang lebih luas dalam menghadapi pilihan raya umum akan datang

    Comparison of basic friction angle in kinematic analysis

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    The kinematic analysis is a method in determining the types of failure modes for a rock slope. This analysis is referring to the motion of bodies without reference to the forces that cause them to move and depending on the relationship between slope geometry and internal friction angle of discontinuity plane or failure. The selection of friction angle type for kinematic analysis is an important aspect in term of cost, availability and reliability of testing, equipment and result. Then, kinematic analysis has been conducted by using the peak, basic and conventional friction angles values from triaxial test, tilt test and assumption, respectively for ten (10) selected slopes. Finally, the cheaper, most available and reliable result was shown by the basic friction angle and recommended for kinematic analysis


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    The kinematic analysis is a method in determining the types of failure modes for a rock slope. This analysis is referring to the motion of bodies without reference to the forces that cause them to move and depending on the relationship between slope geometry and internal friction angle of discontinuity plane or failure. The selection of friction angle type for kinematic analysis is an important aspect in term of cost, availability and reliability of testing, equipment and result. Then, kinematic analysis has been conducted by using the peak, basic and conventional friction angles values from triaxial test, tilt test and assumption, respectively for ten (10) selected slopes. Finally, the cheaper, most available and reliable result was shown by the basic friction angle and recommended for kinematic analysis

    Effect of graphene oxide (GO) and polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) additives on the hydrophilicity of composite polyethersulfone (PES) membrane

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    Membrane based separation system is considered as a promising technology to purify water, owing to its simplicity and efficiency in operation. However, the application is limited by membrane fouling, which can lead to the declination of water flux and premature failure of membrane. The fouling can be controlled through membrane surface modification by blending hydrophilic materials during the casting solution preparation. Polyethersulfone (PES) membrane is naturally hydrophobic due to lack of oxygen functional group, which limits its application in the filtration of water. Therefore, modification of PES-based membranes is required. In this work, modification of the PES membrane was carried out by incorporating carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene oxide (GO)) and a well-known organic polymer (polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)). The effect of each additive toward the hydrophilicity of composite PES membrane was then investigated. GO was synthesized using modified Hummers method due to its simpler and shorter process. Each additive was added during the casting solution preparation and the amount added was varied from 0.5 to 1.0 wt%. The resultant composite PES membranes were characterized using XRD, FTIR and TGA prior to hydrophilicity and pure water flux (PWF) measurement. It was observed that the additives (PVP and GO) have significantly affected the membranes hydrophilicity, resulting in lower contact angle and higher pure water flux. The highest value of PWF (230 L/m2.h) with lowest contact angle (42 °) were observed for PES-1.0GOPVP membrane due to high amount of GO and PVP. Improved PWF performance of composite PES-1.0GOPVP membrane was attributed to the better dispersibility of the PVP and GO and increased surface hydrophilicity of the modified composite membranes. This study indicated that PVP and GO are effective modifiers to enhance the performance of PES membrane

    Treasures of Sumatra

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    Tahun 2003 Museum Nasional Indonesia (MNI) dan Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden (RMV) mengawali suatu kesepakatan kerjasama. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama tersebut adalah penyelenggaraan pameran "Warisan Budaya Bersama atau Shared Cultural Haritage pada tahun 2005. Kerjasama tersebut tidak hanya sebatas pada penyelenggaraan pameran dan seminar di kedua negara, melainkan juga pada program-program pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SOM) di bidang penelitian koleksi, manajemen koleksi, dan edukasi. Kerjasama yang erat antara MNI dan RMV terus berlanjut hingga saat ini. Pada tahun ini kembali kami mewujudkan suatu penyelenggaraan pameran bersama yang secara khusus mengangkat kekayaan budaya Sumatera yang berjudul "Treasures of Sumatra". Tujuan utama penyelenggaraan pameran tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran kepada masyarakat akan warisan budaya umat manusia, khususnya warisan budaya bangsa Indonesia. Hal itu diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan rasa bangga terhadap bangsanya sekaligus untuk menumbuhkan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap pelestarian warisan budaya tersebut

    Hubungan ukuran kapal, panjang jaring, tenaga mesin, dan material rumpon terhadap hasil tangkapan purse seine: Studi kasus di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Idi Rayeuk, Kabupaten Aceh Timur

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    Abstract. Each region has different boat sizes, fishing gear sizes, engine power, and fish agregating device (FAD)material, allegedly having different catches. The relationship between the length of the net, engine power, fishing vessel size, usually influences the catch of the fish. This study aims to determine the effect of fishing vessel size, engine power, net length and FAD material on catches volume. The study was conducted using descriptive methods conducted on 14 February-14 March 2019 in Idie Rayeak, Aceh Timur, Aceh Province. Data were analyzed  by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that engine power, net length and FAD material had a significant effect on the catch volume, while the fishing vessel size had no significant effect on the catch volume.Keywords: fishing vessel size, length of net, engine power, FAD material Abstrak. Setiap daerah memiliki ukuran kapal, ukuran alat tangkap, tenaga mesin, serta material rumpon yang berbeda-beda, diduga memiliki hasil tangkapan yang berbeda pula. Hubungan antara panjang jaring, tenaga mesin, ukuran kapal, biasanya berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran kapal, tenaga mesin, panjang jaring dan material rumpon terhadap hasil tangkapan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif yang dilakukan pada bulan 14 Februari - 14 Maret 2019 di perairan Idi Rayeak Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh.  Data dianalisis  dengan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tenaga mesin, panjang jaring dan material rumpon mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan, sedangkan ukuran kapal tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan.Kata kunci: Ukuran kapal, panjang jaring, tenaga mesin, material rumpo

    Analisis Pemberitaan Sengketa Lahan STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh

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    The focus of this research is on the news of how AJNN.net informs the Controversy Area of Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh. To find out the content of the news text and how the message in the text is conveyed through the discourse constructed on the news, the author uses descriptive qualitative methods. To get some conclusion clear, intimately close and critical conclusions, some of the news in the media were analyzed using discourse analysis theory by Teun Van Dijk. there are six (6) elements of analysis that the author uses to review the news that has been selected.  The results found that during the conveyed news, the AJNN reporter did not convey the news in equal manner. The news was found without containing information verification from both informants (cover both sides)