21 research outputs found

    Implementasi Teori Belajar Humanistik pada Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi teori belajar humanistik pada pendidikan agama Islam serta mengetahui dampak teori belajar humanistik dalam pembentukan karakter religius. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis dan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Setelah data dikumpulkan kemudian di analisis menggunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 1) Implementasi teori belajar humanistik pada pembelajaran PAI terbagi menjadi perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pada tahap perencanaan, sebelum melaksanakan proses pembelajaran guru membuat perencanaan pembelajaran terlebih dahulu yang mana terdapat perencanaan khas Fathona yaitu menggunakan lesson plan. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, kegiatan belajar mengajar dilakukan dengan tujuh langkah pembelajaran yaitu pembukaan password, relaksasi awal pembelajaran, apersepsi pembelajaran, pretest, KBM inti, posttest, dan relaksasi akhir pembelajaran. Pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan dengan melakukan tanya jawab seputar materi pada hari itu. Siswa yang menjawab dengan benar maka akan mendapatkan bintang prestasi. Selain itu mengisi lembar keteladanan yang bisa kita terapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta mengisi ceklist ibadah atau perilaku terpuji yang sudah diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. 2) Adapun dampak pembelajaran yang humanis terhadap pembentukan karakter religius siswa bersifat vertical dan horizontal. Secara horizontal yakni mengawali segala kegiatan dengan bismillah, membaca doa sebelum dan sesudah belajar, menghafal surah-surah pendek, shalat dhuha dan dzuhur berjama’ah, sholat lima waktu, puasa sunnah, berdzikir serta membaca atau menyanyikan asmaul husna. Secara horizontal yakni tradisi salam sapa, sikap hormat siswa kepada guru dengan membungkukkan badan nya ketika lewat depan gurunya, tolong menolong saat teman susah, toleransi ketika ada perbedaan pendapat saat diskusi, bertanggung jawab, membantu pekerjaan orang tua, guru serta teman. &nbsp

    Binding gel characterization of alkali-activated binders based on palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and fly ash

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    Pastes of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and fly ash geopolymer activated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and combination of NaOH with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) were prepared and cured at 80 °C for a duration of 7, 28, and 90 days. The hydrated binding gel products were studied on phase, morphology, and bonding characterization. From these analyses, calcium–sodium–silicate–hydrate (C/N–S–H) gel type appear to form in sole POFA binder but at a very low Ca/Si ratio, while sole fly ash geopolymer binder consists of sodium–alumina–silicate–hydrate (N–A–S–H) binding gel product with a significant Na/Si ratio, regardless of activator types. When both precursors were used, a combination of both gel types was formed, however, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses show that the N–A–S–H gel is a more dominant product in the binder compared to the C/N–S–H gel. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    High Impact Educational Practice through First Year Experience: Case of Undergraduates in UNIMAS

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    A compulsory course known as Soft skills and Basic Volunteerism offered at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) adopted the High Impact EducationalPractices (HEIPs)through First YearExperience. This course aims at imparting soft skills among allstudents in UNIMAS, taken in their first semester of their program. The main course learning outcomes are to develop personal and social skills, academic skills, and conduct volunteerism activities. The course learning units were designed to assiststudents adapting smoothly to the new university environment while improving academic and people skills. A survey to gauge students’ perception about their learning skills was conducted before the course began and another survey was conducted after the course ended. In the assessment, the studentsreported group activitiesrelating to meeting faculty members and academic advisors as reflections in e-portfolio platforms. In terms of personal gain, the majority admitted to increased selfconfidence to communicate in English as a result of participating in public speaking, presentations and a variety of volunteering projects.Suggestionsforfuture includeout campus activities, useof high technology digitaltraining materials and diversification of assessmentreflective ofthe complete softskills cours

    Data Analysis of Fly Ash Geopolymer Compressive Strength Using Machine Learning Method

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    Geopolymer is an alternative material that is suitable to substitute Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to produce concrete. A mixture of geopolymer paste that binds coarse and fine aggregate and other unreacted materials together is called Geopolymer Concrete. Previous studies stated that alkaline activator molarity, water binder ratio, and type of activator played a significant role in the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete. Machine learning or artificial neural networks are particularly appropriate for modelling non-linear relationships, and they are characteristically used to accomplish pattern recognition and categorize objects or signals in vision, speech, and control systems. This research is to analyze compressive strength data sets of geopolymer concrete by using the machine learning method. The result comparison of compressive strength is divided into three parameters which are based on molarity, water binder ratio, and the type of activators in the ratio between sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3). The materials used for the preparation of geopolymer concrete in this study are fly ash as a binder, fine and coarse aggregates, water, sodium silicate sodium hydroxide, and (NaOH) (Na2SiO3) as activators. A total of 240 samples were cast and cured at 80 oC for 24 hours with 28 days age of maturity before it’s have been tested for the compressive strength. This study confirms that the molarity, water binding ratio, and the type of activator pointedly affect the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete. The compressive strength was further analyzed by MATLAB to observe the neural network and clustering of the compressive strength data. It is found that there are 9 clusters discovered. The clustering of the compressive strength shows that there is a likeness of material usage in the creation of Geopolymer Concrete

    Morphology and Optical Properties Analysis of Cu2+ Doped ZnO for Preparation Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)

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    This research reported Cu2+ un-doped (pure) and doped ZnO semiconductors with variations in Cu2+ concentrations of 3%, 4% and 5% through the sol gel method which aims to determine the morphology and optical properties of ZnO has been investigated. In addition, ZnO film was coated using the doctor blade method with the addition of chlorophyll as a dye sensitizer. Morphological and elemental content tests were carried out using SEM and EDS. The optical properties were analyzed by taking Transmittance data using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. SEM analysis with 9900X magnification showed that all samples had small grain sizes and the pores formed were uneven (heterogeneous). The EDS analysis showed that all samples had a higher concentration of zinc by weight than oxygen. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer analysis shows that the transmittance value without dye is lower than using Dye. The addition of Cu2+ concentration affects the morphology and optical properties of ZnO. The higher the addition of Cu2+ added chlorophyll, the higher the absorbance value, so that the transmittance value decreases. The addition of 4% concentration showed the maximum value of chlorophyll as a sensitizer

    Comparison of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Fly Ash Geopolymer in Water and Chloride Environment

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    In cement industry, the emissions of greenhouse gases specifically CO2 from the clinker production led to the need of alternative binders. Geopolymer binder whose precursors are sourced from industrial by-products such as fly ash that are rich is silica and alumina has been studied extensively in the past decades. Chloride attack is one of the threats to concrete structures. Analysis at microstructural level needs to be studied carefully before this binder can be used with confidence. This study attempts to compare the properties of fly ash geopolymer binder when exposed in water and chloride solution. Fly ash geopolymer pastes were prepared using 12M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as activator. The pastes were tested under two separate curing conditions, i.e in ambient and in distilled water. Compressive strength test along with microstructure properties of samples cured at 7, 14 and 28 days were conducted via Universal testing machine, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). After 28 days of curing, these samples were immersed in 10% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution for another 56 days. Samples cured in ambient condition showed better mechanical performance than those in distilled water. Their differences in compressive strength were also seen consistent with the FTIR results. Samples exposed to NaCl and distilled water showed similar mechanical performance and microstructural properties. Based on SEM-EDX analysis, samples cured in ambient were rich in silica and alumina while the intensity of these compounds were observed to reduce when exposed to distilled water. Samples cured in ambient showed stronger intensity of Si/Al gel as compared to samples exposed to chloride environment and distilled water and these were consistent with the compressive strength results obtained. When immersed in water, concentration gradient changes in the liquid phases, leading to ions diffusion and causing decrement in strength and durability of the solids in fly ash geopolymer

    Comparison of Microstructural Properties of One- and Two- Part Fly Ash Geopolymer Concretes

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    Geopolymerisation is a chemical process involving reacting raw aluminosilicate minerals with alkali activators such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide to produce a geopolymer binder. In most cases, anhydrous activator is typically made by dilution with water to form a liquid activator before being blended with other raw components such as sand and coarse aggregates. This traditional approach, also known as two-part mixing, can be hazardous due to the corrosive nature of the liquid activator, making it difficult to mix huge volumes of concrete. In recent years, a one-part mix or “just add water” geopolymer concrete has been proposed as a simpler mixing method to minimise mixing time and improve the perception of geopolymer concretes. Similar to the preparation of typical Portland cement concretes, a one-part mix is performed in which all of the dry ingredients, including the solid activator, are initially combined together before water is eventually added to the mix. As a result, the aim of the research is to compare these two geopolymer concrete types, as well as how these mixing processes affect the mechanical strength and microstructural properties of fly ash geopolymer concretes. This study also compares the effects of the activators used, which included sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH). Microstructural investigation was performed through Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). It was observed that one-part geopolymer concrete using NaOH as activator shows higher mechanical strength. The fly ash geopolymer binder study reveals that sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gels and potassium aluminosilicate hydrate (K-A-S-H) gels are the binding gels formed in one-part and two-part mixing methods at different alkali activators with the formation of N-A-S-H gels is faster with NaOH activator than with KOH. It may be inferred that one-part geopolymer concretes perform better than two-part geopolymer concrete mixtures, and that NaOH activated concretes exhibit more desired characteristics than KOH activated concretes. It can be concluded that one-part geopolymer concretes perform better compared to two-part mix of geopolymer concretes and NaOH-activated concretes gives desirable properties compared than KOH

    Characterization of Alkali-Activated Palm Oil Fuel Ash Pastes as a Function of Calcination Temperatures of Raw Precursor

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    This research investigates the influence of calcination temperatures of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) on the properties of the raw precursor and its hardened binder after alkali activation.The raw POFA obtained from palm oil mill is treated at 500°C, 600°C, and 700°C for approximately 6 h. The treated POFA (TPOFA) is characterized for particle size distributions and chemical compositions by X-ray fluorescence (XRF); microstructural properties by observing through scanning electron microscopy (SEM); and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for molecular functional groups. Pastes of alkali-activated POFA (AAPOFA) are synthesized with 12 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as alkali activator where the liquid to binder ratio is 0.4. Calcination temperatures are observed to have some influences on the physical properties (such as color, texture, particle size and fineness) and chemical properties (such as composition and reactivity) of the raw precursor. These properties control microstructural evolution of hardened pastes, compressive strength and capillary sorptivity properties of the hardened pastes. Overall results show 500°C is the optimum calcination temperature for POFA that contributes to comparable strength and lowest permeability of AAPOFA binders