48 research outputs found

    Comparison of some Prunus ursine K.y. Genotypes Prevailing in the Western Areas of Syria in Terms of Seed Content from Oil and Protein, مقارنة بعض طرز خوخ الدب Prunus ursina K.y. المنتشرة في المنطقة الغربية من سورية من حيث محتوى البذور من الزيت والبروتين

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    This study was carried out during 2015 (in the Western Areas of Syria), to determine the percentage of protein and oil in the seeds of some distribution phenotypes of Prunus ursina K.Y. in different regions of Westrens of Syria. six natural distribution sites were determined (Duerbsndiana, Alnabeen, Alshohtte, Helata, Btmazah and Wadeheleen), and 35 trees were determined as samples. The fruits were collected and seeded at full maturity phase. Percentage of protein and oil was also determined. Data was taken for ANOVA analysis using the statistical Software Costat. Comparision of averages at significance level 5% was made. The percentage of protein ranged between 20.9% in KA5 seeds and 37.7% in J5 seeds that showed significance over other genotypes. The percentage of oil ranged between 27.7% in J5 seeds and 45.6% in K3 seeds that showed significance over other genotypes.The affinity tree using the software NTSYS showed the distribution of studied genotypes into two groups(A,B). groups A belongs to genotypes (J7, J6, K4) prevailing in two geographically distant sites (Alnabeen and Duerbsndiana), whil The other genotypes belong to group B and prevail in all study sites. نفذ البحث خلال العام 2015 في المنطقة الغربية من سورية، بهدف تحديد النسبة المئوية للبروتين والزيت في بذور بعض طرز خوخ الدب Prunus ursina K.Y. المنتشرة في مواقع مختلفة من المنطقة الغربية من سورية. حددت ستة مواقع طبيعية لانتشار هذا النوع، هي: (دوير بسنديانة، النبعين، الشوح طي، حيلاتا، بتمازة، ووادي حيلين). وتم تحديد 35 طرازاً إجراء الدراسة عليها. جمعت الثمار في مرحلة النضج الكامل، واستخلصت البذور، ثم حددت النسب المئوية للبروتين والزيت في البذور. أخضعت المعطيات تحليل التباين ANOVA باستخدام برنامج التحليل الإحصائي Costat، وجرت المقارنة بين المتوسطات عند مستوى معنوية 5%. تراوحت نسبة البروتين بين 20.9% في بذور الطراز KA50، و37.7% في بذور الطراز J5، الذي تفوق معنوياً على بقية الطرز، وتراوحت بسبة الزيت بين 27.7% في بذور الطراز J5، و45.6% في بذور الطراز K3 الذي تفوق معنوياً على بقية الطرز. بينت شجرة القرابة باستخدام برنامج NTSYS توزع الطرز المدروسة ضمن مجموعتين (A-B)، وضمت المجموعة الأولى A الطرز (J7,J6,K) الموجودة في موقعين متباعدين جغرافياً، وهما النبعين ودوير بسنديانة، في حين ضمت المجموعة B بقية الطرز التي انتشرت في جميع مواقع الدراسة

    Optimum Functional Splits for Optimizing Energy Consumption in V-RAN

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    A virtualized radio access network (V-RAN) is considered one of the key research points in the development of 5G and the interception of machine learning algorithms in the Telecom industry. Recent technological advancements in Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) are the main blocks towards V-RAN that have enabled the virtualization of dual-site processing instead of all BBU processing as in the traditional RAN. As a result, several types of research discussed the trade-off between power and bandwidth consumption in V-RAN. Processing at remote locations instead of BBU reduces mid-haul bandwidth at the expense of power consumption and vice versa. As a result, the integration of NFV and SDR in V-RAN facilitates dynamic power consumption and processing whenever relaxation is needed. This paper studies several functional splits proposed by ETSI in the NFV of the dual-site network. In addition, network performance is analyzed in terms of data rate, power consumption, and energy efficiency (EE) optimization. Furthermore, the combined optimization of power consumption and mid-haul bandwidth are investigated, and optimal operating parameters are recommended for similar network operators. Thus, regulators/operators can adjust their networks with these parameters to achieve the best performance. Additionally, the UEs switching scheme is introduced to sleep some RRHs in low-density traffic to lessen power consumption

    A Review of Machine learning Use-Cases in Telecommunication Industry in the 5G Era

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    With the development of the 5G and Internet of things (IoT) applications, which lead to an enormous amount of data, the need for efficient data-driven algorithms has become crucial. Security concerns are therefore expected to be raised using state-of-the-art information technology (IT) as data may be vulnerable to remote attacks. As a result, this paper provides a high-level overview of machine-learning use-cases for data-driven, maintaining security, or easing telecommunications operating processes. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing the role of machine learning in the telecommunications sector in terms of network operation

    Lacrimal stenting versus three-snip punctoplasty for treatment of punctal stenosis or occlusion: An open-label, randomized clinical trial

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    Background: To compare the short-term anatomical and functional outcomes of, as well as patient satisfaction with, lacrimal stenting and three-snip punctoplasty for the treatment of punctal stenosis or occlusion. Methods: In this open-label, randomized clinical trial, we included 50 eyes of 30 patients diagnosed with punctal stenosis or occlusion. They were randomly allocated to two groups of 25 eyes each, using central telephone randomization. Group A underwent a lacrimal stenting procedure and was subdivided into two subgroups: Group A1 (13 eyes) received polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated perforated punctal plugs, and Group A2 (12 eyes) received closed intubation using a bicanalicular silicon tube. Group B included 25 eyes that underwent three-snip punctoplasty. All eyes were examined after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. Postoperative anatomical success assessing the punctum size, functional success using the fluorescein disappearance test, and patient satisfaction based on epiphora scoring were recorded. Results: Both study groups were comparable in terms of sex and age distribution. Compared to Group B, Group A had a significantly larger punctum size at one, three, and 6-month postoperatively (P = 0.009, 0.01, and 0.02, respectively). The difference in FDT results was significant between the two groups at all follow-up visits (P = 0.008, 0.0001, 0.003, and 0.002, at postoperative one week, one-months, three-month, and six-month, respectively). Likewise, patient satisfaction was significantly different between both groups at all follow-up visits (P = 0.007, 0.001, 0.005, and 0.002, at postoperative one week, one-months, three-month, and six-month, respectively). Conclusions: Lacrimal stenting is an effective method for the treatment of punctal stenosis or occlusion. Overall, the FDT results and patient satisfaction outcomes were significantly better

    دراسة تحليلة اقتصادية لإنتاج غراس الزيتون في مشتل الهنادي

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     تمّ تنفيذُ البحث في محافظة اللاذقية (مشتل الهنادي)، إذ يُعدّ من أهمّ المراكز الإنتاجية في المجال الزراعي، وتمّ إجراء الدراسة الاقتصادية في مركز لإنتاج غراس الزيتون، الذي يختصُّ بإنتاج أنواعٍ مختلفةٍ من غراس الزيتون: (الخضيري، الصوراني، الدرملي والسكري).  هدف البحث إلى دراسة واقع إنتاج غراس الزيتون في مشتل الهنادي الزراعي خلال الفترة (2016-2021)، ودراسة الكفاءة الاقتصادية لإنتاج غراس الزيتون في المشتل، وذلك باستخدام أساليب التحليل الوصفي، وبالاعتماد على بيانات المشتل التي جمعت خلال عام 2021، متضمّنة خصائص المشتل وحساب التكاليف والإيرادات.      بيَّنت النتائج أنّ إنتاج الغراس في مشتل الزيتون تزايد بشكل ملحوظ خلال الفترة المدروسة، وأنّ عملية إنتاج الغراس هي عملية مربحة بالنّظر إلى الأرباح الصّافية التي حققها المشتل حيث بلغت نسبة الربح 30%والكفاءة الاقتصادية 1.5، كما تبيّن ارتفاع نسبة الغراس المدورّة ضمن المشتل بشكل كبير. مما يشير إلى أنّ تسويق الغراس هو العامل الحاسم في تحديد محصلة العملية الإنتاجية. وهذا يتطلب إعادة النظر بخطة إنتاج الغراس كمّاً ونوعاً في مشتل الزيتون، وتخفيض الكميات المنتجة من الغراس، حتى يستطيع المشتل زيادة أرباحه بشكل أكبر مما هو في الوقت الحالي

    Board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility: A bibliometric analysis.

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    The objective of this study to analyze developments in relating to board gender diversity (BGD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) research and provide future researchers with new avenues for research in the field. A bibliometric analysis was conducted by focusing on the most productive articles, authors, journals, institutions, sponsors, and countries and as co-occurrence analyses based on 1961 peer-reviewed articles published between January 1966 and April 2021 in the Scopus database. Results revealed that the number of publications relevant to BGD and CSR has been gradually increasing, and a significant increase has been observed since 2010. Keywords such as "gender," "gender equality," "sustainable development," and "corporate social responsibility" reveal the key themes in BGD and CSR research. Cluster analysis revealed three clusters: Cluster 1 focused primarily on the board composition and board structure, Cluster 2 focused on board composition and its connection to CSR or philanthropy, and Cluster 3 (comprising more recent articles) mainly stressed the impact of gender diversity on CSR or sustainability initiatives. Results also provided different implications with future research directions. It reveals the collaboration between authors in conducting research in the domain of BGD and CSR is still lacking, suggesting further research in collaboration different authors in CSR and BGD. Journal of business ethics, Corporate governance: an international review, and Academy of management journal were the top-ranking journals in term of source co-citation, and thus journals ought to be further expanded more research in CSR and BGD to enhance their source co-citations. The most productive sponsors and institutions were in developed countries, while country co-authorship analysis revealed more research need to cooperatively be undertaken in developing countries

    Energy Optimization and Cost Reduction in Water Distribution Networks

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    Since the majority of energy consumed by water supply systems is used in transporting and distributing water, in addition to the energy required to pump the water from its sources, energy consumption is significantly associated with the water demand. Several studies have been carried out to optimize pump operations to achieve appropriate pressure and reduce the energy associated with controlling water levels in storage facilities. In this paper, we develop an optimization and decision support technique for a Water Distribution Network (WDN) that considers energy efficiency by limiting the energy consumption of transport and distribution water operations. Therefore, three considerations are taken into account to reduce energy usage, which are: a) the tank demand pattern is redistributed using a genetic algorithm; b) the reservoir serving pattern is governed by game theory c) a decision-making algorithm is also proposed to select the best-suited controlling setting of the pump and valves based on the other two considerations

    Shaping convicts to become potential entrepreneurs

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    Prison is a correctional institution to form and correct the behavior of prisoners so as to be in line with the requirements of the norm and also the values of society. A convict is a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court. A person serving a sentence in prison is known as prisoner or inmate undergoing a sentence of imprisonment. While undergoing punishment in prison, convicts also undergoing entrepreneurial skills training with the hoped that when they have completed their time in prison, they would not return repeated crimes and return to prison. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to review the profiles of convicts and to assess the level of entrepreneurial intention among convicts who have followed conviction entrepreneurial skills training in prison. The samples consist of 300 convicts taken at random from one of the correctional institution in Malaysia. Data were collected at random using questionnaire instrument and analyzed using a descriptive statistics comprising of mean score, standard deviation, frequency, percentage and ranking. The study found that convicts who have followed the conviction entrepreneurial skills training program while in the prison have a high level of entrepreneurial intention with a mean score 4.12 and standard deviation 0.561. This study showed that entrepreneurial skills training undergoing by these convicts, and followed by their sentenced conviction while completing their punishment in prison, they have been able to foster a high level of entrepreneurial intention. Implications of the study showed that convicts that undergoing entrepreneurial skills training have the potential to be shaped up into becoming entrepreneurs. Therefore, a comprehensive entrepreneurial training program, entrepreneurship education and support program should be planned and implemented for convicts to assist and prepare them for their new and potential future business venture. This can give way to convicts as their willingness to make entrepreneurship as a career option after they get out of jail later

    Egyptian Needs and the Water Resources Under the Agreements Among the Nile River Basin Countries

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    Abstract: Water is Egypt issue today, and its danger is increasing in the future years. Egypt is considered one of the poorest 35 countries in the world,its ownership of freshwater resources, where Egyptian citizen share in 1947year was reached about 2604 m 3 / year, it decreased over the years following that reached 860 m 3 / year in 2003, possibly the individual share will decrease to 582 m 3 / year in 2025, due to the available water resources for agriculture is limited, the future demand increasing for the purposes of horizontal and vertical expansion in cultivated area, the low efficiency of availability use of it, in addition to the obstacles in the traditional sources use, and as a result of the increase in population with demand for water is increased,and the available renewable water resources are constant, which led to increase the water problem in Egypt, Therefore, the study aimed to Identify the current available of Egyptian needs, water resources, individual share average of water, and identify the periods of abundance,scarcity and water poverty through the presentation of the various water agreements among the Nile River Basin countries, The study proved that total water needs reached about 69

    A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on body weight in healthy subjects aged 16 years and above

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