37 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Pendidikan Kesehatan Lingkungan Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    : The Construction of Environmental Health Education in Islamic Perspective. Islam as a way of life not only explains the ideological dimension and religious rituals, but also gives enlightening to people about the environment. In Islamic perspective, man is expected to foster a harmonious relationship not only with God as the creator, with other human beings, but also with nature. This article is a library research that examines Islam\u27s opinion about the educational concept of environmental health. It was found that although the modern Western world has proclaimed the urgency of environmental education, Islam for a long time gives a detailed description about the urgency of environmental education for the benefit of mankind. Islam asserts the obligation for every Muslim to utilize, maintain and protect nature in a wise, and the direction effort is part of subservience and worship to Allah


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    Factors Influencing the Prevention of Hypertension in the Working Area of Martubung Health Center, Medan Labuhan District

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    The objective of the study was to identify the factors that influence the prevention of hypertension in the Martubung Public Health Center's service area in the Labuhan District of Medan.The research design employed a quantitative method that was implemented through an analytical survey employing the Cross Sectional Study methodology. The cohort of this research consisted of hypertensive patients who visited as many as 712 patients. With the technique of Accidental Sampling, 88 respondents comprised the sample. The analysis of data employed univariate, bivariate, and multivariate methods.Knowledge p = 0.000, attitude p = 0.000, culture p = 0.008, diet p = 0.000, physical activity p = 0.000, and the role of health workers p = 0.001 were found to have an effect on hypertension prevention at the Martubung Public Health Center in the Medan Labuhan District. While knowledge is the most influential factor, p = 0.001 with 95% CI = 5.663-201,428 and Exp(B) = 104,118.This study concludes that knowledge, attitude, culture, diet, physical activity, and the function of health employees influence the prevention of hypertension at the Martubung Public Health Center in the Labuhan District of Medan. It is recommended that the Martbung Health Center optimize the counseling and dissemination of health information related to health promotion, general and special protection, and regular health checks in accordance with the program currently being implemented by the government, so that the community can actively participate in realizing healthy behavior, including the management of noncommunicable diseases


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    Abstrak: Islam sebagai agama sempurna bukan saja menjelaskan dimensi ideologis dan ritual agama saja, tetapi juga memberikan pencerahan kepada manusia tentang lingkungan. Dalam perspektif Islam, manusia diharapkan mampu membina relasi yang harmonis bukan saja dengan Allah sebagai pencipta, dengan manusia lainnya, tetapi juga dengan alam. Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan yang mengkaji pandangan Islam tentang konsep pendidikan kesehatan lingkungan hidup. Ditemukan bahwa meskipun dunia Barat modern telah mencanangkan urgensi pendidikan lingkungan hidup, agama Islam sejak lama memberikan gambaran detil tentang urgensi pendidikan lingkungan hidup untuk kemaslahatan manusia. Islam menegaskan perihal kewajiban setiap Muslim untuk memanfaatkan, memelihara dan melindungi alam secara arif, dan upaya ke arah tersebut merupakan bagian dari sikap tunduk dan ibadah kepada Allah Swt. Abstract: The Construction of Environmental Health Education in Islamic Perspective. Islam as a way of life not only explains the ideological dimension and religious rituals, but also gives enlightening to people about the environment. In Islamic perspective, man is expected to foster a harmonious relationship not only with God as the creator, with other human beings, but also with nature. This article is a library research that examines Islam’s opinion about the educational concept of environmental health. It was found that although the modern Western world has proclaimed the urgency of environmental education, Islam for a long time gives a detailed description about the urgency of environmental education for the benefit of mankind. Islam asserts the obligation for every Muslim to utilize, maintain and protect nature in a wise, and the direction effort is part of subservience and worship to Allah. Kata Kunci: Islam, al-Qur’an, hadis, pendidikan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidu

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Emergency Nurses in Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Public Hospital

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    Emergency Room (IGD) as one of the first entry points for patients to the hospital, will indirectly provide an overview of hospital services as a whole. Data on emergency visits of patients at Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Hospital in the January - May 2020 period were 2,685 patients and experienced a significant decrease every month. The research objective was to analyze the factors that influence the performance of emergency room nurses at the Tebing Tinggi Bhayangkara General Hospital in 2020. The research design used a descriptive analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The population in the study were all nurses who served in the IGD at the Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Hospital in 2020 totaling 32 people. The sample uses the otal population. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis using logistic regression tests.The results of the study using logistic regression showed the sig. each variable, namely the variable ability (0.578), skills (0.011), motivation (0.129), reward (0.013), infrastructure (0.855) and the value of Exp (B) the largest = 26.633 in the variable reward. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant effect of skills and rewards on the performance of nurses in the IGD at the Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Hospital and the variables that have no significant effect are ability, motivation and infrastructure


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    Knowledge and social stigma can influence the behavior of TB sufferers in seeking treatment in order to free themselves from the disease and obtain health recovery. This study aims to analyze the effect of knowledge and social stigma of tuberculosis on treatment-seeking behavior. This research is quantitative research conducted in the working area of ​​Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency. The sample in the study was 60 people consisting of 30 TB patients and 30 people from the community. Research data in the form of primary data, secondary data, and tertiary data. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was no effect of patient knowledge on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with p = 0.563 > 0.05. There is no influence of internal stigma on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with a p-value = 0.565 > 0.05. There is an influence of public knowledge on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with a p-value = 0.027 <0.05. There is an influence of external stigma on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients in the working area of the Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency with p = 0.030 <0.05. Based on this, it is recommended that the results of this study be used as input for the Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency to make programs and evaluations in dealing with health problems, especially cases of pulmonary TB

    The Optimization of Human Resource’s Performance in Islamic Microfinance Institutions Through Job Analysis and Competency Model

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    Abstract. This study aims to develop a standard job analysis and human resource competency model for Islamic Micro Finance Institutions (Baitul Maal wat Tamwil), so it could be a reference for others, providing a standard professional human resources management on MFIs. This research is a field study designed as a survey, through the method of interviewing job holders and the supervisor with direct observation of the activities of field staffs. The data was analysed in the form of a verbal description of qualitative data. The main activity of the staff of MFIs is to encourage the low economic community through the activities of saving and financing. MFIs main characteristic is the principle of being directly in the field thus forming networks through regular meetings and maintaining a reliable service. MFIs personnel competency model consists of a cluster model based on teamwork/collaboration, customer focus, and communication competencies; technical cluster includes technical expertise and managing work competencies; and personal cluster is integrity, achievement orientation, and self-control competencies.Keywords: Baitul Mal Wattamwi, competency model, job description, job specification, micro finance institutio

    The Effectiveness of Stress Management and Physical Activity to Working Stress Reduction on Nurses

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    From the first forty cases of working stress on workers, work stress incidence on nurses is located at the top of the list. The suitable handling and management for nurses are crucially required. Working stress management is a program to help someone overcome stress. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of stress management and physical activity towards working stress on nurses in TK II Putri Hijau Hospital. This research is using a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this research consists of 152 people and all of them are being examined using stress questionnaires to earn the stress level. Nurses who have medium stress level are chosen to be the samples of this research, which consist of 42 nurses that are being divided into 2 groups with 21 people in each group. Therefore, 21 people obtain stress management training treatment, and the other 21 people receive physical activity treatment. In this research, the Stress Scale (PSS-10) which is a self-report questionnaire is being used. Moreover, the data is processed using parametric analysis, which is Wilcoxon. Based on the research, it is found that stress management training and physical activity has a significant effect on the reduction of nurses working stress in TK II Putri Hijau Hospital Medan

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Achievement of the Immunization Program at Community Health Center Patek Darul Hikmah District Aceh Jaya

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    Complete immunization in healthy Indonesia demonstrates the importance and benefits of immunization for the health of children and the world community, addresses the immunization coverage gap through increased program investment, and conveys that complete routine immunization is the basis for strong health. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors that influence the achievement of the immunization program at the Patek Health Center, Darul Hikmah District, Aceh Jaya Regency. This qualitative study contained a sample of 10 people, namely 3 main informants from the Head of the Patek Health Center, 1 immunization Programmer and 1 Implementing Midwife and 5 Village Midwives supporting informants and 2 Community. The results of the research explained by informants that Facilities and infrastructure Although there are still mothers who still do not want to bring their children to immunization, Process (planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation) Planning for immunization activities every month, implementing posyandu not for immunization at Puskesmas, Monitoring monitoring of the local area (PWS), Evaluation of the level of immunization coverage for measles has not been achieved properly. The output of this activity is carried out with cross-programme, cross-sectoral collaboration, professional organizations, NGOs, and community officers/cadres. and Outcome of immunization achievement did not reach 85%. Conclusions and Suggestions It is hoped that as input for the Patek Health Center, Darul Hikmah District, that research provides a positive discourse to further improve the quality of Immunization Program Achievements so that it runs effectively

    Analysis of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 44 of 2016 concerning Public Health Center Management

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    The Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Number 44 of 2016 provides guidelines for puskesmas so that they can apply the puskesmas management pattern properly and correctly. The initial data obtained by the Pegasing Health Center has not fully implemented the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2016 concerning management guidelines. The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 44 of 2016 concerning Public Health Center management at Pegasing Public Health Center, Central Aceh Regency. The research design used qualitative methods. The informant was the head of the puskesmas, the head of administration, the head of the admin, the head of the UKP, and the head of the UKM. The data were analyzed through the stages of reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that planning, mobilization and implementation, monitoring control and performance appraisal were not carried out according to the Minister of Health No. 44 of 2016, the commitment was there but not all staff knew, the management team had not been formed, there was still a lack of staff awareness regarding the Minister of Health No. 44 of 2016. The conclusion of this study is that the Minister of Health Regulation No. 44 of 2016 does not work, organizational commitment has not been socialized, there is no management team formation, lack of concern, lack of solid team work. lack of staff knowledge and employee responsibilities