3 research outputs found

    Model Problems Effectiveness of Handling System Complaints of National Health Warranty Service in the Office of the Social National Security Agency Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Currently public service is required to compete in fulfilling and providing the best service for the community. Quality public services will be a key indicator of customer satisfaction. The national health insurance program (NHI) is implemented in 2014 by the National Social Security Implementing Agency, it is expected that by 2019 it will reach Universal Health coverage, so that prompt, timely and sustainable service will be the public's expectation in general. The objective of the research is to analyze the effectiveness of complaint handling system of Card Membership Services at the National Social Security Implementing Agency (SSIA) Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, to model problem and solution of effectiveness problem of complaint handling of health service of National Social Security. Type of qualitative research, using case study approach. Informants are patients and SSIA officers. Data collection using in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The result of the research shows that the handling of complaints of NHI membership service in SSIA office has not been fully effective. In its implementation, there are problems in service mechanism including lack of clarification of the officer about the handling of complaints, lack of complaints handling solution, lack of clarity of complaint handling information, lack of sympathy handling complaints, lack of accuracy of complaint handling, lack of speed of complaint handling, not as desired, and some Handling convoluted complaints. Conclusion; the implementation of complaint handling of  NHI membership service in SSIA office still less effective, there are some problems faced that is on organizational behavior aspect and service mechanism. Recommendation; the need for SSIA Parties to improve policy, improve service management, education and training for officers, and fulfillment of service resource needs

    Model of Problems Effectiveness of Coordination Systems of Partnership of National Health Warehold on Service Offices of the Agency of Social National Security Agency Province Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia

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    National Social Security Implementing Agency (SSIA), since 2014 has been given the task and authority in the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) membership services, is expected to complete the target by 2019 reaches the Universal Health Coverage targets. In order to create a fast and precise service, the coordination function of SSIA service should be improved between service sections. The objective of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of NHI Card Membership Service Coordination at the Service Office of National Social Security Implementing Agency of Southeast Sulawesi Province, to model problem and solution problem of effectiveness of coordination system of participation service of National Health Insurance. Type of qualitative research, using case study approach. The research informants were patients and SSIA officers. Data collection using in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The result of the research shows that generally the coordination system of National Social Security implementation in SSIA Office has not been entirely effective. The implementation still faced problems such as lack of information on the participants in terms of coordination of officers in the service, coordination of officers less quickly, coordination of officers less appropriate, coordination of officers less expectations, and less coordination between officers. Conclusion; the implementation of coordination system of National Health Insurance membership service in SSIA office has not been fully effective. Recommendation; the need for SSIA Parties to improve policies, improve service management, education and training for officers, and the fulfillment of service resources needs


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    JURNAL MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIAAbstrak\ud \ud Stres kerja dianggap sebagai salah satu risiko pekerjaan yang paling penting di era modern. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis beberapa factor yang berhubungan dengan stres kerja pada perawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan Cross Sectional Study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat yang telah bertugas di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara minimal 1 tahun sebanyak 200 responden yang terdiri dari 123 perawat dari unit rawat inap, 36 perawat dari unit rawat jalan, 19 perawat dari ICU/ICCU dan 22 perawat dari IGD. Penarikan sampel dengan cara proportionate stratified random sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Chi-square test yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara keamanan kerja dengan stress kerja pada perawat (nilai p=0,000; C=0,478), ada hubungan antara interaksi terhadap atasan dengan stress kerja pada perawat (nilai p=0,000; C=0,374), ada hubungan antara relasi rekan kerja dengan stress kerja pada perawat (p=0,000; C=0,381), ada hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan stress kerja pada perawat (p=0,000; C=0,600), dan tidak ada hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan dengan stress kerja pada perawat (p=0,206; C=0,122). Berdasarkan hasil uji multivariate diperoleh tipe kepribadian merupakan factor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap stres kerja pada perawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2013 dengan nilai Wald 23,215 (sig. = 0,000) berpengaruh 11,767 kali terhadap stres kerja pada perawat. Probabilitas untuk mengalami stress kerja apabila responden memiliki tipe kepribadian A adalah sebesar 79,93%. Perlu dukungan dari pihak Rumah Sakit agar tercipta lingkungan kerja yang aman dan nyaman untuk menurunkan stress kerja pada perawat.\ud \ud Kata kunci: keamanan kerja, interaksi pada atasan, relasi rekan kerja, tipe kepribadian, gaya kepemimpinan