185 research outputs found

    MODEL 3W3S DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN MENERJEMAHKAN WACANA BAHASA JEPANG : Penelitian Eksperimen Kuasi Terhadap Mahasiswa Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang UPI Tingkat 3 kelas 6-B Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Di era globalisasi ini, dengan menerjemahkan kita dapat melakukan proses transfer ilmu-ilmu dari bahasa asing ke dalam bahasa ibu yang bermanfaat. Sehingga nantinya orang-orang khususnya orang Indonesia dapat memperluas wawasan dengan membaca bentuk-bentuk bacaan dari hasil terjemahan. Namun pada kenyataannya bagi orang Indonesia, bahasa Jepang merupakan bahasa yang sulit untuk dipelajari. Kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa Jepang tersebut salah satunya adalah kemampuan menerjemahkan. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, peneliti melakukan penelitian mengenai penerapan model pembelajaran 3W3S dalam proses pembelajaran menerjemahkan wacana bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan menerjemahkan wacana bahasa Jepang dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran 3W3S. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain One Group Pre-test Post-test design. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus yang dilakukan pada kelas 6-B Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sebagai objek uji coba pada penerapan model pembelajaran 3W3S. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu pre-test, post-test, dan angket. Dari hasil analisis data, diketahui nilai rata-rata pre-test sebesar 64,15 dan post-test sebesar 81,3 dengan db = 19, sehingga thitung yang diperoleh sebesar 13,50. thitung tersebut lebih besar dari pada ttabel dengan taraf signifikansi 5% = 2,09 dan 1% = 2,86. Dengan begitu Hk diterima yang artinya penerapan model pembelajaran 3W3S dalam pembelajaran menerjemahkan efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menerjemahkan wacana bahasa Jepang mahasiswa. Serta hasil analisis data angket, dapat dikatakan bahwa model pembelajaran 3W3S menarik dan diharapkan untuk bisa tetap digunakan dalam pembelajaran menerjemahkan. Selain itu, penting untuk dilakukannya penelitian lebih lanjut efektivitasnya dalam disiplin ilmu bahasa yang lain. ; In this globalization era, with translating, we can do the process transfer the knowledges from foreign language into mother language which is benefit. So that people especially Indonesian can expanding their perception with reading books, etc. from the translation result. But in fact for Indonesians, Japanese is a very difficult language to be learned. The difficulties in learning Japanese is the ability to translate. According to the background above, researcher do a research about 3W3S of learning model in learning process of translating discourse in Japanese. This research purpose is to get to know the improvement of the translating ability Japanese discourse with 3W3S learning model. The method research is Quasi Experiment with One Group Pre-test Post-test design. This research sample is 6-B graders of University students in Japanese education Department of Language and Literature Faculty Education Indonesia University of education as an experiment object in 3W3S learning model. The instrument are pretest, posttest and questionnaire. From the result of data analysis, the average value before the treatment is 64.15 and posttest is 81.3 with db = 19, so the t calculation is 13.50. The t calculation is higher than the t table in significant level 5% = 2.09 and 1% = 2.86. Because of that the hypothesis (Hk) is accepted that means 3W3S learning model in translating studies is effective to improve the ability to translate Japanese discourse students. And according to the questionnaire analysis result, 3W3S learning method is interesting and can be used in translating class in the future. Besides that, it’s important to do the research the effectiveness in another disciplines language class in the future

    Pemberian Wasiat Wajibah kepada Istri Non Muslim Menurut Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI NO. 16K/AG/2010

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    Beragamnya agama yang ada di Indonesia, menyebabkan perkawinan beda agama rentan terjadi. Perkawinan beda agama akan berimplikasi kepada adanya kewarisan beda agama jika salah satu pasangan meninggal dunia, sehingga akhirnya akan menjadi sengketa waris. Para ulama fikih telah sepakat bahwa antara muslim dengan non muslim tidak saling mewaris, meskipun sebagian ulama membolehkan terjadinya peralihan harta melalui wasiat wajibah. Secara normatif tidak ada hukum positif yang mendasari pemberian wasiat wajibah kepada istri yang tidak beragama Islam. Kompilasi Hukum Islam hanya mengatur wasiat wajibah kepada anak angkat atau orang tua angkat.  Kekosongan hukum tersebut kemudian mendorong Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia memberikan putusan untuk memberikan bagian harta dari suami/istri non muslim melalui mekanisme wasiat wajibah. Berdasarkan konsideran tersebut, maka perlu dipertanyakan bagaimana wasiat wajibah terhadap non muslim dalam perspektif KHI, serta apa yang menjadi dasar Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI memutuskan pemberian wasiat wajibah kepada istri non muslim. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan sumber data berasal dari data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pertimbangan yang menjadi dasar terbitnya Putusan Nomor 16 AK/G/2010 itu adalah rasa keadilan serya kemanusiaan, disebabkan istri telah mengabdikan dirinya selama 18 tahun dan bergaul dengan suami secara rukun dan baik

    Penerapan Unsur Sejarah Dalam Proses Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Sains KBSM Bagi Topik Optik

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    Salah satu daripada objektif kurikulum sains KBSM ialah menghargai kepentingan dan keindahan sains. Untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut, unsur sejarah perlu diperkenalkan kepada pelajar-pelajar. Kajian ini dibuat untuk mendedahkan unsur sejarah dalam pembelajaran sains. Perbincangan ditumpukan kepada topik optik iaitu Cahaya, Warna dan Penglihatan dalam sains KBSM disamping sejarah penemuan dan perkembangan penggunaannya yang digunakan dalam topik ini. Perbincangan lebih ditumpukan kepada kepelbagaian kaedah penemuan kamera lubang pin dalam optik yang telah digunakan oleh Ibnu al-Haitham, Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Battista della Porta, Jan Vermeer dan Louis Dagueree. Ada di antara penemuan yang dibincangkan boleh digunakan sebagai alternatif kepada kaedah yang digunakan kini namun terdapat juga penemuan yang tidak sesuai dan lebih berfungsi untuk memberikan pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang perkembangan pemikiran tokoh-tokoh sains terdahulu

    Winstedt Dan Pendidikan Orang Melayu

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    Winstedt's contribution to the development of the Malay language and literature is well-known to students of language and literary history in this country. However, the part he played in the retardation of Malay education whilst he was the Assistant Director of Education in the Straits Settlements and the colonial officer in charge of native education in the Federated Malay Status - is an instance in the history of education of this country that is not often realised by most people. As far as Winstedt is concerned, this is a paradox, most incongruous for one associated with a "love for the Malays and their language, and ... enthusiasm for their progress" (Bastin and Roolvink, 1967: 6). This article attemps to examine this lesser known, but highly significant role of Winstedt as the architect of Malay education

    The relevance of capital structure theories to consumer product firms at bursa Malaysia / Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi, Jaafar Pyeman and Ahmad Kasyidi Ismail.

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    This paper examines the relevance of Capital Structure Management theories to the value of consumer product firms listed at Bursa Malaysia. Within the framework of Modigliani-Miller and Trade-Off theories, this paper uses Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as an estimation model employing yearly panel data from the year 2010 to 2014. The test results from GMM indicate that earnings per share (EPS) and debt-equity ratio (D/E) have no significant relation with the firm’s value as represented by the closing price per share (CP). Even though the findings are rather alarming, one must admit that the Modigliani-Miller and Trade-Off theories are irrelevant to those consumer product companies at Bursa Malaysia. Perhaps, this is an indication that the efficient market hypothesis applicable to certain sectors at Bursa Malaysia

    The relevance of capital structure theories to consumer product firms at bursa Malaysia / Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi, Jaafar Pyeman and Ahmad Kasyidi Ismail.

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    This paper examines the relevance of Capital Structure Management theories to the value of consumer product firms listed at Bursa Malaysia. Within the framework of Modigliani-Miller and Trade-Off theories, this paper uses Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as an estimation model employing yearly panel data from the year 2010 to 2014. The test results from GMM indicate that earnings per share (EPS) and debt-equity ratio (D/E) have no significant relation with the firm’s value as represented by the closing price per share (CP). Even though the findings are rather alarming, one must admit that the Modigliani-Miller and Trade-Off theories are irrelevant to those consumer product companies at Bursa Malaysia. Perhaps, this is an indication that the efficient market hypothesis applicable to certain sectors at Bursa Malaysia

    Penyediaan kemudahan orang kurang upaya (OKU) di masjid-masjid: kajian kes di masjid-masjid daerah Batang Padang

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    Masyarakat melakukan pergerakan setiap hari untuk ke sesuatu tempat termasuklah pergerakan ke rumah ibadat. Pergerakan ke rumah ibadat melibatkan semua golongan termasuklah orang kurang upaya (OKU). Namun begitu, golongan OKU memerlukan kemudahan yang tersendiri bagi memudahkan pergerakan mereka ke rumah ibadat. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan penyediaan kemudahan untuk OKU di masjid-masjid seluruh daerah Batang Padang. Sebanyak 39 buah masjid yang terdapat di daerah ini telah dikaji berkaitan dengan penyediaan kemudahan OKU. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian dan temu bual untuk meneliti kemudahan OKU yang disediakan di masjid-masjid di Daerah Batang Padang. Penganalisisan data dilakukan, mendapati penyediaan kemudahan OKU di masjid-masjid daerah Batang Padang masih berada di tahap kurang memuaskan. Hanya masjid-masjid di kawasan bandar sahaja yang menyediakan kemudahan untuk golongan OKU berbanding dengan masjid di kawasan luar bandar. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penyediaan kemudahan OKU di masjid di kawasan ini turut dikemukakan

    Social and Environmental Disclosure in the Annual Reports of Jordanian Companies

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    Recently, much attention has been devoted by researchers to study social and environmentaldisclosure among corporations. Most of the studies were conducted in developed countries,with only a handful being undertaken in developing countries. This study aims to investigatethe extent of social and environmental disclosure in the annual reports of Jordanian companiesand examine if the level of disclosure is influenced by size of firm, government ownership andindustry. In particular, disclosure with regard to environmental issues, community involvementand human resource are examined. Using a sample of 60 companies in the manufacturing andservice sectors, content analysis is used to measure the level of disclosure. The findings indicatethat 85% of the companies somehow disclose social and environmental information. Humanresource is the most disclosed theme while the environmental issue had the lowestdisclosure among the companies. In addition, a significant positive association is found betweencompany size and social and environmental disclosure, and companies with high governmentownership tend to have a lower level of disclosure compared to companies with low governmentownership. On the overall, no significant relationship was found between industry typeand the level of social and environmental disclosure. However, when only environmental issuesare examined, manufacturing companies tend to disclose more of the items compared to servicecompanies. Copyright © www.iiste.or

    Effect of electropolymerization potential on the properties of PEDOT/ZnO thin film composites

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    The physical, chemical and electrochemical properties of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) /zinc oxide (PEDOT/ZnO) thin film electrode that were prepared electrochemically were studied. PEDOT was potentiostatically deposited on the hexagonal flake-like ZnO-covered ITO glass substrate by applying three different potentials (1.0 V, 1.25 V and 1.5 V) where under these circumstances, the effect of varying electropolymerization potentials where studied. The optical bandgap of each of the PEDOT/ZnO composites prepared were noticed to be within the range of 3.40 eV to 3.45 eV which were in between the optical band gap values of sole PEDOT and ZnO. The presence of both materials was asserted from XRD, FTIR and Raman analysis where all of the corresponding peaks for each of the materials in the spectra were assigned. SEM revealed the flake-like hexagonal morphology of ZnO which is in agreement with the XRD analysis. While the PEDOT morphology was discerned with round-shaped granular morphology where the average grain size was decreased with the electropolymerization potentials. The resistance of charge transfer of PEDOT/ZnO thin film was directly proportional to the electropolymerization potential while on the specific capacitance was inversely proportional. The composite exhibit both PEDOT and ZnO unique properties that can be used as a multi-functional material in various potential applications

    Physical and electrochemical properties of ZnO films fabricated from highly cathodic electrodeposition potentials

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    The physical and electrochemical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) film electrode that were prepared electrochemically were studied. ZnO was electrodeposited on ITO glass substrate by applying three different highly cathodic potentials (−1.3 V, −1.5 V, −1.7 V) in a solution containing 70 mM of Zn(NO3)2.xH2O and 0.1 M KCl with bath temperatures of 70 °C and 80 °C. The presence of ZnO was asserted from XRD analysis where the corresponding peaks in the spectra were assigned. SEM images revealed the plate-like hexagonal morphology of ZnO which is in agreement with the XRD analysis. The areal capacitance of the ZnO was observed to increase when the applied electrodeposition potential is increased from −1.3 V to −1.5 V. However, the areal capacitance is found to decrease when the applied electrodeposition potential is further increased to −1.7 V. The resistance of charge transfer (Rct) of the ZnO decreased when the applied electrodeposition potential varies from −1.3 V to −1.7 V due to the decreased particle size of ZnO when more cathodic electrodeposition potential is applied