1,471 research outputs found

    Wandering Spleen with Splenic Vein Thrombosis: A Case Report

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    A wandering spleen is a rare clinical occurrence with fewer than 500 cases reported and an incidence of less than 0.2%1, 2. The spleen is an important component of the reticuloendothelial system, which is involved in immunological defence and can serve as a storage site for red blood cells3. The spleen is normally supported by the gastrosplenic, splenorenal and splenocolic ligaments, whereby failure of attachment of these ligaments to the spleen’s overlying peritoneum results in a hypermobile spleen3, 4. All cases of a wandering spleen have been found associated with a long splenic pedicle which consists of the splenic vessels and the tail of the pancreas2-4. A wandering spleen can be either congenital or acquired. In the congenital condition the ligaments fail to develop properly, whereas in the acquired form the hormonal effects of pregnancy and abdominal wall laxity are proposed as determining factors 5-7. In addition, failure of fusion of the dorsal mesogastrium during foetal development resulting in the characteristic long vascular pedicle has been attributed8. However, the precise aetiology of the wandering spleen is not known 2. Key words: Spleen, wandering, splenic, vein, thrombosi

    Алгоритм определения оптимального числа волокон используемых при внутритканевой фотодинамической терапии рака молочной железы на основании диффузионного уравнения

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    It is essential in interstitial Photodynamic therapy (iPDT) treatment planning to ensure a homogeneous distribution within a tumor volume using cylindrical diffusing fibers while keeping the surrounding tissue intact. Light distribution is simulated through two algorithms based on the diffusion equation assuming diffusers as light sources. The first algorithm analyzes the diffusion equation and studies the effects of different variables (optical properties, delivered power, diffuser length, and position). Next, optical properties of breast were applied to estimate the volume that receives accepted light dose from one diffuser. In the second algorithm, multiple diffusers were simulated in order to find the relation between the volume and the number of required diffusers which are needed to cover cubical or cylindrical volume with sufficient light dose. Throughout this study, real values of optical properties, clinical laser power, and treatment time were considered to evaluate sufficient light doses. This study is in agreement with previous works in that optical properties are the major factors influencing light distribution in iPDT. It is shown that for a homogeneous phantom mimicking breast cancer and cubical or cylindrical shape, the number of required fibers N equal W×L or D2 respectively.При планировании внутритканевой фотодинамической терапии (iPDT ) с использованием цилиндрических диффузных волокон важно обеспечить однородное распределение света по всему объему опухоли, сохранив при этом целостность окружающей ткани. Авторы данной статьи смоделировали распределение света с помощью двух алгоритмов, основанных на уравнении диффузии, в которых в качестве источников света используются цилиндрические диффузоры. Первый алгоритм анализирует уравнение диффузии и изучает влияние различных переменных (оптических свойств источника, применяемой мощности, длины диффузора и его положения). Затем были использованы параметры оптических свойств молочной железы для оценки объема, который рассчитывает световую дозу от одного диффузора. Во втором алгоритме было смоделировано несколько рассеивателей для нахожде ния соотношения между объемом и количеством рассеивателей, необходимых для покрытия кубического или цилиндрического объема достаточной световой дозой. На протяжении всего этого исследования рассматривались реальные значения оптических свойств, клинической мощности лазера и времени лечения для оценки достаточных световых доз. Это исследование согласуется с предыдущими работами в том, что оптические свойства являются основными факторами, влияющими на распределение света при iPDT. Показано, что, для однородного фантома, имитирующего рак молочной железы, кубической или цилиндрической формы, количество требуемых волокон N равно W×L или D2 , соответственно

    Smart Agro-Services in the Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe (FOODIE) Platform: Insights from the Automatic Delimitation of Management Zones

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    Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe (FOODIE) will provide specific and high-value applications and services for the support in the planning and decision-making processes of farmers and other stakeholders groups related to the agricultural and environmental domains. This paper focuses on FOODIE services based on machine learning algorithms and other artificial intelligence techniques providing, for instance, forecasting models to predict crop diseases or proposing management zones by means of clustering homogeneous zones of land. In particular, the service for the automatic delimitation of management zones is reviewed and tested in a case study. The results show the great potential of this smart agro-service for land classification.</jats:p

    Prevalence of Color Blindness Among Students of Four Basic Schools in Koya City

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    Color blindness or color vision deficiency is X-linked recessive disorder that affects males more frequently than females. Abnormality in any one or all three cone photoreceptors caused Congenital disorders. Protanopia, deuteranopia results when long wavelength (L), photopigments (red), middle wavelength (M) and photopigments (green) are missing. This cross-sectional study was done to find out the prevalence of color vision deficiency among basic school students in Koya city with different ages and genders. The study was conducted in four basic schools that were present in Koya city (Zheen, Zanst, Nawroz and Najibaxan). All students screened by using Ishihara 24 plates. For the study (n=400, male=206, female=194, age=8-14) were selected &amp; examined. The result revealed that the prevalence rate of the deficiency in four primary schools 3.39% (7) in males and 0% females. &nbsp;The study concluded that color blindness is different between students in each school, cannot find the prevalence of Color blindness in females in each school and affects males more than females because color blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of color blindness in some basic schools in Koya city, Kurdistan Region/ Iraq

    Comercialização e uso de produtos inseticidas para controle da mosca-dos-chifres em Aquidauana, MS.

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    A mosca-dos-chifres é considerada um sério problema econômico à pecuária devido aos prejuízos causados à produção e gastos com controle. Este estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil da comercialização e uso dos produtos inseticidas para controle da mosca-dos-chifres no município de Aquidauana, MS. De nov/1999 a nov/2000, informações foram obtidas em estabelecimentos agropecuários na cidade de Aquidauana e em entrevistas com produtores rurais e gerentes de fazendas. Um total de 29 produtos indicados para o controle da mosca foram encontrados nos estabelecimentos, pertencentes aos grupos dos piretróides (58,6%), organofosforados (3,4%), fenil pirazoles (3,4%), lactonas macrocíclicas (3,4%) e associações entre inseticidas (31,0%). A cipermetrina foi o princípio ativo mais comum, presente em 69,0% dos produtos (incluindo associações). Informações obtidas em 212 propriedades evidenciaram uma ampla utilização de produtos piretróides, empregados rotineiramente em 89,6% das propriedades, a maioria dos quais à base de cipermetrina (69,8%) e deltametrina (48,1%). A utilização de produtos de outras classes inseticidas é mínima. O domínio dos produtos piretróides, em termos de comercialização e uso no município de Aquidauana, explica os crescentes problemas de controle da mosca-dos-chifres e o desenvolvimento de resistência a inseticidas desta classe.bitstream/item/37420/1/BP32.pd

    Mismatch Repair Proteins (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2) Immunohistochemical Expression and Microsatellite Instability in Endometrial Carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer (EC) is the fourth most common female cancer worldwide constituting 7% of cancer in women. It is a disease of older, postmenopausal women. The most of these patients have an identifiable source of excess estrogen, while in a small subset the pathogenesis is related to mismatch repair abnormality and lynch syndrome (LC). Mismatch repair behave as tumor suppressors and the most clinically relevant include MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. mutations in mismatch repair (MMR) results in a strong mutator phenotype known as microsatellite instability, which is a hallmark of LC-associated cancers. AIM: The aim of the study was to study microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer using the immunohistochemical expression of mismatch repair proteins (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty EC cases were studied using MLH-1, MSH-2, MSH-6, and PMS-2 immunohistochemistry and their expression was correlated with different clinicopathologic parameters. RESULTS: A statistically significant relationship exists between MMR immunohistochemistry (IHC) proteins and tumor grade. Intact MMR proteins profile was associated with the lower tumor grade (31.3% were Grade 1 and 46.9% were Grade 2). Combined loss of MLH1/PMS2, combined loss of MSH2/MSH6, and isolated loss of PMS2 were also associated with the lower tumor grade while isolated loss of MSH6 was associated with the high tumor grade. However, no statistically significant correlation was found between MMR IHC proteins expression and the age of patients; tumor histopathological types, or FIGO stage. CONCLUSION: A statistically significant correlation between the tumor grade of EC cases and the MMR IHC proteins was found. Further studies are recommended to assess correlation between MMR proteins defect and different clinicopathological parameters of endometrial carcinoma