635 research outputs found

    Perturbed best response dynamics in a hawk-dove game

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    We examine the impact of behavioral noise on equilibrium selection in a hawk-dove game with a model that linearly interpolates between the one- and two-population structures in an evolutionary context. Perturbed best response dynamics generates two hypotheses in addition to the bifurcation predicted by standard replicator dynamics. First, when replicator dynamics suggests mixing behavior (close to the one-population model), there will be a bias against hawkish play. Second, polarizing behavior as predicted by replicator dynamics in the vicinity of the two-population model will be less extreme in the presence of behavioral noise. We find both e.ects in our data set

    Scalable and robust fog-computing design & dimensioning in dynamic, trustless smart cities

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    Le concept de Ville Intelligent concerne l’interconnectivité totale de plusieurs industries vers l’amélioration des modes de vie des résidents. Ceci est rendu possible par la croissance et l'utilisation généralisée de l'Internet des objets (IoT), un vaste réseau de dispositifs de collecte de données répartis dans de multiples applications. Cependant, la plupart des appareils IoT disposent de peu de ressources et s'appuient sur des serveurs externes pour traiter et stocker les données collectées. En raison de la congestion et de la distance élevées, les centres de données Nuage (Cloud) peuvent entraîner une latence élevée dans leur réponse IoT, ce qui peut être inacceptable dans certaines applications IoT. Au lieu de cela, l'informatique Brouillard (fog-computing) a été proposé comme une couche hétérogène hautement virtualisée de serveurs à la périphérie du réseau, ce qui permet un traitement des données IoT à faible latence. Les contributions actuelles au brouillard informatique supposent qu'une infrastructure de brouillard est déjà en place. De plus, chaque contribution nécessite des caractéristiques différentes sur l’infrastructure du brouillard. Cette thèse formule un schéma de conception et de dimensionnement évolutif et modifiable pour une infrastructure de brouillard généralisée. Ceci est modélisé et résolu sous la forme d'un programme linéaire à nombres entiers mixtes (MILP), et détendu à l'aide de plusieurs techniques telles que la génération de colonnes et la décomposition de Benders. De nombreuses préoccupations concernant les performances du réseau brouillard sont prises en compte et résolues, telles que le trafic IoT élevé, la congestion du réseau et les dysfonctionnements des nœuds brouillard. Les nœuds de brouillard dynamiques, tels que les nœuds de brouillard à la demande et les véhicules aériens sans pilote mobiles (UAV-brouillard) sont intégrés dans les modèles de conception et de dimensionnement actuels pour ajouter de la flexibilité et de la robustesse au réseau. Un système basé sur la blockchain et des preuves de connaissance nulle est introduit pour renforcer l'intégrité des nœuds de brouillard. Le résultat est un schéma de conception et de dimensionnement évolutif pour une infrastructure de brouillard robuste, flexible et fiable dans un environnement de brouillard-IoT dynamique et malveillant.The concept of a Smart City relies on the full interconnectivity of several industries towards the amelioration of resident lifestyles. This is made possible by the growth and wide-spread use of the Internet of Things (IoT) -- a large network of data collection devices throughout multiple applications. However, most IoT devices have few resources, and rely on external servers to process and store the collected data. Due to high congestion and distance, Cloud data centres may cause high latency in their IoT response, which may be unacceptable in certain IoT applications. Instead, fog-computing has been proposed as a highly-virtualized heterogeneous layer of servers on the network edge, resulting in low-latency IoT data processing. Current contributions in fog-computing assume a fog infrastructure is already in-place. Furthermore, each contribution requires different characteristics on the fog infrastructure. This thesis formulates a scalable and modifiable design & dimensioning scheme for a generalized fog infrastructure. This is modeled and solved as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP), and relaxed using several techniques such as Column Generation and Benders Decomposition. Many concerns on the fog network performance are considered and addressed, such as high IoT traffic, network congestion, and fog node malfunctions. Dynamic fog nodes, such as on-demand fog nodes and mobile fog-enabled unmanned aerial vehicles (fog-UAVs) are integrated into current design & dimensioning models to add flexibility and robustness to the network. A system based on blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs is introduced to enforce integrity on the fog nodes. The result is a scalable design & dimensioning scheme for a robust, flexible, and reliable fog infrastructure in a dynamic and malicious IoT-fog environment

    Increasing Financial Literacy Awareness Among High School Seniors

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    This paper attempts to bring an awareness to the lack of financial literacy education in high school curriculum. Over 50 percent of all high school graduates go into the workforce or college lacking sufficient financial literacy education to effectively manage their money, their savings, and credit. Most high schools offer personal finance and economics courses as an elective rather than a requirement. Many of these high schools have a very high student body population which come from socioeconomically impacted backgrounds. A lesson plan was made in an attempt to educate 12\u27th grade senior AVID students on the topic of financial literacy. However, due to COVID-19, the project was not executed

    A Queueing Network Model for Refugee Language Courses in Vancouver

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    A surge of over 1,600 landed refugees in Vancouver has caused a spike in demand for English language courses resulting in longer than usual wait lists. With no accurate information regarding expected wait times, refugees often choose suboptimal waiting queues, contributing to the large variance observed in wait times. The purpose of this paper is to explore the bene1ts of a queueing network which assigns refugees to queues based on the expected wait times, with the intent of reducing total service times given the current resources. Furthermore, a range of priority policies are explored in order to observe their effect on the increasing refugee student population. By considering the distinct wait lists that form for each level of language course within each learning centre, a network of queues can be devised with each queue represented by a node. The nodes are organized by course level l, with each node in level l connected to each node in level l + 1 by a unique directed edge. For each queue in the network, the expected wait and service times are approximated using factors such as class capacity, current queue length, and departure rate. This queueing network solution reduces expected wait times, lowers the variance in wait times, and results in faster integration of refugees into Canadian communities and the labour force

    Procedimientos de Control Interno Administrativo y Financiero en la pequeña empresa Centro Educativo Colegio Martínez Celedón (MARCEL) del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2011

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    Hemos estudiado los distintos Procedimientos de Control Interno Administrativo y Financiero en el Centro Educativo Colegio Martínez Celedón (MARCEL) del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2011. El propósito de este estudio es realizar un diagnóstico detallado de los principales problemas de Control Interno que atraviesa la empresa investigada, para de esta manera proponer soluciones viables y asequibles para ponerlas en práctica dentro de dicha organización. Obtuvimos como resultado que la institución educativa atraviesa por muchas deficiencias a la hora de realizar sus controles y registros por utilizar un sistema empírico y carecer de un manual de control interno. Por tanto se diseñó un manual de control interno con para el correcto registro de las operaciones y actividades la cuál facilite su correcto documentación, consiguiendo así un mayor ordenamiento y mejorar la credibilidad de la información que arrojen los estados financieros. Se dieron recomendaciones en las áreas más sensibles de la empresa como lo son el área de caja, inventarios y banco respectivamente como son: dividir la caja en caja general y fondo fijo para gastos menores (caja chica) y hacer arqueos sorpresivos de caja, emitir cheques para todos los gastos mayores y pago de planilla así como realizar conciliaciones bancarias con regularidad y realizar el depósito del efectivo al finalizar el día para un correcto registro del efectivo en caja y banco; establecer un sistema de control de inventarios a través de Kardex, documentar todas las salidas de bodegas así como los pedidos de almacén y venta

    Determinación de factores para considerar muros apoyados sobre losas como cargas equivalentes uniformemente distribuidas

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    112 páginas. Maestría en Ingeniería Estructural.Se presenta un estudio numérico de losas de concreto reforzado que tienen muros apoyados en su claro, las cuales pueden diseñarse considerando las cargas lineales debidas a muros como cargas equivalentes uniformemente distribuidas multiplicadas por un factor de carga propuesto actualmente por las NTCC-04. Se obtuvo la distribución de momentos en modelos de tableros de losas perimetralmente apoyadas utilizando software comercial de elementos finitos, considerando diferentes relaciones de lado, tipos de colado y diferentes ubicaciones del muro en el tablero. La distribución de momentos en la franja central de cada uno de los modelos estudiados se comparó con los calculados con las recomendaciones de las NTCC-04 para considerar el muro como una carga equivalente uniformemente distribuida, observando que en muchos casos se subestiman los momentos de diseño. Además, se encontró que los momentos máximos positivos no siempre se presentaron cuando una carga lineal producida por el muro se aplica en el centro de la losa como se esperaría. De las distribuciones de momento obtenidas numéricamente, se elaboró un catálogo con factores de carga actualizados para considerar las cargas lineales debidas a muros como cargas equivalentes uniformemente distribuidas, los cuales garantizan una estructura segura.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)


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    The intestinal epithelium performs a variety of functions that are essential to maintaining human health. These processes are carried out by specialized absorptive and secretory cell types that arise from a common pool of intestinal stem cells (ISCs). The work presented in this dissertation centers around two fundamental cellular processes: 1) fatty acid (FA) handling, and 2) ISC lineage maturation. I will specifically focus on a) mechanisms of FA import, metabolism and export, and b) early cell fate decisions that sort tuft and enteroendocrine lineages through temporal SOX transcription factor expression dynamics. As much conventional work on FA handling and ISC lineage maturation has been carried out in animal models, little is known about the cellular mechanisms regulating these functions in human gut epithelium, thus my work aims to investigate these processes in the context of in vivo and in vitro models using primary human gut tissues. First, I performed single-cell RNA-sequencing to characterize in vivo human small intestinal epithelium. Informed by this analysis, I then developed a high-throughput model capable of mimicking in vivo absorptive enterocyte differentiation, maturation, and FA handling. Using this model, I found that the anti-diabetic drug metformin enhances absorptive enterocyte FA oxidation and export. In a second research focus, I investigated mechanisms of tuft and EEC differentiation and found evidence that suggests human tuft cells undergo a SOX factor relay, where SOX4 is transiently upregulated in secretory progenitors then SOX9 is upregulated and persists for terminal tuft cell maturation. Together these studies provide a framework for investigating human intestinal epithelial functions at the cellular level using in vivo and in vitro gut tissues.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Philosophy of hope through photography in Kenya: interpretation of Henri Cartier-Bresson's Gaze under the existentialism of Gabriel Marcel

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Applied Philosophy and Ethics (MAPE) at Strathmore University, KenyaToday, many Western media impose a simplifying view of photographic reality by narrating African daily life under negative cliches that are perpetuated in time (poverty, famine, corruption, etc.) or recently, it is enough to look at the visual coverage and repercussions of the AI Shabaab dusit02 Hotel attack on the pages of the New York Times (De Freitas, 2015, January 15). That is why, in a globalized culture, Kenyans are asking themselves if there are any positive models or roles of their own that go beyond this one 'aesthetics of despair'. So, the question in this dissertation is: Can Western agency and media photography promote a broader view of reality and bring hope to new generations of Kenyans? To answer this question, we have done an analysis of the characteristics of Cartier-Bresson's photographic work under the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. Both authors were French and intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century: Henri Cattier-Bresson is considered the father of modern photojournalism and one of the pioneers of humanist photography; Marcel is a philosopher who considers hope the motor in existential life (because he considers that man is not a being thrown into the world). Thus, this dissertation offers a framework on what photography is, and what hope consists of. We study both fields, specifically, in Henri Cartier-Bresson and in Gabriel Marcel; and conclude with a symbiosis between the four characteristics of photography in Cattier-Bresson with the four notes of the philosophy of hope seen in Gabriel Marcel. Finally, since aesthetics is always a reflection of ethics, we consider the different types of 'photographic gazes' of a photojournalist (gaze of resignation, acceptance or redemption) to propose a gaze of hope that overcomes African stereotypes by proposing new paths to Kenyan society. This look is only possible through virtue in technical excellence and professional ethics

    Melhoria da Atenção aos Idosos na UBS/ESF Enedino Monteiro, Coari/AM

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    MARTÍNEZ, Ismael Rizo. Melhoria da atenção aos idosos na UBS/ESF Enedino Monteiro, Coari/AM. 2016. 96f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização). Especialização em Saúde da Família. Universidade Aberta do SUS / Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas. A população idosa é a parcela populacional que mais cresce atualmente no Brasil e no mundo. No país, os idosos representam 8,6% da população total, neste intuito, é importante garantir a atenção integral à saúde desta população tendo em vista o grande número de pessoas nesta faixa etária. O objetivo desta intervenção foi melhorar a atenção aos idosos na UBS/ESF Enedino Monteiro, Coari/AM. Esta foi realizada em doze semanas e as ações foram organizadas nos quatro eixos pedagógicos do curso: organização e gestão do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação, qualificação da prática clínica e engajamento público. Foram cadastrados 180 (74,7%) idosos da área de abrangência da unidade de saúde, sendo que todos os 180 (100%), tiveram avaliação multidimensional rápida, exame clínico apropriado, foram rastreadas para Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e Diabetes Mellitus as com diabetes tiveram exame apropriado dos pés, todos os cadastrados também tiveram solicitação de exames complementares, prescrição de medicamentos da Farmácia Popular, os idosos acamados ou com problemas de locomoção foram também cadastrados e receberam visita domiciliar. Os cadastrados receberam avaliação da necessidade de atendimento odontológico, primeira consulta odontológica programática, tiveram avaliação de alterações de mucosa bucal, avaliação de necessidade de prótese dentária, os faltosos faltosas às consultas receberam busca ativa, registro na ficha de acompanhamento/espelho, Caderneta de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa, avaliação de risco para morbimortalidade em dia, avaliação para fragilização na velhice, avaliação de rede social e receberam orientação nutricional, sobre prática regular de atividade física e higiene bucal. Sendo assim, tivemos bons resultados mesmo em um curto período de intervenção, aumentando o vínculo da comunidade com a nossa equipe, ainda vamos ampliar ainda mais a cobertura e qualidade do serviço. Igualmente, esperamos que a gestão valorize e fortaleça esse trabalho, dando condições para sua continuidade. Palavras-Chave: Saúde da família; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Saúde do Idoso; Assistência Domicilia