15 research outputs found

    In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Cocoa Pods Immersed in Different Alkaline Solution

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    The aim of this study was to determine in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of cocoa pods following treatment of immersing the cocoa pods into different alkaline solution at different length of immersion time. The experiment was carried out in a 5 x 3 factorial arrangement according to completely randomized design. The replication for each treatment combination was three giving the total number of experimental units was 45. The first factor was different alkaline solutions, namely P1: water, P2: rice husk ash solution 10%, P3: coconut shell ash solution 10%, P4: cocoa pod ash solution 10% and P5: NaOH 6%. The second factor was immersion time, i.e. T1: immersion time for 8 hours, T2: immersion time for 16 hours, and T3: immersion for 24 hours. Analysis of variance indicated that alkaline solution, immersion time, and interaction between alkaline solution and immersion time affected (P<0.05) IVDMD of cocoa pods. In conclusion, the IVDMD decreased as the length of immersion time increased. Moreover, the best alkaline solution giving similar result to that NaOH 6% solution was alkaline solution made from cocoa pods ash

    In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Cocoa Pods Immersed in Different Alkaline Solution

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    The aim of this study was to determine in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of cocoa pods following treatment of immersing the cocoa pods into different alkaline solution at different length of immersion time. The experiment was carried out in a 5 x 3  factorial  arrangement  according to completely randomized design. The replication for each treatment combination was three giving the total number of experimental units was 45.  The first factor was different alkaline solutions, namely P1: water, P2: rice husk ash solution 10%, P3: coconut shell ash solution 10%, P4: cocoa pod ash solution 10% and P5: NaOH 6%. The second factor was immersion time, i.e. T1: immersion time for 8  hours, T2: immersion time for 16 hours, and T3: immersion for 24 hours. Analysis of variance indicated that alkaline solution, immersion time, and interaction between alkaline solution and immersion time affected (P&lt;0.05) IVDMD of cocoa pods. In conclusion, the IVDMD decreased as the length of immersion time increased. Moreover, the best alkaline solution giving similar result to that NaOH 6% solution was alkaline solution made from cocoa pods ash

    Effectiveness of Rumen Fermentation of Feed Mixture Rice Straw and Mulberry Biomass with Addition of Urea Mineral Molasses Liquid

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    Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (UMML) dan biomassa murbei dapat menjadi prekursor biofermentasi dalam sistem rumen. UMML dapat menyediakan nitrogen lepas lambat, mineral larut air dan readily available carbohydrate (RAC), sedangkan biomassa murbei dapat menyediakan RAC, asam amino bercabang, mineral dan vitamin. Formula UMML adalah larutan yang tercampur dari bahan-bahan yang terdiri atas Urea-kalsium (Ca(urea)4Cl2), molases dan larutan fosfat (fosfat dilarutkan dengan asam organik). Diperlukan jumlah UMML yang tepat dalam ransum sehingga ransum menjadi efisien. Penelitian ini menguji tingkat penggunaan UMML yang efektif mendukung biofermentasi bahan pakan campuran jerami padi dan biomassa daun murbei dalam sistem rumen. Ransum uji terdiri atas jerami padi dan biomassa murbei dengan perbandingan 70:30, yang diaplikasikan tiga perlakuan yakni tanpa penambahan UMML serta penambahan UMML sebanyak 10% dan 20% (v/w). Pengujian dilakukan pada rumen in vitro. Peubah yang diamati adalah nilai pH, konsentrasi amonia dan VFA, produksi gas dan tingkat degradasi bahan kering ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan UMML yang terbaik pada fermentasi campuran jerami padi dan biomassa murbei adalah sebesar 10%

    Effectiveness of Rumen Fermentation of Feed mixture Rice Straw and Mulberry Biomass with Addition of Urea Mineral Molasses Liquid

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    Urea Mineral Molases Liquid (UMML) dan biomassa murbei dapat menjadi prekursor biofermentasi dalam sistem rumen. UMML dapat menyediakan nitrogen lepas lambat, mineral larut air dan readily available carbohydrate (RAC), sedangkan biomassa murbei dapat menyediakan RAC, asam amino bercabang, mineral dan vitamin.  Formula UMML adalah larutan yang tercampur dari bahan-bahan yang terdiri atas Urea-kalsium (Ca(urea)4Cl2), molases dan larutan fosfat (fosfat dilarutkan dengan asam organik). Diperlukan jumlah UMML yang tepat dalam ransum sehingga ransum menjadi efisien. Penelitian ini menguji tingkat penggunaan UMML yang efektif mendukung biofermentasi bahan pakan campuran jerami padi dan biomassa daun murbei dalam sistem rumen. Ransum uji terdiri atas jerami padi dan biomassa murbei dengan perbandingan 70:30, yang diaplikasikan tiga perlakuan yakni tanpa penambahan UMML serta penambahan UMML sebanyak 10% dan 20% (v/w). Pengujian dilakukan pada  rumen in vitro. Peubah yang diamati adalah nilai pH, konsentrasi amonia dan VFA,  produksi gas dan tingkat degradasi bahan kering ransum.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan UMML yang terbaik pada fermentasi campuran jerami padi dan biomassa murbei adalah sebesar 10%

    Pendekatan Sosio-Ekonomi Potensi Daerah sebagai Pusat Ekstrak Kulit Manggis di Indonesia

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     One of the largest mangosteen producing areas in Tasikmalaya Regency, which is in 8 villages in Puspahiang Sub-district. Mangosteen farmers Puspahiang district relies on export quality because the price is 3 times more expensive. However, due to farmers' pursuit of mangosteen the quality of exports of farmers will be much to remove the mangosteen fruit harvest that does not enter the quality of exports such as too small fruits or infected yellow sap disease. In addition, if the mangosteen reached in end season, mangosteen farmers in Puspahiang will switch to other livelihoods. Mangosteen pericarps has been used by generations as a medicine. Socio-economic study to community in the form of the introduction of ECO-friendly technology (TTG) Mangosteen extraction has been aimed to determine the response of mangosteen farmers in Puspahiang in the development of the Mangosteen Extract Center for the needs of the Herbal and Nutrition Medicine industries. The survey method was carried out, socialization, pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The socio-economic survey showed that the Puspahiang community is almost 100% in agreement with the construction of the mangosteen leather extrator center. However, 60% of the public is concerned about the processing of waste extracts. Subsequently, it needs to be done waste treatment studies on the socio-economic community

    Kajian Yuridis Tentang Kewenangan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) dalam Proses Likuidasi Bank Perusahaan Daerah (Studi BPR Bungbulang Garut)

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    Likuidasi bank adalah suatu proses bagi bank yang di cabut izin usahanya untuk menyelesaikan segala kewajiban kepada krediturnya. Likuidasi bank pada Perusahaan Daerah terkadang timbul pertentangan pengaturan likuidasi yang menyebabkan konflik kelembagaan dalam likuidasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana kewenangan dan tanggungjawab kepada nasabah oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam likuidasi bank yang berbentuk Perusahaan Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Spesifikasi penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitis. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif serta Teknik Kesimpulan Data menggunakan kesimpulan data induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam pelaksanaan likuidasi bank Perusahaan Daerah telah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan. Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan memiliki kewenangan yang lebih luas sehingga tidak bisa diintervensi oleh pihak manapun termasuk pemerintah daerah terkecuali atas hal-hal yang dinyatakan secara jelas dalam Undang-Undang LPS

    The Analysis of Administrative Law to the Government Policy about Tax Exemption of Waqf Land Certification

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    The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyzes the article 22 from the government regulation Number 13 Year 2010 concerning the government policy of tax exemption of waqf land certification based on public administration law. The purpose of the research is to understand and to analyze the reasons of government publishing this kind of policy in the perspective of Administrative Law. The kind of research is library research, it needs secondary data, which consists of the material of primary, secondary and tertiary laws. The approach is juridical normative and the analysis is qualitative. The result of the research explains that the government publish the policy of tax exemption with the objective to make Waqf land useful for the society, to accelerate of Waqf land legalization, to protect and to optimize the function of Waqf land. This policy is one effort to understand the waqf action that having a sense of religious service as well as having law certainty. The government policy is the implementation of Administrative Law function in order to create a clean and appropriate government with the good general government principal, such as legality, equity, justice, law protection, wisdom, general need implementation and smart action

    The Analysis of Administrative Law to the Government Policy about Tax Exemption of Waqf Land Certification

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    The waqf land certification is free charged whereas the general land is not. The research analyzes the article 22 from the government regulation Number 13 Year 2010 concerning the government policy of tax exemption of waqf land certification based on public administration law. The purpose of the research is to understand and to analyze the reasons of government publishing this kind of policy in the perspective of Administrative Law. The kind of research is library research, it needs secondary data, which consists of the material of primary, secondary and tertiary laws. The approach is juridical normative and the analysis is qualitative. The result of the research explains that the government publish the policy of tax exemption with the objective to make Waqf land useful for the society, to accelerate of Waqf land legalization, to protect and to optimize the function of Waqf land. This policy is one effort to understand the waqf action that having a sense of religious service as well as having law certainty. The government policy is the implementation of Administrative Law function in order to create a clean and appropriate government with the good general government principal, such as legality, equity, justice, law protection, wisdom, general need implementation and smart action