819 research outputs found


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    The research aims to find out Self Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) of potential students and prospective students (high school students) to learn by open and distance learning (ODL) in Indonesia. Research conducted by survey method. The population were high school students who are considered grade 12 as a potential candidate ODL student, a freshman, and ODL student at the Open University (UT). SDLR levels were measured by questionnaires Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) developed by Guglielmino (1989). The results showed that the SDLR level of high school students were statistically lower than the SDLR level of UT students, both new students and previous students. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the SDLR level of new students and previous students of UT. Score SDLRS obtained show that the UT student has average levels of SDLR. This means that UT students can successfully learn independently but they are not very responsible to determine learning needs, plan, implement, and evaluate their own learning. UT students who have the SDLR level above average are over 55 years students. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pembeiajaran Organisasi terhadap Budaya Organisasi dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional serta Clinical Governance di Rumah Sakit Tipe B Jawa Timur

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    World Health Organization (WHO) memandang kineIja rumah sakit harns dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang lebih komprehensif. World Health Organization (WHO) melihat bahwa teIjadinya masalah penurunan utilisasi rumah sakit berawal dari penilaian kineIja rumah sakit yang kurang holistik. WHO menganggap pengukuran kineIja rumah sakit selama ini lebih berfokus pada aspek manajerial dan finansial tanpa memperhatikan dengan sungguh-sungguh aspek pelayanan klinis (clinical performance). Aspek pelayanan klinis ini sangat penting diperhatikan karena berpengaruh terhadap kecacatan (morbiditas) dan kematian (mortalitas). Kedua aspek tersebut tentu tidak dapat diperbandingkan dengan besamya pendapatan (revenue). Sebaliknya, jika masalah ini diperhatikan secara serius akan berdampak secara luar biasa terhadap kepercayaan publik kepada rumah sakit pemerintah yang akhimya bermuara pada peningkatan pendapatan. Salah satu pendekatan kineIja rumah sakit yang dipandang mengakomodasi masalah kineIja klinis ini adalah pendekatan clincal governance. Rumah sakit yang memiJiki good clinical governance dapat menjawab permasalahan ini karena berfokus pada 3 hal yaitu berfokus utama pada kesehatan pasien, tindakan didasarkan pada bukti ilmiah (evidence based), dan pendekatan ini sejalan dengan tugas profesional kesehatan yang merupakan pelaku utama pelayanan sebuah rumah sakit yaitu dokter dan perawat. Transformasi ke arab pelaksanaan good clinical governance di rumah sakit memerlukan 2 mekanisme. Mekanisme pertama bersifat top down berupa kebijakan pemerintah. Mekanisme kedua adalah bottom up yang berasal dari rumah sakit sendiri. Mekanisme bottom up ini terdiri dari 3 hal yaitu membentuk lingkungan belajar (learning environment), kepemimpinan yang baik (exellent leadership) dan staf yang memiliki nilai-nilai yang tinggi (highly valued stajJ). Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan melihat hubungan ketiga hal tersebut yaitu pembelajaran organisasi, budaya organisasi, kepemimpinan dan clinical governance karena masalah tersebut belum banyak diteliti. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksplanatori dengan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan rancangan survei yaitu dengan mengambil sampeI dari suatu populasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif yaitu suatu pendekatan dimana di dalam pembuktian hipotesisnya didasarkan pada informasi kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari data basil pengukuran. Ditinjau dari tujuannya maka penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausalitas (causal relationship) karena berusaha mencari pengaruh antara variabel. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah bagian pelayanan klinis yang merupakan tim keIja yang bertugas memberikan pelayanan klinis tertentu di RS Tipe B di Jawa Timur. Bagian pelayanan klinis ditentukan berdasarkan 2 jenis pelayanan yaitu bagian pelayanan klinis dasar dan bagian pelayanan klinis penunjang yang terdiri dari bagian Bedah, Obstetri Ginekologi, Anak, Penyakit Dalam, Laboratorium dan Radiologi. Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Timur terdapat 16 Rumah Sakit tipe B di Jawa timur, sehingga seluruh populasi berjumlah 96 bagian pelayanan klinis. Unit analisis pada penelitian ini adalah bagian pelayanan klinis. Dari populasi bagian pelayanan klirus, keseluruhannnya dipergunakan sebagai obyek observasi. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menggunakan metoda sensus, tidak memerlukan tehnik pengambilan sampeL Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berfungsi sebagai sumber data adalah dokter dan perawat atau bidan atau analis atau radiografer di masingmasing 6 bagian terpilih seperti tersebut di atas. Jumiah responden dari masingmasing bagian pelayanan klinis adalah 3 orang yang terdiri dari dokter (bukan kepala pada bagian pelayanan klinis) dan perawat atau bidan atau analis atau radiografer (yang senior) . Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjelaskan beberapa temuan yaitu pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap clinical governance (path Coeff = 0.433, P value= 0.003 ). Pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kepemimpinan transformasional (path Coeff = 0.445, P value= 0.00 .. ). Pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap budaya organisasi (Path Coeff = -0.657, p value=O.OO .. ). Budaya organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap clinical governance (path Coeff = 0.443, P value= 0.003). Kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh positif terhadap clinical governance (Path Coeff = 0.637, p value= O.OO .. ).Pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap clinical governance melalui budaya organisasi dan kepemimpinan transformasional (path Coeff = -0.002, P value=0.003). Temuan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah rumah sakit yang digunakan sebagai tempat pendidikan dokter berdampak memperbaiki kualitas budayanya menjadi Iebih egaliter, kolaboratif dan adaptif, dan kinerjanya (clinical governance) tidak lebih jelek dari pada rumah sakit non pendidikan


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    Lebong Regency is an earthquake-prone area in Bengkulu Province. This is because Lebong Regency is located adjacent to the Bukit Barisan Mountains which are included in the earthquake-prone zone and in the line of active faults. This research was conducted at Mr. Sonid’s vernacular house in Gunung Alam Village, Pelabai District, Lebong Regency to determine the behavior and the resistance of its structure.The behavior and resilience of the vernacular house structure against earthquakes is analyzed based on SNI 1726:2019. The analysis was carried out using SAP 2000 software to obtain the actual internal forces in the form of bending moment (M), shear force (V), and compressive force (P).The capacity of the wood structure was analyzed using the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method which refers to SNI 7973:2013 to obtain adjusted moment capacity values (M'), adjusted compression capacity (P'), and adjusted shear capacity (V').The results of structural analysis of earthquakes produce the same actual internal forces in medium and soft soil conditions so that all structural elements of the vernacular house have the same structural behavior.Analysis of the capacity of the wooden structure results the adjusted internal forces of some structural elements which are smaller than the actual internal forces, so that the vernacular house structure is unable to withstand the forces that occur. However, based on the earthquake and its impact until this research was conducted, the condition of the vernacular house still stands strong without any damage to its structural elements

    The impact of board gender composition on loan covenant violations

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    Research Question/Issue We examine the role of board gender diversity in attenuating loan covenant violations. We also investigate whether the relationship is influenced by female independent directors. Finally, we examine the channels of this relationship. Research Findings/Insights Drawing on gender socialization and diversity theories, our findings show that firms with gender-diverse boards are less likely to violate loan covenants. We also find that boards with more female directors have a stronger impact on loan covenant violations than those with fewer female directors, consistent with critical mass theory. Our results also suggest that the negative relationship stems from female independent directors rather than from female executive directors. Our channel analyses indicate that the relationship is routed through covenant strictness, the financial performance of firms, and better corporate governance. Our further analysis demonstrates that the relationship is pronounced in female-dominated industries and financially distressed firms, as well as in firms whose directors have greater experience. Our results are robust across a series of sensitivity and endogeneity tests. Theoretical/Academic Implications We contribute to an emerging strand of literature that examines the link between board gender diversity and loan covenants. We fill a gap in this stream of literature by providing the first empirical evidence that female directors in the boardroom reduce loan covenant violations through their greater integrative bargaining skills during loan deals, improving firm financial performance, and ensuring good corporate governance. Our study also contributes to the growing literature on the differential effects on corporate policies of female directors (independent and executive) and critical mass. Practitioner/Policy Implications This finding offers significant policy implications for managers, investors, and policymakers. Given the growing frequency of loan covenant violations, the presence of a gender-diverse board should serve as a potent indicator to creditors who have a concern regarding loans. In addition, our study adds to the ongoing debate regarding the business case of board gender diversity

    Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Diri untuk Mengukur Kesiapan Belajar Mandiri Mahasiswa pada Pendidikan Tinggi Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrument evaluasi diri untuk mengukur kesiapan belajar mandiri (KBM) mahasiswa pada Pendidikan Tinggi Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh (PTTJJ) di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa SMU kelas III, yang dianggap sebagai calon potensial mahasiswa PTTJJ dan mahasiswa baru serta mahasiswa lama PTTJJ di Universitas Terbuka (UT). Mahasiswa baru adalah mahasiswa yang baru menempuh 2 (dua) semester di UT pada saat penelitian dilakukan . sedangkan mahasiswa lama adalah mahasiswa yang telah menempuh 4 (empat) semester di UT pada saat penelitian dilakukan. Tingkat KBM diukur dengan menggunakan instrumen Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) yang dikembangkan oleh Guglielmino (1989) versi bahasa Indonesia hasil terjemahan Darmayanti (1993). Selanjutnya, instrumen versi bahasa Indonesia tersebut dimodifikasi kalimatnya sehingga menjadi instrumen SDLRS versi bahasa Indonesia Indonesia dengan terjemahan agak berbeda dari instrumen Darmayanti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen SDLRS Bahasa Indonesia versi kedua yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat reliabilitas yang cukup tinggi (0,859) yang berarti instumen ini mampu secara efektif mengukur tingkat kesiapan belajar mahasiswa dan calon mahasiswa PTTJJ di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil korelasi antarbutir pernyataan pada instrumen dengan skor total rata-rata SDLRS kemudian diputuskan untuk menghilangkan 20 butir pernyataan yang korelasinya dianggap lemah. Ke 38 butir pernyataan dari instrumen SDLRS versi Bahasa Indonesia selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai instrument evaluasi diri, yang disebut sebagai Instrumen Kesiapan Belajar Mandiri (IKBM) bagi mahasiswa UT

    Seasonal Price Variation and Market Intregration of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Fish in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh

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    A study was undertaken to examine the marketing system and price behavior of tilapia fish in selected areas of Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during the month of March-May 2012. The objectives of the study were to estimate costs and margins, seasonal price variation and to test market integration of Tilapia fish. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. The higher marketing cost was incurred by aratdars and the lowest by retailer. On the other hand, retailers earned the highest net marketing margins. Analysis of market integration shows that Tilapia fish market in Bangladesh was well integrated. The study identified some problems related to economic, technical, marketing, social and natural calamities aspects and suggested some measures for solving these problems. The findings of the study revealed that the marketing of tilapia was a profitable business and some recommendations were provided for the improvement of tilapia marketing in the country. Keywords: Engle Granger co-integration, Market integration, marketing system, price behavior, Tilapia

    Do all institutional investors care about corporate carbon emissions?

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    This paper investigates whether institutional investors promote the abatement of corporate carbon emissions. Using firm-level data on the U. S from 2007 to 2017, we find that institutional investors help reduce carbon emissions. The result is more pronounced in firms with more independent (investment companies, investment advisors, and pension funds), long-term, and monitoring institutional ownership. Our result holds when we employ a quasi-natural experiment and the difference-in-differences approach to address endogeneity. The channel analysis documents that institutional investors help reduce carbon emissions by reducing energy consumption. We also find that shareholder activism is a proximal monitoring mechanism through which institutional investors influence firms to achieve better carbon performance. Finally, our results show that the advantage for institutional investors from reducing carbon emissions is higher firm value

    Cash-rich firms and carbon emissions

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    We investigate whether corporate cash holdings affect carbon dioxide emissions. Using a sample of 5402 firm-years observations from 943 U.S. firms during 2007–2017, we find that carbon emissions are lower in firms with higher corporate cash holdings. The effect of cash holdings on carbon emissions is more pronounced in firms with low leverage and less financial constraints. Our channel analysis further unveils that renewable energy consumption and carbon abatement investment are higher in cash-rich firms, which transmit lower carbon emissions. Our findings are robust to different identification strategies and alternative measures of cash holdings and carbon emissions. Overall, our paper provides novel evidence on the role of corporate cash holdings in mitigating carbon emissions

    Firm‐level energy and carbon performance: Does sustainable investment matter?

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    Pollution reduction is one of the important challenges confronting contemporary business and society. Firms are largely responsible for undertaking sustainable business practices and initiatives as they are major contributors to global pollution. This study empirically examines how sustainable investment influences firm energy and carbon performance. Using a sample of 23,501 firm-year observations from 2440 unique firms over the period of 2002 to 2018 in G-6 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), we demonstrate that sustainable investment leads to better energy and carbon performance without compromising financial return. Our findings are robust to alternative variables, sub-samples, and different estimation techniques. This study contributes to the global discussion on sustainability and a low-carbon economy
