149 research outputs found

    Porcine Alveolar Macrophage Responses to Gram-positive and Gram-negative Bacterial Components in Innate Immunity

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    Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are important in the regulation of innate immune responses in the lung through their phagocytosis and the production of a variety of compounds, like cytokines and nitric oxide (NO). Newborn animals are known to manifest increased susceptibility to pulmonary infection, and thus we hypothesize that this may due in part to a deficiency in the function of AMs. To dissect the age-related immune responses, AMs were isolated from 5 (newborn), 40 (post-weaned) and 120 (young) day old pigs, and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Cytokine mRNA and protein was assayed by quantitative real-time PCR and ELISA, respectively. We report here that AM cells were relatively less abundant in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid in newborn piglets and their phagocytic capacity to Escherichia coli was lower than those of young pigs (P<0.05). LPS inducible mRNA for TLR-4, LBP, CD-14 and MyD-88 had higher expression in newborn piglets compared with those of young pigs (P<0.05) in a time-dependent manner. The kinetics results showed that AMs from newborn piglets were significantly less capable of producing IL1-β, IL-6, IL-12β, TNF-α, IL-8 and GM-CSF than post-weaned piglets or young pigs. In contrast, IL-10 was significantly higher in newborn piglets. The reasons for differences in cytokine production may reflect maturation of immune cells which indicate functional differences of cell population and may underlay the enhanced susceptibility of early born animals to pulmonary infections. Only very low levels of NO were detected in young pigs. Future investigations in more animals and across a wider age range are recommended. Furthermore, in another study, AMs were incubated for 24 h with various concentrations of LPS, lipoteichoic acid (LTA), LPS plus LTA or control. Overall, compared to LPS, LTA was a relatively weak inducer in releasing cytokines in a dose-dependent manner. Co-stimulation augmented TLR-2, CD-14 and MyD-88 mRNA, and subsequently produced elevated levels of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-8 when compared to LPS and LTA alone. Additionally, phagocytosis of macrophages was significantly increased following low concentration of LPS treatment. Collectively, our data suggest that during pulmonary infections, an exacerbated inflammatory response may occur inducing the enhanced release of cytokines. The mechanism underlying the synergistic up-regulation of TLRs-associated genes and inflammatory cytokines by combined stimulation is of concern

    Study on baseline characteristics and lipid profile abnormalities among type 2 diabetic patients attending urban diabetic care hospital, Bangladesh

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    Background: Altered levels of serum glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and lipid profile are prevalent in patients having type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM). Aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between serum HbA1c and lipid profile in T2DM to predict diabetic dyslipidemia.Methods: A structured questionnaire was filled up by each study subject to collect data according to study protocol including age, gender, BMI, BP, residential status, socio-economic status, educational status, physical activity, dietary habit, smoking and duration of diabetes. We collected blood samples from 270 type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients aged 30-65 years after overnight fasting (10-12 hours). Then blood samples collected from T2DM patients were used to measure serum levels of HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were estimated by standard laboratory methods.Results: In this study, increased levels of fasting blood glucose (8.61 mmo/l), HbA1c (7.86%), TC (226.15 mg/dl), TG (193.34 mg/dl) and LDL (147.37 mg/dl), and decreased levels of HDL (40.36 mg/dl) were observed in T2DM patients. Moreover, the strong positive correlation of HbA1c levels with FBG, TC, TG, and LDL levels were found in this study. Besides, a very strong and significant negative correlation (R2=0.1822) between the serum levels of HbA1c and HDL were noted in this study.Conclusions: This study revealed a strong correlation between dyslipidemia and serum levels of HbA1c in T2DM patients

    A Survey of Network Requirements for Enabling Effective Cyber Deception

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    In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the utilization of cyber deception has gained prominence as a proactive defense strategy against sophisticated attacks. This paper presents a comprehensive survey that investigates the crucial network requirements essential for the successful implementation of effective cyber deception techniques. With a focus on diverse network architectures and topologies, we delve into the intricate relationship between network characteristics and the deployment of deception mechanisms. This survey provides an in-depth analysis of prevailing cyber deception frameworks, highlighting their strengths and limitations in meeting the requirements for optimal efficacy. By synthesizing insights from both theoretical and practical perspectives, we contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the network prerequisites crucial for enabling robust and adaptable cyber deception strategies

    Participation of rural women in activities related to homestead vegetable cultivation at Monirampur upazila under Jessore district

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    The main purposes of the study were to assess the extent of participation of rural women in homestead vegetable cultivation at Monirampur upazila under Jessore district and to explore the relationship between each of the selected characteristics of the rural women and their extent of participation in homestead vegetable cultivation. The study was limited within three selected villages namely, Nehalpur and Panchakori of Nehalpur union and Jhanpa of Jhanpa union. Data were collected from randomly selected 60 respondents during the period of 04 September to 17 October, 2016. Appropriate scales were used to measure the variables of the study. Correlation(s) test was used to ascertain the relationships between the concerned independent variables and dependent variable. About half (48.3 percent) of the rural women had low to medium participation in vegetable cultivation compared to 3.34 percent having high participation. Considering broadly selected 6-aspects of homestead vegetable cultivation, the rural women’s participation was highest in seedbed preparation and raising of seedlings, while it was lowest in case of intercultural operation. In case of 26-issues, the most dominant area of rural women’s participation was seed collection while it was least in case of training. Only age out of eleven selected characteristics had the significant positive relationship with their participation in homestead vegetable cultivation. It might be concluded from the gist findings that, the participation of women in homestead vegetable production is still not satisfactory and necessary steps concerning extension approach should be taken to increase the vegetable production by ensuring barrier-free participatio

    Factors Influencing Bursting Strength of Single Jersey Knitted Fabrics

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    The purpose of this article is to assist engineers in making quick decisions to improve the strength of single jersey knit fabric. This article focused on the different parameters of the single jersey knit fabrics (like stitch length, yarn count, GSM, tightness factor, and fabric thickness) are considered to know their influence on the bursting strength. Five hypotheses have been developed for plain, pique, and fleece knits. Analyses of Variance (ANOVA), correlation coefficient, and regression analysis are executed using the STATA 14.1 program to test the hypotheses at a 5% level of significance. Three of the five hypotheses are rejected. This study supports that the bursting strength of the fabric is dependent on the tightness factor, stitch length, and count of the single jersey knitted fabrics. Here, the stitch length, count, and tightness factor are inversely proportional to the bursting strength. The GSM and fabric thickness have less impact on the bursting strength

    Seasonal Price Variation and Market Intregration of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Fish in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh

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    A study was undertaken to examine the marketing system and price behavior of tilapia fish in selected areas of Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during the month of March-May 2012. The objectives of the study were to estimate costs and margins, seasonal price variation and to test market integration of Tilapia fish. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. The higher marketing cost was incurred by aratdars and the lowest by retailer. On the other hand, retailers earned the highest net marketing margins. Analysis of market integration shows that Tilapia fish market in Bangladesh was well integrated. The study identified some problems related to economic, technical, marketing, social and natural calamities aspects and suggested some measures for solving these problems. The findings of the study revealed that the marketing of tilapia was a profitable business and some recommendations were provided for the improvement of tilapia marketing in the country. Keywords: Engle Granger co-integration, Market integration, marketing system, price behavior, Tilapia

    Hematological and biochemical reference values of Asian house shrews (Suncus murinus) in Bangladesh

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    Background and Aim: Determining reference values for hematological and biochemical parameters of Asian house shrew (Suncus murinus) is important for wildlife research to protect human health in surrounding communities. This study aimed to establish the reference values for selected hematology and serum clinical chemistry analyses that may contribute to research on shrew in future.&nbsp;Materials and Methods: Blood samples (n=51) were collected from shrews between July and December 2015, Bangladesh, to estimate the levels of hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), total leukocyte count (TLC), total erythrocyte count (TEC), lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, calcium, phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), urea, glucose, total protein (TP), creatinine, and alanine transaminase (ALT).&nbsp;Results: Although the values did not differ significantly among sexes, age was found to be a significant factor. Hb, PCV, TEC, glucose, and P were higher in males; eosinophil, Na, Cl, TP, and ALT were higher among females. Adults had significantly greater urea and glucose (p&lt;0.05) while juveniles had insignificantly higher values for TLC, PCV, neutrophil, P, and TP.&nbsp;Conclusion: This study provides the first reference values for this species in Bangladesh and can be used to guide wildlife research studies.&nbsp;Keywords: Asian house shrew, hematology, reference interval, serum chemistry, Suncus murinus

    Assessing the Influence of Different Types of Probing on Adversarial Decision-Making in a Deception Game

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    Deception, which includes leading cyber-attackers astray with false information, has shown to be an effective method of thwarting cyber-attacks. There has been little investigation of the effect of probing action costs on adversarial decision-making, despite earlier studies on deception in cybersecurity focusing primarily on variables like network size and the percentage of honeypots utilized in games. Understanding human decision-making when prompted with choices of various costs is essential in many areas such as in cyber security. In this paper, we will use a deception game (DG) to examine different costs of probing on adversarial decisions. To achieve this we utilized an IBLT model and a delayed feedback mechanism to mimic knowledge of human actions. Our results were taken from an even split of deception and no deception to compare each influence. It was concluded that probing was slightly taken less as the cost of probing increased. The proportion of attacks stayed relatively the same as the cost of probing increased. Although a constant cost led to a slight decrease in attacks. Overall, our results concluded that the different probing costs do not have an impact on the proportion of attacks whereas it had a slightly noticeable impact on the proportion of probing
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